The Sun Shines, But I Don't...

By Tigertruman23

7.3K 183 128

This is taken from Basil's point of View throughout the Omari AU. MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR OMORI! IF YOU'VE NEVE... More

1 Year Later.
4 Years Without You...
The Tree.
That Day...
The TreeHouse.
Good Night.
The Hospital

I can't lose anyone else!

365 11 15
By Tigertruman23

I had a dream that night. It was a dream that I never had before.

I turned around to look for Kel. Kel wasn't here. And then I heard a cat meowing next to me. It looked exactly like Mewo. Sunny and Mari's old cat. I pet it, and it purred nicely.

I looked at the slide-door. The tree…it's back to how it used to be! It's no longer cut down…and someone was sitting next to it.

I took a deep breath, and opened the slide-door. The person got his head up in response once he heard me. I couldn't believe it!

It was Sunny!

However, he looked different. He looked the exact same way how he used to be, however…there were burn marks on his neck. And his skin was pale as snow, and his clothes and his hair were pitch black.

We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. There were so many things that I wanted to say to him, but….now I don't know what I should say to him. So…I did what I thought could be somewhat reasonable. I ran up to Sunny…and I hugged him.

He hugged me back, and we continued hugging each other in silence.

"Basil. I know it hurts….but you can't stay here much longer." My heart sank. I looked at Sunny and tilted my head in confusion "What do you mean? Isn't this a dream?"

Sunny looked at the ground. "It is a dream…but you can't stay here for too long." Sunny sighed sadly "I'm sorry, Basil. I knew I shouldn't have done something as selfish as this but….it's really lonely without everyone."

"What did you do?" I asked Sunny. Before I knew it, Sunny started to slowly fade away. Eventually, the surroundings were starting to fade as well.

"Sunny? What's going on?" Sunny gave me a sad smile in return "You're going back to the real world, Basil. Take care of everyone, okay? And……please check on Mari, okay? Don't worry, I will always watch over you guys!"

And then, with a smile on his face…he faded away. I stood still in utter shock.

I fell to the floor.

I hit the ground in anger.

And I started to scream out of anger, frustration, and sadness.

Please…please let Sunny rest in peace…that's all I want for him. More than anything.


I woke up to the sight of Kel on the other side of the room. He had his hand on his head, as if he was stressed out. "Kel?" I asked out loud. Kel got his head up and he immediately ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"Kel? What happened?" Kel was breathing heavily but he slowly calmed down. Kel finally managed to speak after a couple more heavy breaths "Thank God you're okay, Basil! I've been trying to wake you up for so long but you never once woke up! I thought you were…"

Kel is crying.

Was I dead? Is that why I saw Sunny? What just happened?

I need to talk to Kel, hopefully I can find a way to comfort him.

"Kel…I'm okay! I didn't know what happened but…I'm here! I'm okay! I'm still here!"

I embraced him.

Kel hugged me tighter as he steadied his breathing.

After we both departed from our hug, Kel got up and walked to the front door. "Where are you going?" I asked Kel. "I'm going to Hero's house! I need to know if everyone else is okay!"

I can't blame Kel for being worried about his friends but…I can't help but wonder. What did Kel dream about? Did he have a nightmare? Did he have a dream about Sunny like I did? I got out of the floor and I followed Kel as he ran to Hero's house.

As I followed him…I had the same sense of urgency and dread that I experienced the day Sunny died. I was starting to panic inside my head, but I couldn't allow myself to stop! I have to know if everyone is safe!

Kel knocked on the door.

No response.

He yelled at someone to open the door.

No response.

He angrily groaned as he ran to a door that was beside the garage door. The door was unlocked, and we both ran inside.

The house was pitch black inside, but we didn't care. We slowly walked to the living room, hoping that Mari and Aubrey would be there. Aubrey was sleeping on the couch but….where's Mari? Kel walked up to Aubrey and woke her up. Aubrey was mad, but after we explained everything to her, she managed to calm down to a certain degree.

Now we have to find Hero and Mari.

As we walked up the stairs we heard something. It sounded like someone was yelling quietly, as if they didn't want to be heard. And then…we heard a loud thump on the ground. Kel and I immediately began to run.

The stairs felt so much longer than it actually was.

Kel got up to his room, he swung the door open and he immediately screamed. It woke up everyone inside the house as Kel and Hero's sister began to sob loudly in their parents room. Kel ran to his room.

Aubrey brushed me aside as she walked into the room as she found what was in the room as well. She covered her mouth in shock, tears were starting to form out of her eyes. And she ran inside.

And then there was me. I took a deep breath, and slowly looked inside. Nothing would have ever prepared me for what I was going to see.

Hero and Mari were on the floor. Hero had a knife near him, but Kel got it out of Hero's hands and dragged it away. And then there was Mari.

Her clothes were stained with blood. The worst thing about this is…her eye! Her left eye was gone! I could only cover my mouth as I tried to suppress the urge to vomit. There was blood everywhere.

Kel was holding Hero. He was constantly apologizing as he was crying his eyes out.

Aubrey was holding Mari. She was desperately trying to find a way to comfort Mari.

When the parents found Hero and Mari, Kel immediately yelled at them to call an ambulance. I couldn't believe what was happening.

Why is this happening again?

Oh God, why is this happening again?

When the ambulance arrived, Mari and Hero were on the verge of passing out. Aubrey and Kel tried everything they could to keep them awake. When the ambulance got Mari, Aubrey hesitated a bit, but Aubrey eventually let them take Mari. Aubrey walked out of the room shortly after.

And then there was Kel.

He was refusing to let go of Hero. And my heart aches at the sight as it reminded me of how I was when I found Sunny.

I walked up to Kel. "Kel…please. They need to take care of him!" I said to him. Kel looked at me with a look of desperation, and utter sadness. "Basil…I can't lose him!"

My heart felt like it was being split in half, but I tried to suppress the pain and keep talking to him. "Kel…they need to take care of him. Please…let the doctors do what they can! I'm begging you!"

Kel stood still…and he eventually let go of Hero. He buried his face with his hands as he began to weep. I ran up to him, and gave him a hug. And throughout many of Kel's sobs, hiccups, and him utterly shaking, he finally managed to say something. "Basil…I can't lose him!"

I tried to say something, but Kel continued "I can't lose him. I never even apologized to him yet! I don't want Mari gone! We already lost Sunny…I…"

He took a deep breath, held on to me like his life depended on it, and he yelled out "I can't lose anyone else! Please! I don't want to be alone!!!" Kel wept afterwards. And I stood by his side, hugging Kel as he continued to cry his eyes out.

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