Regretted Choices

By shannontracey

461 9 5


Regretted Choices
-- Chapter 1
---Chapter 2
---Chapter 3
---Chapter 4
---Chapter 5
--Chapter 7
--Chapter 8
--Chapter 9

--Chapter 6

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By shannontracey



After a long plane ride i finally saw light's coming threw the cloud's , Sam was sleeping peacefully so i wanted to ruin her sleep ,I hit sam and screamed in her ear.

"WAKE UP SLLLUUUT", Everybody looked at me but i didn't care, Sam shot up from her sleep.

"WHAAAAAT", she screamed back at me.

"Ahahaha nothing were here", she gave me a death glare and punched me in the shoulder, The seat belt light flashed on we both strapped ourselves in, We finally landed in Sydney. We still had another flight until we were in Melbourne our planes softly landed we grabbed our luggage and we walked to our next flight, We got to our seats and got comfy our plane started getting higher and higher until i couldnt see the ground, I didnt want to fall asleep this flight and have another nightmare so i asked the flight attendant for a coffee to keep me up and alive. Typical Sam fell asleep again i swear she could sleep all day lazy ass, I pulled out my headphones and put them in my ear's and listened to music the rest of the way staring out the window as we flew through the cloud's. Sam finally woke up after a few hours.

"Ugggh", she grumbled.

"Ahaha, Morning ", she just glared at me, i gave her a big smile then seat belt light came on again , we finally landed.

"WE'RE IN FREAKING MELBOURNE OHHH MYYY GOD", I screeched to Sam while hitting her arm several times, we both started to bounce in are seats like little fangirl's. We got off and grabbed are luggage and waited for a taxi to come, one pulled up , A middle age man was driving he came and helped us put our suitcases in the trunk than Sam and I climbed in the back while the man walked to the drivers seat it was really weird the driver's seat is on the opposite side.

"Where to love" , The taxi driver asked, Oh my god i love australian accents, I gave him our address he typed it in too gps and we drove off. 20 minutes later we drove into our drive way, we rented this cute little house in a quiet subdivision it was 2 stories with a little garden in the front and a path going to the back yard, we ran out of the car and raced to the front door forgetting about our luggage, Sam ripped out her key and unlocked the door we ran in and dropped the floor and started rolling around , boxes were laying everywhere after a few minutes i got up and walked back to the taxi to get our luggage the driver helped me carry the bags and there was one more bag we both walked back to the car i payed the driver and thanked him for all his helped i grabbed the last bag and started to walk back to the house when someone grabbed my arm from behind me, I screamed and dropped the bag and elbowed the person in the gut i turned around to see a guy buckled over on the ground.

" I'm sorry all i wanted to do was give you you're sweater you dropped", he grumbled i recongized his voice but didn't know from where.

"I'm so sorry i didn't mean too, you scared the shit outta me", I put my hand out helping him up i saw his face and i melted he had the most beautiful hazel eye's and a perfect face he had a dot in the middle of his nose, Oh my god it can't be i just elbowed LUKE FUCKING BROOKS in the gut wow never thought i'd say that.

"Umm are you okay love", i heard his voice opps i guess i zoned out.

"Ohh sorry, ya i'm fine thank you", He handed me my sweater and than i heard a voice from behind the fence in the yard beside us.

"YO BITCH WHERE ARE YOU", than i saw Beau Brooks walk around the fence.

"I'm over here, just got attacked by this pretty girl", I blushed when he said that.

"Oh and who would this be", he stared at me with the prettiest green-blue eyes i've even seen.

"My name is Shannon", i gave him a small awkward wave, He ran over to me and picked me up and swung me around giving me the biggest hug ever.

"What are you doing", I screeched while he was spinning me more, he finally set me down on the ground, everything around me was spinning, i almost fell over cause i was really dizzy but he held me up.

"What you don't like hugs", i regained my balance and punched him.

"NO, i love hugs i was just suprised", Luke stepped forward.

"i'm Luke Brooks and this is my older brother Beau, nice to meet you", he walked over and gave me a hug, He smelt good , no Shannon thats weird stop. Sam than walked out of the house and screamed.

"Are you okay Sha-", She stoppped when she saw Beau and Luke she shot a stare at me.

"Oh hello", She ran over towards us, Luke and Beau ran at her and jumped on her they all fell to the ground i started laughing.

"AHH get off me i can't breathe", i heard Sam scream out, they got up and helped her up i turned around too see someone standing behind me, I thought it was Luke but he was standing with Beau and Sam.

"Umm it's either i'm going crazy or i'm seeing two", he just laughed at me.

"No you're not crazy, I'm Jai ,Beau's brother and Luke's twin", I smiled at him than he came in for a hug i could tell they we're all hugger's.

"Heey , you guy's wanna come in", Sam asked.

"We just moved in but your welcome to come over".

"YAAAY", they ran to the house Sam and i chased after them.

They helped us organize our living room and set up the television, I tryed carrying a box of bedroom stuff up the stairs to my room but Luke ran up and look it from me and carried it up,

"Why thank you Luke", He gave me a big smile which was the cutest thing ever i poked him in the stomach than ran down stairs to where the other's were.

"Heey Shannon, we need some food, do you mind going to the store", Her and Beau were sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Sure but i'm gunna need help finding my way", Jai and Luke both walked over to me.

"we'll come", they said at the same time, I just laughed and ran out the door toward's the car we rented for the year, Luke and Jai ran out after me and jumped in the car, I turned up the radio and started screaming the lyric's the boy's just looked and laughed than joined in. 10 minutes later we pulled into a little grocery store we grabbed some chicken finger's and fries some pop and candy, I went to the cash , The twin's carried the bag's into the car then i high pitched screamed blew my eardrums out, I turned around to see 2 girl's run over to Jai and Luke they looked at me i gave them a confused look than walked to the car. 5 minutes later the boy's got in the car.

"What was that all about", i asked acting like i didn't know who they were i didn't want them to know i was a fan.

"Sorry about that", Luke said in a cute low voice.

"it's okay , are you going to tell me why they were screaming at you", They looked at eachother than back to me Luke eventually answered.

"yaaa.. umm.. were kinda well know here, we're youtuber's with a pretty big fanbase".

"We, like you guys and Beau". I asked

"And James and Daniel are two other friends , were called The Janoskians", Jai replied.

"WOW that's awesome i'd love to meet the other boy's", I than turned up the radio again and sang all the way home.


Shannon and the twin's ran out the door and to the car i could hear the radio blasting music from the house, Beau and I walked up stairs to my room, I started to un-packed my clothes while beau was taking all my bed stuff out of the boxes, Suddenly Beau threw a pilliow at me that hit me in the back of the head i threw it back and ran at him pushing him on my bed, i looked into his beautiful green eye's he looked at me and smiled. I know we've only known eachother for a few hour's but i felt like we've been friends forever. I shoved the pilliow in his face and got up and finished packing, I grabbed some short's and walked to the bathroom and changed, I opened the door to see Beau standing there.


"Break it up you two", Shannon was standing at the bottom of the stairs staring at us, Beau flipped her the middle finger, She acted all hurt than walked away. I threw my dirty clothes in my laundry basket than grabbed Beau's hand and dragged him down the stair's to the living room he sat down on the couch with Jai and Luke, I went into the kitchen to find Shannon.

"OHHH MY GOOD HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIABLE WERE FRIENDS WITH THE BROOKS BROTHER'S", i slipped over to Shannon we started jumping up and down until we heard footsteps coming towards us we looked to see Luke walking in.

"Know those guy's we were talking about earlier Shannon", he stared at Shannon and smiled they would get so cute together but i knew she would never date him NOT this soon she only just met him but i could tell Luke liked her.

"Yay, James and Daniel", Shannon replied

"Yay i was wondering if they could come over and hang out cause you said you wanted to meet them?"

"That would be awesome can't wait to meet them", Luke smiled at both of us and walked back to the living room.



Dinner was done and we called the boy's in to fill their plates they ran in and filled their plates than ran back to the living room.

"What cow's", Me and Sam said at the same time we looked at eachother and laughed. we did the same and walked to join the boy's in the living room.I was about to sit down when the door bell rang i ran over and swung the door open to see two of the cutiest boys ever they stepped in and both gave me a hug m, one was really tall i had to go right on the tip of my toes just to hug him.

"Ohh, Heey".

"Hello i'm James and this is Daniel", the tall dark haired boy said.

"Hello, Nice to meet you i'm Shannon and this is Sam", Sam walked over to greet them boy's they both hugged her than we walked to the living and flopped on the couch.

"So what do you guys wanna do",i stared at all of my friend's around me, Beau shot up.


"Okay okay you didn't have to scream", all the boy's started laughing.

"WHAT", I screeched back at them.

"Yay you better get us to him screaming thats all he does", thats when we all started laughing. i walked over to the DVD player and put in "The Avengers", I flopped back down next to Luke and leaned againist him, After the movie was over James and Daniel had to go back home. I gave them both a hug they gave me there number i started screaming inside like a fangirl, I waved while they walked over to Daniel's car and drove off , I set the paper with their number's on it on the table and went back to the living room it was now 11pm i walked over and put "The Last Song" in then walked back over to luke and leaned my head on his chest and stretched my leg's across Jai, I tried to stay awake but with Luke brushing his finger's threw my hair made me really tired , i slowly drifted off to sleep.


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