Legend of the Saiyans

By _Alex-san_

360 11 4

It all started 1,000 years ago with Yamoshi and Ayata. Yamoshi lived a simple life, and being the second son... More

Prologue - The Prince
1 - Bad Blood
2 - Wasabi Village
3 - The Spy

4 - Something Amiss

40 1 0
By _Alex-san_

(232 Before Age - 5 years later)

Yamoshi stayed up late at night. He was eighteen years old now. Just as the sun rose on the horizon, so did his marriage to Saffron from Daikon Village. He tossed and turned but anger gripped him, holding on tight until he couldn't stand it anymore. He dressed and jumped out of his window, seeking anything to distract him.

He walked around for what could've been hours until a small gasp caught his attention.

It was a short girl that reached up to his chest. Her hair was wild and frizzy but straight, and her bangs covered her eyes, making the girl even more mysterious.

Yamoshi hesitated, feeling something familiar about this girl.

"Apologies," she quickly muttered and hurried off.

He blinked. He had never seen this girl before, and he knew everyone in Wasabi Village. Could they really have a visitor this late in year?

No. There was nothing special about this village.

Suspicious, Yamoshi quietly trailed her. He was surprised at how silent her bare feet were or how her brown, leathered cape never fluttered a sound. His suspicion only grew.

This was a girl skilled at being stealthy.

In a blink of an eye, she snatched a loaf of bread from a stand opening up for a new day of market.

Yamoshi's eyes widened. So fast.

She crossed over to the other side, hiding herself amongst other villagers. There was a fruit stand she was about to pass. Her hand began to move from her side.


The girl's lips parted in surprise at Yamoshi's firm grip on her wrist. She might have been fast, but he was faster.

Yamoshi frowned at her. "Care to explain yourself?"

But upon closer look, he loosened his grip. She was so thin and weak, but she never trembled or fought back.

The vendor woman stared curiously at them. "Is something the matter, Yamoshi?"

He let the girl go. "I... wanted to buy a pound of your best."

The vendor smiled. "Oh! Of course! What a great way to start the day!"

Yamoshi offered a smile but eyed the girl to make sure she didn't run away.

She didn't move an inch.

He waited awkwardly for the woman to pack and hand him the fruit. In return, he handed more than enough money. Before the vendor could protest, he insisted she keep the change.

Yamoshi offered a polite smile and hurried away with the girl. Once they were alone, he let her go.

"Why did you do that...?" the girl questioned.

Yamoshi wasn't sure what to tell her. All he could think about was the girl with curly hair long ago. "I'm not sure where you're from, but here, we don't steal food."

"I'm hungry," she replied as explanation.

He sighed. "Just say you are hungry, and someone will help you."

"... Do I have to give this back?" she held out the loaf of bread.

Yamoshi rubbed his head. It would be awkward to walk back to the market and return a stolen loaf. "Just... don't steal again."

The girl was hesitant and took a small bite out of the loaf now that she had to conserve it.

Yamoshi continued to pity her. "What's your name?"

"I don't have one."

"What? Everyone has a name."

"I do not."

"Come up with one."



She looked down at her loaf. "Ayata."

"Really? Ayata?" Yamoshi made a face. "That's the most un-Saiyan name I've ever heard!"

Ayata frowned. "You told me to pick a name."

He groaned and pulled her bangs away to see her full face.

Her black eyes widened and her lips parted in a quiet gasp.

He studied her. "Hm. You're a pretty girl. Stop covering your face, Ayata."

She blushed. "Ya... moshi?"

He blinked. "Have we met before?"

She quickly stepped back. "Ah—your earrings! Only the Chief's family has enough money to afford jewelry!"

"Oh. I suppose you also heard the vendor say my name, didn't you?" he rubbed his chin.


"Well, no need to be shy. You are a Saiyan like us. Although weak and small, I will admit you are quick."

"Th-Thank you."

Yamoshi could save this girl, unlike the curly haired supposed spy. "Are you here on your own?"


"... Would you like to stay with my family? Mother would be happy to have a daughter in the house," Yamoshi offered.

Ayata hesitated. To be part of a loving family... It was her dream. But, she couldn't risk anyone finding out her secret. "I... must refuse."

"Please. You should at least have a home cooked meal before you leave, at least," Yamoshi insisted.

She blushed as her stomach rumbled in delight at the thought. "I... suppose one meal before I leave."

He smiled. "This way," he started back towards his house. But then he stopped. He didn't want to face his father's reminder about his ever-so-patient fiancée. "Actually... Let's get out of here for a bit. You could eat your stolen bread in peace and these fruit too if you wish."

Ayata didn't want to show her disappointment. Was he embarrassed by a weak thing like her? But they would be alone, together. Yamoshi... He had become even more handsome than she thought he would be. And so strong. "A-Alright," she nodded.

"Follow me," he took off into the air.

She hurried to follow, and caught up, surprising him.

"You really are a fast one."

"I need to be."

Yamoshi didn't reply. It would be best if they took her in. Someone as weak as her wouldn't last much longer on her own, especially not now with all the recent attacks on villages. Perhaps that was why she came to the village? he wondered.

They settled outside the village on some grassland, where Yamoshi insisted she eat everything.

"At least eat one of the fruit you bought?" Ayata held one out.

Yamoshi was a bit hungry. "Fine. But I do mean it. That is all for you. You need your strength before you leave."

She nodded, contently biting into the food, glad she was eating with him and no one else.

Ayata smiled. "I didn't expect for you to be so kind... Yamoshi."

"Is that so? What kind of person did you think I was?" he asked, biting into a fruit.

"I'm not sure. Perhaps stoic like your father?"

Yamoshi pursed his lips. "I am nothing like him."

Ayata was caught off guard by how struck he was. "I apologize. I didn't mean any offense..."

"It's alright. It's a logically deduction," he laid down.

She bit her lip before finishing the last piece of bread. "Then, what kind of person are you, Yamoshi?"

He was silent for a few moments. "I suppose... I'm not entirely sure of that myself."

"Well," Ayata started nervously, "I haven't known you very long, but I think you are a good person."

Yamoshi sat up, comforted by her words. "Thank you."

She gave him a smile and stood. "I should get going."

"Oh. Right," he stood as well. "Where will you go? If I may ask."

Ayata thought. "I'm not sure. Further away from the castle, however, that's for sure."

"So, you were moving away from all the attacks?" Yamoshi questioned seriously.

She nodded. "I had never seen anything like it..."

His eyes widened. "You were there for one of those attacks?!"

Ayata rubbed her arm to calm her chills. "Yes. I was only able to get away because my power level is so small..."

Yamoshi looked back towards the village. "You... have to tell my father. You need to tell him everything."

She flinched. "Must I? You can tell him for yourself, can't you?"

He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Ayata," he started firmly, "you're not safe on your own. You can help us, and we'll protect you."

Ayata hesitated. She couldn't accept, but if she could do some good... And it was Yamoshi of all people insisting.

"Alright," she agreed. "But only until the attacks come by."

He smiled lightly. "Fair enough."

She turned towards the village, unsure what to expect. "I-I'm ready."

Yamoshi didn't mean for her to become so nervous. His father was an intimidating man, but he could be reasoned with. Eventually.

He mentally prepared himself to face his father for the day and led Ayata to his home.

Horen was pacing the halls when he spotted Yamoshi and a girl he didn't recognize. "Where have you been? And who is this?"

"Out," Yamoshi scowled at his nosiness. "And this is a girl I met who has information about the attacks."

"Is that so?" the father studied her closer. "Her power is pathetic. How can she be trustworthy? I hope you hadn't forgotten about that spy—"

"There is no point in lying about a matter as this!" the son insisted. "She has been fleeing further from the castle, and that is how she ended up here. Do not look down on her because of her power, it is the only reason she's alive today!"

Horen scoffed.

Ayata could only tremble in the presence of the burly man. Everything about him was intimidating.

"What is with all the yelling?!" Perilla hurried over.

"Your son is insisting this girl has information about the attacks," Horen explained.

Perilla furrowed her brows at the trembling girl. She was dirty and small. She could only imagine the hard life she had been living. "I think we should listen to what she has to say."

Yamoshi gave her a thankful nod, as her response almost always persuaded her husband.

The Chief sighed. "Well, I don't have all day, girl!"

Ayata flinched. "Th-The..."

Perilla placed a hand on her shoulder. "Let's go sit down at the table."

Once seated, Ayata glanced at Yamoshi, and he nodded for her to proceed.

Ayata took a deep breath. "I've lived as an orphan all my life in Beet Village. It... doesn't matter what I did to get by all these years. It was time to go when these monsters destroyed the entire village..."

The family glanced at each other. Beet Village was one of the villages closest to the castle.

"Who were these monsters?" Horen asked.

Ayata looked down at her hands. "They were... Saiyans. Just like you. But their eyes... they were red with pure malice...!"

"Saiyans attacking Saiyans?" Horen rubbed his beard in confusion. "It's not unheard of but what village could possibly breed such strong Saiyans as to decimate entire villages?"

Yamoshi kept a level head as he processed. "Did you see what they were wearing?"

Ayata blinked. "I-I'm not sure, ah...," she rubbed her head.

Yes. There was one man in particular that was burned into her memory.

"He was bigger than all the others," Ayata recalled. "His hair was long, and his clothes were...strange. But on his mouth, he...he wore some sort of metal covering. He was the worst of them all..."

"Strange clothing, a metal face covering?" Perilla questioned.

"That is not something the villages could afford," Yamoshi remarked.

"It is not," Horen agreed. It seemed he and his son had the same idea.

Ayata rubbed her eyes. "They don't spare anyone. I swear, I don't know anything else."

Yamoshi placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't fret. You gave us some good information."

"If the person behind this is who I think it is," Horen started, "we need to go, Yamoshi."

He flinched. "What? You suggest we run away?!"

"No, we're going to get reinforcements," the chieftain stood.

"As the next chief," Yamoshi started, "shouldn't Renkon go with you instead of me?"

Horen crossed his arms. "We can secure help as soon as you marry your fiancée."

His eyes widened. "I can round up help without marrying anyone."

"You are of age now, son. I haven't forgotten what day it is."

Yamoshi had enough. "I don't wish to be married, father! I cannot—will not—marry that woman!!"

Horen glared. "I see. If you desire to not marry her so badly, then I have a proposition for you. Defeat me in combat, you walk away a single man. But if you cannot best me, you marry without complaint."

"Fine!" Yamoshi glared. "I'll beat you once and for all, old man."

Horen grunted, "You're a fool." He brushed passed his son, and they started outside. "Rolling Fields. Don't hold back."

Yamoshi scowled before blasting off.

Ayata and Perilla hurried to see them flying off to battle. Yamoshi is getting married? she thought sadly.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," Perilla apologized. "Come. Let's go get you washed up."

The girl held her hair. She couldn't afford for anyone to find out.


Once they arrived at their battlefield, the father and son shared a stare-off.

In the past few years, Yamoshi had grown to look more and more like his father. This pained Horen, but he had to make his youngest understand.

Both Saiyans powered up a large white aura, and in the flash, they took off at each other.

Immediately, Yamoshi took offense. He threw punch after punch, but Horen dodged everything. He could've sworn his father wasn't this fast...

Horen grunted and caught a fist. Yamoshi didn't have time to act as Horen pulled him in to smash his knee into his face.

"Is that your best?" Horen frowned as he pushed his son back.

Yamoshi glared. "Of course not!!"

"Show me your power, Yamoshi!" Horen demanded.

The young Saiyan yelled in fury, skyrocketing his power.

Horen smirked as pride struck his heart. His son was still very green, but his potential shined through. Still, he had to teach Yamoshi a lesson.

The experienced saiyan brought out more of his power and was unsurprisingly able to outspeed Yamoshi, whose muscles had grown for more power.

Yamoshi didn't understand how he couldn't land a blow on his father. "Stop running away!" he growled.

Horen pivoted and dashed in to punch him in the stomach.

Yamoshi retched but swallowed down the pain. He grabbed his father's arm and flipped him over.

He let out a surprised grunt and yelled out when Yamoshi stomped his foot into his stomach. He repeated this several times.

It was only when Horen coughed blood that he halted Yamoshi's leg with his tail and swept his legs with his own. Horen took to the air while Yamoshi was down and held his hands to the sky.

Immediately, violet ki gathered into a large sphere.

Yamoshi soon recovered, but his eyes widened at the immense ki gathered. "Father, what are you doing? That's too dangerous to throw at the planet!!"

Horen snickered, and his lips curled into a smirk. "Then you'll just have to stop it."

Before Yamoshi could refute further, Horen launched the ki sphere down at him.

Yamoshi tensed with fear but threw himself at the attack. His hands gripped the bottom of the sphere, and he cried out at the energy burning his palms.

Horen applied more force.

Yamoshi was pushed back even faster. His heart pounded in his ears, reminding him he couldn't fail.

"Come on, Yamoshi!!!" Horen yelled. "Stop me!!"

Yamoshi screamed, pulling out all his might against the attack. He could stop it! He had to! He knew he could!

The attack began to budge and push away from the planet.

Yamoshi grinned despite his pain. "HAA!!" he pushed.

But his hands bent the ki to fold itself inwards. His eyes widened for a second, and next came the explosion.



Next chapter: "5 - Return of Chaos"

<3 Alex-chan

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