Black Waters (Frank Ocean Lov...

By pastelzeppelin

84.2K 2.8K 507

Of course, there were laughs. That’s probably all we did together—laugh, have fun, just live. That was what I... More

Chapter 一
Chapter 二
Chapter 三
Chapter 四
Chapter 五
Chapter 六
Chapter 七
Chapter 八
Chapter 九
Chapter 十
Chapter 十一
Chapter 十二
Chapter 十三
Chapter 十四
Chapter 十六
Chapter 十七
Chapter 十八
Chapter 十九
Chapter 二十
Chapter 二十一
Chapter 二十二
Chapter 二十三
Chapter 二十四
Chapter 二十五
Chapter 二十六
Chapter 二十七
Chapter 二十八
Chapter 二十九
Chapter 三十
Chapter 三十一
Chapter 三十二
Chapter 三十三
Chapter 三十四
Chapter 三十五

Chapter 十五

1.8K 75 26
By pastelzeppelin

Hodgy’s View.

I don’t really lie often. I mean, besides the little lies. I don’t go all out to make up a specific, truth-altering story. Well, only if it’s absolutely necessary.

But was it absolutely necessary to lie to Frank like I did?

I kind of think it was. At first, I went to him in hopes that he would want to meet Chanel. That would make her happy, and she’d be so grateful to me. But then I saw the look on Frank’s face when I described her, and…this picture came into my head.

They would meet, Chanel would thank me, but she would forget about me. They’d go on to live happily ever after and I would be the cause of it. I don’t want that. I actually do like Chanel. So what help is it to me if Frank’s after her?


Well, then again, he thought the name of the girl I was talking about was ‘Ajahni’. The name sounded awfully familiar, and I know it must have had something to do with Chanel. Even though I could’ve been wrong, I didn’t want to take any chances. I couldn’t risk messing this up. I couldn’t risk…her.

Yes, I love her. I’m in love with Chanel. I don’t know how it happened so quickly, but it did, and I won’t stop until we’re together. I’ve never felt this way about a girl before; I think I’m on the brink of being obsessed with her. No matter what, though, she’ll love me back. She’ll be mine soon.

Ajahni’s View.   †

I didn’t feel very determined anymore. Something was sucking up all my energy, whether it is Chanel or being here in Portland. It might be a little bit of both. Being able to talk to Chanel, like she’s an actual person inside of me, is interesting. But it scares me. She always tells me profound things, guiding me and swaying me from my thoughts of Christopher. Days have passed since I met Hodgy in the art store, but Chanel makes me miss him instead of wondering if he got in touch with Christopher.

“Yeah, meet me at my place in a few minutes. I just got off work and I’ll be there soon.” I said to Hodgy as I walked down the street toward my house. It was a little after seven o’ clock, the end of my shift at the art store that Hodgy took me to. It paid less than the movie theater, but it was enough to help me manage.

I hung up the phone and crossed the street over to the motel I was staying in. It was dark and the wintery air had no mercy for my bare ears. I rushed inside the building and went into the room.

(Make sure you look good for him.)

That was Chanel’s soft, sly voice in my head again. She always came at the right moments. I freshened up a bit and waited patiently for Hodgy to arrive. When he did, he smiled widely and kissed my forehead. It was a little uncomfortable for me; I hadn’t been in a relationship for a few years. Not that this was anything near a relationship.

(It could be. He wants it to be.)

(Leave me alone, Chanel.) I snapped back at her. I didn’t want her to be right.

“You never got back to me on that thing.” I said, allowing him to wrap his arms around my waist.

“What thing?”

“You said you would look into the link you got to Chris—I mean, Frank, but you never told me what happened with that.”

He looked slightly uncomfortable then. “Oh, about that…we had the wrong link. The name on the list was someone else.” He said.

I sighed and went over to the bed. It was stupid of me to expect anything more than that. Yet another failure in this search.

“But, Chanel, that doesn’t mean that you have to be sad. I’m here for you. I’m kind of…waiting for you.” Hodgy trailed off. I looked up at him and he had a warm smirk on his face.

“Waiting for me to do what?” I asked.

He sat next to me and held one of my hands. “I’m waiting for you to make this official. To make us official. I want to be with you, and I think you might want to be with me. But you’re fighting it. That’s okay though, because I’m willing to wait until you’re ready.” Hodgy kissed my hand gently, sending chills throughout my body.

Was I actually…enjoying this?

(Yes. You need to enjoy it. Give in to him.)

I ignored Chanel, but kept my hand in Hodgy’s and locked eyes with him. After snatching my hand away, I kept staring at him. He had this strange look in his eyes…anticipation, kindness, and…lust?

Without warning, I raised my hand and slid it around his neck. He inched toward me, and I could feel his hot breath on my face. What was I doing? I don’t want this. …Or do I?

I suddenly broke the gap between us and pressed my lips against his. His lips were warm and welcoming, just like that smile of his that I couldn’t get out of my head. I opened my mouth, allowing his tongue in. Hodgy laid me down and our tongues danced and fought in our mouths. He cupped my head as he lay on top of me and kissed me like his whole world depended on it. Then he raised his body off me to take of his shirt and I unwillingly did the same.

I knew Chanel was in control of all of this, but I didn’t care. Hodgy pulled my pants down and circled my area with his finger, making my body tingle. He traced his lips along my collarbone as he slipped my underwear aside and inserted his finger into me. I was immediately soaking. I let growing moans escape my lips as I grinded against his touch, and soon he had two fingers in me. He picked up the speed and my moans of pleasure mixed with his low grunts. I was light-headed and enjoying it.

Hodgy kept whispering little things in my ear as he slid his pants off, all while fingering and grinding on me. I was eager for what was to come and impatiently waited for him. But that’s when he whispered:

“God, Ajahni.”

I froze. “What did you just call me?”

He didn’t respond, so I pushed him off me and repeated the question. He was obviously frustrated, but I couldn’t care less. How did he know my name?

“Didn’t you tell me that was your middle name?”

“No, I didn’t.” I said worriedly. “Get out, Hodgy.”

He was shocked and maybe even hurt. “Get out, now.” I ordered. He got dressed, kissed my head softly, and left. I wasn’t so thrilled about making him leave, but it scared me that he called me by that name. I know I never told him about my real name. I wouldn’t do that. So why does he know it?

His phone suddenly rang on my bed. He left it by accident. I ignored it, but then a voicemail message showed up. I opened the message and heard the sweet voice of a girl:

“Hey. I can’t remember your name, but you came by the store the other day searching for Roshon Solomon. This is Darcelle from Yellow pages, by the way. I found a location on him. Call me back so I can tell you everything. Bye!”

(I sense trouble, Ajahni.)

(I do too. Who is she?) I asked Chanel.

(No, not that. I mean I sense trouble coming…oh, crap. You need to hide.)

Unfortunately, I didn’t listen to Chanel’s urging tone. That was when three guys rushed through my door—no knocking, no nothing. One stood by and watched as the other two threw me on the floor, stuffed some kind of drugs into my mouth, and knocked me out cold with one fist.

                                                                   * * *

“Shut up. She’s waking up.”

My mouth felt sore and my eyes were glued closed with crud. I wiped them with saliva and they barely opened, peering at three familiar, body-built men in an empty room.

“Where am I?” I croaked.

“A basement in the middle of nowhere.” A cold voice replied. I struggled to sit up on the hard floor, but I eventually did. I got a better look at the three men, and then remembered being kidnapped.

(Chanel, who are they?)

“And who are you?” I asked after Chanel didn’t respond.

(Chanel…hello? Guardian angel?)

(Focus on them. Remember their faces as well as you can.)

I obeyed her and stared at the men. “Boys, clear out.” One of the men said. Two of them left the room, and I was then alone with the meanest looking one. He took his toothpick out of his mouth, walked over to me, and backslapped me. His slap made me fall back onto the ground. As I held my cheek in pain, he kneeled down beside me and stared at me.

“You’re a determined little kid, aren’t you?” He asked me, his raspy voice making me shiver.

“Maybe. How would you know?” I asked. Chanel put those words into my mouth. Hopefully, she had good intent.

The man chuckled. “Because I know everything. And I guess the fact that I’ve been watching your every move for a while now helps, too. I’m Roshon, by the way.”

I looked at him suddenly. (Roshon as in…Roshon Solomon? The name on Hodgy’s voicemail?)

(I don’t know. We’ll find out soon, though.)

“How have you been watching my every move, exactly?” Chanel asked for me.

“Ajahni, my love.” Roshon paused. “Remember when you went looking for Frank Ocean at one of his concerts? You let a white boy escort you into the building and instead, got carried out.”

“And I ended up at a homeless shelter. I remember that. Why?” I asked, reminiscing on the whole situation.

“Well, who do you think took you out of there?” Roshon asked.

I looked at him closely, and then jumped back in fright. That was the same face from that night at the concert. Now that I was getting a better look, it was scary.

“It was you. What do you want from me?” I asked, noting Chanel’s silence. Roshon didn’t look mean up close. He had a kind, handsome, but serious face.

“Your life. I would kill you if I could, but I don’t need a record. I’ve been watching you for too long, ruining every chance you got at what you want. But now I’m tired of that. Now I just need a way to stop you.” Roshon explained.

It was starting to make sense, slowly. “Hmm, so you’re the one that has been ruining my chances to meet Christopher? I always come so close to getting in touch with him, and some evil force always messes it up. You’re that evil force?”

Roshon chuckled. “Good to meet you, old friend.”

I shook my head in hatred and disbelief. I was staring at my nemesis. “I just have one question—why?”

Roshon leaned in close to me, and whispered in my ear. “I’m sure you’re familiar with Forrest Gump, Frank Ocean’s first love. Ajahni, that ‘Forrest Gump’ just happens to be me. I didn’t love him the first time, but I want a second chance. And I won’t let anything—not even you—get in the way of that.”

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