Show Me That I'm Better | Pos...

By Plgnkgde

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"I have no right in asking this and part of me wants to feel guilty for asking. I want to go home, to Utah. D... More



90 6 2
By Plgnkgde

*Austin's POV*

There was no way this was going to work. The second she walked through that door he knew there was no way he could pull it off. His feelings were written all over him for the fucking world to read.

The moment her saw her he could feel the effects on his body, his heart started beating a million miles a second, he couldn't control the smile on his face, the glistening in his eye, how rock hard his cock got.

She looked incredible.

Her dress was pasted to her skin and enhanced every dip and curve of her body. Her dark auburn hair was softly draped over her shoulders in loose curls, her make up natural and understated, but did nothing to hide the nervousness on her face.

It took all his willpower not to run to her, knowing it was too public and too soon for him to play her knight in shining armour. He had no choice but to wait patiently on pins and needles until she reached him, then he could figure out an excuse to whisk her away and calm her.

He started moving closer to the stairs, watching each minuscule move she made, picking up on each telltale nervous reaction. It was agony watching her knowing there was nothing he could do to help her until she reached him, and even then he would have to be clever about it.

He got lost in watching her, both intoxicated by her and frozen with concern for her. Finally she reached the stairs, he rushed down the first couple of steps to meet her.

"Quite a subtle entrance you made there Del."

Her eyes lifted, meeting with his and he could see the relief on her face. He watched her take a deep steadying breath, a smile slowly forming as he offered his hand to her, hoping that the dim lighting would be enough to keep people from noticing.

No one had ever held on to him to tight, so desperately. He could tell from her grip, how quickly she laced her fingers with his, that she needed to feel him just as badly as he needed her. He tugged her to him and took a moment to pull her close to his chest while the others were still making their way up the stairs. "I've got you baby, you're okay." He whispered to her.


"This is weird. I don't know how I feel about this..." Gia glared gesturing at Austin and Delilah who were sitting besides each other in their booth.

"Feel about what?" He asked before shoving another pastry in his mouth.

"You two... getting along... it's like we're in the twilight zone." Brad finished for her, also looking suspiciously at them.

"Or he's just trying to fuck all of my bridesmaids..." Gia spat back out.

Fuck he couldn't stand her sometimes.

"Maybe this is just our good deed for the day, or your wedding present. Us getting along makes it easier for you guys surely?" She responded, not even flinching at Gia's comment.

"Whatever, it's gonna take some getting used to..." Brad said quietly as he finished off his screwdriver. "Another?" He asked Austin, shaking his empty glass.

"Sure, I'll go." Austin jumped up from the seat in a rush. "Anyone else?"

Everyone gave Austin their orders, providing Delilah the perfect excuse to offer to help him with the drinks.

"I'm on to you." She whispered knowingly as they approached the bar.

"What?" He asked with a smirk.

"Evening Sir, one of the same?" The bartender asked as they approached.

"Yes please, plus four Screwdrivers and four dry martinis. What would you like darlin?"

"I'll just have a lime and soda please." She asked with a knowing look at Austin.  "I'm proud of you." She told him once the bartender began working on their drinks. "I can't imagine this is easy for you."

"At least I got you keeping me company tonight." He smiled back, watching as she slowly placed her hands on his hips, leaning in to him a little.

Her touch alone was like a lighting bolt. He was trying not to read too much into it but he knew there had been a shift, she seemed to be needing to feel him just as much as he needed to feel her. That thought made his head spin and his body tingle more than any drug he'd ever tried.


He was getting tired and really fucking bored.

They had been here for a few hours now, it had just clicked over 12am and he was quickly learning that being sober when everyone else was drunk was no fucking fun.

He had managed to spend the majority of the night chatting in the booth with Delilah, Brad and Gia, the others rotating through. He and Delilah had been the first to sit down, cornered in the booth, so no one questioned how close their bodies were. No one was any wiser to the way his leg was glued to hers or the way their fingers were laced under the table.

He was over it, the only thing preventing him from leaving was the fact that there were more bodies at the table now, meaning she was pinned even closer to him, her hand having fallen to rest against his thigh. His body hadn't been prepared for her touch in such close proximity, even if there was a fucking fire right now, there's no way he'd be able to move.

"Lila please, one dance with us?" Gia was tugging on Delilah's arm, trying to pull her towards their private dance floor.

"Fine but up here!" She laughed, removing her hand from his thigh as she let Gia drag her from the booth. He tried not to let it bother him that she was giving in to Gia's bull shit again.

"Hey Posty." Mischa appeared within seconds beside him, as if she had been waiting in the shadows for the moment Delilah left his side.

"Mischa, how are ya." His eyes were still glued to Delilah, he really didn't have it in him to feign interest any more.

"I'm doin good, it's been a while." She happily used his acknowledgment as an excuse to slide in beside him, pushing her body against his as tightly as possible.

"Yeah, there's been a lot goin on." He tried to subtly inch away from her, his eyes still focused on Delilah dancing with Gia and the others.

He heard her start laughing next to him, pulling his attention from Delilah as he turned to face her. "You can't seriously think she'd be interested in you?"


"Posty, look at her, she's flawless, she's chic and classic and put together. You're a drunk who looks like a vandalised bathroom stall." She spat at him before standing and sliding out of the booth. "I'm sure you're time will free up again real soon." She called back to him as she slinked away.

"Yo" Brad called to him as he made his way toward the booth. "We're going to head next door for a few, the music here is shit."

"Listen I've got an early morning, I should probably head out." He checked his watch, fuck it had been a long time since he was ready to go home at 12:30.

"You're fucking with me right? What the fuck is up with you tonight." Brad looked him up and down as if he was completely unable to recognise the person sitting in front of him.

"Austin did Brad tell you we're going next door?" Gia was swaying as she approached the booth, Delilah's steady hands on her the only thing keeping her upright.

"I did and he said he's ready to leave." Brad answered for him as he moved closer to Gia, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"What? Boo! Lila tell him he can't go yet." Gia was clinging to Brad for dear life as she tried to slip her heels off her feet.

"Actually..." Delilah started before Gia cut her off.

"No! Don't you fucking dare Lila! Please! Come next door just for one drink. Then you both can fuck right off home if you really want to."

He could almost see the guilt form in Delilah's eyes as Gia spoke. God why was she friends with her? He couldn't stand watching it anymore.

"Fine, one drink and then we're both leaving." He said before his eyes flicked back to Delilah. "Zed can give you a ride home if you need..."

"Brad take the boys and go find us a spot next door while I finish my drink. Delilah will settle the tab and we'll be over once we're done." Gia ordered, gently pushing Brad away. The more time he spent around Gia and Delilah the more he just couldn't fucking stand her.

"Lila you don't have to do that." Brad assured her as she smiled sweetly back at him.

"I'll wait with the girls" Austin said to Brad before looking at Gia "and settle your tab."

As he spoke Brad tried to take a seat at the booth beside him, missing completely and bringing down four empty glasses with him.

"It's okay, maybe you should go with them and see if they'll even let them in." Delilah reassured him, her eyes already beginning to nervously scan their surroundings.

"Gia just hurry up and finish and then we can all go." The thought of leaving Delilah here without him filling him with nerves.

"But I need to drink this and then go to the bathroom and then you guys will complain about me taking too long and I'm the fucking bride god dammit!"

"It's fine, it'll be easier for everyone if you guys just go and I'll handle her. It's right next door, I'll call if anything happens." Delilah reassured him quietly.

He let out a long sigh. "Zed" he called out to his brick wall of a security guard. "Do not fucking let her out of your sight, understand?"

"Yes boss." Zed nodded, keeping his stance near the top of the stairs.

"You sure you're okay with this?" He asked her again quietly, unease still taking over him.

She nodded her head and tried to give him a reassuring smile but his read on her was improving each second, he could easily tell it was fake. He gave her hand one last squeeze as they both slid from the booth. He watched as she made her way to the bar followed by Zed before finally turning and heading down the stairs with the rest of the boys.


He had been in the VIP section that had been quickly set up for them for about 20 minutes, his nerves growing with each passing second. He had really hoped that they wouldn't be let in, that the bouncers would have seen how drunk Brad and the rest were and refuse them entry, however the perks of being Post Malone meant you weren't often told no.

He stood surrounded by Brad and the other groomsmen, pretending to listen in to their conversation, his eyes glued to that door. Fuck why did he leave her. He didn't trust Gia at the best of times but when she was drunk and only cared about herself...

His eyes lit up as he finally saw Zed open the door, Gia and the rest of the girls making their way past him laughing and scoping out the bar.

All the girls but her.

"Gia! Where's Del?" He shouted as he hurdled over the rope and rushed towards them.

"She's settling the tab Austin, she'll be here in a minute." The dismissal in her voice only infuriated him more.

"She's paying your fucking tab and you left her?" He crowded her asking through gritted teeth.

"She's next door, she's fine. What do you care anyway? You really think you have a fucking shot in hell with her? Stop trying to fuck all my bridesmaids" Gia laughed, the rest of the bridesmaids joining in.

"I left Zed for her Gia, you aren't a fucking celebrity, no one gives a fuck who you are." He snapped back.

"Dude what's your problem?" Brad asked coming up behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder, only hearing the tail end of their conversation.

He shook Brad off, pointing a finger in Zed's face as he approached. "You're fucking fired." He punched out as he pushed past him and through the doors out to the street.

The second he hit the pavement he was crowded, people shouting, pushing, shoving things to him and taking photos. He was never that guy, he tried to remember his roots and not be that dickhead but tonight he ignored them all, shoving his way through the mob until he reached the front of the line. The bouncer helped him through the final crowd of people and through the doors, his eyes immediately scanning for her.

"Del!" He called out as he spotted her, crowded in the corner behind the bar. The staff had obviously let her back to keep her out of the crowds however there were seven staff members cornering her with phones and shoving different items in her face with pens.

"Jesus Christ baby, are you okay?" He grabbed her, pulling her in close as his eyes scanned over her body for any obvious injuries.

She gave two slow nods, clearly being far from okay. His hand shot out, grabbing one of the bouncers by his collar.
"Get her car and get us the fuck out of here." He demanded.

Within a few minutes he was strapping her into the passengers seat of her car, her shaking having slowed down along with her breathing. He ran around and jumped in the driver's side. "You're okay darlin, I've got you."

He raced home, making it in record time, pulling into his driveway and putting the car into park.
He unclipped his seatbelt and jumped out, rushing to the passenger's side and opening her door as she unclipped her seatbelt.

He helped her out of the car, holding her hand tight, his other hand sitting protectively on her hip and he guided her through the front door and straight up to his room.

He sat on the end of the bed and pulled her close to him, wrapping his arms tight around her as her head nestled against his chest. "I'm so sorry Del, I should never have left you."

"I told you to, I told you I'd be fine." Her voice was still low, her nerves still on clear display.


"This isn't your fault Austin." She interrupt him, raising against him and reassuring him with her firm voice.

"What happened?" He asked as he grabbed her legs, placing them over his lap and carefully undoing the straps on her heels.

"I went to settle the tab with Zed, some people started asking for photos and autographs. I tried to rush through them but I guess I was taking too long." She began, watching him work on her shoes.
"Gia said she was going to go next door and to come meet her when I was done, before I could say anything they were all walking out the door."

He didn't say anything, he didn't need to, the anger in his eyes was more than enough. He stood from the bed and moved to his drawers, pulling out a T-shirt for her before making his way back to her.

He knelt in front of her, placing the shirt of the bed beside her. "Can I?" He asked carefully, desperately trying to keep from undoing any of the progress he'd made with her. She nodded slowly in response as she raised her arms, wriggling slightly as he pulled her dress up her body and over her head.

He helped her put his T-shirt on and pulled the covers down for her to climb in. He pulled her phone out of her bag, choosing to ignore the missed calls from Brad, and placed it on the bed.

Her phone started ringing beside her, Gia's name lighting up the screen, a loud, almost pained sigh escaping her as she went to pick it up.

"Del don't answer it. She's drunk and you're upset, what good could come from this conversation?"

"She might be worried." She stated as she watched her phone.

He knelt down beside the bed, taking her hand in his as he spoke. "Do you really think that's why she's calling? Del she's a fucking shitty girlfriend and an even fucking worse friend." He could see the way she was looking at her phone that she knew he was right, letting the call ring out before diverting to voicemail. She shuffled back onto his bed further, resting her head on the pillow as she watched him walk to the other side, kicking off his shoes and beginning to undo his shirt as he walked.

"Where's Zed?" She asked suddenly.

"He's gone." He answered, undoing his belt and sliding his pants off.


He sighed, knowing she would blame herself for the outcome. He climbed into bed and under the covers beside her. "I fired him."

"What? What are you talking about?"  She asked as she sat up looking at him.

"Del I left him there to look after one person, he showed up without that one fucking person."


"I didn't leave him there for Gia or her fucking clout posse. I trusted him and he failed that, so he's gone." His voice was stern but he did his best to keep it calm, not wanting to upset her anymore than she already was.

"I'm sorry. I feel like this is my fault."

"None of this is your fault Delilah." He reassured her, brushing his fingers through her hair, encouraging her to lay down against him. "Except maybe being fucking friends with her, which I find harder to understand every fucking day to be honest."

She took a deep breath, making him wonder if she was thinking the same thing. "I think we've been friends for so long that we've fallen into the routine of it. Maybe we've both ignored the fact that we've grown so far apart."

His left arm continued to hold her tight against him as his right hand softly stroked her arm. "I'm sorry baby. You deserve a lot better than that, and a hell of a lot better than someone hanging off you the way she and those other girls do."

"You should know." Her words caught him off guard as he gave her a confused look, signalling for her to explain herself. "Isn't Mischa your ex? You talk about my friends using me, did you really think she was in love with you?"

He rolled his eyes at the mention of her. He had tried to put his interaction with her out of his head and had hoped maybe he had managed to avoid this conversation tonight. He didn't really want to rehash any of that time, especially with Delilah. "Mischa was never my girlfriend."

"You were just sleeping with her while she followed you around like a love sick puppy dog..." She teased, but somehow her words were still free from judgement.

"We weren't together, we were sleeping together but it was never anything more than that, I made that perfectly clear to her. Is it my fault if she chose to ignore it?"

"No, I guess not."

"I've had one proper girlfriend, Ash, no one since then has had any potential and I've never lied to any of them about that."

She rolled over on to his stomach, both hands coming under her chin as she looked up at him. "Then why bother?"

"Because, unlike you, I find it really fucking hard to be alone."

"I find it hard Austin, I just find it harder trusting people." The sadness returned to her eyes. He wanted her to keep going, to know she could tell him anything, but he also didn't want to push her or upset her. He stayed quiet, continuing to brush his fingers over her skin, hoping the small action would be slightly reassuring for her.

"When you asked me before about dating, I did, I mean I used to, but what happened... with Rob..." she paused, trying to find the words. "The injuries were a first but the rest of it wasn't."

He felt his body tense at her words, he wanted her to continue, to hear whatever she was willing to tell him, but fuck everything he was finding out just kept breaking him down further. "Jesus, baby."

"Each time I tried dating anyone it would be okay for the first couple of dates, but then they would start getting impatient when I wouldn't give them whatever they were expecting... So I stopped."

"How far was too far?" He regretted the question as soon as it left his lips, knowing the idea of anyone laying a finger on her would be too much for him to stomach.

"It depended on the person."

He tried to stop himself but again the words were too quick. "How far have you gone? I mean with someone you went on a date with?"

"It sounds stupid..." she paused, hesitant as to whether to continue. "Sometimes the second they tried to hold my hand, my skin would... burn."

"But your job? I mean how can you kiss people in movies and it not effect you?"

"It's just different for some reason. I'm not me when I'm doing it, it doesn't mean anything." She shrugged, her fingers tracing the lettering on his stomach as red rushed to her cheeks.
"I've only ever kissed one person by choice, the first guy I dated when I was in school. After that it's always been for work or...  not by choice."

His heart sank at her admission and he was instantly nauseated. He didn't understand how it was possible for anyone to speak about this so nonchalantly. He looked down at her laying on his chest, her fingers, her cheek resting against his bare skin.

"What about me?" He asked suddenly.

"What about you?"

"You let me hold your hand, let me touch you. Is this uncomfortable for you, laying here with me like this?"

She looked up at him, giving her head one slow shake. "No, the exact opposite."

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