By Jimeokookliet13

647 28 31

(IN HIATUS FOR A WHILE) BTS an Idol group from South Korea are renowned for breaking records and topping the... More

Author's Note..
Chap 01 - Morning Kisses
Chap 02- Yearning Desires.
Chap 3 - Love and Lust

Chap 4 - Endearing Memories

73 4 1
By Jimeokookliet13

Jungkook's POV

Jimin and I were more than delighted when my aunt called an hour ago to inform me that she'd come home by late night and not the evening. She even specified the time as 'after 8.00 PM'. It was like 5.30 PM now and Jimin and I were cuddled together on the couch in our living room. The TV was on and some show on National Geographic called " Snakes in the city" was telecasting. We had a good lunch, ordered pizza actually and after chatting for some time followed by an intense make out session we had decided to watch TV. Jimin was fast asleep by now, his face squished on my broad chest. Gentle snores escaped his luscious lips and I couldn't help but lean in to peck them. Call me perverted but my hands have been lingering in his pants all this while. He wasn't wearing an underwear and I have been squeezing and playing with his dick all this while. A creepy move I know, but its not my fault he's so addicting. His dick was soft but still warm and it felt heavenly to have it brush against my palms. I know I'm perverted but he's my fucking boyfriend so I don't see what's the big deal. I once woke up to Jimin sleeping on my butt cheeks. This is pretty much a regular occurence to us both. Come to think of it I realised that most couples don't have such an open, dirty and comfortable relationship and it made me smirk with pride.
Though my thoughts were occupied, my eyes were focused on the TV and the bald guy with tattoos all over his body was currently wrestling a huge python. With Jimin's soft dick still in my grasp and a snake show playing on the TV, I was reminded of an interesting memory. An uncontrollable giggle escaped my mouth and I had to bite my lips to pacify it.


Still Jungkook's POV

I seriously can't believe this is happening to me. I've been in this fucking toilet for the last 45 minutes and I'm pretty sure I've pooped my intestines out by now. All thanks to Jin hyung who uses us as Guinea pigs to test out his cooking and that giant clumsy dumbass who calls himself Rap monster. This is definitely the last time I'm eating something from this household.
This morning Jin hyung made some new dish which he proudly called 'Jin cheese Ramen' or something and honestly it was pretty aromatic. Being the greedy pigs we are Taehyungie hyung and I finished the whole thing in a matter of minutes. Not longer than half an hour the side effects had started showing through our asses and we've been pooping without a break.

Hoseokie hyung did some investigation on what went wrong with the dish and we were left stunned with the information we received. Apparently some dumbass in this asylum we call a house had mistook dish washing soap for white vinegar. After digging a bit more deeper on the case we found that the said dumbass was none other than the legendary Kim Namjoon. Like seriously, Jin hyung needs to get his head checked to have let Namjoon out of all people to assist him in the kitchen.
I took my phone and earphones with me when I went to the toilet and I was watching some random videos on YouTube while trying to empty my bowel.

'Yaaah Jungkookah! Are you in there? '
I heard someone shout from outside the toilet and before I could answer a loud bang on the door made me flinch.

'WHAT THE hell do you want hyung?' I yelled back feeling annoyed.

'Boy why are you mad at me, I did warn you not to eat that shit'
He did, honesty Yoongi hyung did everything in his power to stop us from eating that venomous Jin Ramen.

'WHAT do you want hyung? I'm busy here' I said

' Should we consult a doctor?' - Yoongi

I fumed and heard him giggle from outside.

'Aight whatever.. have you seen my earphones though ? I've been looking for them everywhere' - Yoongi

' Ugh.. the white ones ?' I asked hesitantly.

' Yeah? Have you seen them ?' - Yoongi

' Ugh mm the one with tiny red hearts drawn on it?' I asked though I already knew that his answer would be 'yes'.

'JIMIN DID THAT.. NOT ME' he yelled from outside and my eyes widen with shock. A tinge of insecurity and fear took over me and I hated to admit how jealous I felt. Fuck!


'Jesus kid, calm the fuck down okay.. I'm not gonna steal your man'
He whispered the last part, audible enough for me to hear..
I blushed furiously after what I did. Did I seriously shout at my hyung for probably being a love interest of my other hyung?

' No I- I mean.. t-thats not what - I shuttered but Yoongi hyung shut me up but cutting my words

'Oh zip it ! We've talked about this Jungkook, you don't have to hide a damn thing from me.. now ah about my earphones again ? Can you tell me if you've seen them anywhere before I flush Hoseok down the toilet, coz I have a feeling that he might have taken it again' I heard Yoongi say and I giggled while staring at the earphone that was plugged into my phone.

' Ahh actually.. ugh its with me' I said calmly waiting for Yoongi to lose his cool.

' WAIT! YOU'RE POOPING WITH MY EARPHONES?' He shouted as expected

' Ugh actually I'm pooping with my asshole' I said sounding chill and unbothered.


' Geez! Relax hyung, I'm not gonna eat your earphones, besides you don't get to yell at me for taking your stuff after you literally wore my underwear for a month' I defended

' You call that an underwear? I'd rather walk naked than wear that thing. It had a hole bigger than my butt' - Yoongi

' Well then you really have a small butt' I said and for some reason right at that moment I remembered Jiminie hyung's butt. He really had the most perfectly shaped, huggable , squishable and soft ass that would feel pe- WHY THE FUCK AM I FANTASISING OVER MY HYUNG? I cursed at myself.

' Aghh fuck you Jungkook, seriously fuck you. I don't want that poop infested earphones anymore. You can keep it you punk!' I heard Yoongi say and I giggled.

' Why thank you hyung, didn't know it was so easy to get your belongings' I said

'Just shut up! Where are my earbuds though? Don't tell me you've taken those too' I heard him say and I couldn't hold in my laughter anymore cos I knew exactly where they were.

' Oh about that ! I think I saw Taehyungie hyung taking them from your room' I replied

' And where is Taehyung now?' He asked almost immediately

' Pooping.. in the other toilet' I said in a teasing voice.

' WHAT THE FUCK?' was the last thing I heard him say before my room door slammed shut. I broke into a fit of laughter. Having done with my business I walked outside the toilet and threw myself on my bed. I shared this room with Namjoonie hyung. Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung were rooming together and the 95z and Hoseokie hyung shared another room together.

My stomach still occasionally made inhuman sounds as if my organs were all moving around but it didn't hurt anymore. I could here loud noises of what appeared to be Yoongi hyung and Taehyungie hyung speaking and Jin hyung from the kitchen shouting at both of them to quite down.  Namjoonie hyung was supposed to do the laundry today. Usually thats my job but since he almost killed me today with his idiocy he offered to do all my and Taehyungie hyung's work for 2 days. And to be honest I was kinda dissapointed I didn't get to do the laundry because usually whenever I did it, Jiminie hyung would stand right besides me. We used to chat and crack jokes and almost forget about the damn clothes sometimes. I missed that today.

I didn't deny it anymore, I realised that I felt something towards Jiminie hyung. Call it what you will, love?, Infatuation?, attraction?, I don't care. All I know is that he did something to me, physically and emotionally. I've never felt like this before, honestly I mean it. There was this girl in my middleschool whom my friends used to ship me with and for a while I was somehow convinced that I liked her too but ever since I left Busan and came to Seoul I kind of felt attracted to guys. At first I was ashamed and I felt weird, scared and worried but overtime I embraced it but still feared about what others would think of me. 

Then I met Jiminie hyung! The one who intensified and bass boosted my hormonal feelings. I was only 15 then, like 2 years back and I did everything in my power to avoid Jiminie hyung and push him away with hope that I'd be able to burn these feelings to the core. Jiminie hyung however never stopped chasing me, loving me and looking at me as if I was his everything. For years I thought that my mind was just playing games with me and that I didn't really like Jiminie hyung romantically and neither did he. After almost 2 years of our push and pull game like about 7 months back I realised that Jiminie hyung was acting different with me. He didn't come running after me asking me if I had eaten or showered.

He stopped calling me 'Jungkookie' and he didn't even hug me. Infact he started avoiding me and even pushed me away. I thought it was because Hyung was going through a lot recently, our fans and haters have been calling him fat and ugly which made him really upset. He started dieting, No! Starving himself actually, to try and trim down but the day hyung left me at home and went to the cinema with Taehyungie hyung only I quite literally broke down.

Yoongi hyung found me crying in the bathroom at our company and he took me to his studio to confront me about what was going on. I admitted to him that I was feeling possessive and jealous over Jiminie hyung and I also felt attracted to him.
He asked me if I was gay and I was really scared to answer that question mainly because I thought Yoongi hyung would find me disgusting but I still remember how he hugged me gently and I was shocked because Yoongi hyung hardly embraces physical affection.

' Jungkookah it's okay! Its okay to be gay, it's not a disease nor is it a crime. Its okay to fall in love with someone, I'm bisexual myself boy' were the words he said that day. He also explained to me how I have been hurting Jiminie hyung for 2 years with my stupid attempt to try and conceal my feelings for him and I really wanted to bang my head on the wall. Under Yoongi hyung's advise I apologised to Jiminie hyung and confessed how much he meant to me. I told him how much I loved him but not that I was in love with him. Anyway Jiminie hyung accepted my apology and he went back to being my overprotective Prince, showering me with endless love and affection and I loved being pampered by him. I loved being his center of attention and I couldn't wait for that day to finally tell him how I truly feel about him.

I was quite sure hyung has been in love with me for years but it was me who pushed him away and making him feel unsure about approaching me. However right now I was doing everything I can to make him feel entitled to me. Like he mattered to me more than anything in my life. Jiminie hyung is truly very beautiful isn't he? And he's got an amazing personality as well. Call me perverted but I can't help but feel tensed and horny when looking at him sometimes..

I've been watching a lot of gay porn recently and I started wondering if Jimin would be the top or the bottom in our relationship. Also will he be okay with trying out BDSM ? I've seen my other hyungs butt naked before, especially yoongi hyung who really does have a flat ass. But I never got to see Jiminie hyung naked and I know it's creepy but I was kind of sad about it ? I haven't even confessed to him yet but here I am imagining how our sex life would be. Can you blame me though? I'm just a fucking hormonal 17 year old teenager who just came out of the denial stage. My wild imaginations are not just about the sex though. I've been reading a lot about gay marriages and surrogacy. Someday when Jiminie hyung and I get married maybe we'll have a surrogate mother to gift us our own child right? I wanted a cute baby girl like Jiminie hyung and maybe a baby boy like me. Oh! And.. about our wedding? I've already decided to wear black on our wedding and Jiminie hyung would wear white. It's gonna be a beach wedding by the way and our hon-

'JEON FUCKING JUNGKOOK' a loud and annoyed voice almost made me lose my balance and fall off the bed. I looked up to see who it was and saw Jin hyung staring me down with a pink spatula on his hand.

'Hyung why did you have to yell like that?' I exclaimed standing up and caressing my buttocks that hit really hard on the floor. Geez hasn't it gone through enough already?

' I've been calling for you all this while and you were so caught up in your imagination, smiling like an idiot the whole time. Like seriously! What the hell were you thinking about?' Jin said while narrowing his eyebrows and giving me a suspicious look.

' Uh? Nothing' I said trying to avoid his gaze. I just realised too, how carried away I was with my thoughts. I literally resembled our Army fans who constantly imagine their dream life with us, something that's never gonna happen in a million years. hehe! ( sorry I had to expose us like that 🤡)

' Ugh whatever. How are you feeling now ? ' Jin hyung said rolling his eyes

' Ahh my butt still hurts and my stomach too ' I lied though I was feeling pretty good now.

'Umm okay! Jimin's showering right now, just ask him to help me with the garlic once he comes out yeah? I'll be in the kitchen'
Jin hyung said as he walked out of my room.

Wait ! Jiminie hyung is here ? Why didn't I hear him come? He had been with Hoseokie hyung the whole day. They had apparently gone to the dance studio to revise the new choreo we've been learning. I ran outside my room excitedly to meet my Prince charming and bumped into Yoongi hyung on the way. He rolled his eyes and walked passed me as if he already knew why I was so excited.

Loud music was played in the room from a Bluetooth speaker. Jimin hyung always does play songs when he showers.

'Jiminie hyung?' I called out once I reached his room but there was no answer .

'Hyung? Jiminie?' I tried again. I looked towards the bathroom and noticed that there was no sign of the shower being turned on. It looked as if there was no one in there. Didn't jin hyung say Jiminie hyung was bathing though? I walked towards the bathroom and causally opened the door and I got paralysed..

Literally Paralysed..

Right infront of me was Park the fucking Jimin standing butt naked in his full glory. My eyes were roaming all around his body and I was shamelessly checking him out. Those abbs, those fucking abbs. The abbs that made people lose their mind in the Mnet performance was now in full display just for me. His hair was wet and water droplets rolled down his body and it looked like he was staring in a condom advertisement. My eyes trailed its way to his abdomen and that's when I saw it..

"His dick" and every nerve, cell and blood drop in my fucking body screamed that I was so UNDOUBTEDLY GAY. Damn the size was unexpected, like based on Jimin hyung's height and physical features I kind of imagined him as a bottom but fuck it! He surely can nail my ass till I bleed and I'd let him tie me up to the bed and dick me down while I moan like a slut. Like seriously I would be his slut without any doubt.

End of Jungkook's POV

3rd person POV

Jungkook knew that he had walked into his hyung showering and he should probably be embarrassed about it or even apologise but he was too shocked and stunned to do anything. Jimin who was initially panicking over Jungkook witnessing him naked eventually calmed down as he followed the maknae's eyes staring at his dick. A proud smirk formed on Jimin's mouth.. he always knew Jungkook was into men.

'Yaa how long are you gonna keep staring Kook?' Jimin said in a teasing tone.
Jungkook finally came back to reality and he was so embarrassed. He just wanted to bury himself alive right now.

I- umm ahhh sorry Jiminah... I just cam -came too umm get soaap.. yah soap .. I'll get it and go'

Jimin burst into laughter when he heard Jungkook giving such a dumb excuse but the younger had dashed out of the bathroom grabbing the soap wrapper instead of the soap.

After he came back to the living room he was still in shock and it was pretty obvious in his face. He looked as if he had a time bomb planted in his underwear.
Everybody else were peacefully doing their own work.
Yoongi was seated on the sofa while gulping down spicy noodles. He saw Jungkook walking in looking like he just had an encounter with Satan himself.

'What happened ? Are you okay ? ' he questioned while eyeing Jungkook with concern.

'Ahhh. Ugh.. yah why ?' said the younger

'You look like you've seen a ghost' that was yoongi again who described the situation perfectly. Jungkook however panicked hearing that. Like he almost got caught doing something dirty.

'I didn't wan.. Want to.. it was .. accident.. I didn't see it '
He shuttered nervously

'See what accidently ?' Yoongi asked curiously ?

'And Why are you holding a soap wrapper ? Couldn't find a dustbin?' Namjoon who had been silently monitoring the whole situation right besides Yoongi finally spoke up for his share of interrogation.

Jungkook looked at his hand and felt so stupid. He mentally cursed himself for being so flustered and hoped for the love of God that Jimin didn't get creeped out by his behaviour.

'Hey what did you see ?' asked Yoongi again.

Unable to find a good excuse he said the first thing that popped up in his mind..

'Ahhh big.. a big snake' Jungkook replied 

'A snake? Jin who just got out of the kitchen asked him with panic laced in his voice.

' ah anaconda'
Jungkook muttered remembering the monster cock he had to witness a few minutes ago. He was still in so much shock that he didn't quite process his words before he let them out and it was already too late to take it back.

' There's an anaconda in the house ?' Hobi panicked as he instantly climbed on top of the sofa accidentally kicking Yoongi's ramen that flew across the room.
The hot ramen along with the soup spilt all over Namjoon who did nothing but peacefully write lyrics the whole time.

'What where ? In our house ?'
Taehyung asked as he appeared from the kitchen with a plate of cookies in his hand.

Jungkook couldn't help but to nod and the 5 poor boys immediately went into panic mode..

'Where did you see it Jungkook ? Jin asked walking towards the boy with wide eyes that looked like it'll pop out anytime.

Jungkook thought for a moment and hesitantly replied
'Ahh mm bed.. under Jiminie hyung's bed hyung'

'In our room ? 'Hobi screamed out loud annoying Yoongi who was already grieving over the loss of his Ramen.

'Ahh yeah' was all Jungkook could say.

'Holy shit ! HOW THE? How did a snake get inside the house'
Joon stood up with a jump taking off his soup infested shirt and wiping his face with the dry side while Yoongi was still desperately begging Hobi to get off the window in which the poor boy was hanging onto like a monkey.

'Get the fuck down hobi' he kept yelling while tugging onto the other's pants.

'Nooo hyung. We- we need to call police.. call the damn police' was Hoseok's reply

'Call the police? Are you crazy hobi ? We can't call the police to catch a fucking snake' said Joon who was now dressed with a new shirt which he had hurriedly grabbed from the dresser in his room seconds before.

'Fine.. then call someone, call anyone.. GET THAT SNAKE OUT OF HERE'
Hobi shrieked with fear

'Yaaa you first get down you idiot.. we'd have to call an ambulance if you'd fall down or something'
Yoongi shouted while continuously pulling onto Hobi's shorts.

Amidst all the chaos stood an embarassed Jungkook trying his best not to laugh or react to his hyungs literally having a panic attack over an imaginary snake.

Jin finally took charge of the situation and shouted

He turned to face Taehyung and yells at him
'Yaa Taehyungah we're having a snake in the house, how the fuck can you keep eating like everything's okay? Go get that minion out of the bathroom for fucks sake'

'Geez.. OK OK I'm going hyung'
Taehyung said after taking another bite of his cookie and walking towards Jimin's room.

'What the fuck is he doing there? He's been showering for like an hour now'
Yoongi exclaimed after finally managing to get Hobi down from the window.

'Kook come with me... let's go and try to find the snake'
Joon pulled Jungkook's sleeves dragging him into the relevant room. Jin and Yoongi following them right behind.

'Jiminie come out!'
Taehyung banged on the bathroom door as loud as he could.

'I'm coming.. I'm coming'
Jimin retorted from inside sounding annoyed.

Another loud bang was heard on the bathroom door and this time it was Jin screaming on top of his lungs

'WHAT? A snake ?'
Jimin finally opened the door revealing his toned abbs and wet hair with only a towel drapped around his lower body.
Jungkook gulped at the sight and his eyes travelled to see the older's lower regions. Jimin who noticed everything couldn't hide a chuckle..

'What's so funny idiot?' Asked Yoongi while looking at Jimin

'Yaa there is nothing here.'
Joon retorted after thoroughly checking every nook and corner of the bed with a flashlight.

'Che- check behind the windows, under the cupboards and the bathroom too.. fucking check everywhere'
Jhope commanded while popping his head inside the room, still shaking.

'I'll go get the vacuum' Taehyung suggested and Jin looked at him disapprovingly.

'The what ? Are you planning on sucking in the snake with a vacuum.. it's a fucking snake idiot. Not a fruit fly'

'What color was it? How big ? Jimin questioned while grabbing a shirt from nearby.

Jungkook refused to look at Jimin because he was already red as a tomato. He remembered the sight of the monster cock he had witnessed a couple of minutes ago before stupidly replying, 
His own eyes widened with shock upon realising what he had just said.

'The fuck ? Pink ?' Yoongi asked feeling confused

'How can a snake be pink?' - Namjoon

'Maybe it was a squid.. ? Or an octopus?'
Poor hobi voiced out hopefully

'Are you serious right now Hobi ? HOW IN THE FUCKING HELL DID AN OCTOPUS GET INSIDE THE HOUSE ?? WE ARE NOT EVEN LIVING BESIDES A BEACH' that was the eldest of the band.

'Maybe it was a salamander?' Namjoon suggested feeling proud of himself for saying something supposedly smart.

'A salmon ?' Yoongi asked again looking even more perplexed than usual

'A salamander.. not a salmon' Namjoon replied feeling annoyed.

'Jungkookie are you sure you didn't just see some piece of wire or something?'  Taehyung genuinely questioned the younger

'Ahh? mmm! No it was a snake I'm sure'
Jungkook lied not wanting to make a fool of himself by saying them he was mistaken.

'I'm calling Bang PD.. now.. where is my phone?' Jhope announced

'Is the house on fire ? Are you seriously calling Bang Pd just because we think we saw a stupid snake ?'  Yoongi tried to talk some sense into Hobi who was overreacting.

'A stupid snake? One bite from that stupid snake can fucking kill you hyung' Hoseok argued back

'Actually anacondas are not venomous.. they are constrictors wh-'  Namjoon started but he was cut off by Jin before he could finish his sentence.

'Seriously joon ? Your 148 IQ ass can wait for science lessons.. WE NEED TO FIND THAT SNAKE NOW'

'We should throw garlics all over the floor oh! and also onions'
Jimin said while heading towards the kitchen.

'What ? Why ? Are we fighting vampires ?' That was Taehyung 

'That doesn't work idiot' Yoongi facted out rolling his eyes.


'Definitely less than our lives'
Jimin sassily replied to his hyung and sprinted towards the kitchen.

' We- we gg- gotta pour kerosene or petrol (gasoline) all over the floor.. I've heard it works'
Hobi said as he ran towards the store room to see if they have kerosene..

Yoongi ran behind Hobi shouting at the top of his voice.
'Oh For fucks sake Hobi... you're gonna burn down the house'

Namjoon tried to draw the curtains aside and he ended up breaking the curtain frame and it fell right on Jin's head.

Jin shouted while rubbing his forehead to ease the pain.

They had to pull their beds out, empty the shelves, rummage through their cupboards and literally destroyed Jin's kitchen before Joon finally said.
'Maybe the snake went out right ?'

And with the house looking like an asylum the boys finally went to sleep on the sofa in the living room surrounded by endless piles of onions and garlics and the vacuum close by not knowing that their 'pink anaconda' was peacefully resting in Jimin's pants.

Flashback ends.


Jungkook was giggling so hard that he made Jimin wriggle in his sleep. He finally opened his eyes and saw Jungkook looking so giddy and pleasant.

' Wh- What's got you laughing so hard?' He asked

' Nothing babe, it's just I remembered how I had the hyungs look for your anaconda around the house once' - Jungkook

They both laugh together, recalling their funny yet endearing memory. Just when everything seemed to be peaceful and perfect for the couple the door bell rings .

*Ring Ring Ring*

Aight! So we've getting to the homophobic relative part in the next chapter.. please vote, share and comment 🥺😘

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