Trollhunters: Resurrected

By Arkus69

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What if Jim didn't have to go back in time? What if there was another way? Find out in this story. I do not o... More

Chapter 1: The Stone
Chapter 2: Figuring it Out
Chapter 3: They're Back
Chapter 5: Escape from Trollmarket.
Chapter 6: Inside Both Sides
Chapter 7: A Few More Of Them
Chapter 8: Some Recruitment
Chapter 9: Attack of the Trolls
Chapter 10: Eternal Night...Again

Chapter 4: Before and After Blinky's Call

180 3 4
By Arkus69

After Blinky leaves the Hero's Forge, he finds Aaarrrggghhh talking with Toby in a stall in Trollmarket. He calls Aaarrrggghhh's attention.

Blinky: Aaarrrggghhh, we have a task in Trollmarket.

Aaarrrggghhh: Oh ok. Bye Wingman. Must go.

Toby: Alright Aaarrrggghhh, see you later! I'll make sure to test my sense of smell to see if it's heightened!

Toby walks away, and Aaarrrggghhh walks with Blinky towards RotGut's. Aaarrrggghhh gets a confused look.

Aaarrrggghhh: Why here?

Blinky: Vendel has tasked us to carve him a new staff from the new Heartstone. We're here at RotGut's to purchase some carving tools.

Aaarrrggghhh: Oh ok. What you give to Rot and Gut?

Blinky: Some Argyle socks that haven't been washed in weeks.

Aaarrrggghhh: Oooo, tasty.

Blinky: Indeed it is, my friend. Ok, we're here.

Blinky knocks on the door and Rot is the first one to answer but Gut quickly answers too.

Gut: Well hello Blinkous. How may we be of service?

Blinky: Me and my friend would like to buy a mallet, a chisel, and a chainsaw. We have Argyle socks that haven't been washed in weeks to be given to you as payment. 

Rot: Ooooo, Argyle, tasty.

Gut: Yes, very tasty. Well, Blinkous, we have only one chainsaw in stock, so I'm gonna have to up the price on your purchase.

Blinky: Fine, I'll give you my 2 dwarkstone I was supposed to use for demolition.

Gut: Hm, dwarkstone. Don't got any of those in stock. Okay, you got yourself a deal, Blinkous.

They exchange items, Blinky gives the dwarkstones and socks while Rot and Gut give the last chainsaw, a mallet, and a chisel. Blinky and Aaarrrggghhh walk away and start walking to the Heartstone.

Aaarrrggghhh: So we carve now?

Blinky: Yes, yes we will Aaarrrggghhh.


A half hour later, due to RotGut's being quite far from the Heartstone, they arrive inside the Heartstone's core and begin carving and Blinky instructs Aaarrrggghhhh on what to do.

Blinky: Use the Chainsaw over there and cut a few inches, after that go to the right and saw for 2 feet. Once it falls we will begin cleaving it. 

Aaarrrggghhh does as told, and the piece of Heartstone falls to the ground sending a wave of heartstone energy across Trollmarket. The energy flies around Trollmarket like a sky. 

Blinky: Ok Aaarrrggghhh, your job is over. I will now use the chisel and mallet to remove the parts with fatal energies.

Blinky carves it very precisely and the staff is created. 

Aaarrrggghhh: We go to Vendel now?

Blinky: Yes, let us leave the core and go to Vendel's workshop.

They walk out of the core and head into Vendel's workshop. When they arrive they are greeted by Vendel.

Vendel: Ah, Blinkous, is that my new staff? 

Blinky: Yes it is, Vendel. I started working to get it as soon as we left the Hero's Forge. 

Blinky hands the staff to Vendel and Vendel thanks him. 

Vendel: Thank you Blinkous. I must leave now as I have an announcement to make to Trollmarket. 

As Vendel walks out of the room out the exit, loud booms can be heard from around Trollmarket. 

Aaarrrggghhh: What was that? 

Suddenly an explosion happens right in front of Vendel, knocking him backwards but Aaarrrggghhh catches him. Two Gumm-Gumm's appear out of the smoke of the explosion and rush at Aaarrrggghhh but Aaarrrggghhh lays Vendel on the ground and kills the two Gumm-Gumms. 

Blinky: Trollmarket is under attack! Sound the alarm!

Vendel runs to sound the alarm which is stationed at his workshop, he presses a red button and noises can be heard across Trollmarket alerting everyone. 

Vendel: Blinkous, call the Trollhunter! We need assistance! 

Blinky calls Jim on the phone and he picks up.

Blinky: Master Jim! Trollmarket is being invaded by Gumm-Gumm's! The bridge is open! Prepare for us to arrive with the Gyre to the tunnel we retreated to when Gunmar took over Trollmar- 

The signal gets cut off. 

Vendel: Yes! Blinkous is right! We must retreat to the Gyre with the rest of the trolls!

Vendel goes back near the alarm where an old looking telephone is and he uses it to speak across Trollmarket.

Vendel: Citizen's of Troll-

Blinky stops Vendel.

Blinky: Vendel! If we announce this to Trollmarket all the Gumm-Gumms will hear us and blockade the door to the Gyre!

Vendel: Good point, I have an idea. We should use the Gyre ourselves to meet with the Trollhunter if he is even there and we shall bring him here to assist in evacuation.

Blinky: Good idea Vendel! Let's go!

The three of them run out of the workshop with Aaarrrggghhh in front to smash any Gumm-Gumm's that stand in their way. A few do and Aaarrrggghhh kills them. 15 minutes of running later they arrive in the Gyre station. Vendel gets onto the Gyre and Aaarrrggghhh turns to Blinky.

Aaarrrggghhh: Blinky go. I stay and gather other trolls. Will call Draal and Nomura.

Blinky puts his hand on Aaarrrgggghhh's shoulders and thanks him.

Blinky: Thank you, my friend.

Blinky boards the Gyre with Vendel and Blinky activates it. After a minute they arrive at the meeting point. They wait a minute then Jim with allies arrives. Toby is in his Armor and has his Warhammer while Douxie has his staff and wristband for backup.

Jim: Blinky! I got your call. I brought Toby and Douxie along. I don't know where the others like Merlin and Strickler are and Claire wouldn't pick up. But I texted them to come down to Trollmarket when they're free.

Douxie: Hey.

Toby: Hi Blinky and Vendel.

Blinky: Good. A Wizard and Tobias along with you should do well enough. Let's go back to Trollmarket.

Jim: Wait I barely heard anything from our call and I forgot a lot of things I did hear so why again are we going back to Trollmarket?

Blinky: The Gumm-Gumms are here. They are invading.

Jim: Wait, Gumm-Gumms? How? I thought they were all in the Darklands.

Blinky: I assume the bridge has been somehow opened without the use of the Amulet of Daylight. Even if they had your new amulet which they clearly don't, I do not understand how they have escaped.

Jim: Huh, okay. Anyway, let's fight first and think later.

They all hop onto the Gyre and get back to Trollmarket. They arrive back in Trollmarket and Blinky opens the door but suddenly Nomura and Draal crash at the walls beside Blinky. Blinky sees Aaarrrggghhh thrown into a wall by a mysterious figure hidden by smoke. The others run out of the Gyre out the door. Out the smoke arose a figure only Jim, Blinky and Vendel recognized. Orlagk the Oppresor wielding the Decimaar Blade. Along with a few other Gumm-Gumms behind him.

Orlagk: Rundle? Is that you? Your hair has changed color. I thought you would be dead by now.

Vendel: I am Vendel, son of Rundle, son of Kilfred. I am the child of Rundle, not Rundle himself. And you are Orlagk. I don't know how in Deya's name you are alive and have brought the Gumm-Gumm armies out of the Darklands, but that does not matter to me.

Orlagk: Hm, so a new old fool leads Trollmarket. And look how far you have fallen, allying with Wizards and Fleshbags. 

Toby suddenly screams.

Toby: Let's get this Gumm-Gumm butt-kicking session started!

Toby throws his Warhammer at Orlagk Orlagk makes one of his minion Gumm-Gumms run in front of it. The minion dies and Orlagk kicks the Warhammer away.

Orlagk: A hammer won't be enough to stop me

Jim: For the Good of All, Excalibur is mine to command!

Jim screamed and he gets surrounded by armor and Excalibur appears in Jim's hand.

Writer's Note: I edited the phrase Jim has to say since he wields Excalibur now and not the sword of Daylight.

Douxie uses magic and brings back Toby's Warhammer to him. They both run and kill Gumm-Gumms. Blinky instructs Vendel to wake up Nomura and Draal and Blinky runs to help Aaarrrggghhh. Jim runs at Orlagk and slashes Excalibur at the Decimaar Blade. They're swords stick together as the other tries to break through.

Orlagk: A fleshbag wields Merlin's amulet? And Excalibur too? How exciting. I thought Merlin's champions wielded Daylight. 

Orlagk breaks through Jim's sword and Jim is knocked back but stands his ground. Jim launches at Orlagk but slides under Orlagk's crotch and kicks his leg from behind.

Jim: This is a new amulet. Merlin's was destroyed and this one summons Excalibur instead of Daylight.

Jim slashed his sword at Orlagk but Orlagk dodged it and kicked Jim to the ground. Jim quickly gets up and continues the fight.

Jim: Gunmar killed you before. And I killed Gunmar. Killing you will be easier. 

Orlagk: Gunmar ambushed me. I was in the middle of planning my next attack. Now I am prepared and once again rightfully wield the Decimaar Blade.

Orlagk tries to step on Jim but Jim dodges it and knocks Orlagk back with his sword. Orlagk gets back up. 

Orlagk: I didn't know fleshbags could kick a Troll's legs like that. Let alone push them that far with the handle of a sword. You're no ordinary human.

Jim: Oh I am an ordinary human. It's just I have been trained for years to kill your kind. And I've done so for years. 

They clash swords with Jim dodging as many attacks as he can with his limited Human abilities. Orlagk perfectly times a punch and smashes Jim onto the ground. As he is about to step on Jim, Draal roll attacks at Orlagk pushing him back and saving Jim. Draal lends his hand to Jim.

Draal: Are you alright, Trollhunter?

Jim raises up with the help of Draal.

Jim: I'm alright, Draal. Thanks for the help.

Draal: No matter how many times I die and get resurrected, I will always be your guardian.

Jim: Thanks Draal. Heads up, he's coming back.

Jim and Draal ready themselves. Orlagk runs at them close to Naruto style but he jumps up and disappears. Jim and Draal get confused looks and they are suddenly hit behind their head by Orlagk. When they wake up they are beside Vendel, Blinky, Nomura, and Aaarrrggghhh inside Vendel's workshop in shackles where a skull throne is placed.

Nomura: Nice Trollhunting, Trollhunter.

Jim: Oh come on Nomura. You're better than that.

A random Gumm-Gumm screams at them.

Gumm-Gumm: Do not speak unless spoken to by the Overlord!

Orlagk arrives and sits on his Skull Throne.

Orlagk: Silence, my loyal subject.

Gumm-Gumm: Yes sir!

Orlagk: Now, I'm sure you are all wondering how I am alive and how my armies are freed.

Blinky: Yes! Tell us the tale now-

Another Gumm-Gumm hits Blinky pushing him down.

Orlagk: Silence! I have already conquered Trollmarket and imprisoned all its citizens. I might as well do some storytelling. Let's go back to my battle with Gunmar. During my battle with Gunmar, I never died. He merely pushed me off a high cliff and I fell into the ocean. I survived with a few injuries. When I came back for revenge, he stole the spirit of the Decimaar Blade. But when I saw him rallying my Gumm-Gumm's, he earned the Blade and the armies. I merely observed him for a very long time, until the Battle of Killahead where during my watching I was sucked into the Darklands. I watched for millennium as many Gumm-Gumm's died but Gunmar unlocked a new power of the Decimaar Blade. He created new warriors. An endless supply. He stopped when his energy finally ran out and he could no longer supply the fuel for the Decimaar Blade to do it. When he fled the Darklands, I emerged from hiding and led the Gumm-Gumms. When he died, the spirit of the Decimaar Blade went back to me. From what my now-dead spy told me, your Resurrection Stone stunt and Heartstone carving are what opened the bridge. The energy released from the Resurrection Stone somehow rebuilt Killahead inside your very weak vault and the energy released from the Heartstone carving fueled it enough that it allowed for me and my armies to slip away and leave then we took over Trollmarket which has led to this moment.

Jim: If the Decimaar Blade can produce new warriors, why aren't you making more right now?

Orlagk: Simple. I am not Gunmar. Every wielder of the Decimaar Blade receives one special ability with it. Mine is short-range flash teleporting. I used this a while ago when I knocked you and your friend out. My mentor, Nirilius the Negative whom I murdered, his ability was Thunder summoning. And before him, his mentor, Trothiron the Treacherous' ability was stone control.

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