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MINI SERIES. : โœจ๏ธ
๐Ž๐‹๐ˆ๐•๐„๐‘. : 001

แดกษชสŸสŸ สŸแดษดษข แด…ษชsแด›แด€ษดแด„แด‡ แดกแดส€แด‹? :โœ”๏ธ

3K 37 0

TY: Yes. He was never against it and neither were you. But you wanted to stay in LA, California, but the boys and him had to move around to keep Stars entertained so they of course had to move from one place to another. It didn't really bother you guys. And you'd sometimes go with them when it was a meet and greet, plus, Tyler is a pretty persistent guy so he'd call you and text you all the time just to see if you were still alive. So it wasn't that hard to work on a long distance relationship.

OLI: No. He said from the start that he didnt want to do long distance. Well, you both agreed. But when you got into your dream collage, thats not in thw same state as him.. it was pretty much you telling him that it was time for you guys to go on with your lives. There were tears and lots of hugs but it was for the best.

You both have bad separation anxiety so being away from each other is already hard enough.

SEB: Yes. You didn't expect it to work out, but in the end it did. You FaceTime almost everyday and you guys never stopped texting or became dry. You visited him sometimes and he'd visit you. And then he proposed. So then, you guys couldn't leave each other.

REGIE: No. Regie needs to be with you. It's not an 'Oh yeah you can move away' situation. He needs to be with you.

And he told you straight up, if you leave, you leave him too. It hurt you both so much but you ended up leaving, leaving him and NSB behind and found a great job in your perfect field. But he was happy that you made your decision.

DARREN: Yes. Darren is a get or not kind of person. It's either this or that. Not inbetween or kind of. So it was either you go with him or you go with your family.

Originally, you didn't even mean to stay in LA it was just a vacation. But then you met Darren.. then you met the boys and things escalated from there. So now that you wanted to go home... You guys fought. He wanted you to stay because he loves you too much to let you go. But you told him that it's not liek you were dying or breaking up you would just be put in a different place. It was hard, but you saw each other every month and in the end it all worked perfectly fine.

RYAN: Yes. It took a lot of talking to get where you guys are. You got in to a good college and you had to move away. He didn't mind it, and you didn't either. So it was perfect okay not to be together every minute of the day.. but there were a lot of times Ryan randomly showed up on your front doorstep just to give you a hug and totally spend the next two weeks with you at school.

JUSTIN: No. Justin.. just doesn't do long distance. Neither of you were good at it. But you finally broke the straw because him and NSB had to move around. It's his job but you can't be away from your boyfriend.. it's just not you. So you broke up and left it at that.

KANE: Yes. You both were not not going to try. Because eKane is the best thing in your life and you're the best thing in his. And honestly, it wasn't that hard for you guys. 

BAO: Yes. He had to leave NSB because of school, it hurt him but not as much as leaving you for school. But once you two got used to it.. it was perfectly fine.

BAE: No. Bae needs you there. So when you told him you were moving.. it didn't go well.

You see, you're seventeen. Which means legally, you can't live without an adult. And you live with your parents, who are strict. (Your surprised they haven't killed you for dating a twenty one year old yet) So when you found out they were moving and dragging you with them you immediately thought that you should just move in with you Bae. But they yelled at you for even thinking that. When you confronted Bae about it you ended up in tears and taking your things. You said goodbye to the boys and they also cried. Bae just stood there. Numb.

His baby was leaving and he couldn't do anything about it. He cried. For weeks. You guys had no contact or anything which broke you both. But it was for the best. Then.. slowly.. you guys texted. Not as boyfriend and girlfriend but as friends.

Then you turned eighteen and you moved right back to California, confessed you still loved him and you wanted him back and ended up together. So technically.. that seven month move was for nothing.

ANGEL: Yes. He loves you way too much to let you fully go. That's all there is to say..

luv authory poo ☆

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