A Kingdom of Bloodshed

נכתב על ידי ElleMoore23

356 71 64

Althea Alinac is of fae origin, born into royalty by Fae parents, yet mysteriously has human healing abilitie... עוד

Part One
*¬*Chapter One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Ten*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eleven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twelve*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Fourteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Fifteen*¬*
Part Two
*¬*Chapter Sixteen*¬*
¬*Chapter Seventeen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Eighteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Nineteen*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Twenty Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty*¬*
Part Three
*¬*Chapter Thirty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Three*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Four*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Five*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Six*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Seven*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Eight*¬*
*¬*Chapter Thirty Nine*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty One*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty Two*¬*
*¬*Chapter Forty Three*¬*

*¬*Chapter Six*¬*

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נכתב על ידי ElleMoore23

I've spent the better part of the morning, running in circles. My skin is itchy from sweat, the heat of early summer now beginning to show itself. It's barely the end of May but here, in this court, the heat hits with an unforgiving force. Back at home, it would still feel like the end of spring because of how gentle the weather is, but this? This feels like early summer.

Wiping sweat from my forehead, I keep walking down the straight path I've been on since I left my first puzzle. I haven't come across another one yet. Maybe the maze is the second puzzle, as it's not meant to be easy. I weirdly, haven't ran into one of the other girls yet either. I wonder where they could be, or just how big this maze really is.

Walking along the gravel path, I take in the sounds and the endless sight of green before me; trying to understand why I keep hearing that woman's voice and why she keeps helping me when I need it the most?

The answer evades me. Sighing, I push forward, trying to make sense of this game and how long we're expected to play it for. Coming upon a fork in the road, I am about to take a right when I hear hushed voices just beyond the turn. Creeping closer to the side of the bush, I lean forward slightly to hear better,

"We can't let her win. I have to win. So if you come across her, do anything you can to sabotage her."

"But what about the maze beast?"
"What about it?" "Won't it kill her if she runs out of time? I know Lord Morningsong said that if we come upon the beast we can either fight it or run, but chances are both options will end up with someone dead."

The first girl snorts, her voice dripping with disdain, "I don't care if she dies. Better for me actually, means I can win and get closer to Kazimir." Who are they talking about that they don't want to win so badly?

"Althea cannot win again, this is my game. Am I understood??" The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, they're talking about me. The more I listen the more I can guess who's speaking. Tara. But who's the second one?

Upon hearing their footsteps approach, the second's reply is clearer, "Yes. But I still don't like it." I press myself into the bushes even more, hoping to hide but this place is so open that it's impossible to. Tara appears first, her face holding disappointment then the second woman appears. To my shock it's Bree. Both of them are facing away from me, so they don't notice that I'm half hidden in the bush behind them.

Tara speaks to Bree, "I don't care if you don't like it. She can't win this game, understood?"

Bree sighs, "Understood." The two women walk forwards, turning left and then disappearing from sight. Slipping from the bushes, I stand there for a moment and frown. I knew Tara hated me, but Bree? This just goes to show that I can't trust anyone. Her betrayal hurts me, deeper than I thought it would. Taking a right, so that I'm not following them, I push forward hoping to come across another puzzle to solve.

I've been walking straight for a solid minute, when I see an opening before me, similar to the one with the riddle in it. Throwing my shoulders back, I enter the clearing and look around. There's nothing here. It's empty. Maybe this really is just a clearing and I'm to walk through it. But nothing is that easy? Is it?

My curiosity prickles at my brain, pushing me forward. Pausing just before the threshold, a thought occurs to me. What if it's rigged? There could be traps within this clearing that I unknowingly walk into.

Looking around, I notice a decent size rock next to me. Bending, I scoop it up and toss it into the center of the clearing. As soon as the rock hits the ground, a wooden spike comes shooting up from underneath it, before sliding back into the dirt once the movement settles.

Ok, so I would have been dead if I hadn't done that. The ground is touch sensitive, I have to figure out the pattern, which spaces I can step on and which ones to avoid.

Swallowing, I inhale deeply then turn to my left. There, I see it. A small podium buried in the shrub with a glowing button on it. Approaching, I'm able to see that the button has the word start on it, just like the other one did. So this is timed as well, ok no pressure.

Settling my nerves, I reach for the button and push it, the time appears under the button, 60 minutes.

I have one hour to solve this, while that should seem like a lot of time, it's not. It's actually quite little. Turning to the obstacle course within this empty arena, I exhale then try to figure out my surroundings. Grabbing pebbles, I begin to toss them in all directions, making note of where I can step and where I can't.

It's a slow process and as the day continues on, the heat only seems to get worse. My head begins to throb, the wound to my temple still fresh and unhealed. Shaking off the fatigue, I push forward.

One pebble after the other.
Small steps forward. Everytime a spike shoots from the ground, I startle, my heart pounding as I can't imagine dying that way. When I go to toss the next pebble, the spike rips from the ground right before me. The feeling of the spike missing my face my a hair unsettles me. I can see dried blood on it too.

Someone was unlucky when they came through here last. Shivering, I step beside the spike, releasing a breath when the ground doesn't open up and kill me. I continue the slow progress forward, only realizing I'm half way through the arena when I hear beeping sound from the timer. I have no idea how much time is left, I can't see the timer from here.

Frantic, I toss more pebbles, trying to move faster. Closer. I'm getting closer to the exit. The wind picks up a little, blowing hair into my face. I'm running out of pebbles to toss.

My heart picks up speed again, as I step and then stumble, causing the ground to open and a spike comes shooting for me. I recover within seconds and manage to avoid being stabbed, but my arm isn't so lucky. The spike shoots past me and scrapes a long cut along my tricep, causing me to cry out in pain. "Fuck." I curse. Re-orienting myself, I now only have one hand to toss the pebbles, as I need to stop the blood flow with the other one. Shaking my head, I look down at my shirt and sigh, peeling it off I rip it in half. Using the bottom portion as a tourniquet before sliding the top half back on.

Now I have half a shirt on and a bloody arm, perfect. Just what I needed today.

Tying the shirt to my arm, hissing in pain at the sting from the cut, I pick up the pace again; another beep comes from the timer.

One pebble after another. One step, two. I'm getting closer. I'm down to the last pebble. I still have at least ten steps to take, but I think I've memorized the pattern enough to gauge it.

Launching the last rock, I step where it doesn't land, exhaling when I've made the right choice. Now what? Nine steps are between me and the exit. My arm is still bleeding, my head feels heavy, I've begun to sway slightly.

Come on Thea, you can do this!

Huffing, I take a step to the left, then another to the right, then forward. So far so good. Six steps left.

I repeat the pattern.


Suddenly the ground beneath my feet feels different, like the pattern was switched right at the end. Now it's really a gamble. If I step left, I could be fine or I could become skewered on that spike. Same with the right.

Kneeling, I observe the ground, trying to see if there's any clues for me to take. I've about given up, when I see it. A slight dip, so invisible that anyone would have missed it. The dip in the path to my right is repeated on my left as well.

Straight. I have to go straight.

Standing, I step forward. Nothing happens. Two steps left.

I step forward again, same thing. One step left.

What are the odds that the last three steps were the same? Kneeling once more, my heart in my throat, I study the space before me, all three sides are dipped. I'm fucked either way.

Standing, I realize what I have to do. Take a leap.

I need to jump over the final space to exit this arena. But by how tired I am, and the blood loss, that jump looks really far away.

Beep, beep, beep. The timer is louder now, ticking down the seconds. How time is left?

But I still can't see the timer yet, I'm not at a close enough angle to discern what the small numbers say on the podium that's waiting for me.

Breathe Thea, you got this.

Counting to three, I try to settle myself, steeling my nerves before I look at the last step and launch myself forward. My toe scrapes along one of the dips, but momentum is on my side. I'm rolling over my shoulder as the spike rips into the air, just missing my foot by a millimeter.

Shooting to my feet, I slam the timer button and look down. 2 seconds. I had two seconds left. By the gods...

Taking a moment to collect myself, I turn only to see another large, open space looming before me.

I think this is the center of the maze. Have I won? No I have to reach the center of this space before I can win. I go take a step forward, when another figure appears at the far end of the clearing, her face contorted in fury.

"Well, it looks like it's another fight for the end. Tell me Althea, do you think you can beat me a second time?"

Tara is glaring at me from across the open space of the maze. I can't make out much of her expression from here, other than the fact that she's pissed. "You still haven't learned not to talk so much, I see." Her sneer can be seen even from here. "You're still a bitch I see." Sighing, I step into the area not really caring about what could be in store for me. I just want to end this game and fall asleep. Tara matches my movements, stepping when I step.

"So how are we going to do this? Are we going to fight to see who wins, or are you gonna bow out and let me have this one?" Bow out? I'm an Alinac, we don't bow out. Laughing I call out, "Oh Tara... you don't know me at all. I don't bow out of anything. No, we're going to finish this game like competitors. Whoever can get to the middle first, is the winner."

"Well then, this should be easy since I see you're injured on top of the injuries you sustained a few days ago." She says it like she's pleased that it happened. Anger coils through my belly, who does she think she is? Smirking Tara takes another step forward. I go to do the same when suddenly the gound beneath our feet begins to quake. What the hell?

I try to balance myself but with every tremor I find it more difficult to stand. "What is that?!" Tara shouts, I shrug my shoulders because I have no clue. Another tremor makes the ground shake, sending both of us sprawling to the ground. I'm about to get up when I see it. That whisper of a creature I nearly ran into at my first game, is entering from the far left side of the maze. It's steps making the ground shake and sending the dirt flying.
"Oh my god..." I breathe, my eyes unbelieving what I'm seeing. This creature is not of this world, it has four, very muscled legs that end in sharp talons. Its body is shaped like that of panther, sleek, strong, quick. It's head has the same features as a panther but behind its ears are sharp, curling horns. Amber eyes glowing even with the late afternoon light. Black fur that ruffles in the breeze, gleaming white fangs as it growls at us. This creature is huge. Five times the size of a regular panther.

Sitting up, I stare at in in both awe and horror, "What is that thing?" Tara's voice comes to me over the the deep growl of the beast. "I don't know." I whisper.

Both of us stand, this is our last challenge. It makes sense, the center of the maze is being guarded by this creature, whoever can get past it will win.


Standing, I cringe at the pain that shoots up my arm from the wound I got early, but try not to let that hold me back. Tara stands as well, both of us facing this dark creature. From my peripheral I can see her reaching into her boot and pulling out a sleek dagger, my heart comes to a halt in my chest.

"Well, I was going to use this on you, but it seems that we have bigger problems." I ignore her and the dagger. I don't think killing this creature is an option. The beast steps into the open space, growling at Tara and I. I stay rooted in place, my fear making me paralyzed.

Warrior blood, you can do this. Do not be afraid of this creature, violence will not help you win.

There it is again, that voice. Refusing to take my eyes off the creature, I reach behind me to see if anyone is there. Nothing, just open air.

"What are you doing?" Tara asks, "Nothing. I'm preparing myself." She rolls her eyes at me then turns back to the beast. Making the first move, Tara lunges for the creature; faster than I've seen anyone move. Her dagger a slice of light in the air as it arcs for the creatures chest, but it bats her away like she was a pesky fly. Tara hits the ground with a roar, her face contorted into fury.

I stay where I am, wondering what I can do. How can I beat this creature?

Do not be afraid. It can smell your fear. Tara lunges for the beast again, every blow she tries to land on it, the creature is faster and avoids them. Her anger making her sloppy. I take a step towards the center of the maze, then another. Stopping every few steps to see if it'll attack me. The creature is preoccupied with Tara, so I take this as my opportunity. Marching forward, I'm a few steps away when a deep growl has me pausing in my tracks. I don't need to look over my shoulder to know where it's coming from.

The warmth of its breath ruffles my hair, I can smell it. My fear comes roaring back, strangling the air from my lungs.

"Don't just stand there! Do something you stupid halfbreed!" Tara's voice echos across the open space. But I'm too frozen in place to move.

Do no be afraid, Warrior blood. You need to tame the beast. Make it bow to you. Do no be afraid. Show this creature that you are worthy of winning.

Her voice again, whoever she is. Closing my eyes, I inhale deeply, letting my hands fall to my sides and tilting my head back.
I can hear the beast approach, feel it nuzzle into me, trying to knock me over or get me to run; I stay where I am. Little by little I let my fear go, letting it wash away with every deep breath I take.

The beast growls at me again, it's hot breath now right in my face. I open my eyes and stare at it, "I am not afraid of you." I whisper to this creature.

"What are you doing? Do you want to die?!" Tara's voice is background noise, I hear steps approaching. The sound of a dagger flying through the air. Never breaking eye contact, I throw my arm out and catch the dagger, the hilt of the blade stops between my fingers. The beast turns its head curiously at me. Dropping the dagger, I look at it again; repeating, "I am not afraid of you."

Its amber eyes peer back at me, the creature grumbling with annoyance. I stare back at it, waiting.

"I'm not scared. You cannot scare me, you do not have that kind of power over me, I won't allow it."

The beast snarls once more, before towering to it's full height. Then to my surprise, it bows. Leaning its head down and curling one paw beneath its body. The panther like beast, bows to me, its eyes gazing to the floor. Reaching out, I tentatively place a palm upon its head, feeling how soft the fur is beneath my fingers. Petting the creature once, I feel the rumbling purr that riples from the depth of its throat. Tara gasps behind me.

Kneeling before the creature, I meet its eyes and give it a small bow back before rising to my feet. Stepping around it, I walk the remaining steps to the center of the maze.

"No. No you cannot win, not again!" Tara roars from behind me, her steps on the ground light as she rushes for me. But she's too late. My foot hits the center of the space and I resounding bong echos from deep within the maze, signalling that the tournament is over.

"NOOO!!!" She's shot herself through towards me, and since by back is to her, I cannot guage how far away she is, until she's upon me. My body flying forward to hit into the ground hard. She's rolling me over and is about to swing at me when a hand appears out of nowhere and grabs her fist.

"What?" snarling, Tara whirls at the person who stopped her and to my shock, we come face to face with Kazimir; his amber eyes ablaze with annoyance.

"You!" she spits, her own annoyance evident by her tone. Tara seethes at Kazimir, "Why are you stopping me? Let me go." But the high lord simply stares at her, "The game is over Tara, you must respect the rules or else be sent home." She hisses again, turning those hateful eyes to me, "I swear, one of these days Althea, you won't have anyone around to protect you and when that day comes, I will be there to claim my victory."

Her threat leaves me unsettled. Pushing off me, Tara spits onto the dirt next to my face, glares at Kaz then storms out of the maze growling as she goes. Turning to me, Kaz reaches out a hand and asks, "Are you alright?"

Taking his hand and pulling myself up, I wipe the dirt off my pants and say, "Yes, I'm fine High Lord. Thank you." His eyes crinkle a little at the sides, his smirk appearing upon his face.

"You're welcome Miss Alinac." Looking around I realize the beast is gone, I didn't even hear it leave. Turning back to Kazimir, I'm about to ask him about it when his eyes make me pause, the colour of them. The same shade as the beasts. His stance is almost similar to it as well.

"It was you." I whisper. Kaz simply folds his hands behind his back and looks at me, "What was?"

"You know exactly what. It was you. That creature was you." He chuckles then turns away, "I don't know what you're talking about. Come, it's time to return to the palace. You look like you could use a good bath and some sleep."


Annoyed at his denial of it, I follow after him; deciding to bring it up at another time. My exhaustion winning out over my curiosity and stubbornness. When we reach the palace, I walk nimbly up the stairs, slamming my door shut behind me and managing to make it to the bathroom, before my legs give out. Crashing into the tub, I groan before trying to force myself up.

Managing to scramble some strength, I use it to turn the shower on and enter it; cleaning and washing every inch of my aching body, ignoring the throbbing pain in my arm. By the time I've cleaned, brushed my hair and slipped on some comfortable clothes, there's a knock at my door.

Groaning, I throw myself onto my bed and call out, "Come in." The door opens and Arrow walks in. She slips into the room pushing a tray with a covered dish on it.

"What's that?" I ask, blinking tiredly at the cart. Arrow smiles and says, "It's your supper. Its from Lord Kazimir, he said that you can eat in your room today, as you've had a rough day at the games today."

For a second I feel my heart soften at the nice gesture. "That's very kind of him." She nods and stops next to my bed with the cart and plate of food. The aromas coming from the dish make my mouth salivate, but my exhaustion is heavy. I don't know if I'll be awake long enough to enjoy the meal. As if reading my concern Arrow laughs, "Don't worry I can pack it away in a keep warm container so that when you wake you can eat it warm." I blink at her, the kindness making my heart swell.

"Arrow, why're you kind to me?" She blinks in surprise, then sits next to me on the bed. "Why wouldn't I? You're a lovely person, with a beautiful soul. Althea you've never treated me as anything other than a friend, so I see you as a friend and I protect and care for those I call friend."

Her words remind me of Rosemary. I miss her. I miss my family. My people. I miss my home. Tears prick at my eyes and I look away from her, my heart suddenly feeling too heavy. "Thank you, Arrow. That's really sweet." She nods and throws an arm over my shoulder. Her fingers brushing against the deep gouge in my arm causing my to yelp.

"Oh my! I'm terrible sorry Thea!"

"No, it's ok. I just injured myself today during the game and it's still fresh. It's alright." Arrow's eyes zero in on my injury her gasp seems loud within the silent room, "By the gods... Thea how is this the first I'm hearing of it?"

"Because I only got back a while ago and haven't left my room. It's fine Arrow, truly." She frowns but doesn't push the matter. Sighing, she ruffles my hair then grabs the tray telling me she'll bring it back when it's put away properly before walking out of my room. After the door closes, I lean back onto my bed sighing then I close my eyes welcoming sleep and the quietness of my mind.

Myra is hanging before, her chin resting against her collarbone. I'm back in the cell like room that she's being kept in. Xavier is nowhere to be seen. Taking advantage of this, I rush forward calling out to her, "Myra." She stirs but doesn't respond to me. "Myra, wake up." I whisper, reaching out and pausing wondering if I should touch her. While I contemplate what to do, I see the mark upon her shoulder. The blood crown that's been carved into her delicate skin, it's now scarring over and looks more grotesque. "Oh Myra, I'm sorry." She stirs at my voice but doesn't raise her head.

Finally, I reach for her calling to her once more as I lay my hand upon her shoulder. "Myra? You need to wake up." As soon as my fingers touch her skin, her head jerks up so quickly I fear she'll snap her neck. "Who's there?" She calls out. Her eyes wide with fear, but then hardening into steel.

"Myra, it's me." She squints, trying to catch sight of me. But the room is dark, the bulb above her head is losing light so it leaves me shrouded in shadow.

"Come forward, let me see you." I step forward into the weak lighting, letting my face be seen by her. Myra humms, before tilting her head to the side, "You look just like me. Who are you?" I frown, she doesn't know who I am? Has she forgotten that I was here last time?

"Althea. My name is Althea Alinac." Her eyes widen at the last name, "You're an Alinac? But of course, you look exactly like me. It makes sense."
"Myra, what is happening? Why am I dreaming about you suddenly?" She blinks at me, "My dear child, there is so much you don't know and I don't have the time to explain it to you. Not here anyways, not with him around." I frown, "But I was here last time, you touched me and I woke up. I... I had that mark on my shoulder when I woke up but then it vanished." I point at the carving in her skin and Myra blinks at me.

"You are powerful. More powerful than I ever imagined." "What are you talking about? I'm not powerful. I don't even have immortality like every other Fae out there. I'm nothing."

Myra shoots her body forward, the chains rattling against the movement, and she leans into my face; pressing her forehead to mine, "No. You are powerful. You're not nothing. Althea, child, you come from a long line of warriors, each of them descended from my bloodline. But it seems that you... you were chosen. You are directly linked to me. My child, my legacy. You are going to change this world."

"How? Why do I not have immortality? How can I help you?" Myra smiles, soft and sad. "You will figure that out when the time is right. As for why you don't have immortality, it's hard to explain in a short time."

"Try." My voice comes out hard. She laughs, loud and boisterously. "Oh you are an Alinac. Come closer." I do and Myra leans into me, her lips pressing against my ear, "You were not blessed with immortality because of a curse. You see, you were chosen to save this world, to change the fate of the fae and their kingdoms, but you cannot do it alone. You are to find your mate, the one who's soul matches yours. But in order to do that, you first have to figure out who you are. You see, this curse dampens your powers, it makes you human in the most mundane form of the term. While you look fae, and are of high status, your powers are sleeping. Your healing abilities are slowed. But the curse can be broken."

Curse? Love? What the hell is she talking about?

"How. Tell me." Myra shakes her head, "All in due time my child. All will be revealed when it's time." I frown, I'm about to push some more when I hear steps coming down the hallway. Myra's eyes widen, "He's coming. Get out of here Althea." Shaking my head, I ask, "Tell me then, why do I keep hearing a voice calling me warrior blood?" Myra's eyes shine, her lips curling into a smile. A tear slips from her lashes. Those steps are closer now. Pounding down the hallway.

"Warrior blood, my child." My heart stills. "You. It's been you. I've been hearing you. But why? Why now?"
The steps stop outside the door, keys jangling. Myra becomes desperate and states, "Because now is when you need it the most. As I said all will be revealed soon. Now go! Wake up before he finds you. He can never find you, ever!"


"Because, the fate of this world depends on it. Now go!"

The door creaks open, my heart in my throat. I whirl, diving into the shadows just as Xavier enters the room. Slipping far behind Myra, I watch as he approaches her. Keeping close to the wall, I stalk for the door, needing to get out of here. Xavier's voice booms through the room, "So, are you ready to talk now? To tell me your plans and who these two fated lovers are supposed to be?" Myra turns her nose up to him. I've just reached the door and before diving through it, I throw a glance over my shoulder. Her eyes meet mine when she says, "No. You will never get to hear those names. That information will die with me."

Xavier snarls. I've just stepped through the door, when it slams shut by some dark power that ripples through the room. Not bothering to wait around and figure it out, I bolt down the hallway with Myra's cries echoing through my mind.

המשך קריאה

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