The Conjuring

By xplrsaddict

170K 3K 816

While sitting in an airport with your best friend, Lexie, you unexpectedly meet the two of your favorite YouT... More

seven ~ Lexies POV
twenty-four (Colby's POV)


3.1K 67 5
By xplrsaddict

I woke up in the house again, I knew exactly what does going on. I was having a vision, I guess. But it didn't feel too real like those other ones, it felt like a dream. Where you couldn't control the actions you do, just sit and watch like a movie. 

I felt myself getting up, moving my head toward to wide-open basement door. No, no, no, we're not going down there. After what happened while hide and clap down there, I don't want to go back, and I wouldn't be surprised if Colby didn't either. 

I've been in the basement two times, this being my third, and every time I had a terrible feeling in my gut. Of course, during hide and clap I was just being all confident to win the game, not really focusing on it, but the feeling was still there. Like something or someone is watching. 

I didn't like walking down those wooden steps, just like the ones that led upstairs. They creaked every now and then, adding to the creepiness. 

I wasn't alone, and I knew that. I heard familiar voices lurking close. 

"Alright, guys me and Colby just came down here to try to get more answers and finish off the night. I know Amanda said that it was dangerous, but danger is our middle name so here we are!" I heard the voice say, I'm assuming it belongs to Sam.

"Hell yeah brother!" Colby laughed. 

"So we are obviously gonna take turns doing the Estes method, and we are going to use the Ovilus. It's going to spit out clearer words that we can't hear, hopefully, they make sense." He explained. I turned the corner and saw a camera with a flashlight connected to it and I also saw them in a room. They were sitting at a wooden table that had the ovilus, temperature detector, and thermal camera. Sam was getting ready to put on the headphones. I swear we've done the Estes method so many times already.

"I feel like I keep seeing things in the sides of my eyes, but what it'll be interesting to do it is if we ask a question and we think we hear something we have this camera that's pointing down the hallway, it might catch something and we'll hear it on that camera too," Colby said pointing to the camera as if the viewers could see it. I'm standing right outside of the room, in front of the big camera, I moved like I was blocking the way but I doubted it could see me. This is just a dream, right?

"It's just us now, and I know you can see Amanda and she can see you too, and she knows you're here so we know that you're here too. Now is the time to make yourself known, we want to communicate. If there's anything here, could you give us some sort of sign?" He asked, almost hesitant. I thought danger was your middle name, Mr. Robert.


"You can see"

"There" Sam spoke as soon as Colby looked out toward the hall.

"Are you behind the window?" Colby asked looking almost straight at me.

"Just there"

The ovilus started to spit out words, providence and erase. Colby seemed confused, staring at the ovilus.

He repeated the words, just there, as they were still fresh in his mind as he thought with confusion. "What are you?" He asked, he seemed so professional, but he heavy breathing gave away his fright.

"Go back"

"We're not going back yet, we need answers" He spoke with determination. "We can't go ba-" He tried to say but was cut off.


"It's just you two"

"No fucking way," Colby said, swallowing hard. "Show us that you're here," He demanded. Demanding stuff from a demon? Not the best idea, but aye, you do you, Colby.


Colby's breathing got heavier, "Were you" breath, "were you the entity that was messing with the Perron family?" he asked, taking scared breaths in between his talking. 

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah"

Colby's mouth dropped open slightly. "Yo, my chest is feeling so heavy," he said, rubbing the area he was talking about. "What's your goal?" He asked whatever he was talking to.

"Shut up"

I quietly snorted while Colby shook his head. He realized something as directly looked my way.

"Bro what the fuck?" Sam said turning toward Colby, Colby didn't look at him though, he was still looking at me. Not like he could see me, or he would've said something, he looked intrigued, like he heard something. Did he hear me laugh? No way, there's no way in hell that could happen. 

He turned away and said, "I don't know what the fuck that was but my hands are getting all tingly and I'm getting like lightheaded." Sam was looking at him trying to figure out what he was saying. "He can't hear me," He turned back my way flicking his hand for Sam to continue. He took a deep breath.

"You got it?"

"Is there some sort of way you can make any sort of noise or give us any sign? We just wanna get proof you're here with us," Colby asked loudly, almost yelling. He seemed agitated, until he saw the thermal gun move, "This thing just moved" he said, pointing to it.


"I don't know, wait it could've been my elbow actually," He thought, the table didn't look to sturdy. There was a good chance it was his elbow, but why would it say that then? "Are you in the hallway?" He asked another question, I looked down there trying to see if I saw anything. Nothing.


"By the door in the hallway?" He asked again to get confirmation.

"I hurt"

"Or I heard, maybe," Sam said correcting himself.

"Close the door"

Fuck, I left it open. Wait, that shouldn't impact this session, this is a dream...

"Close the door? The door is closed upstairs." Colby said, Sam took off the headphones looking frighten, Colby spoke to him, "the door is already closed upstairs."

"Holy fuck," Sam breathed out.

"What? What it'd say?" He asked his best friend.

"It just said close the door," Sam told him.

Sam was going to go back under until Colby stopped him, "Wait, deep breathe for like two seconds, that just went off too," he said pointing to some weird device I don't know the name of.

"I think, that was just your hand," Sam said calming him down, Colby was speaking frantically. 

They waited a couple of minutes before Colby went to go under the headphones. He winced slightly at the loud noise about to put them on his head when Sam and I heard a very loud scratching.

"Wait, Colby," Sam said taking the headphones off Colby's ears. Colby looked at him confused as the sound started up again. I looked down the hallway to see a tall black figure standing in the shadows. I gulped audibly making the boys whip their heads in my direction. 

"I told you not to come" I looked over at the voice, seeing the same woman I have been.

"Miss, w-what is that?" I asked nervousness written all over my tone. The figure started to growl while slowly walking toward me.

"RUN!" She yelled, I booked it for the stairs. The old wood made it feel like it was going to break beneath me as the thing chased me out of the basement. I run, faster than ever, to the front door. Trying to open it, but it wouldn't budge. 

I saw the girls laughing and having a normal conversation, while I was being chased out by a demon. 

I turned around slowly, seeing if it has followed me. I was met with a pair of bright white eyes looking into my soul, ears ringing louder than bells. 

I shot open my eyes from consciousness my head pounding, almost making my head thump to the rhythm of my heartbeat. I felt damp and sweaty in all areas.

I looked beside me to see Lexie, Sam, Amanda, and Colby huddled around the bed. Colby smiled at me and waved, I waved back the best I could before my head felt like getting smashed against some glass.

Lexie gave me some pills and water to help my pain but that didn't help my memory. I pulled Colby to the side deciding to have a chat with him.

"I need you to promise me that you and Sam won't go into that basement alone," I said trying to sound serious, I knew I only looked dumb though, forehead glistening with sweat, ew. I was still turning my tone into a serious one, "you need to promise me, Colby."

"You come with me?" He asked with a small hopeful smile.

"Already did, never again," now my voice turned dead serious while I looked into his eyes, it looked like he was searching for an answer while looking into mine.

Suddenly I got distracted with his beautiful ocean eyes. I saw his face get closer to mine, I automatically moved closer.

"Okay, losers! The party is here!" Kat yelled, a little quieter than actual yelling. 

"Sleepover in the girl's room!" Stas copied her friend's tone. 

Of course.

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