By DuraWrites

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And the phrase; "She is our everything" slowly changed to "She was our everything-" ☆... More



425 29 33
By DuraWrites

🌀 🌀 🌀

I had woken up but still my eyes were tightly shut, my brain cells are still inactive, my five senses are still dull, I knew I was still breathing but I didn't feel any warmth surrounding me, the kind of warmth my boyfriends cuddling with me could provide. That warmth was lacking. But their voices, I could hear it, it was just faint to my hearing organ.

Why do they sound distant?

I continuously heard "Noona" "Vee" and "Ione" that must be Guk, Tae and Yoongi's voices calling to me but why does it feel so hard to open my eyes or my mouth to answer them? It feels like I am being drowned in the sea of exhaustion, it took over my whole system, it made my five senses even weak to do their job properly, it made it so difficult to move my hands or my legs.

I remember this feeling. Fuck!

It's the fucking fever. It's back. The sickness is back.

No no no no no.

The thought of experiencing that gruesome feeling of the infection that beat me weak to the bone makes me want to throw up. I felt the churn in my stomach as it sent a nauseating feeling up my lungs, ending up in my throat now making my own saliva irritating to me. I needed to let it out, let everything out.

And so I did. But not right away.

The nauseating feeling overtook all my senses, sending me a jolt of energy that coursed through my system, distributing it around my limbs and settling deep within my bones and muscles, at the final feeling of being energised, I shot up from my laying position, my eyes opened wide immediately and I saw three of my boyfriends surrounding me on my soft mattress.

"Ione, you're burning up, how are you feeling?" Yoongi asked with worry laced in his voice, all three foreheads were creased with worry but I couldn't put them at ease with my words because I know the moment I open my mouth to utter any word, that nausea will blow up and erupt the most disgusting watery substance out of my throat. And there was no fucking chance I would decorate their beautiful faces with my vomit.

Not a fucking chance.

So instead of talking, I pointed to my bathroom and immediately got down from the bed and dashed towards it. The speed I used to push open the door and to run to the toilet bowl could match a cheetah's. As I got to the toilet, I kneeled before it and threw out every disgusting nauseated substance out of my system, it didn't take up to five seconds I was throwing up that I felt someone hold up my hair.

"Let it all out dear." I heard Yoongi say behind me as I felt a hand rub my back.

"Ahhh." I breathed as I felt the nausea reduce, that was so painful to my empty stomach.

Vomitting when your stomach is empty is another level of stomach ache.

"Sorry Vee," Tae said to me, "Here, let me help you." He hooked his arms underneath my armpits and pulled me up. I was wearing my silky grey pyjama top and bottom, I love silk fabrics so I have lots in different forms of clothing in my wardrobe.

"Thanks." I say to him as he guided me to the washing basin. My legs felt heavy making each step I took difficult, this feels more intense than the last time I was sick. I just hope it's not a worse infection. I heard the sound of the toilet flushing, looking up into the mirror that was connected to my custom made vanity, I looked so sick with sweats beading my forehead, I could feel my pyjamas soaked with sweats as well. My eyes were sunken, my lips had lost its pinkness, my skin even paler than it was yesterday's afternoon. The make up I used did help bring colour back to my face but now that everything was washed off, it was showing all the flaws this cruel infection brings to my face.

The seven of them were now in the bathroom, seeing their worried gazes through their reflection in the mirror, my heart sank. This isn't what I want for them especially after last night's dinner date and my intimacy with Guk and Tae, this is far from what I expected to happen to me, to us.

I groaned.

"Angel, it's alright, you'll be fine." Jin walked up behind me, he wrapped his arms around my waist, rubbing a small circle on my side as he spoke, locking gaze with me in the mirror. "We'll call the doctor. It could be another infection and with medications, you'll be fine again." He says softly to me sensing my worry but I could still hear the wavering of his voice. He was damn right worried.

I blinked.

The tiny flutter action of my lashes allowed the tears that brimmed my eyes to slide down my pale cheeks. Why can't I breathe? Why can't I enjoy my time with my boyfriends? A sudden quivering feeling coursed through me and it made my legs weaken immediately which made me sink down onto my knees but my knees didn't get to connect with the tiled floors as Jin held me tighter around the waist.

"Let's get her back to bed." Jin announces and instantly I see Guk walk towards me with sad eyes. I could tell what he was thinking when he had just told me how he feels whenever I'm sick some hours ago. Minutes before we let the love and lust we feel for each other to take over our beings.

"Hyung, let me carry her." Guk told Jin already hooking his arm around my neck and bent as his other arm went around my knees. Jin stepped back a bit and allowed Guk to lift me off the ground, carrying me in a bridal style back into my bedroom.

I was in his safe arms, there, I buried my face into his chest inhaling his musky sweet scent while soaking his shirt with my tears. I couldn't stop the liquid form of sadness from pouring out of my tear ducts. I was fucking sad and mad.

That feeling of distraught.

He gently laid my back to the bed and I saw Yoongi already with a wet towel, I'm guessing for the fever as he placed it on my forehead. He also had sad eyes and it broke my heart. I looked around the room and saw their somber faces, staring at me with both love and worry in their eyes me. It made the tears rush out more, blurring my vision.

"Hey, don't cry." Jimin shushes as he positioned himself beside me to lay down and wiped off my tears away with his thumb, smiling at me.

His smile made me smile instantly through my tears.

"You'll get better alright? It's probably just that same infection." He says to me softly and I nodded lazily to his assuring words. I see Namjoon already calling who I must guess is the doctor or their manager. The rest spread around the room, trying not to crowd around me.

I appreciate that but I need them close.

"Talk to me, how do you feel so we can explain to the doctor or will you rather explain to him?" Jimin asked, his gaze were soft and that shot my weakened vocal box into action to reply him.

"I prefer to explain to him but I don't mind talking with you." My voice sounded groggy just like it should when I just woke up but it's volume was what is concerning to the ears. It was low.

"Okay, talk to me baby, tell me how you're feeling." He cooed, making me smile at him, the tears rushing out of my eyes has already ceased their running course but leaving my throat dry and voice croaky. I looked around the room, I could see their solemn faces very well now which only made my heart sadden even more.

I hate you, you stupid fever.

I look back at Jimin to give my response, "I majorly feel very tired, like all over my body. The nauseating feeling and dizziness is also there. I feel so dehydrated right now and dirty from this pyjamas soaked with night sweats. I just want a bath, water and more sleep, maybe I'll feel all better after that." I say to him, trying to put together my thoughts and hoping those things does the magic of me getting better.

It could all just stem from the accumulated stress, catching up with school works which made me have a lots of sleepless nights and meals skipping. Which I do realize now were wrong choices from my side. I usually tend to get lost in my work when I'm so focused that I lose track of time and not get bothered by my growling stomach.

So this could just be the consequences of my stupid actions which I'm strongly hoping a very good rest can fix it.

But something deep within is telling me I am very wrong, that a good rest won't fix it and that thought alone just made fresh tears roll out of my eyes.


I didn't notice that Jimin has left my side to go get me water, I definitely zoned out to only zone in into my weary thoughts. I see him walking back right now with a bottle of water, he was wearing a smile that made me feel like everything was going to be fine but when I looked into his eyes as he reached me, stretching out the water to me, I saw the worry in his eyes too.

They couldn't really hide it. I'd be so fucking worried if any of them were to get sick as well.

"Thank you." I mumbled as I collected the bottle from him and opened it to take some few gulps to help wet my dry throat and maybe help my empty upsetting stomach settle.

"Flower, Doctor Sunny wants to talk to you." Namjoon turns to me and informs me. I nodded at him and he walked towards me to hand the phone to me. Jimin collected the bottle of water from me so I can take the phone from Joon. As I received it, I put the phone on loudspeaker so everyone can hear the conversation.

"Hello Doctor Sunny. Good morning." I greeted, my voice sounded a bit better as I've drank water now but I still feel nauseous.

I see Jin coming to sit beside me, putting his arm around my shoulders with light taps on my forearm. Guk and Tae took their seat at the edge of the bed close to my feet. Jimin and Hobi took the space on the bed, facing me. And Joon just stood beside me, gaze full of worry.

Fuck you sickness for making my boyfriends so worried.

"Good morning Ione and how many times have I told you to just call me Sunny huh?" He scolded right away causing me to chuckle. "You know I've tried but it didn't just seem right saying it so I'm sticking with what works for me." I reply, looking around and seeing faint smiles on my boyfriends' faces.

"Same old excuse, anyway let's talk about the reason of this call." The tone of his voice changed from playful to serious, "Namjoon just told me your running a fever again and that you vomitted, can you tell me how you're feeling?" He questioned.

I gulped.

I needed the lubrication for my throat because talking about this stupid feeling was making my throat dry up again.

"I've been feeling so exhausted, like this extreme fatigue making me so tired in the bones, my lower back has been aching, I couldn't do my morning runs very well because of shortness of breaths. There's this looming headache and the nausea, it just started this morning. It's like a weighing down feeling." I sighed at my last word, trying not to let the bubbling emotion in my chest erupt by crying. Again.

Tears have always found it easy to flow out of my eyes when I'm in a state as this or emotional.

"Hmmmn, these symptoms are different from the last time. The last time was just cold but this feels like it's more." I nodded to his words even if he can't see me, he continued, "Do you feel dizzy?" He asked.

"Yes, my head just spins or my vision gets a bit blurry." I answer and I see my boyfriends looking a bit taken aback, they didn't know about all the things I've been feeling, only some of the obvious symptoms and that was mostly because I didn't want to worry them when I thought it was all due to the lack of rest.

"Hmmmn ok, what other things have you been feeling? How's your appetite?" Doctor Sunny questioned further.

"My appetite hasn't been so great, I eat well some days and some days I just don't feel like." I answered, while trying to rack my brain if there's any other things I'm missing on letting him know.

"She also sweated a lot during the night, I think it was around when her fever started. She's actually burning up right now." Guk added.

"With all these symptoms, I think it's best you come down to the hospital so we can run proper tests on you. All of these symptoms can be caused by various sickness so we need to determine which is it to finally attack it once and for all." Doctor Sunny informs us and I look around to see them nodding, agreeing it's the best.

I only like to go to the hospital if I'm not going to be a patient. So I'm not liking that idea right now as nerves settled within me, erupting questions of what could be wrong with me.

"I agree Sunny, few of us will bring her down there. We need to know what is wrong. My angel can't be going through all this, it's too much." Jin says exasperatedly. Doctor Sunny and Yoongi are same age so it's an ease for Jin to call him by the name and he's been their family doctor for so long that they are quite comfortable with each other.

"Could it be pregnancy, I mean most of these symptoms are related to the morning sickness?" Tae questioned out loud making my heart drop.

We aren't fucking ready for a baby!

I'm on the pills.

The universe is smarter than that.

"You could be right Taehyung but there are other things that can also be considered hence why we need to do this test for clarification." Doctor Sunny replied.

"She can't get pregnant if she's on the pill right?" Yoongi asked.

"The pill is only 99% efficient. That tiny 1 percent can still allow pregnancy happen especially with your large group." Doctor Sunny answered and I could mentally see the teasing smile on his face. He's always teasing us with having so many babies.

But I couldn't even smile at the common joke he usually makes because the seed of fear has been planted on mind.

Tae could be right.

And that could be is killing me. It's making me want to scream because I really can't become a mother right now. The timing is so wrong but these symptoms are not helping calming me especially when I just feel like throwing up again.

Oh God...

"So it could be pregnancy?" Joon asked.

"The answer is maybe. Just bring her down now and let's run those tests. I'll inform one of your assigned nurses to take you to a private room once you arrive. Expecting to see you soon." He tells us, more of telling them.

"Okay, we'll be there soon." Joon says and hung up the call.

"Are we going to be parents?" Joon mused out loud and that sentence alone made the nausea burst up in my throat making me rush out of the room to flop on the bathroom floor and throw up my fears.

Letting it all out hoping it would do the magic of calming my nerves.

🌀 🌀 🌀

Calm my nerves indeed. Pffft.

The two times I threw up before we left the house did nothing but spiked my worry and fear even more. My legs felt jello, I didn't know if it was the result of the night long passion or the extreme fatigue coursing through my whole system right now that is making me feel that way.

Funny I didn't feel any form of pain while Tae and Guk were fucking the sense out of me. The freaky fever just had to dampen the after-sex glow for me.

The right way the morning should have started is me waking up to see their morning wood up in their glory, then I would have sucked on their girth at intervals to wake them up. Then they would be so turned on when the sleep clears off their eyes and then they will have to fuck me good again.

But no. The universe is just a fucking bitch.

"Doctor Sunny will be with you soon." Our assigned nurse, Prisha told us; me, Tae and Jin, before she walked out of the private room. She's an Indian Korean but was born and raised here.

We left the house about forty-five minutes ago and arrived at the hospital, the three of us were wearing face masks, beanies and covered up clothes. Not wanting any suspicion even if we did look suspicious but seeing a female could throw off the idea that it's two BTS members walking into the lobby of this huge hospital. In no time, the nurse, Prisha located us and took us the private room we are all currently sitting now.

And with their facial expression, I could tell things were running through their mind.

"I'm hoping it's pregnancy." Taehyung said with a dreamy gleam in his eyes.

"How can you hope for that Tae?" Jin asked with a sharp tone, "Do you think we are fit and ready to raise a child with our busy lives?" He quirked his brows, "The timing is wrong so I hope not. I hope it's just a bug that needs meds and injections and my Angel is all good." He finishes while softly gazing at me.

It was an unspoken agreement between us that we can't have children yet. First of, it's too early in the relationship, we have our whole lives ahead of us and everything about now, this year, the coming ones is just wrong to bring a child to this world. It's either going to halt our dreams or we continue to pursue them by neglecting a child that deserves all the love. So just like Jin, I really hope it isn't.

I wouldn't be able to fathom it.

And it seems Tae has a different aspiration. I would expect the older ones like Jin or Yoongi to be the ones craving for a child but it turns out age has nothing to do with wishes.

"I know but we are eight in this relationship, we can make it work. A child is always a blessing and the universe wouldn't give us what we are not ready for." Tae shot back, staying firm in his stance of wishes.

I just decided not to say anything, my whole mind is already a mess from various jumbled thoughts, I don't need an argument with him now. All I can I do is hope.

Hope that it isn't pregnancy.

Hope that it isn't something big that is wrong with me.

And hope that we will all be fine eventually because right now, I'm slowly crumbling from the wild thoughts rushing through my head and discomfort I am currently experiencing.

"Is the nausea better?" Jin asked, deciding to change the subject.

"A little. I feel a bit better than I felt earlier at home." I answered him.

"They all just asked after you, told them we are yet to see Doctor Sunny." Tae informs me as he rapidly typed into his phone and as if on cue, Doctor Sunny walked with his infamous smile. He looked too good to be a doctor, but surely people won't mind a handsome doctor treating them.

"Hi guys, let's get straight to it. No wasting of time." He announces as he strode towards the bed I and Jin are sitting on. Taehyung was sitting on a chair close to the bed but got up as he saw Doctor Sunny walking in.

"Better." Jin agreed.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked me as he got to me, his white coat was stylishly designed, perks of being a known doctor, his stethoscope hanging around his neck, his jet black hair perfectly styled with a center parting and his milky skin tone glowing. He is a model embedded into a doctor.

"Slightly better," I answered, "What tests will I be taking?" I queried.

"For now, a full blood count, pregnancy test and flu test. The results will determine if we will need to do some scans and exams. So it's going to be a long day and hopefully by the end of it, we finally know what is wrong and treat it." He answered and while he was talking, Hana and Prisha walked in, our assigned nurses. They both bowed once again in greeting us and the three of us bowed back, greeting them.

"Okay. Ooooof!" I puffed out. Trying to calm my flaring nerves and stop overthinking.

Overthinking can't solve my problem.

"They'll take some blood now and also saliva and nostril swab for the flu test. All the results shouldn't surpass thirty to forty minutes." He explained more, checking his wrist watch as he was speaking.

"Alright." I say, then look at both Jin and Tae's faces, it's the twinkle of hope visible in their eyes that is helping me calm down at this moment, knowing the moment of truth is about an hour away in which my fate will be decided whether it be cold or something else entirely.

But Tae must be definitely hoping and wishing for something else, something he has already voiced.

While the seven of us; Ione, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook hope for something else, something reasonable for our now.

Not something we can't afford now.


[Word Count: 3771]

A/N: Hello hello, how are you enjoying the story so far?

After such a pleasuring threesøme night, she fell sick...again. Any idea what you think is wrong, could it be pregnancy?

Tae just want a baby...

Well, don't forget to vote ★ and let me know your overall thought on this chapter.

I decided to post updates every Friday to avoid being overwhelmed since ONE KISS is still very much active.

See you in the next chappie...


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