Squad Chaos - 04 - Reminisce...

By SquadChaos

672 82 99

It's a journey started with only three friends, one destined to restore the world to its glory, the other tw... More

Beauty of the bond
Uncanny Encounter
Siblings Reunited
Unexpected battle
The love of a brother - activates true power
We all have secrets
We are not the last ones alive - Another Fox Arrives
Meet me in Selenia on the Next Full Moon
"I am, Talus Agares"
I am the one who holds the power.
He is finally here!
Train me!
Her unbreakable will power!

The one who turned into a darkbearer

27 8 15
By SquadChaos

The situation turned in favor of the dark side as all of the squad members including Yasu Kurayami were caught in their trap. All of them had their feet stuck in a tar like fluid that emerged out of nowhere under their feet, leaving only Sha And Andi Aqua safe from this sticky disaster, but they got something bigger to handle, another threat has appeared, Evalanch Bech Coruscant. For some reason he is the only one of all people Andi Aqua never wanted his sister Sha to encounter.

The squad was completely immobilized from movement. The more they tried to lift their feet up, the more they kept feeling weak, as if the sticky tar liquid goo is alive.

Bech: *with a smile, he raised his arms as he looked to the sky, inhaling deeply as his eyes closed. In a moment he would let out a laugh if satisfaction* My, my, my...*he then looked at everyone, aligning his gaze with each and every single one as he smirked. He then stops his gaze at Andi Aqua* Hello there Mr.Aqua, surprised to see me?.

Andi: Evalanch Bech Coruscant...why would I be surprised to see you?. *he frowned his eyebrows, clenching his fist against his sword as if he was frustrated in his plan failing* (Mind: Out of all people, the only person I never wanted Sha to encounter, is here).

Sha: *she glared at Bech, gritting her teeth* Tch...Coruscant....*she clenched her fist in anger, as rage was burning inside her just from seeing him*.

Andi: Sha...he is out of your league. Don't even think of doing anything reckless.*he spoke with a low voice so only Sha should hear*

Sha: I know!. I can sense that!. *She said with a low voice of anger only Andi could hear, but she kept glaring at the coruscant*

Aly: Holy crap!. COME ON!. *she said in a disappointing tone as she was looked at Bech Coruscant*

Ave: What?. What Aly?. What?. *She asked hastily, as she was concerned and confused*

Aly: *she looked at Ave with disappointed eyes* Why do villains need to be that HOT?. This is totally unfair!. Is it just me or he looks like Xukai?.

Ave: Who the hell is Xu kai?.

Aly: I have no idea!. Probably someone super hot-...I don't know.

Everyone who was caught in the tar, looked at Aly with a poker face, as though they felt totally stunned by Aly's worry.

Ming: Annnd that was what she was worried about?. *she sighed shaking her head*

Ave: Aly we have bigger problems than that you know, FOCUS!!.

Ky: Vee vee!. What do we do?. *he kept trying to pull back his legs even though he knew it won't do any much*Geez, this is strong.

Bech: Hunh? *he looked over to the ones who were caught in the tar and chuckled seeing them struggle* Heh, how does the hello from my friend feel like?.

Ave: *she squinted her eyes in confusion* Friend?.

Shiroi: What does he mean by Friend?.

Yoshida: *his eyes widened as he realised what he meant. Quickly looking at the tar under his feet* No way....

Horus: Please don't tell me it is...*he looks at Yoshida as he realised what it was well*

Yoshida: *he looked at Horus with his eyes widened as well*

Claire: What, what, what?. *she asked repeatedly as she was panicking*

Before they could say anything, the tar that has spread on the ground, started to bubble up as it kept rising. Slowly a dozen eyes and a huge mouth emerged as it finally revealed its true form, roaring out loudly at everyone who are caught in its sticky tar. Everyone was stunned with terror, their eyes widened as they were shocked to see the trap of a dark bearer they were caught in. Which is on a completely different level than the darkbearers they have fought before.

Jiao: You gotta be kidding me...tch!.*he tried to lift his arm up towards the darkbear, but he suddenly couldn't move his arms at all* What?. *he said in shocked and confused tone. Looking at his hand and realizing with his eyes widened, to see a string of tar wrapped around his wrist leading to the explanation of why his arm couldn't move* Ghh!!. *he tried to use his mana to get his hand out but instead he fells to his knees, as if his energy got completely drained out* Hhh, w-what?. *his eyes were filed with confusion as he continued to breathe heavily. Looking at everyone else who shared the same fate as him, their arms just got immobilized same as him*

Andi: *upon seeing Jiao and the others, he yelled out loudly* Don't try to use your mana!!. It will absorb your mana and get stronger! There is no way to get out of that tar unless someone orders that darkbearer to do so or... Kills it!!. Right Yoshida?.

Yoshida: Hm...*he looks at the others and then looked at the dark~bearer. By the looks of it, it has been mutated to a level more than it used to be, means this is stronger than before!.*

Shiroi: You could have said that a little sooner!!. *He yelled back at Andi and Yoshida as he was completely immobilized as well by his hands and feet*

Jiao: Tchs...what else do you expect from the devil?. *he said in an angry tone as a fact that Yoshida kept the fact he knew about Andi's secret from Sha. He quickly looks at Ming who was next to him* Ming, you okay?.

Ming: What do you think Jiao?. None of us are okay!.

Sha: Do as Andi says, just stay still. I will get you all out of that.. just give me a little more time.*she said to assure her teammates even though her voice had a lot of worry present in it*

Ave: So only Sha and Andi can finish this up now?.

Aly: This sucks! Ghh!. *she pulls her arms to see if she could tryto breaking away from the sticky tar but it did not work*

Yasu: We have no choice but to depend on them.

Jiao: Thanks Captain obvious!. *he said sarcastically, still angry about everything that happened so far*

Ky: Big sis Sha!!. *he looked at Sha with worried eyes*

Sha: *she looked at Andi with worried eyes* I need to save them...what do you know about that darkbearer?. Tell me!!.

Andi: *he looked at Sha as he gulped and let out a sigh* It's one of the strongest mutated Dark bearers, December void. It's not easy to control either, but since Bech Coruscant has darkbearers inside him more than anyone else can have, he controls it easily.

Sha: December Void?. *her eyes widened upon realising the threat upon her* That's December Void?. It can't be....

Andi: Yeah, that's why I said to your friends that they have no way out. They can't escape on their own so you can't also allow yourself get caught in it. Even I can't get out of it if I get caught in it, also the devil, the owner of the forbidden land where the darkbearers were kept locked up could have gotten rid of it...but in our case unfortunately he got caught too.

Yoshida: Hh. *he was on his one knee, immobilized by tar attached to both his hands and legs looking straight at Andi and Sha*

Sha: Hmm...no wonder it's called Void...but why December?.

Andi: You really don't know?.

Sha: *she shook her head* I just can't think right now. I'm sure I've read it somewhere but it's not the right time for that.

Bech: Finally you figured it out. This is most certainly not the right time for chit chat.*he finally spoke as he was waiting for the right moment, glaring at Andi* You...please back off and let me finish what you couldn't.

Andi: You don't have to, like I said I got this!. Just go away. *he tried to convince the stubborn Coruscant*

Bech: Huh?. *he raises one of his eyebrows* What did you say?. You got what?. *his anger suddenly showed as he burst like a volcano. He couldn't stand the sight of Andi* YOU GOT WHAT?!!. FIGHTING LIKE AN AMATEUR AND LOSING AGAINST HER ON PURPOSE?!. *his skin suddenly started to turn dark purple as his height and build began growing as if he was transforming into a monster* YOU DARE PLAN TO BETRAY MY Mother?!.

Andi: Shit!!. This is the worst that could happen...*he said to himself* I can't even tell everyone to run...shit, shit, shit! *he panicked a bit*

Yasu: My lord...*he said worriedly as he knew what situation Andi is in right now*

Sha: W-what?! What's happening?! *her eyes were widened seeing the unexpected* What the hell is he?!.

Everyone was shocked looking at the transforming Bech Coruscant with their eyes widened.

Andi: I told you he has many Darkbearers inside him!. He is combining all of them and turning into one!. *he looked at Sha with a serious look* Sha listen, do not try to fight with it. Please!!.

Sha: *she tightened her grip on her trident, gritting her teeth as she was glaring at the monster Bech Coruscant* Tchs!!. *it was as if a nightmare had completely taken over the whole area as for this is the very first time for everyone to be seeing something like this*

Bech Coruscant kept growing and growing around 10 ft tall. His skin completely turned black with purple shines and fur, with his abdomen tearing up in half leading his intestines to roll out hanging. As if the intestines were alive, moving side to side like tentacles. His face grew larger with his mouth getting wider, leading its huge tongue to poke out with saliva dripping from its tip. Four more eyes emerging on his face having total of 6 at this moment, and with cracks, 2 more arms emerged from its body with large wings. Turning him completely into a mutated darkbearer unlike anything no anyone has ever seen. Purple dark lightning striking on its body with its transformation complete from the sky, leaving everyone in fear and shock. He growled as soon as the transformation stopped revealing his monstrous appearance.

Sha: *her eyes widened in shock as her body trembled* D-d-dark lightning? H..he has dark.. l..lightning?

Andi: Sha...don't do anything reckless, just follow my lead. Let me think of something first.*His voice was filled with worry, as if even he had no idea what to do yet he tried to console his sister*

Sha: Tch!. *She tightened her grip on the trident as she was nervous and worried about her friends who were immobilized and the threat in front of her. Wondering what to do and if she will be able to save her friends from this situation* You're are trying to figure out a way you can get out of this aren't you, Andi?.

Andi: Tch. *he ignored Sha as he continued thinking* Just shush.

Aly: Holy crap!. I take it back...he is nothing like Xu kai!!. *she said out loud as she was staring at the transformed Bech*

Andi: *he looks at Aly narrowing his eyes* This girl...*he said loud enough for himself to hear*

Shiroi: Who the hell is this Xu kai!!. *he replies to Aly who just commented on Darkbearer Bech*

Aly: *she shouted out loud in a crying tone* I DON'T KNOW Okay!!. I DON'T KNOW!!

Shiroi: *he narrows his eyes looking at Aly confused* Fine fine, you don't have to yell, geez.

Darkbearer Bech: *He slowly shifted his gaze towards Aly with the corner of his six eyes* Grrr....

Sha: *she gritted her teeth, glaring at the darkbearer Bech* You guys!. Keep your mouth shut!!.

Aly: Huh?. What?. *She focused on Sha as she felt she heard sha say something, but before she could ask any more question, she noticed the death stare she recieved. Slowly gulping and turning her face towards the Darkbearer Bech as their eyes meet* Holy crap!. *She gulped as she stared right at Darkbearer Bech's purple glare*

Ave: Aly...*she whispered as she was looking at the darkbearer Bech as well*

Claire: *she gulped looking at the darkbearer Bech and then looks at Horus* This is not what I signed up for....*she whispered*

Horus: *he tilted his head* I think this is exactly what you signed up for. *he whispered back*

Claire: *she purses her lips as she was about to burst into tears, frightened, only because they were immobilized*

Everyone went completely silent and didn't move an inch. As they were all terrified but mostly tensed as to not know what Darkbearer Bech's next move will be. Even if they all want to run, they couldn't since they are immobilized completely and drained them off their energy.

Darkbearer Bech: *his one of the six arms, slowly lifted upwards and reached out towards Aly*

Aly: *her eyes widened as she saw his arm coming towards her* No!. No!. *she tried to move but the tar was keeping her locked as a whole* Ghh!!.

Sha: No!. *she tries to step towards Aly but gets stopped by Andi who just grabbed her wrist. She gasped and turns her head towards Andi with a glare*

Andi: *he grabbed onto Sha's wrist tightly. He looked right into her eyes as he shook his head asking her not to go*

Sha: Tchs!!. *she knew Andi was right and she felt helpless as she turned towards Aly and Darkbearer Bech*

Darkbearer bech: *His hand was big enough to wrap around Aly completely as he grabbed Aly, one of his eye looked at the December Void with the corner of its eye, leading the December void to let go off Aly. With heavy breaths of groans, he easily lifted up Aly with just one hand completely wrapped around her body leading only her above shoulders and below knees visible for everyone else*

Aly: Ghhh!!. LET ME GO YOU HIDEOUS MONSTER!!. *she struggled to break through as she tried her best, gritting her teeth as be was using her maximum strength, yet it only left her exhausted* tchh!.

Sha: Let her go!!. *she shouted out loudly as she couldn't bare to see Aly in this situation*

Ave: Let go off her!!. ALY!!. *she shouted, trying to get out of the sticky tar* GEEZ GHH!!

Ky: Vee vee...Andi said not to do that!!. Vee vee you're making it worse, stop struggling.

Ave: Tch!. *She stopped as she heard Ky, knowing that he is right* I hate this!.

Andi: *he lets go off Sha's hand as he figured that she would listen to him, then looking at Aly* Out of all people why her? Tch....*he said to himself as if he didn't want anything to happen to Aly for some reason*

Darkbearer bech: *He looked at Sha who just shouted, with the coner of one of his six eyes and a wide grin appeared on its face. With its huge tongue out and dark fluid dropping over the tongue onto the ground. He then slowly tightens his grip on Aly squeezing her a bit*

Aly: *she gasps widening her eyes as she screamed loudly in pain* GAAAAAAHH!!.

Sha: ALY!!!. *her eyes widened as she shouted, seeing Aly in pain*No!!.

Ave: ALY!!!. ARRRGHH!! This is so wrong!!.

Everyone was feeling devastated to see their friend getting tortured right in front of their very eyes and not being able to do anything.

Aly: Ghh...N-no.*she clenched her eyes and gritted her teeth, trying to handle the pain* Sha!!. STAY AWAY!!. I CAN HANDLE THIS...GHH!!. *with a sudden gasp her eyes widens as she coughed out blood*.

Sha: Aly!!. Tch!.

Darkbearer Bech: *seeing how this is affecting Sha, he started to enjoy it even more* HAHAHAAA, I WILL GIVE YOU A BETTER SHOW, SHA AQUA!. *he then rised his six arms up and suddenly the sky started to rumble with thunder as lightning struck almost everywhere. Upon the ground being struck by the lightning, it was destroyed along with the surroundings*

Sha: Stop!!. JUST STOP!!. *she knew she can't win even if she fought against this monsterous disaster with her brother. She figured she would just give in* Stop with that...LET HER GO!!. TAKE ME INSTEAD!!.*she stood firm glaring at darkbearer Bech as she was more than serious about the statement she just made*

Andi: *he gasped softly upon hearing his sister as he looked at her with confused and worried eyes* Sha....?.

Darkbearer Bech: *his grin got even more malicious, hearing Sha and seeing her in this helpless state* Hahaha...HAHAHA. *he then looked right at Sha with all six of his eyes, licking his mouth, as if he was thirsty for blood and suffering but without replying to what Sha just stated he suddenly squished Aly even more and struck her with dark lightning, squishing her tight enough to crush her ribs*

Aly: *her head leaned backwards as she looked up, screaming in pain with her eyes turning completely white as if he soul just got ripped out from her very body* GAHHH!! Ah...hhh.

Ave: *she burst into tears seeing what he did to Aly* Aly!. *she cried out as she sobbed, pursing her lips as she felt helpless about this situation*

Claire and Ming were the same as Ave...crying as they witnessed their friend getting tortured brutally.

Claire: N-no...this can't be happening, it just- n-no...hhh.

Ky: Big sis Aly!!. *he shouted as he was in the same state as others, bursting into tears for their friend*

Shiroi: Darn it!. Leave her alone!!. Kgh!!

Sha: Ghh!.NOOOO...ALY!!! *she shouted yo the top of her lungs, groaning as he grit her teeth panting heavily as she tightened her grip on her trident even more* Ghhhh...grr.

Darkbearer Bech: *seeing the look on Sha's face and feeling the rage burning inside her, he kept enjoying it more and more* Come on little Sha Aqua...use the power of gem to save your little friend here. *He grinned as he spoke, revealing his true intention*

Andi: *his eyes widened upon hearing Bech* Sha, don't let him provoke you sister....*he attempted to talk to Sha but she was too angry to listen. Looking at Darkbearer Bech as he scanned him to figure out a weakness so he can finally go offensive*

Sha: Let her...GO!!! *her visible eye glowed right away with a force of wind bursting from her. Her anger grew more and more as she kept witnessing this brutal act. She took a step forward as she was burning with anger, feeling the rage taking over her body* I will surrender.... *she said gritting her teeth, trembling with anger as she glared at Bech Coruscant with her glowing aqua blue eye*

Everyone who was trapped in the Tar of the dark bearer, December Void, stared at the brutal scene in front of them...helplessly. As there was nothing they can do.

Yoshida: *he stared at Sha as he breathed heavily, drained off his energy* Sha....*he mumbled to himself as he was getting angry over not being able to help her*

Darkbearer Bech: Hah...hahahaha. That's more like it!!*he glared back at Sha with a malicious grin* Though hey...don't take away all the fun in this by surrendering you little nitwit!. *with that his eyes widened with his grin as he suddenly struck Aly with dark lightning again*

Everyone was so focused on the raging Sha, wondering what she will do next. Hoping she would not do anything reckless through her devasted feeling of helplessnes...devasted to see Aly getting tortured right before their very own eyes and not being able to do anything.

Sha: GRRR!. I SAID LET HER GO!!. *she suddenly lifted her trident up as her eyes glowed even more brighter, throwing the trident right at the neck of Bech Coruscant at a speed that she has never thrown her trident before. It was barely visible for the naked eye*

Ave: S-sha!!.*her lips trembled with tears descending from her eyes as she looked at Sha*

Everyone gasped in shock, widening their eyes seeing sha attack the huge Darkbearer Bech.

Andi: Sha!!. No dang it!!. *his eyes widened as he was shocked, he thought Sha would wait for him to figure out a way but she didn't*

Darkbearer Bech: *before thee trident hit his neck, he used one of his arms to catch it. Breaking it in half as he threw the top half back at Sha with speed that was instant*

Sha: *she widened her eyes as it happened in an instant, without her getting any second to even react*

The half of her broken trident that was thrown by Darkbearer Bech, pierced through pure flesh, as blood splattered everywhere. Leaving everyone in shock as this very act happened instantly. No one could even think of taking action, as blood slowly started pouring to the ground. The whole are went into silence as if life itself just disappeared.

(Did Darkbearer Bech succeed in taking Sha's life?. Stay tuned)

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