The enemy that never leaves m...

By HeartFrom_BTS

186 1 0

Y/n: Your name Age: 19 years old Family: Mom, dad, brother Suga Best friend: Rose Crush/enemy: Jeon Jungkook ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

11 0 0
By HeartFrom_BTS

Sophie: What is going on with you and her? Why were you screaming at her?

Jungkook: Nothing 

Sophie: Do you like her?

*Jungkook looked on the side to see Sophie looking at him*

Jungkook: No

Sophie: Then why can't you try to be her friend. You can see it's hard for her too. You have rejected her nicely and not like this Jungkook

Jungkook: I don't like being nice to people, you know this.

Sophie: But aren't you friends with her brother and you're like a new family to their family. 

Jungkook: I am often there but it doesn't mean I should be nice to her

Sophie: You should at least apology to her for this behaviour, maybe but that's maybe she will understand to keep distance from you. To be honest, I feel bad for her Jungkook. She's only 19, you were her probably first love as you guys know each other for years.

Jungkook: And!

Sophie: Show her that there is someone else there for her and that is not you. Don't make her hate man, because she will end up alone

Jungkook: I don't care Sophie

Sophie: You will care in few years, when you have a family of your own and then you will one day meet her family and Suga, just to see her sitting all alone. Distance from other man and family members, as I heard from others she only has her best friend Rose by her side. 

*Jungkook thought about everything and it made him feel bad, but he can't control the fact that he doesn't like her even as a friend*

Jungkook: Okay, I understand but I...

Sophie: There is no but. I heard they're leaving in 2 weeks. Spend those 2 weeks with her, be her friend enemy. Anything you want and see what type of person she is. See if she's worth being the enemy and the person you dislike so much

Jungkook: How do you expect me to do that? 

Sophie: Go back to their house. Find out 

Jungkook: Come on, I don't think she will wanna talk to me

Sophie: Maybe start with a sorry. Can you at least do that?

Jungkook: How do you expect me to say sorry when she's not even speaking to me? 

Sophie: Try Jungkook. It doesn't hurt to try

Jungkook: It's easy for you to say

Sophie: Try and spend time with her and her family, before she leaves Jungkook. You won't see her for few years or more if you keep going this direction

Arthor POV

Sophie's words felt real to Jungkook. It was his last chance to spend his time with Y/n before she leaves because of him. He doesn't have a plan, but what he knows is that he needs to do something before it's too late. The next day, Jungkook thought for a bit and took his bags and Sophie's they left and went back home. Jungkook then went to Y/n house and see if he can do something to make Y/n forgive him for being like this with her and apologies for embarrassing her in front of everyone. 

Y/n mom: Jungkook, how are you doing?

Jungkook: Oh, I just came to see how you guys are

Y/n mom: Suga is out at the moment 

Jungkook: What about Y/n?

Y/n mom: Did something happened? 

Jungkook: No, why?

Y/n mom: Because you never ask for her

Jungkook: I know, but I guess I should spend some time with her as well before she leaves for college

Y/n mom: True true, but she isn't home yet. She's probably having fun with Rose on the trip

Jungkook: Trip

Y/n mom: Yeah, Rose's brother invited them. Y/n told me yesterday, she was so excited haha

Jungkook: Oh, I didn't know she went. How come Suga isn't back yet. Did he went somewhere?

Y/n mom: Oh yeah, he went somewhere yesterday with his friends, just like Y/n, but he left home before she did. You not invited? 

Jungkook: Nah I was but I just chose not to go. Too far from home aunt

Y/n mom: Yeah, well Suga should be home today, I just don't know at what time. Stay here and wait for him

Jungkook: Sure

Arthor POV

Y/n mom went back to cooking while Jungkook looked around the house and it felt empty. Whenever Suga was out there was always Y/n there for him so he could watch movies with her or play games which she's bad at but she still tries her best. This time they were not home. Jungkook waited patiently until there was a knock on the door

Y/n mom: Jungkook! Can you open the door? I'm in the kitchen

Jungkook: Sure

*Jungkook went to open the door just to see Y/n standing in front of him*

Jungkook: I..

*Y/n walked passed him without saying a word to him*

Y/n: Mom, I'm home, I will go and fresh up 

Y/n mom: Okay, take your time

Jungkook POV

When I opened the door I was expecting Suga to get home and not Y/n. Her red eyes, checks and her small figure only made me realise how stupid I was to treat her like this for so many years. I never took care of her. I never treated the way a girl should be treated, she's only 19 and at this age girls want to be treated with respected, kindness and not rudely treated. How could I go this low. As I looked back, I saw her small figure moving away from me until I could not longer see her. I hurt her so badly and how can I fix it now. 


When I knock on the door I was expecting my mom to open the door and not Jungkook. What is he doing here? Wasn't he there and now he's here. Why he keeps coming to my house knowing that Suga isn't home, he knows that when Suga goes somewhere with his friend she comes back in 2-3 days. I can't even look at Jungkooks face. When I see him my anger gets the best of me. I need to control my anger before I do something that I will regret. 

*Knock, Knock, knock*

Y/n: Yes

Jungkook: Can I come in?

Y/n: What do you want?

*Jungkook opens Y/n door walks in and close the door afterwords*

Jungkook: Can we talk?

Y/n: Why? I don't think there is anything for us to talk about

Jungkook: I think there is

Y/n: Well, then keep it to yourself. I don't have time as you can see I need to start packing my things

Jungkook: I know, but give me 5 minutes and then I will go

Y/n: Why are you doing this for? 

Jungkook: Because what I did, said was wrong and I am sorry

Y/n: You think you're sorry will make me feel better. You embarrassed me Jungkook in front of everyone. How do you expect me to look in their eyes after this.

Jungkook: You feel embarrassed!?

Y/n: Yes I do

Jungkook: Then what about me? 

Y/n: What about you? Are you the victim here now? Again? I told you before, I didn't know that you will be there. 

Jungkook: I am even more embarrassed because I was acting like I was the only one in the room with you. And everyone heard what I said and did. You have nothing to be embarrassed about, but me Y/n

Y/n: What do you really want? 

Jungkook: I want y.....

To find out what will happen next continue reading.....

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