Hate it or love it - Central...

By mrsscaesar

147K 1.9K 466

HIOLV when Cench meets Alia in a party organised by his friend, he can't stop looking at her, Cench knows th... More



4.8K 79 26
By mrsscaesar


"Hasn't he called you back yet"

"No.. he's probably seen it, I know he'll be mad" I say.

"But that fucking idiot is the one that forced you into the kiss, I know he'll understand" Klaudia says.

"But why will he get mad? Aren't you guys just hooking up? Arrdee says and Klaudia slaps his head. "Auch"

"Don't listen to him, don't worry ali, everything will be fine"

"I'll be back in gonna try to call him again" I say excusing myself and going upstairs to my room.

first ring
second ring
third ring

Cench please answer me.

fourth ring

"Aló? I hear from the other line, oh god I really did miss his voice. "Yo who's this" oh shit I forgot I had put my phone on no caller id.

"It's me... Alia" I say and he remains quiet. "Cench look I kno- "

"Did you kissed him?


"Did you kissed that guy? Did you?

"No cench, listen to me, he forced me into it, i was so drunk and I literally pushed him away from me, you have to believe me cench"

"That's not what I've see in that fucking picture Alia"

"Cench please...

"Please what? Please what, Alia? Fuck! He shouts I hear something falling on the floor. "I should have known that you are a fucking hoe, I don't want to see you never again, you fucking bitch"

"What- cench please.." I say but he has already hung up, at this point I'm all tears . I try to call him back but he doesn't pick up. I decided to go downstairs.

"Klaudia.. ca- can you give me your phone, I need to call cee I think he blocked me"

"Here baby, but stay still everything will get better " Klaudia says and I nod.

I call him from Klaudia's phone and he answers on the second ring.


"Baby, it's me, please let me explain you, an you please come over?

"Nah , yo a hoe still, ain't go nun with you " he says before hanging up.

He's not even giving me a chance this is fucked up. Cench has never been disrespectful to me and the way that he just talked to me and the awful words that he said to me are absolutely killing me.

"I have to fix this" i say looking for my phone and my jacket. I go downstairs and Klaudia stands up when she sees me with the intention of going out.

"Ey Ey Ey, where you going?

"To his house, I need to explain myself"

"Is he even here? I thought he was in Manchester "

"Nah his at his crib he got back today in the morning, Dave told me"

"Okay love, good luck if you need everything just call me" she says and I nod, making my way out.

I get in the car and I put cench direction on maps.
After 30 minutes driving I get there. I nock one the door and Dave opens the door.

"Where is he? I ask.

"He's upstairs" I nod making my way to upstairs. When I get to his room i nock twice before going in, I see him, he's seating on his bed, with a towel, he's just came out of the shower. His head is down, he looks ()

Without saying a word I walk towards him, and I get on my knees so I can see his face properly.

"Cench.." I say and he looks at me. I guess he was so distracted that he didn't even noticed me. I take his face between my hands. "Baby please listen to me, I don't know who the fuck this guy was, I was drunk and he kissed me, he also tried to touch me but Klaudia came to my rescue, you can ask her if you want to"

"He tried to touch you?

"No that's not the point cench, plea-

"It is the fucking point , that fucking bastard tried to put his hands on you"

"Yes but, I don't care about that, I just want you to believe me...baby please, you know I would never do that to you because..."

"Because what?

"Because... because I love you...and it fucking kills me that you don't believe me"

" I believe you okay, now go home and rest, we will speak later "

"No, but I want to stay here with you.."

"You're not okay look your eyes, you haven't slept anything , have you even ate anything today? He asks and I shake my head. And he looks at me with disapproval. "Go get in the shower I'll bring you a towel and fresh clothes" he says and I shake my head.

"I don't want to shower"

"Just get in the shower Alia, please"

"Okay but only if you allow me to stay here with you" I say, he doubts for a moment before accepting.

I take 10 minutes in the shower and when I come out of the shower I see the clothes that he has left there for me but he's nowhere to be seen. I quickly put the clothes on, they are big on me but they are comfy.
I put my hair in a messy bun and I go downstairs looking for cench.

"Cench? Where are you?

"Here" he says, he's in the kitchen, there is one plate in front of him. "Seat down and eat" he says and I shake my head.

"I'm not hungry, I just want to sleep"

"You have to eat"

"Please, I'll eat after, I'm so tired"

"Fine, go to my room you can sleep there, I'll sleep on the guests  room"

"No, can you please sleep with me? I say and he remains in silence. "Please.." I ask one more time and he nods.

"Let's go" he accepts.

When we get upstairs, I excuse myself to go to the toilet and he gets on the bed. I pee quickly and i goo back to the room his on his phone, I kay down next to him, but he doesn't even look at me.

"Cench, can I ask you a question? he nods . "Do you actually believe me or you just got pity of me? I ask but he remains quiet. So that's all I needed to know.
I force myself to get up from the bed, I start to look for my clothes and stuff.  He remains quiet still what makes me feel worse. He doesn't believe me, even after everything we've shared. I turn myself expecting him to say anything but he doesn't. "I really hope that when you realise how big my love is for you, it's not too late" those are my last words before storming out of his house, tears running all over my face, I'm a completely mess. I get on my car and before starting it I look over cench house one more time hoping that he'll be coming out of the house begging me to stay with him, but for my bad luck that doesn't happen.

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