Winning the Baker's Heart

By AndyTaggart188

649 40 0

Kyle Richards has been running his bakery for over a decade, and it has been doing well. So well in fact he n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 6

22 1 0
By AndyTaggart188

When Kyle awoke Sunday afternoon, he had a feeling he'd done something stupid, but he wasn't sure what. He was still in his clothes he'd worn Saturday, and he reeked of booze. Naturally, he'd done something stupid.

He wasn't a mean drunk, but he didn't make the best decisions. Last time he was this hungover, he'd made an eight-tiered cake for fun. Then he'd had to give it away because it would have gone to waste had he not. It would have been an amazing cake, and it did get him more recognition since the grateful bride he'd gifted it to had gushed about it all over social media. He just didn't need to waste cake then or now.

He got up and checked his phone. He had two texts, one from Thomas and another from Hailie. She thanked him for making her sister's wedding remarkable with a grand cake. Thomas just let him know he'd be late Monday morning but that wasn't unusual. He had to take his mom to the hospital several days a week for treatments. She had a ride home with her sister, but Thomas insisted on taking her to the appointments before he went to work.

Replying to Thomas, Kyle went to shower. It was too late to get anything to eat from Mama's Diner so he'd have to cook for himself. He had a few things in his fridge but not much. He'd have to go shopping.

As he showered, he tried to figure out what he did. Everything after dropping the cake off was a blur. He remembered getting back and coming upstairs, but after that he remembered nothing. But... he had a sinking feeling in the bottom of his gut that head done something.

His mood already foul because he was drawing a blank, Kyle put on clean pajamas and poured a bowl of cereal. He'd go to the grocery store after closing tomorrow. Even though he was clean, he felt dirty. He'd let his emotions get the best of him, and he'd gotten drunk. Now he couldn't remember anything, and that made him feel worse. He knew he was a lightweight, but he'd wanted to forget. He succeeded in that a little too well.

Finishing his meager meal, Kyle washed the bowl and spoon then put them in the dish drainer. He cut the lights and crawled back in bed. Then he got back up again to clean the beer bottles off the table. Getting back in bed, he stared at the ceiling for a very long time, annoyed at himself for being so weak.

Soon he was drifting off to sleep again to ease his hangover. Sleep was the best thing for him because he wouldn't have a nasty headache in the morning. He would if he stayed up. But when he closed his eyes, he saw a pair of familiar green eyes staring back at him.


The next morning, Kyle stepped into the kitchen to unlock the back door. He went to turn on the fryers. When he turned around, he saw Rey pulling open the door to the kitchen and shaking out his hair. It had started raining sometime in the night and hadn't let up. The forecast called for it all day.

When Rey turned around, he seemed shocked to see Kyle standing there. It was unusual. Thomas was usually the first one there, and he had all the fryers and ovens going before Kyle got downstairs. For the last week, Rey had only seen Thomas when he first came in.

The younger man disappeared into the hallway to put up his bag and grab his jacket. He went to the table and began to mix the chocolate, caramel, and white glaze for donuts. Thomas had taught him well so Kyle knew Rey could do it in his sleep.

They worked quickly and efficiently. By the time the first order came through, they had enough donuts to fill four orders. While Kyle boxed the orders, Rey dropped the new batch of donuts for the display case.

Katie and Lily came in right at six. Kyle was unlocking the front door when they greeted him. He liked having the two girls working with him. Lily was taking night classes at the community college, taking online courses over the summer. During the year, she worked the early morning shift. Katie was a junior in high school. She had been working for Kyle for six months, and she typically worked the closing shift. Only during holidays and breaks could she work days.

When the first customers came in, he retreated back into the kitchen. Rey was already getting the display racks ready. He handed them off to Kyle who put them in their cases. Once those were ready, they dropped the next batch and began the process all over.

Thomas strode through the door a little after seven. He had already changed and was tying his hair back with a rubber-band. With his arms raised above his head, he looked between the two men and frowned. He went to the sink and washed his hands.

"Why are you two so quiet?" he demanded. He nudged Rey from the donut table back to his decorating table. "I don't come in on time once, and you two hate each other?"

"That's not it," Kyle denied. "We just started working. Rey came in and helped get things going."

Rey shook his head. "I already had the glaze ready. I made them before I left Saturday night."

Kyle frowned. Rey had been here Saturday night? Did he know what happened after they had gotten back? Had he seen him drunk? Or had he gone home before Kyle had lost his mind? Knowing that Rey had been here made Kyle want to know what he knew, but the younger man wasn't looking at him.

They had three more orders to fill before the morning rush was over. Kyle didn't get a chance to ask as Rey went back to work. He made sure the orders were up front for the girls to quickly be able to dispense them.

Kyle ordered lunch for them and set them up on the boxes' table. They would need the energy to finish the day. Thomas started the cakes before he sat down to eat. Rey stood at the decorating table with his back to them as he decorated the cupcakes scheduled to go out this afternoon.

"How did Saturday go?" Thomas asked. He mixed his taco salad together. "Were there any hiccups?"

"No, it went well," Kyle replied. "Rey was better than I thought."

"Why?" The other guy shoved his food in his cheek. "Because he's not used to assembling a cake at a venue? That's stupid."

Rey snorted across the room. The older men looked at him, but he never turned around to look back at them. Thomas pointed his fork at the other man and raised his eyebrows in question. Kyle waved it off and looked back at his food.

The youngest man finished his task, and he boxed the cupcakes quickly. He told Katie the order was finished and came back to eat his fajita bowl in silence. He rubbed his face tiredly as he cracked his neck.

Thomas looked at Rey, watching his hands as he picked at his food. He let it go for several minutes before he stopped Rey's hand. The younger man looked at the hand covering his then followed the arm until his eyes landed on the face.

Thomas's eyes softened at the tiredness in the younger man's eyes. "You're driving me insane," he chided. Rey pulled his hand away and shoveled food into his mouth. "What's bothering you?"

"I didn't sleep much last night so I'm kind of agitated today," Rey replied. His voice was bland, almost as if there was no emotion that could justify his feelings.

The middle guy licked his teeth. He wasn't buying the explanation but couldn't put his finger on why. "Did something happen?"

Rey shook his head. "No, I don't sleep sometimes. My brain won't shut off so I stay up all night. Insomnia is so much fun." He shoved his food away roughing and stood. "I'll eat this later. I'm not hungry right now."

Kyle and Thomas watched him go back to work. There wasn't anything either of them could say so they left him alone.

"Did I text you Saturday night?" Kyle asked. Thomas looked at him with a questioning expression. "I got drunk after the last delivery."

Thomas grunted at him in annoyance. "Damn it, Kyle. you made an eight-tiered cake last time for no reason. We couldn't even sell it."

Thomas had been there during the last drunken escapade. He'd been the one to find the cake in the fridge when he'd come to set up that morning. He'd found Kyle passed out in the staff bathroom too.

"I know that! That's why I'm asking you," Kyle snipped.

Scowling, the younger man pulled his phone from his pocket and checked his messages and call log. He shook his head. "No. The last thing you said to me was 'We're heading back. Go ahead and go home.' Then I told you about Mom. And you didn't call me."

Thomas narrowed his eyes on his friend. "What did you do?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out."

If he hadn't texted or called Thomas, what had Kyle done that made him feel so bad? He really didn't talk to anyone other than his customers or staff. So what did he do?

He looked at Rey as the youngest man dumped cooled cakes on the middle table. His thoughts went back to what he'd said earlier. He remembered Rey asking to stay and make buttercream for this week's orders. He didn't know he'd made the glazes for the week. Had he helped Rey do this or had he just passed out?

"Don't think too much about it," Thomas warned. "You'll either remember it or it will be told to you. But wracking your brain won't help."

Kyle watched him get up and throw his food trash away. Thomas went to help Rey, and he watched them talk. The middle man was always right. Whatever it was Kyle had done would be known in time. Right now he had orders to work on.

He finished his lunch then sent the girls on theirs. He could man the front while they were gone. Thomas and Rey wouldn't need help making fondant and fillings so he was set to do nothing. He just wished someone would tell that to his brain.

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