The Rogue Soldier (COMPLETED)

By janelovesbooks_

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You think your life sucks? Get a load of Lynn's. She's been a good girl her whole life, even thought her moth... More

Chapter 1- Old Friends
Chapter 2- My Wolf Loves Channing Tatum
Chapter 3- Nick
Chapter 4- I'm Your Mate
Chapter 5- This Means War
Chapter 6- A Few Flashbacks
Chapter 7- An Injured Doomsday Prepper
Chapter 8- Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater
Chapter 9
Chapter 10- My Private Island Calls To Me
Chapter 11: Return of My Parental Unit
Chapter 13
Chapter 14- Motor Troubles
Chapter 15- Daddy's Here
Chapter 16- Alpha Jack Vex
Chapter 17- The Conclusion
Final A/N + Sequel Info

Chapter 12- Die Mother, Die

17.3K 487 64
By janelovesbooks_

Closing walls
And ticking clocks.
Am I a part of the cure?
Or am I part of the disease?

Clocks- Coldplay

-Lynn's POV-

She crumples to the ground, unconscious from the pain. I shot her in the heart. Not a direct shot to kill, but a mortal wound to the outside corner of the organ. I'm surprised she felt it, seeing as she has no heart, in the metaphorical sense.

I feel no remorse as I walk towards the motionless body. The first thing I do as I walk closer is to kick the gun away from her, just in case she is faking her knocked out state. As I approach, I decide to turn her over so she doesn't accidentally inhale something while she is out. Her werewolf healing should help and she'll be back 100% in a week. As I grab her shoulders and turn her over, her eyes suddenly fly open. They narrow in hatred, and before you can say, "oh shit" I have a knife in my stomach. "Damn it mother. I think you hit something important." She laughs. I slowly extract the knife, before I turn and stab her, directly in the heart this time. Even werewolf healing will have trouble with this wound. Just in case, I decide it's better for her to be dead. I quickly brace one knee on a shoulder and just as I'm about to twist, I hear a faint, "Lynn?" Coming from the vase of the hillside. Is that Tate?

"Up here." I say, alerting the person to my presence.

"Mother. I hate you." This is said in a whisper. A quick snap, and I'm free. I turn, with a smile on my face, to see a confused Tate. He keeps glancing at the body, then at me. "It wasn't murder." I snap at him. "She tried to kill me first." I lift my shirt and show him the scabbing dagger wound and my skin rapidly reknitting itself.

He just shrugs. "Who was she?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I tell him stubbornly.

"Lynn, I want to protect you." He says, looking into my eyes.

My wolf wants to be let out, badly. She wants to run to our mate. But I've never been one for PDA anyways. "I'm sure that was your first thought while you were kissing that girl." I tell him, my anger returning.

"Hey Lynn? Are you okay?" I hear Kade call out.

"Yeah I'm good. I'm over here." I call.

He's here in a flash, and quickly gives me a hug, and a kiss on top of the head. "Thanks." His gruff voice whispers. "I wish that we were family."

I take a step back, and put my hand on his cheek. "We can be if you want to. I'm not really the best with family. Or trust. I mean, look at what I did to my mother." I point behind him. He turns and shrugs, "Hey, she probably deserved that you know. You're not a bad person Lynn."

"Thanks Kade." I tell him, and give him another quick hug.

Tate is growing restless and angry about my contact with Kade. "Hey Kade, this is my mate Tate. Tate, is is my... brother, Kade." Smiling up at him, I'm glad I found some family. Kade and I are actually quite similar with our choice to become rogue because of family. Neither of us has them, his is dead, and mine is, well, mine is dead to me too.

"Mine." Tate says, grabbing me, and pulling me into his chest. It feels like I'm getting electrocuted, but happy sparks dance on my skin. I tense in his arms and wiggle to get free. When I figure he's not letting go, I kick his shin with the back of my foot and elbow him in the gut. "No PDA allowed her, bud." I tell him straight faced. "Not yet, at least." I add when I see his sad face.

"Hey I'm going to go now." Kade says, awkwardly pulling me back to reality. I'm a soldier. Not a girlfriend or a mate. A Luna is supposed to be vulnerable. Just her nature. They're supposed to be weak and easy to kidnap. Hell, if someone tried to kidnap me, I'd tie them up and torture them. Not very Luna-y.

"Can we talk about what happened at the house?" Tate asks quietly.

"I believe you Tate. I regret reacting rashly, it just reminded me so much of what happened with Jack... He rejected me right after that, and I felt like you would choose her over me. Just like he did." I say.

Regret washes over his face. "I'm really sorry for what happened."

"It's okay. Really. I'm okay." I'm not sure what the last part meant, or who exactly I said it for. I don't even know if that's true. Am I okay? I just killed my mother and felt nothing. Maybe I'm not really okay. Not like I can tell anyone anyways. I hide too many scarring stories to share. Others' nightmares are daydreams in comparison to the darkness filling mine. Princesses live in castles in fairytales. I'm not so sure I'm getting a happy ending though.

-Tate's POV-

"It's okay. Really. I'm okay." Lynn says. After she says this, she goes into a deep thought, before her face twists into a scowl. Whatever she was thinking about wasn't pleasant.

"Do you wanna talk about..." I gesture towards her mothers body in what I hope is a nonchalant way. She just killed her mother. Her own mother. And she felt nothing.

"Oh. That." She says blandly.

Yeah, that. I think to myself. How is she so cold? Is this what I want in a Luna?

Of course it is, idiot! She was made for us! My wolf snaps at me, emphasizing the 'us' part.

I quirk my eyebrow at her when she seems to be attempting a speech, but no words come out. She looks up at me sadly. "She was the worst mother ever. She hated me with a passion, and she controlled my father's every thought, so he hated me too. She turned the pack against me, and made heat and shifting a personal hell. She tried to send me back to," here she shivers a bit, "Jack. Just because he was an alpha and she craves power."

"Let's go." I tell her. "You should rest."

She shrugs and follows me up towards her house.

-Mother's POV-

I crack my neck and cringe at the grating of my neck bones grinding together. I extract the knife from my chest, glad Jack supplied me with a potion.

I can't believe that bitch tried to kill me! Her mother. Well, I suppose not biologically.

Maybe that's why I hated her so much, she was a representation of all the things her father and another girl did before me. She never even knew I wasn't her biological mother.

She has started a war. Jack and I have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow. He wants her for power, and once they've mated, I can kill her. It's a win win situation.

I raised the girl. Made her merciless and hard. I can only hope she pushes Tate away before he gets caught in her web. If she dies and they've bonded... Chances are he'll die too.




thanks for reading!

Stay classy y'all ✨

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