Draco Malfoy's Sister 2

By thebabydragon

38K 1.1K 315

***SERIES DISCONTINUED*** It's the beginning of Regina's second year at Hogwarts, and things are going well u... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's Note
Author's Note 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note


4.7K 120 27
By thebabydragon

Draco and I had just boarded the train, and were looking for an empty compartment. We came to one that only had one occupant in it, being Blaise Zabini, Draco's best friend, and my only male friend in Slytherin.

Draco slid open the compartment door and we sat down, him next to Blaise, and me across from him.

The train had just started moving when there was a light rap on the door. We all looked over to see my best friend, Ava Ackerman, standing outside our compartment. She slid the door open and poked her head in.

"Mind if I sit in here?" she asked, the question directed towards Draco and Blaise, as she knew I would be fine with it. Draco nodded and Blaise shrugged, so she came in, and plopped down next to me. Ava and I were in the same year, and about halfway through last year, we had become very good friends, only becoming closer after that.

In looks, we were the polar opposite. While I had platinum blonde hair, pale skin, and blue grey eyes, she had black hair, tan skin, and deep brown eyes. As far as personalities went, however, we were very similar.

She was in Slytherin as well, so we shared a dorm. Draco had taken out a book and started reading, while Blaise was staring out the window at the passing landscape. Ava eventually fell asleep, and I grew bored very quickly so I also took out a book and started reading.

After about two hours, the train stopped and it suddenly grew very cold. Draco looked up from his book and I shook Ava awake.

I scooted closer to the window and looked outside. Though it was covered in frost, I could just make out the silhouette of someone, or something, boarding the train.

"Someone's boarding the train," I said, worry and confusion clear in my voice.

"What? That's impossible," Draco said, standing up and looking out the window as well.

"Well obviously it isn't, because someone's getting on the train right now," I retorted. He rolled his eyes and sat back down next to Blaise.

Sighing, I leaned against the wall and continued looking out the window, but a horrible feeling of sadness and emptiness washed over me. Looking at the others, I could tell the same had happened to them.

When I looked over towards the door, I almost screamed. The other three followed my gaze and Draco's and Blaise's eyes widened, while Ava let out a small whimper, and seemed to cower back into the seat.

Outside the compartment door, there was a large, cloaked figure, all black, that seemed to be levitating in mid air. I couldn't see it's face, but I could see it's long, skeletal hands emerging from the end of it's sleeves. It paused for a moment outside our compartment, as if searching it, before it moved on down the train, stopping at the next one, and continuing.

The feeling of sadness had dissipated some, but the fear that the creature brought was still present.

It was a few moments before someone spoke.

"What in Merlin's name was that thing?" Ava almost screamed.

"It was a dementor," Draco said, eyes still locked onto the compartment door.

"A dementor? What's a dementor?" I asked, never having heard of them before.

"They guard Azkaban. They suck all the happiness and good memories out of someone, leaving them with only the bad ones. They essentially suck out your soul if allowed," he explained further.

"Wow," was all I could say.

Sooooo...first chapter of Book 2! I know it's short, but I promise they will get longer.

The picture is what I imagine Ava to look like. The character of Ava Ackerman is also loosely based off of my best friend in real life, so, yeah.

Hope you liked the chapter, next one should be up soon, maybe even today if I can get it done.

Luv ya!


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