Reunited with you. (A John Re...

By BabySquishy0218

332 7 3

Katherine Jones, Otherwise known as Kat to her friends and family is a homicide detective at the 8th precinct... More

Chapter one.
Teaser for chapter two.
Reunited with you: christmas special.
Important update!

Chapter 2 (it's finally here)

54 2 1
By BabySquishy0218

Author's Note: Hello my beautiful Persons of interest! I finally have an idea for the second chapter! Shoutout to Chipmunkgirl0223 for inspiring me to start chapter two! Once again I apologize for the wait. If y'all like this, I may add a third chapter. Enjoy!

I sigh and look at John it's been long night huh? John and Carter laugh. It's sure has. They reply I realize that the driver FBI agent Donnelly hasn't said anything the whole time. Hey Donnelly I yell lighten up and join the fun! He doesn't respond. Jerk I mutter underneath my breath. John and Carter laugh again. Then something that shocks us all happens, Harold calls Donnelly. He says "Agent Donnelly stop your car. I have it on very good authority that you and your car group are in grave danger." Before Donnelly can even ask who Harold is we get hit. The last thing I remember thinking is Finch why are you always right. Then everything goes black. When I wake up, the first thing I notice is that John isn't here. Then I notice I'm handcuffed to the car. The last thing I notice is that Carter is next to me she's still unconscious. I bite my lip. Trying to figure out what exactly happened. As I'm replaying the events of tonight in my head. I hear movement next to me. I look over and Carter is awake and I notice that her phone is ringing your phone's ringing Carter. I say. She reaches for it. It's obviously Finch because when she answers it she says Finch! We were ambushed she took John and killed Donnelly. Then I assume that Finch asks if Joss and I are injured. Because she says no just handcuffed. Carter takes a deep breath and then searches Donnelly's jacket pocket I here a jingle so I assume she found the keys. She frees herself and then crawls over and unlocks my handcuffs. She frowns when she gets a good look at my face. You're Bleeding Kat she says. So are you I retort. She smiles let's get out of here. Seconded. I reply. We crawl out of the car and stand up I groan. Carter asks Finch if he's still there. I'm close enough to her to hear Finch say yes detective I am. Carter says that she thinks that John's partner from the CIA the one we thought was dead kidnapped John. Listening to her it makes sense. But why? That's a question I have yet to answer. Finch asks Carter if anyone saw us with Donnelly and John. She says I'd really doubt it. Carter hangs up with Finch and turns to me. My house isn't far from here you should stay the night with me. She states What about Taylor? I ask I have a two person bed in my bedroom so, Katherine quit being stubborn and come with me. I am a little taken aback she never calls me by my full first name. Putting my hands up defensively, I say alright Carter we'll go to your house. In an effort to break the somewhat awkward silence, I say so why would Kara kidnap John? Carter shakes her head. I have absolutely no idea. she sighs and thinks for a moment, then says when I saw Snow the other day, he was walking with a limp and stealing a government-grade hard drive Both of which are unusual. Definitely strange I reply. But I continue that does shed some light on the subject. Carter looks at me how so? She asks. Well I start if Snow stole a government-grade hard drive then maybe Kara wants to steal something to put on it? Hmm that's an interesting theory Kat. Carter thinks for a minute, then says that still doesn't explain why Kara would need to kidnap John. Anyway we're here. I smile thanks for letting me crash here Joss. She smiles then says something but I'm lost in thought about John and don't hear what she says. You okay Kat? She asks snapping me out of my thoughts. I sigh. Not really. Joss it's just too much like 2010. She looks at me. I know Kat I know. My eyes begin to water. Joss I'm worried about him. I can't lose him again. She hugs me gently. And whispers into my ear, I know sweetheart I know. We'll find him. It's gonna be okay. I begin to cry into her shoulder as she holds me. Come on she says let's go inside. Okay I sniffle. We walk inside and Carter shuts the door quietly. I whisper is Taylor asleep? She nods. We quietly walk to her bedroom and she shuts the door gently. I take off my shoes and my jacket. And sit down on the edge of the bed. Carter comes over and sits down next to me. She wraps her arm around my waist and pulls me close to her. She puts a bandaid on my side of my head. She seems to be thinking about something. She gasps softly as if just realizing something. What? I ask She shakes her head I probably shouldn't tell you. It won't help the situation. Joss I say softly I need to know so I can be prepared if we find John. She sighs. You mean when we find John and okay fine I'll tell you but don't say I didn't warn you. I sigh. Just tell me Joss. She takes a deep breath. Alright Kat when I saw Snow, he was wired to a bomb vest. I gasp softly. Then a tear runs down my face. After a long moment, I say that means John probably is too. We sit there in stunned silence. Until Joss speaks up, Kat she starts if it's the kind of vest I'm thinking, then nothing can happen to John unless Kara calls the phone he's wired to and Carter continues it's the middle of the night, I doubt Kara would do anything. She more than likely needs him alive for whatever she has planned in the morning. I nod then say you're probably right. Carter squeezes me gently. We should get some sleep we've got quite a day ahead of us. I nod my head and say okay Joss thanks for comforting me by the way. What are friends for? She says.  Squeezing me one last time before getting up to go to her side of the bed. I lay down and move around until I'm laying on my side. My back to Carter. I feel Carter lay down she lays facing my back I can tell because she gently rubs my back. She can tell I'm panicking even though she's not looking at me. Hey Kat? she asks yeah? I reply just wondering how do you and John usually sleep? I smile and chuckle softly. Joss that's not necessary. Quit being stubborn and tell me she retorts. Fine I say with a sigh. He usually lays facing my back and he wraps his arms around me his hands meeting at my waist. Joss smiles that's beautiful Kat. Thinking about it makes me smile yeah Joss it is. Joss wraps her arms around me just like John does and pulls me a little closer to her. I can't help but chuckle a bit. Thanks Joss I really appreciate it. No problem Kat you are my best friend and you need some sleep I figured maybe it would help if I tried to replicate the way you usually sleep, it might relax you enough to where you can sleep. I smile again then say with as smart as you are Joss, I can't believe they didn't let you join the feds. She laughs well apparently the 8th needs me more than the FBI ever will. I laugh then say Amen to that sister! Eventually I fall asleep. Around 7:00 am Joss wakes me. Morning Kat. She says. Morning Joss. I attempted to say that with enthusiasm but it didn't work. We're meeting with Harold at central park in 45 minutes. Yay I say sarcastically. She sighs can you at least try to have a positive attitude? I crack a small smile. Sure I'll try to have a positive attitude. Would you like some coffee Kat? Joss asks. Yeah that sounds great Joss. After I drink my coffee, I take a shower then pick my outfit for the day. After getting dressed and Fixing my hair I rejoin Carter in her living room. You look nice she says. Thanks so do you I reply. Let's get this show on the road shall we? Carter smiles let's hatch a plan to save John I smile and whisper under my breath and let's hope it works. When we get to Central Park, Finch has a file on Kara's past. He hands it to Carter. Are you alright Ms. Jones? Just fine Harold. I retort. As soon as I say that Carter shoots me a look. Detective, you saw Snow the other day didn't you? Finch asks. Yeah I did he was wired to a bomb vest. Worry marks Finch's features. then, after a long moment, he speaks. It's safe to say that Wherever Mr. Reese is, he needs our help as soon as possible. Me and Carter nod. If you find anything let us know. Carter says I most certainly will Detective. Finch responds. A little while Later me and Carter head to a diner for breakfast because as She says "you can't save lives on an empty stomach" We walk in and sit down and when I look up I hear the best thing I have heard all day. "I'm just not that hungry Kara" John says. Then we lock eyes across the diner My eyes flicker down to his chest and back up to his eyes and I wink as if to say "I'm gonna get you out of that vest" then Kara's voice cuts though the moment, "what are you looking at John?" She asks. None of your business he snaps back. I place  my hand on my gun and start to get up and that's when Carter says the coffee here is alright but I want something stronger, wanna go to Starbucks? I sit back down and whisper to her no Joss I don't want to go to Starbucks I want to shoot Kara! She sighs. You can't shoot her right now. An evil smile crosses my face I then ask are you saying I can shoot her later? She sighs again then after a moment she says as much as I'd like to see that, I have a feeling you'll be too busy saving John to shoot Kara. My point was that you can't shoot someone in a diner full of people. I sigh but shooting her would make me happy! Carter shakes her head, No it wouldn't wrapping your arms around John's waist and kissing him would make you happy. I groan quietly then I ask why are you always right Joss? She chuckles softly because I'm your best friend and I know you. Then I hear movement at the other end of the diner, looking up I see John is getting up. His eyes catch mine again and this time I smile as if to say "I love you" he smiles back and looks away before Kara can butt in again. He just happens to walk towards me and Carter's booth on his way out, and because I have cat-like reflexes, I quickly bend down and kiss his hand as he walks by. He looks at me, somewhat startled and I wink. Then he walks out the door and Kara follows. I look at Carter, if we leave now I can shoot Kara and save John. Kat she says with a sigh no this isn't the right time. John's with Snow he seems to be more devoted to whatever Kara's plan is I think he'd shoot you. I take a deep breath, Fine but next time I see him I'm gonna save him. Carter shakes her head, alright Kat. We walk out of the diner and get into our car just as Carter is about to start it, Finch calls her. She answers the phone and says "uxo is the military designation for unexploded ordnance" after a moment she continues, "okay heading there now 780 Mercer right? Alright just making sure thanks Finch call you later." Out of curiosity I turn to her and ask, what was that all about? She smiles we've got a location on John. She says that with the most enthusiasm I've heard all day. I smile what are we waiting for? I ask. You to be positive she teases. I laugh shut up and drive Joss. I tease back. We get to the address and we see that it's a bomb treat. We both sigh. After a moment I ask how are we going to get to the top floor? Joss smirks, I've got an idea, but I hope you don't mind stairs. I laugh when I realize what she means. You're so lucky you didn't bring Fusco. That's 20 floors. She laughs, then says it's 21 Kat but point taken. Care to clear some stairs? Taking a deep breath, I say absolutely. After walking up 21 flights of stairs me and Joss lean against the wall, panting. After a moment, I notice a small flight of stairs that appears to lead to a roof. Still catching my breath, I say Joss I'm going up those stairs I'm pretty sure they lead to the roof of this joint. She looks at me in confusion for a moment then she says, you think John's up there? Sighing deeply, I say I don't know for sure, but I've got a feeling he is. I walk up the stairs and open a door at the top  I was right it leads to the roof. Scanning the roof I see John at the far end of the roof staring out the skyline. I collect myself before saying there you are me and Joss have been looking for you. He looks at me, somewhat startled and asks Kat, what are you doing up here? Slightly annoyed by that question, I reply take a guess John. Trying to get yourself killed? I sigh in irritation. No trying to save the life of someone I love. He chuckles you can't save me Kat. You think so? Watch me. I begin to walk towards him when he pulls his gun out and points it at me. I can't help but laugh, we both know you aren't going to shoot me John, even if you did it wouldn't do you any good. He sets the gun down on the ground, I should have known that was a bad idea. He says. I walk up to him and take his hand and look into his eyes and say let me help you. He sighs deeply and says fine. I touch my ear and say Harold the IMEI codes please. I then get a text and sigh five numbers and three chances. I put in the first number and make a face, take it that one didn't do it. John says apparently trying to lighten the mood. I can't help but roll my eyes shh you're interrupting my concentration. I say. I try two other ones they don't work then I okay last chance I tell myself. He smiles pick a winner Kat. I was going to put in 76028 but at I change my mind and put in 49376 and to my surprise the phone unlocks and I hit the cancel button. I release a breath I didn't know I had been holding. I look up at John and he's smiling. We hold each other gaze for before we both start laughing. I can't believe I actually did that! I say. John seems surprised, you've never defused a bomb vest? He asks. Nope I reply but I did understand the basic principles. He laughs in amazement. I smile then say I have no idea how to actually get this thing off of you Carter is downstairs, she probably can help us. John smiles after a moment he says, okay that sounds good. I'd really like to give you a hug. I chuckle then I say me too. Come on the stairs are over here. We walk down the stairs Joss is waiting at the bottom of the staircase. Hey Carter look who I found. She smiles you also apparently disarmed his vest as well. I laugh yeah Joss that's a new skill. Do you know how to get this thing off of him? She smiles yes but you have to move first. I step to the side, and watch as Carter takes off the vest. Then she steps back and is holding the vest I smile thanks Carter I say walking back to my spot next to John. You're welcome Kat now what should I do with this thing. Me and John laugh. And After catching my breath, I say put it somewhere where it'll never hurt anyone. Carter smiles I'll go and set it on the roof. Okay I say smiling. Carter goes up to the roof and it's just me and John on the top floor I turn to him and hug him tightly laying my head on his chest and say  "I love you so much."  He kisses the top of my head. "I love you too Kat." I stand there just hugging him as tightly as I can for several moments before lifting my head to kiss him softly. When we pull apart, I sigh happily this time, and say Joss was right that did make me happy. He chuckles. Carter comes back from the roof and says let's get out of here shall we? Definitely I reply. We walk to the elevator and hit the call button it comes up and we step in, and Carter hits the button for the first floor when the elevator stops I can see Kara standing out the front door and take a deep breath. John says you alright Kat? I will be after I shoot her. What are we going to do about Snow? John smiles I'll shoot him you shoot her. Just as I'm about to say I like that idea, Carter cuts in and says I'm assuming this is the part where I become the getaway driver. Me and John laugh. I say yes Joss it is definitely the part where you're the getaway driver. Me and John walk out the glass front door I turn to him and say be careful I love you and kiss his cheek. He smiles you be careful too sweetheart, and kisses my cheek. We part ways with John going after Snow and me going after Kara. When I turn the corner and see her I yell Kara Stanton! She turns around and looks at me Katherine Jones. Funny we meet. She replies. You really think that, after you kidnapped my boyfriend and put him in a bomb vest that it's funny we meet. I then pull my gun out and point it at her. She pulls hers out and points it at me. And I was hoping I wouldn't have to kill anyone today she snaps she pulls the trigger but I move and the bullet only grazes my side, Ow! I yelp. Alright Stanton now you've done it and I shoot her square in the chest. Wincing, I walk in the direction John went. When I find him, him and Snow are fighting I lean against the wall. John notices me holding my side, and shoots out Snow's kneecaps before shooting him in the chest. Kat what happened to your side? He asks. I laugh softly, and that makes me wince. That Idiot Kara tried to kill me but I moved so I got grazed. I shot Kara though I'm pretty sure she's dead. He smiles. And then he picks me up bridal style. I sigh. John she didn't shoot me. I'm fine. He laughs softly. Are you ever going to let me take care of you? You take care of me all the time. As many times as you've stitched me up If I didn't know you were a detective, I'd say you're a doctor. I laugh. Carter is waiting for us in front of the building. John opens the door and gently sets me down. Carter looks sort of worried. You alright Kat? She asks I smile Kara tried to shoot me. But I shot her. John gets in and shuts the door. He asks Carter if she's got any stitches. She smiles yeah I do I keep them around because you two are insane. I laugh weakly. They both notice and ask you sure you're okay? Yeah I'm fine, I say before everything goes black. When I wake up I realize I'm in my bedroom. Groaning, I attempt to roll over. After realizing that's not going to work, I try to sit up it hurts like heck, but I manage to do it. Turning my head I notice that John's asleep next to me. Or I thought he was until I move over slightly. Kat? He asks softly I smile, hey John. I say Are you okay? He asks gently brushing the stitches on my side. I chuckle softly, yeah I think I'm okay  did you put these in? I ask brushing the stitches on my side. He smiles, yeah I did. I was really worried about you. He says kissing my forehead softly. I smile I'm fine John. I kiss his forehead. We lay there together just cuddling. John tells me everything that happened after I passed out. I sigh. What's wrong? He asks. I just thought I was going to lose you John. I woke up in that SUV and realized you weren't there and pretty much panicked. Ask Joss she literally had to hold me up because I was crying so hard I probably would've fallen over if she hadn't been there holding me. He smiles. When I woke up on that train I thought about you. He says he takes a deep breath before continuing, I was really worried about you. Because I remember the look on your face when I saved your life six months ago. It was like you couldn't believe I was alive but although you didn't understand what was happening, you were just so happy to see me and when we kissed it you acted like that was all you ever wanted. I smile it was John that was all I ever wanted was to be with you. He gently wraps his arm around me and pulls me close to him. Then he me kisses softly as if he was afraid of hurting me. When we pull apart, He smiles and lays my head on his chest and before I fall asleep I hear him say "I love you Kat and I always will" in a few days my side is  completely healed and I am back to saving people's lives with John and solving cases with Carter.
Author's Note:
This took about three days to write, and I really hope you enjoy! Once again I'd like to thank Chipmunkgirl0223 for helping inspire me to write this up. Thanks again for making this story number one under the hashtag #part2comingsoon.

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