Diamond Heart 💎

By bellamerce

133K 6.5K 1.2K

------- He loved the girl that can't love him.....And now he can't love the girl that loves him -------- ** "... More

Story characters
Chapter 1- Brains and Bronze
Chapter 2 - Flustered
Chapter 3 - Leverage
Chapter 4 -Appointment
Chapter 5 - On My Way
Chapter 6 - Fools Gold
Chapter 7- Dancing With Your Ghost
Chapter 8 - Teach You Love
Chapter 9 - Chaotic
Chapter 10 - Heart For Takeaway
Chapter 11 - Little Moments
Chapter 12 - Intrigued
Chapter 13 - Forget Me Not
Chapter 14 - Culmination & Surrender
Chapter 15 - Renegade
Chapter 16 - Firefly
Chapter 17 - Flicker
Chapter 18 - Glimpse Uf Us
Chapter 19 - O My Beloved
Chapter 20 - New Rules
Chapter 21 - Breathe
Chapter 22 - They Don't Know About Us
Chapter 23 - Sleeping At Last
A/N- Chapter 24
Chapter 24 - Gravity: Re-upload
Chapter 25 - Diamond Heart 💎
Chapter 26 - Under Your Influence
A/N : A Crystal Love
Chapter 27 - A Crystal Love
Chapter 28 - Quick Sand
Chapter 29 - Collide
Chapter 30 - Ignorance Is Bliss
Chapter 31 - Don't Give Up On Me
Chapter 32 - Dynasty
Chapter 33 - Insanely Drunk Poet
Chapter 34 - Talking To The Moon
Chapter 35 - When It Hurts
Chapter 36 - Walking The Tight Rope
A/N - Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - Ricochet
Chapter 38 - Full Steam Ahead
AN: Chapter 38
Chapter 39 - At Your Service
Chapter 41 - Atah Girl
Chapter 42 - How I Love You
Chapter 43 - Twilight Zone
Chapter 44 - Braveheart
Chapter 45 - Conundrum
Chapter 46 - Full Circle
Chapter 47 - El Final Del Paraiso (The end of Paradise)
Chapter 48 - Like A Dream
Chapter 49 - Heaven In Hell
Chapter 50 - Sunrise In Heaven (Part 1)
Chapter 51 - Sunrise In Heaven (Part 2)
Epilogue - Forever Afterall
Bonus Chapter -My Forever Girl
Teaser - A Crystal Love

Chapter 40 - DNA

2.3K 107 18
By bellamerce

I have developed a habit of staring at my reflection in the mirror every morning. I would raise my shirt up and stare at my belly, which is completely ridiculous because I'm still a long way to showing any significant sighs of pregnancy yet......but I do it anyway, and as if that wasn't enough, Aaron has a habit of rubbing my belly every chance he gets.

I have to admit that the time we have been living together has been amazing for our relationship.

I have especially enjoyed the little things about him that I never thought about before, like the way he yawns and rubs his eyes at the end of the day when he is tired, or the way he cracks his knuckles when he is talking about something serious, or the way he brushes his teeth with his thumb hooked in the waist band of his sweats, I even like watching the way he changes into something more comfortable at the end of the day.....the way his pulls his belt out of his pants, it's probably an automatic reflex action that he doesn't have to think about, but I find it fascinating to watch.

I especially love how he picks up after me. Getting dressed is not my strongest suit, and no matter how early I wake up, I always end up in a rush to avoid being late for work...hence I would always leave something in my trial, a hairbrush on the dressing table, a misplaced shoe on the floor, or shirt lying on the bed.

I can't tell if this annoys Aaron, but when I finally get to doing it, I find that he has already put everything back in its place.

The idea of living with him terrified me at first, but I find myself increasingly looking forward to going home at the end of each day, and today, I walk into the apartment a little past 9ppm and find him in the bedroom, lying flat on his back with his phone in his hands.

I notice that the TV is on, and I figure that he probably made another poor attempt at watching TV but ended up abandoning the idea in place of his phone.

Putting my bag on the table in my room, I toss my phone next to him on the bed and climb up over him.

Pushing his hands apart, I place mine on his chest, closer to his neck and kiss him.

He smiles against my lips and wraps his around me.

"If it isn't my favorite person in the world." I say.

"Mmmhh, another late night?" he says instead.

I sit up next to him and tuck my hair behind my ear.

"I was just about ready to leave, but then this patient we had been watching went into cadiac arrest and so we had to deal with that." I say.

"Aren't there other doctors to deal with that?" He asks softly.

His tone is calm and soft, but I know enough about him to tell when he is displeased about something.

"They had other things to deal with....it happens, it's part of my job, sometimes I can't get off when I should." I say, while his eyes search my face.

"But I'm Fine...I promise." I say to reassure him.

I woke up feeling bloated, and abit nauseous, but I still went for work because unless it's really severe, these are things expected of pregnant women, but life has to keep moving.

Before he can respond, the doorbell rings.

We both look at each other in total surprise because at this time of the night, neither one of us is expecting any visitors.

He stands up before me and starts to walk to the door.

As I stand up to join him, my phone rings, and I find that it's Gemma.


'Hey babe, are you home or at the hospital?'


'Well, will you open the door for me please...I'm outside" she says.

'Oh..Ok, sure.' I mumble, cutting the call.

"It's Gemma." I say to Aaron.

"At this time of the night." he asks, and I shrug.

I rush out ahead of him to the door.

As soon as I open it, I notice that her face is sulky.

"Conrad and I are done." she mutters, her chest heaving heavily with emotion before any words are uttered from me.

I stare back at her wide eyed, not sure what to say.

"What do you mean done?"

"Done, over, broken up, the wedding is cancelled." she snaps.

I turn my head back and see Aaron walk up behind me, going towards the living area.

"You don't mean that." I say.

"Yes, I do." she snaps, going into the apartment.

"...He is such a hypocrite, and I would rather die single than marry into his stupid, obnoxious, self-centered, entitled narcissistic family...." she grumbles, running her fingers through her hair.

I close the door and scratch my head, then notice Aaron sitting on the arm or the sofa on the other side of the apartment, quietly facing us with his arms folded over his chest. He seems amused by Gemma's ranting, however, my sister is unaware of his presence.

"Listen, I...." I start to say, wanting to make her aware of my boyfriend's presence, but she cuts me off.

"Men can be so stupid sometimes, and just dumb..I'm not going to play second fiddle to his career just because he makes more money than me, and his parents...his parents expect me.... no, they demand that I to give up my career altogether and move to another city with him so that I can stay at home raising his babies......it's like they won't even be my babies...you know what they said.... that I don't have much time left of my youth and should use this small window left to bear atleast four kids before it's too late.... can you believe that his mother said that..and he just sat there listening and agreeing?" she grumbles and this time, Aaron chuckles, catching her attention.

Gemma turns and see him coming.

"Oh.......Oh." she says.

You would expect her to be a little embarrassed, but not my Gemma, instead, she tilts her head back proudly.

"It's true..about men being dumb sometimes." she says to him when he nears us and he smiles at her.

"I can't argue with that." He replies.

"I'm going to give you ladies some privacy." he adds, coming around to me.

He cups the sides of my face and kisses me softly, before letting go.

"Goodnight Gemma." he says to my sister, and salters off, and up the stairs.

Gemma and I both watch him leave, until he is out of sight.

"That wink..." she whispers.

Then she suddenly pouts and becomes teary eyed.


"He is so hot...just like my Conrad." she mumbles.

"Gem, come, let's sit......" I say, pulling her towards the sofa.

Gemma hates to cry and I can see she is making every effort to fight back her tears, as she looks up to soak them back in.

Honestly, I'm a little taken aback by her showing up here, I would expect her to be talking to Eva right now about whatever happened to her tonight, they always share everything with each other first...so I'm genuinely surprised she came to me and quite frankly, I don't even know how to help her.

"Where do I start?" She asks croakily.

"You can you start from the beginning of what happened tonight."


I think my sister and I talk for about an hour, and I try my best to comfort and advise her.

"Thank you." she smiles.

"I don't think I did anything." I say.

"No, you did. I feel......better in a way." she says.

"Then you are welcome." I smile back.

"Do you think I can crash here tonight?"

"Sure." I reply right away, but that takes me by surprise too.

"It's just that, you know Mom and Dad, I don't want them hogging me about tonight's dinner at Conrad's house, and I think I just need some peace and quiet to think, away from...everyone." she says, as if reading my thoughts.

"Sure, you are welcome here anytime."

"Do you want something to drink, maybe some ice cream?"

"Yes please...but, isn't Aaron waiting for you..I know I interrupted you guys."

"I think a few more minutes won't hurt." I say standing up.

"Are you sure, I don't want to ruin your night too." she says.

"You're won't"

"You two look so really serious..I mean, I didn't really expect that to be honest." she says, following up behind me.

"Yeah." I say, not sure what else to say.

"You look good together though...like seriously, he seems very matured and grounded..and you look very centered and happy around him."

I turn to face her this time.

"I am... we are really in a good place."

"I can see that, and I'm happy for you, you deserve it."


I thought Aaron would be sleeping when I finally get to bed, but he is not.

"I could hear you guys laughing after a while." He says, as I approach him.

"Yeah? It was a good night, surprising, but good." I say happily.

"She asked to stay the night here, so I put her in the other room......is that ok?" I ask him.

"It's your apartment."

"Yeah, but..you're here ow, so I guess we are kind of sharing...I know I should have asked you, but I figured that you would say yes, so I said yes." I say.

He watches me cuddle up further against him, literally wrapping all my limbs around him and he chuckles, his hands holding me to him.

"I like coming to bed every night and finding you here......It's surprised me how much I have really loved having you here.... these have been some of the best days of my life." I confess.


"Really....I love living with you." I say and his smiles, biting his lip a little.

"Me too." he admits too.

"I don't think I will ever be ok with not living with you again." he says, surprising me.

"Me too." I find myself saying honestly.

"Good, because we kind of may need to, with this baby coming...it will make more sense that we live together." he says.

"That makes sense."

"But you know me being here is temporary, right?" he adds.

"I thought you liked it here." I say, hoping the past few days may have changed his mind abit.

"It's a temporary set up."

"There is plenty of room here, I still have another bedroom I haven't even set up yet.....we can turn that into a baby's room." I say and he shakes his head rather fiercely.

"Raquel, we are not raising our baby here." he says heatedly.

I swallow hard.

"Now you can choose to delay the inevitable and decide to stay here as long as you want while you are pregnant, and I may even indulge you, but once this baby is born, you are both moving to El Paraiso, where it will be raised." he says.

His words leave no room for argument, the look in his eyes is very clear on that.

"So, you get to decide this without my input, expecting me to just play along?" I ask, and in the back of my mind, it occurs to me that we are starting to sound like my sister and her fiancé.

"It's a sensible solution, deep down in your heart you know it." he says, and I run my fingers through my hair.

"I don't think my parents will like the idea of me just moving into your family home?" I say thoughtfully.

"They will understand, it's a sensible thing to do...besides, the only opinion that matters on this matter is yours, and even you know this is the best thing to do, they will respect your decision." he says, very self-assured.

"Is this because of what your parents said? about you not abandoning the mansion." I ask.

"I was never ever going to abandon El Paraiso...It's part of my heritage, I won't deny my child that part of myself...besides, I have such great memories there, I want the same thing for my child."

"Your child? I don't see you carrying any baby?" I snort and he chuckles.

"Sorry....Our child." he murmurs, kissing my cheek.

"I know this happened by accident, but the past few days, I realise that I really want this, and I'm not just saying this because I think it's the right thing to say...... I'm ready to be a dad." He says and that makes me smile.

"I'm glad to hear that...when I thought you had a daughter with your Ex, it made me feel really jealous that you get to share such a special bond with her, and I wished it was me instead of her." I confess.

"You got your wish."

"I did, thank you."

He laughs.

"Not sure why you're thanking me, but you're welcome."

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" I ask after a while.

We have our doctor's appointment with Patricia tomorrow, which will be 10 days since the last time we met her...... three days overdue from when we were scheduled to meet, but unfortunately, she has been away from work for personal reasons for the past few days and we both decided we didn't want to be seen by a different OB.

We had a video call with her on our schedules appointment date and then agreed we would wait for her to return.

"A little.......I just need you to be ok, both of you. You're starting to work hard again, and it worries me." He says, rubbing my back.

"I promise if I need to fall back, I will, but when I feel better, I want to hold on to all parts of my life as much as I can.... ok?"



Conrad is at our door first thing in the morning and even though Gemma tries to play hard to get, the two of them spend some time talking in the bedroom, before they leave together.

Later in the day, I'm in Patricia's office ten minutes past our appointed time when Aaron rushes in.

"Sorry I'm late" he says with a wink.

I'm sitting on the examination table facing the door, and he comes to stand by my side.

"Hi" he says, kissing me briefly.

"Hello dad." I return and he smiles.

"Hello Aaron." Patricia says, starting to prepare for the checkup.

"Lie down on your back and relax." she says to me.

"What's that?" Aaron asks me, pointing to the thing in Patricia's hands, which she is lubricating.

"We are going to do a transvaginal ultrasound, it goes into my vagina." I say.

Aaron looks more concerned than I do, so I grab his hand and squeeze it.

"I delivered a baby today." I say to him to distract him.

"Yeah?" he says, looking at Patricia as she settles between my legs, and turns the monitor in our direction.

"It was an emergency situation...went to receive this woman from the ambulance, but it was too late, she was ready to go...so I just got in, and we did it...delivered the bay in the van"

"The parents were so grateful that everything turned out ok, that they named their little girl after me." I say proudly and he smiles and finally looks at me.

"Using your name without my permission?" he says, and I chuckle.


"I don't like the idea of someone else having your name." he says, and I notice Patricia holding back a smile.

"Well, this may come as a shock to you, but I'm not the only Raquel in the world, or city." I tease.

'You are the only one I know......Now this baby will possibly have your character, your temperament and beauty......what will our daughter get?" he asks.

"Well, Let's hope it's a boy then." I say.

"What about the next?"

"Next what?"

"Baby." he says, and I laugh.

"Can we get through this one first, before we start talking about more babies." I say.

"Now that we have gotten started, might as well get it all out of the way, maybe three or four while you still have your youth, then close the chapter once and for all." he says, slightly referencing Gemma's comment last night and we both burst out laughing.

"Well, if you don't mind me saying so, I agree, better now...the odds in every way you look at it are better at a younger age...but you know that already Raquel." Patricia says and I frown.

"Are you two ganging up on me?" I grumble.

"This is not exactly the kind of gang bang I had in mind." Aaron says, and both Patricia and I groan and then laugh.

"Don't start" I utter, slapping his hand and he laughs too

"Alright, so Raquel, how's the pain so far?"

"Good, I mean, almost all completely gone now."

"Any bleeding, shading?"


"How do you feel generally?"


"Good......bend your knees and put your legs here." she says, and I follow suit, putting my ankles in the stirrups.

"Not a word from you." I say to Aaron, before he comments something inappropriate again.

He smiles, his hand squeezing mine.

"You might feel a little pinch or pressure." she says, as she inserts the transducer.

"Wow, that's getting alot more action that me these days." he says, watching the action and I cover my eyes with my face.

"Oh boy!!" I groan.

All our eyes turn to the monitor next.

I think at this point, both Aaron are I are now nervous.

"Looks good, healthy."

"And my cervix?"

"Definitely short..." she says, I know what that means, but Aaron draws his brows together.

"Aaron, during pregnancy, the cervix gets longer, putting a more protective distance between the baby and the outside of the body, and as pregnancy progresses, the cervix does start to shorten again in preparation for delivery. But if you have a shorter cervix earlier in the pregnancy, the natural shortening that happens as the weeks pass by may make it too short, too early...do you understand the problem with that?"

"But it can be managed......I don't want you two worry or panic at all." she says confidently.

"You are doing good now and I would like to keep things the way they are, we will have another checkup after two weeks and see how you are progressing.......ok?" she says, sliding her chair back and away from me.

"So now that we are done with the scary part, how would you like to hear your baby's heartbeat?" she asks, coming back to me again and as if on cue, the sound of a heartbeat echoes through the room.

"Aaron and I are both quiet, mesmerized by the sound of our baby heartbeat...There is not much to see on the monitor yet, except for a little bleep on the greyish matter on the screen, but it's there, evidence of our baby.

The look on Aaron's face......there is no way to describe it.

He catches my eyes and rubs his face.

"There is not much to see yet..but this is your baby." Patricia says.

"Wow." he says, looking back at the screen.

"Alright, any..."

"Wait." Aaron snaps, taking out his phone.

"I want to take a video of the monitor, the sound of the heartbeat.... for grandma and Tomaso." he says, briefly looking at me.

"Is that alright?" he asks.

"Yes." I whisper, finding the gesture heartwarming.


Not surprisingly, I'm first to arrive back at the apartment.

I have had the busiest of days, surrounded by people all day, but now that I have a moment to myself, I sit down at the kitchen table and take out the picture of Raquel's ultrasound Patricia printed for us.

I brush my thumb over the picture, a warm feeling entering my body, and it sends a chill down my spine.

This is really real...it's here.

Then my phone rings, interrupting us.

"Finally." Raquel says upon my answer.

"That's no way to speak to the father of your child." I say, looking at the ultrasound pick.

"Sorry daddy." She chuckles.

"I wanted to tell you that am at the manor." she says.

"At your parent's place?"


"What are you doing there, and why am I only finding out now?" I ask, putting the pick down on the table.

"I texted you, after your phone went unanswered." she says.

"Hold on, there someone at the door." I say, walking to the door when the doorbell rings.

Gemma's face pops into view and she smiles widely at me.

"Hi" I say and wink at her, letting her in.

"It's your sister." I say to Raquel.

"I know, I wanted go tell you that she is coming over...she forgot her purse at the apartment from earlier." she says.

"I'm just going to look around upstairs" Gemma says and I nod.

"Why are you at your parent's house, what's the occasion?"

"Nothing, just came over for dinner since I haven't been here in a long time....hu??.... yes...hold on...." She says, aad starts speaking in the background, much to my frustration.

"Babe...I'll call you back." She says, right before cutting the line.

I hate the randomness, I wish I had known about her plans, so that I can make my own...besides, tonight was pretty special, we were supposed to spend it together. Alone.

"Gemma." I say, as she comes downstairs.

"Found it." She says, holding her small gold purse up for me to see.

"Good, listen, can you give me a minute, I'll come with you to pick up your sister." I say to her

"Ok..sure." she smiles.

I rush up the stairs for a change of clothes.

When I come back down, Gemma is standing by the table, holding the ultrasound picture in her hand.


"Gemma, Raquel and I will tell everyone the news when we are good and ready, no less." I say to her.

"I got it..you already made that clear back at the apartment....." She says.

"But I think it's great news, and I can't wait to see the look on my parents faces when they find out." she utters gleefully.


"But I get it.... trust me, they won't hear it from me." She says.

I give her an unconvinced questioning look.

She smiles and uses her fingers to imaginarily zip her mouth and throw away the key.

The gesture makes me smile unintentionally.

"You can trust auntie Gem to keep a secret.....oh and by default, I get to be the Godmother" She adds, and I find myself chuckling.

"That's debatable." I say, getting out of the car.

It's a full house when we get inside, and my eyes search for Raquel. She is sitting on a chair with Angela besides her, her arm wrapped around Raquel's shoulders... and they are both facing Eva and their mother.

Mercedes is not far off, looking at something in her hands with Jeff next to her.

"They are in pairs, playing a game." Gemma clears my confusion as we approach.

"Hello." Gemma shouts and they all turn to look in our direction.

It's safe to say everyone is pleasantly surprised to see me.

Raquel stands, revealing her ankle length dress... it's flowery and holds her bust tightly, then falls loosely to her ankles.

She looks lovely, she looks motherly, and am all for it.

"Hey!" Jeff punches my shoulder and I realise I wasn't listening.

He looks were I'm looking.

"Ahh, young love." He says with a grin, just as Raquel reaches us.

"Hai." She murmurs, wrapping me into a hug.

She looks surprised but happy to see me.

"I hug her back, her full bust hard to ignore...she feels soft, and warm and I missed her...so I squeeze her tighter.

Her family surrounds us, Cynthia showing her pleasure to see me, and everyone else follows suit.

"We were waiting for Gemma to arrive so that we can eat...come on everyone, the food is probably cold by now." Cynthia utters.

Raquel smiles and takes my hand as we move to the dining room.

There is typically lots of talking as we eat, and I love to see that Raquel has continued to pick up on her appetite.

In the past few days, she has been eating alot, especially sweet things, she is always hungry, and tonight is no different.

After dinner, there is a family movie.

"Aaron...this is one of our family traditions...... Raquel has missed out on alot of these since she moved out so even though tonight is not the official movie night, we will have one tonight, God knows when we will have everyone around like this again.

"Sure." I smile.

In the family room, I pick a seat at the back of the room, behind everyone... it's a two-piece sofa and Raquel sits with her feet on the sofa.

"What are you doing here?" She asks softly, now that we finally have a moment alone, well sort of.

"I don't like it when you make plans and not tell me." I say seriously.

"That sounds a little possessive." She retorts.

"I'm serious.... I didn't like coming home and you not being there, but worse off when you decide not to come back home at all...you should have told me you made plans." I respond, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"I did..I texted you." She says and I scoff.

"I thought you would want to be with me tonight, you know, alone.... after Patricia gave you a clean bill of health." I say, squeezing her waist a little.

Patricia did say that we could resume our sex life and I was very much looking forward to that.

"Ohhh that." She chuckles.

"It's not like I moved here, it was just a few hours then I would have come back to you......"

"Here...." we both look up as Gemma hands us a light fleece to cover ourselves with while we watch.

"Thought you guys might need this." She says with a smile and wink, before going to share a three-seater sofa with her sisters and their own blanket.

Raquel covers us from the waist down and draws closer.

"I thought you didn't care much about that, seeing us you had been blowing me off the past few days." She replies.

"Because I care about your health...I don't want to hurt you." I say.

"You wouldn't have......"She replies, holding my gaze.

We maintain eye contact, the air between us getting heavy and charged, until we both hear everyone else in the room laugh at something on the TV.

We look away to keep up with everyone, but I find myself looking at the side of her face, the outline of her features, like her ears, her button nose, her lips and she smiles, feeling my gaze.

My hand squeezes her leg under the blanket and I curl my hand around her waist and draw her closer still.

She turns to face me then.

I grab the side of her neck as I kiss her softly, her head going to rest on the back of the sofa for support. She pulls the blanket up to her chest, as she relaxes into the kiss, her tongue, softly and moist, quietly twirling against mine.

We hear laughter and look away, once I'm sure no one is actually paying attention to us at the back, I kiss her again, my hand touching her belly.

I don't know why, but the idea of her pregnancy, of her body changing because of the child that's growing inside of her, makes her so much more desirable to me....it turns me on to think that my DNA lives inside her, mixing with hers to create another life......it doesn't get any more deeper than that..I have branded myself into her, this woman is mine...I feel like this family is only borrowing her now, but ultimately, she belongs to me now.

I pull back and wait for her eyes to open.

"You are mine... Ever so completely now...do you realise that?" I ask and she nods.

"Good." I say, placing her head on my shoulder as we look at the TV, as I try to figure out what's making everyone laugh so hard every few minutes.


The 1 hour 42 minutes movie passes quickly and, Raquel and I don't fully get the gist of the movie, because we spent more time making out quietly behind everyone instead of actually watching the movie.

"Ahh, that was fantastic...you guys should come around more " Tony says, as we start to leave.

"Well, I would love to." I say, then we both watch Raquel bid goodbye to her sisters and mother, as if she is going on a long journey for a few months.

Jeff and Tony are thinking the same thing and frown at the scene too.

"Goodnight." She finally says, walking away from them and towards us.

"Goodnight daddy." She says, like a little girl, going up on her toes to hug him.

"Goodnight my love...it was so lovely to have you around after such a long time...thank you." He says.

When she pulls back, he smiles at her and straightens her hair, and then cups the side of her face.

"You look so lovely, such a wonderful glow on your face." He says suddenly.

"That's what I was telling her." Cynthia says, coming to stand next to us.

"Guys, don't t start...." She grumbles and pulls away.

"Goodnight Jeff." She says, hugging him too.

"Goodnight Rocky." He replies.

"Bye." She says, taking my outstretched hand.

"Goodnight." I say and walk away with her.

The flirty attitude that begun during the movie continues the whole way back to the apartment, and she walks up behind me, as we go up the stairs, her arms wrapped around my torso, planting soft kisses on my back.

Paul says something to me, before we disappear into the building, and I push Raquel ahead of me, as I have a minute alone with him.

When I walk into the apartment, Raquel is sitting on the stairs, rubbing her feet, as she waits for me.

"That was a long two minutes." she says, and I chuckle.

She stretches her hands towards me when I reach her, and I pull her up and lift her, wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Mhhmmm..I like this position." she murmurs.

"Just like this, but with my dress hunched up around my waist, and your hands making me bounce up and down your naked crotch" she adds, speaking hotly into my ear and closing her mouth over my earlobe, making sure I feel her warm and moist mouth.

The words coupled with the action sends a thrill into my body in anticipation.

In the bedroom, I walk to the bed and toss the teddy bear I gifted her off the bed and lay her down on the bed beneath me. She bites her lips when I push the dress up her thighs and around her waist, then decide to take it off her completely, I want to see her..all of her.

I kiss my way down her body all the way to her toes and squeeze her feet in my hands, an action that makes her moan in appreciation...so, I do it longer, massaging her feet.

I remember something and sit up straight, she sits up too and pulls me to her, and takes off my shirt, kissing my shoulder.

I chuckle.

"One second babe, I need to send a code to Paul real quick." I say to her, getting off the bed.

"Don't move." I tell her before rushing to my laptop which I left downstairs.

As soon as I get to it, I Open it, and start heading back the stairs, stopping for a few seconds on the stairs to type something, before continuing.

I walk back into the bedroom and flip the machine closed.

When I look on the bed, Raquel in holding a pillow, slightly on her side and her eyes closed.

When I push the door closed, she opens her eyes.

"That was quick." she says and sits up.

"Are you tired?" I ask, but she has to be, she worked all day and spent the evening entertaining her family, and now here I am, wanting my share of her.

"Not for you." she says, and in complete contrast, she yawns.

I sit on the bed, and she comes up and sits on my lap.

"I want you, I missed you..." she says.

"I know, but I don't want you passing out on me." I say and she smiles.

"I love you." she says, looking very emotional and pouty.

"I know.... I love you too." I say, brushing her cheek.

She lays her head on my shoulder and I rub her back, within a short time, she starts to breath evenly, softly.

I push myself backwards on the bed and lay her down.

As lovely as she looks asleep, I'm annoyed, at what or who exactly, I not sure...I'm just annoyed.

I lie down too and face the ceiling, then turn to my side facing her.

She's changed my whole life.... how can someone so delicate and vulnerable change not just the outwards elements of my world, but the very essence of who I am.

I don't know how to exist without her.

I push my hand beneath her and pull her close, so that our skin is touching, she opens her eyes briefly at the sudden movement and smiles when she sees me, then rests her head in the crook of my neck, after I pull the bed covers over us.

A/N: Thanks for your patience people.

Much love to you


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