My Best friend || Vminkook

By pinkicecream11

78.9K 4.1K 2.1K

Taehyung is an spoiled rich brat who likes to party and live his life to the fullest. Jimin is a kind soul wh... More

01 : Our Different Worlds
02 : Meeting You
03 : There's You And There's Me
04 : Oh. My. God.
05 : What The Hell, Dude?!
06 : Oh! It's You Again!
07 : So....Friends?
08 : Hate U
09 : Bro
10 : ALOHA~
11 : Shook
12 : Tragedy
13 : Oops
14 : Existential Crisis
16 : The Audacity
17 : A God
18 : Grounded
19 : Jailbreak
20 : Homeless
21 : Milfhunter69
22 : Kidnapped

15 : Your Mom

933 46 26
By pinkicecream11

Trigger warning :- swear words, lots of swear words, read at your own risk.

Third Person's P.O.V :-

"This is an inherently disrespectful behavior! I told you we shouldn't have let them stay here!" The receptionist complained to the hotel manager.

Currently, the entire Hawaii gang along with manager and receptionist had gathered in Taehyung's room inspecting the hole in the wall. A cleaning staff had arrived in the morning and immediately complained to the receptionist after seeing the hole in the wall, which led everyone to the following situation.

The manager sighed,"I must say, this is no normal circumstances, when we bought this hotel which was before used for indecent purposes we made sure to patch every hole up, so technically sir, you have damaged hotel property by pushing this hole open again" He said professionally.

"Bullshit! This wall had no work done to it, a light touch and it fell off" Taehyung angrily voiced out,"It's as if you handed us this room on purpose so that you could claim property damage on us-.... OH MY GOD YOU SONS OF BITCHES THAT'S EXACTLY IT ISN'T IT?! MOTHERFUCKER-" Taehyung was quickly caught by Namjoon and Hoseok before he could have the opportunity to jump the receptionist.

"Li-lies! Sir!" The receptionist turned towards the manager,"I would never do such a thing! Moreover, anyone who's ever stayed in this room never complained about such a hole, sir!" The receptionist tried his best to convince the manager.

"Of course they won't! I heard the people having sex in the next room, let me guess you rent rooms with holes to people with weird kinks looking to hookup behind your bosses's back and then gobble up all the extra profit yourself! I know your little schemes you motherfucker, Hobi Hyung let me go!" Taehyung accused and struggled again in Hoseok's hold.

"Yo-you have no proof!" The receptionist claimed in terror and turned to the manager,"Sir! I swear, I know nothing of this hole in the wall thing! In fact, this is the first time I'm seeing such a big hole!" He tried his best to sound convincing.

"Oh this ain't my first time seeing such a big and loose hole" Taehyung suddenly stood still in Hoseok's grip, making everyone turn to to look at him,"Because the first time I saw it I WAS STILL SCREWING YOUR MOM!! Bet you came outta there without your mom having to push huh?! You slimy little bastard!"

Everyone was shocked at the hurl of insults that came outta nowhere while Namjoon took a moment to excuse himself and go chuckle in the corner.

"Do you see this sir?! How disrespectful! We need to send them off to the police station again!" The receptionist complained to the manager.

"FUCK YOU! SUCK MY DICK!" Taehyung yelled out.

"Sir please-" The manager tried to say only to get cut off.


"Sir, you need calm down-"


"You'll be here till the police arrives!" This time the fuming receptionist yelled out.


"Can't believe this is happening for the second time, two days in a row" Hoseok mumbled, lying down on the hotel lounge couch, staring up at the ceiling in a daze.

"Jail visit 2.0 I guess" Namjoon voiced out in lamentation, sulking at the lounge chair, right beside Hoseok.

"Um guys, are you okay? Need anything to drink?" Jimin carefully asked out, his own throat feeling dry as the sahaara desert as this is the first time he spoke all morning, choosing to stay silent while the entire commotion was going down earlier.

"Yeah that's sounds great, by the way Jimin, why were you sleeping in the bathroom and why was Taehyung sleeping in your room?" Namjoon suddenly asked out, looking up curiously at Jimin.

"I- um-" Jimin shuttered as his cheeks started to get a little rosy,"Tae came to inspect the hole and I-I was there with him until I went to the bathroom and fell asleep cause I was...tired" He reluctantly voiced out, unable to say exactly why he didn't come out of the bathroom all night

"We're sorry, Jimin, we didn't want your trip to be like this" Namjoon spoke out with a sigh.

"No no! It's more than I could ever ask for!" Jimin uttered out in a hurry.

"Yeah more than a male prostitute could ever ask for" The receptionist who was watching them from his desk sharply remarked and rolled his eyes.

"Muff! Mmughf!"

Everyone turned to Taehyung who was tied to a chair right beside Namjoon and had a rolled up sock gagging his mouth as he tried to scream swear words at the receptionist again.

"That receptionist is getting on my nervs, Joon, pull that sock out of Taehyung's mouth for a second please" Hoseok requested with a tired sigh. And Namjoon was not the one to refuse such an entertaining request.

"YOU'RE MOM'S A MALE PROSTITUTE, YOU TWINK LOOKING ASS!" Taehyung yelled out and coughed a little,"Jiminie, I'd like a drink too" He asked with puppy eyes.

Jimin chuckled,"Of course! Coming right up!"

"Ah, brother Hojun is here" Namjoon said as he saw Hoseok's brother walking in with his lawyer again.

Hojun stopped before Hoseok with a leveling stare,"Out of all the troubles you've caused, this hawaii trip sure does take the care, Hoba" He said with a sigh and stepped towards the police officer in charge to get them out.

"Hobi Hyung it'll be alright-" Namjoon tried to cheer up Hoseok only to get cut off.

"If I don't call you for two days after reaching Seoul, just know in your heart that I have passed away" Hoseok looked like a medieval warrior who has made amends with his death.

"I'll go apologize with you Hobi Hyung" Taehyung said, feeling bad,"I'll also bring aunty's favorite wine and birkin bag to lessen the impact a little and I won't post about it on Twitter this time!" He said with determination.

Hoseok glanced at Taehyung before motioning for him to come in for a hug,"How nice of you to say you'd do the bare minimum, you bitch!" Saying that Hoseok slapped Taehyung on the head.

"Ouch!" Taehyung exclaimed in pain.

About 15 minutes later Jimin saw Hojun returning from the office cubical,"Guys, I think it's done" He informed the others.

Everyone stood up as Hojun approached them,"This is so troublesome, nobody warned me having a bachelor party would be this stressful" Hojun pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed his eyes,"I've taken care of things again and this time I want you guys to just chill on the beach and be out of here with the first flight tomorrow, understood?" He asked, the warning tone hidden in his voice.


"Is this what being grounded feels like?" Hoseok asked as the Hawaii gang chilled on lounge chairs under the shade of straw umbrellas.

"I wouldn't know, ask Taehyung" Namjoon said nonchalantly as he proceeded to suck on his coconut water.

"HEY!" Taehyung protested instantly.

Jimin chuckled at the antics and scrolled through his phone only to see a text from Jungkook.

Well that was awkward, last time they spoke Jimin angered him so much he stopped texting. Not that Jimin minded, Jungkook and his angsty ass could sit this one out. Nonetheless he opened the text to see what he wrote.

That went in a way more civilized manner than what Jimin had initially expected.

"You guys wanna meet my fiance?" Jimin asked out randomly.




Taehyung looked over at Namjoon and Hoseok who both had a bewildered expression accompanying their faces,"Ah, right I forgot to tell you guys, Jimin's engaged" Taehyung gave them a sheepish grine.

Hoseok quickly turned towards Namjoon, his back facing Taehyung and Jimin,"What the fuck does he mean engaged, I thought Jimin was Taehyung's vacation honey!" He whispered out harshly not being able to digest the situation.

"Don't ask me! When I went to pick them up from the NGO that day, Tae just said Jimin was his best friend, and I thought yeah duh best friends with benefits! I never saw this coming!" Namjoon whispered back just as harshly, as if offended that Hoseok was accusing him of knowing everything and not telling the other.

"Tae seems to know shit" Hoseok whispered squinting his eyes as his eyes wandered over the shore trying to come up with a theory.

"I don't like that look, what is your brain cooking up on the top floor?" Namjoon asked.

Hoseok's eyes widened as he seemed to come up with a conclusion, Namjoon stared at him with high expectations, Hoseok looked back at Namjoon,"You think he abducted the fiance to rub it in the face of the other fiance? Maybe it's his own version of T-posing to assert his dominance?? Is this a new kink in the market?" Hoseok asked all curious.

"And just why exactly do you think I've done a PhD in the kink field?" Namjoon asked Hoseok with a done face.

"You're the first one in our group to watch porn!" Hoseok pointed a finger at Namjoon, countering him.


"So this is it, huh?" Taehyung mused to himself looking at the door which led to the bachelor party.

"What are you doing, Tae? Let's get in" Jimin said from behind him.

"Jiminie" Taehyung turned around and pouted,"Our vacation is over" He whined and went in for a comfort hug,"I wanted to show you so many nice things but instead I led you to jail twice" He mourned as Jimin gave him consoling back rubs.

"It's okay, Taehyungie, having you beside me, even jail seemed like a tourist spot" Jimin sweetly whispered making Taehyung look up.

"Really?" Taehyung asked with shiny glistening eyes, tears about to fall down,"Jail time was aesthetic??" He asked with the ultimate combo, glistening eyes and pouty lips.

Jimin cupped Taehyung's face and smiled pleasantly,"Hell yeah!" He confirmed enthusiastically and chuckled at his own behavior.

From a few meters back, two awkward individual stared at them.

"Tell me those two don't look lovey dovey to you! I'm telling you there's something going on!" Hoseok hissed at Namjoon.

"When did I deny your claim?? If anything I agree with you instead!" Namjoon hissed back.

"Yeah?? So do something!" Hoseok said in return.

"Like what?" Namjoon asked.

"I don't know, something to get Jimin to break off his engagement? Something to make Tae realize how much he'd love to have Jimin beside him for the rest of his life? Something that'd grant them their happily ever after??" Hoseok suggested, pondering deeply on the matter.

"Geez, what do you take me for? The fairy godmother? I don't work miracles, Hobi" Namjoon deadpanned in a flat voice.

"Ugh do something! I see potential in this, I don't want Tae to lose the love of his life!" Hoseok groaned and rolled his head back in dissatisfaction.

"That's what you said back in college about that Jeon kid as well and then they had that messy fall out in the graduation party" Namjoon sighed and shook his head.

"Shut it, that happened all because that girl was desperate to get inside Tae's pants" Hoseok grumbled, upset that Namjoon brought up the university incident,"That kid was actually upset because Tae let it happen, I saw it in his eyes, he was in love with Tae! And I saw the same look in Jimin's eyes!" He exclaimed, seconds away from bringing his case study board with red strings attached to it over for Namjoon to understand the entire case.

"Alright then, if your hypothesis is accurate then let's set Tae up with someone tonight and then observe Jimin" Namjoon suggested.

"And then what? Watch another messy fall out?" Hoseok said in sarcastic voice.

"No! We'll stop it in time before things could get serious, we'll butt in before Tae could even accept or decline" Namjoon persisted.

"What you're failing to understand is that if Jimin even gets the slightest bit of hint that Tae was about to accept, it could lead to fall out" Hoseok warned.

"How else are we supposed to find out then?! If we ask him directly, I'm certain he'll say no in a heartbeat! We need to risk one factor, investment is the only formula to profit!" Namjoon flailed his arms around, trying to get his point across.

"This is not stock market, Joon, there's no certain formula to feelings, things get messy here" Hoseok sighed and fixed his attair, getting ready to approach Taehyung and Jimin and burst their sparkly love bubble with unicorns flying around it.

Namjoon made a distasteful face,"Well excuse me for drawing analytics from a subject I was made to study for 5 years against my fucking will, if you got better ideas then by all means, do suggest!" He said in a passive aggressive way.

"Grow up, Kim Namjoon" Hoseok rolled his eyes and walked towards Taehyung and Jimin, Namjoon following behind him with an upset face.

Jimin saw Hoseok and Namjoon coming towards him and remembered that ever since earlier they have been sticking together.

Actually now that he noticed it, the entire trip, both of them were together while Taehyung and him hung out.

Jimin's eyes widened as the gears in his head started rolling and his head presented him with the most juiciest theory.

"Taehyung" He called out getting the other's attention.

"Yeah?" Taehyung asked, still very much comfortable in the hug.

"Is something going on between Namjoon Hyung and Hobi Hyung?" Jimin asked, impatiently waiting for confirmation, he loved gossips.

"Huh?" Taehyung pulled back and looked at the two approaching them,"Nah, they're just friends, don't look too deep into this, Jiminie" He said and went back to hugging like nothing happened.


"You're right something is going on" Taehyung finally mumble while having a drink in his hand as he passed Jimin to sit beside him, eyes fixed on the other two members of their gang, currently on the other side of the party, bickering.

"Right?? I told you so!" Jimin said enthusiastically, chugging down his own drink, both of them drinking light, as their drunk history had provided many times how worse scenarios could get.

"But there's no love affair, it looks platonic to me, I think they had a disagreement" Taehyung chirped to help the live commentary he was giving over his two other friends.

"Everything seems platonic to you, even blowjobs" Jimin muttered and rolled his eyes.

"It is a platonic thing between us! I told you we were doing that since high school days, it's no biggie!" Taehyung whined urging Jimin to get over that topic already.

In answer Jimin just gave him the side eye, measured him from head to toe and went back to sipping his drink with a distasteful expression, eyes settling over the other two members again,"Mmkay, sure" He whispered.

On the other side of the room, Namjoon was sitting and drinking at the bar while Hoseok leaned over him to speak with the bartender,"One Tequila Sunrise please" He asked with a charming smile and sat down beside Namjoon.

"Wasn't bickering inside the booth enough that you followed me to the bar as well?" Namjoon asked with a half assed tone, trying sound done with the conversation.

"Taking personal drama online, petty move, Joon" Hoseok whispered, tapping his fingers on the bar, waiting for his drink.

Namjoon glanced at Hoseok's sharp side profile and turned back to his drink,"And since when am I the designated bigger person?" He asked, taking another sip of his chilled whiskey,"I can be petty when I wanna be" He mumbled feeling like an intimate bubble surround himself and Hoseok in spite of having loud music and crowd cheers in the background.

Hoseok chuckled at Namjoon's stubborn reply making Namjoon snap his head towards him with a little blush accompanying his face,"Stop laughing! You're an asshole, this is why none of your relationships lasts longer than a week!" He barked out, flustered.

Hoseok only laughed harder,"It's been a while" He said glancing at Namjoon,"The last time I saw you act this stubborn was back in middle school" He whispered and smiled,"I like the mature Namjoon but I like this childhood friend better" Hoseok grinned and ruffled the hair of Namjoon who was starting to resemble a tomato.

"I've been feeling horrible since earlier, staying angry at you and not talking to you, it doesn't suit me at all" Namjoon reluctantly confessed.

In reply Hoseok continued to caressed Namjoon's soft hair,"I know, I feel the same way, let's not be angry at each other anymore" Hoseok said with a friendly smile.

Namjoon smiled,"Yeah! And I'm also sorry for telling the entire world that you get scolded for getting pee over the toilet seat" He added that second apology in there as well.

The hand that was gently caressing his hair up until now suddenly fisted his hair in a painful grip,"Ouch!" Namjoon hissed out in pain and glanced at Hoseok.

The other was smiling pleasantly, but there was something wrong with him. Namjoon could feel the flames of hell erupting from behind Hoseok.

"I'll remember this and hold it against your head till the day I die" Hoseok hissed while maintaining that angelic smiled.

Namjoon sweat dropped,'So much for not being able to stay angry at each other' He thought.


Both of them turned around to see Taehyung looking down at them with an upset face.


"What's up?"

They both asked out, not knowing which thing upset their friend now.

"I know we three follow a strict code of bros before hoes but!" Taehyung bit his lips as his eyes got teary,"That doesn't mean you'd resort to making your bro the hoe!" He shrieked out making all the people at the bar look at them in alarm.

"Translate quickly what does he mean?" Namjoon asked Hoseok in a rushed voiced.

"I think he thinks we're screwing each other" Hoseok answered back,"But his brain isn't efficient enough to come up with that conclusion, Jimin might have given him ideas, also he looks shit faced, might have had a few too many drinks" Hoseok did his quick analysis.

Namjoon signed,"We gotta get outta here then, Taehyung and alcohol ain't a good combination" Namjoon concluded.

"On it" Hoseok whispered and stood up,"Taehyungie, this is a very private matter why don't we leave this area with loud music and go talk in our room?" Hoseok asked gently, flashing his warm smile.

Taehyung pouted,"Aww but that sexy lady on the other side of the room was dropping hints that she might wanna do me but before I could answer Jimin asked me to confront you guys, I wanted to say yes to her!" Taehyung whined,"Jimin is currently taking care of her and showing her a good time" He added.

Both Namjoon and Hoseok peeped out from the either sides of Taehyung and stared at the other side of the room only to see Jimin punching a girl square in the face.


"A good time indeed" Namjoon whispered with raised eyebrows and impressed tone, in contrast to Hoseok who was shooketh.

Taehyung frown,"Why are you guys making those expression, what's happening in the back?" He wondered but before he could turn back Namjoon caught him.

"Hobi take him to the room, I'll grab Jimin and meet you there" Saying that Namjoon handed Hoseok the shitfaced Taehyung and made his way towards the other side of the room.

This one was gonna require compensation money in order to keep the matter under wraps.

Namjoon sighed,"Why me?" He muttered and quickened his pace.

A/n :- We just gon pretend I wasn't missing for 2 years, okay?

You might also be wondering why Taehyung's twitter pic is different, let's just say he gained a lot of followers after that jail tweet and decided to change his layout (I changed phones and I can't find that exact photo anywhere 🥲)

Also thank you for giving this book 56k+??? I- 🧍‍♀️ no cuz you guys gave this abomination with no sensible storyline this much love and support 😂 this is legendary.

Thank you very much for reading, voting and commenting until now guys!

Love ya all!!! ❤❤❤

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