Stuck - a Mech-X4 Season 2 (R...

Von AddyKay23

8.2K 120 66

The anonymous hero's of Mech-X4 have been going back to their regular lives since defeating Seth Harper. Dako... Mehr

Versus the New Evil - Part 1
Versus the New Evil - Part 2
Versus the New Evil - Part 3
Versus the Deep - Part 1
Versus the Deep - Part 2
Versus the Outbreak - Part 1
Versus the Outbreak - Part 2
Versus Harper's Ghost - Part 1
Versus Harper's Ghost - Part 2
Versus Harpers Ghost - Part 3
Versus the Mountain - Part 1
Versus the Mountain - Part 2
Versus the Dark Night - Part 1
Versus the Dark Night - Part 2
Versus the Tech Army - Part 1
Versus the Tech Army - Part 2
Versus Traeger - Part 1
Versus Traeger - Part 2
Versus Traeger - Part 3
Versus Velocity and Veracity - Part 1
Versus Velocity and Veracity - Part 2
Versus Velocity and Veracity - Part 3
Versus the Arctic - Part 1
Not an update but it's still important😉❤️
Versus the Arctic - Part 2
Versus the Wolves at the Door - Part 1
Versus the Wolves at the Door - Part 2
Versus the Wolves at the Door - Part 3
Versus the Thirty - Part 1
Versus the Thirty - Part 2
Versus the Thirty - Part 3
Versus Miami - Part 1
Versus Miami - Part 2
Versus the X-Weapon - Part 1
Versus Sabotage - Part 1
Versus Sabotage - Part 2
Versus the Monster Within - Part 1
Versus the Monster Within - Part 2
Versus the Betrayal - Part 1
Versus Harris - Part 1
Versus the Infected - Part 1
Versus the Monster Inside - Part 1
Versus the Monster Inside - Part 2
Versus the Zero Gravity - Part 1
Versus the Zero Gravity - Part 2
Thank You All!
3 Years Later......
3 Year Later.... (Part 2)
Another 4 Months Later....
ANOTHER 6 months later...
(fake) ✨Instagrams✨
(fake) ✨Instagrams Part 2✨
(fake) ✨Instagrams -Part 3✨
THE Cooper family breakfast playlist
Regret/Stuck FUN FACTS✨✨
One final thank you!
Headcanons because they cute🤭

Versus the X-Weapon - Part 2

91 2 2
Von AddyKay23

(Ryans POV)

Mom took us home and after I changed out of my now burned t-shirt into a different shirt, I walked into Marks room surprised to see him parking his trophies in boxes. 

"Oh. Hey, dude. What are you doing?" I asked. 

"This is my first "Most Handsome Player" trophy from baseball camp." He said. "I cannot risk breaking this. Why was that even an award."

"No I mean stop packing." I said. "We can't leave."

"Yes we can." Mom says coming into the room. "Your Aunt Glorias gonna put us up in Miami until we can find our own place."

"Oh no." Mark groaned. "Aunt Gloria makes me scrape off her dead skin. It everywhere. Like everywhere."

"Mom we can't leave. Bay City needs us." I said. 

"Ryan I'm doing this for you. You're just a teenager, you should be worrying about grade and your girlfriend." Mom said trying to convince us. "You shouldn't have the burden of saving the world on your shoulders."

"So we're just going to cut and run? Leave Bay City to be destroyed?" I asked. 

"No, Of course not. I'm going to do what I should have done in the fist place." Mom says. "Give me all the info you have on Harper and Traeger, I'm going to take it to the authorities. They're the ones who should be protecting the city, not you."

"Mom, I'm the only one-"

"That's enough Ryan!" Mom yelled sternly. "Start packing."

"No." I said. Mark had a worried look on his face while I walked away from the both of them, because he knows you don't say no to my mother. 

"What did you just say to me?" Mom asked turning around. 

"I said no." I said again. "I'm not gonna leave. I'll crash and Harris's or Spyder's or something."

"No! We're moving!" She snapped. "Because I said so!"

"I'm not scared of monsters, I'm not scared of you!" 

"Whoa, just take it down a notch bro." Mark said trying to keep me from saying something I would definitely regret.

"You have no idea what its like to be a parent." Mom says softly. "All I do is worry about you two. Are you healthy. Are you safe. Am I raising you right. And I'm proud of you two. The things you've done are amazing. But do you know what it was like to see you hanging in that harness? I thought you we're dead." I looked to Mark and we both had the same look on our face. "Do you know what that did to me. You two are the most important thing in my life. I can't risk lose you. And I can't let you risk your lives anymore." I looked back to Mark not knowing what to do. He gave the slightest head nod. I turned and reached into one of the boxes pulling out a flash drive, using my powers to put all of the information we know on it. 

"Here's everything we know on Traeger." I said handing the drive to her.

"I'm going to take this to the military." She says. "Promise me, you wont go back to that robot."

"I promise." I said after sharing another glance with my brother.


(Dakotas POV)

Harris, Spyder, Veracity, Leo, Harper and I were still at the robot. Veracity and I were sitting in the X-deck trying to talk about everything. 

"I don't know what I'm gonna do if they leave." I said. 

"With the monsters, or?" She asked.

"Yeah of course with the monsters but Ryan to." I answered. "I really just want all this to go away."

"Monster alert!" Harris yelled from his lab next door. All six of us ran to his lab when he yelled. 

"What do we do?" Spyder asked.

"Well nothing without Ryan Peanut Walker." Veracity said making all of us laugh.

"Okay but seriously what do we do." Spyder asked again. None of knew what to do before I had and idea. "Kota?" I took of running. "Dakota!"


(Ryans POV)

I was reluctantly packing my things up when Mark burst in my room showing me his phone with a monster alert on it.

"Dude we promised." He said.

"What do we do?" I asked. He shook his head not knowing the answer himself. "Wait." I said rushing to a different box digging my gravity puck shows out of the bottom, throwing them on and practically diving out my window.

"What are you doing?" Mark yelled following me to the window. Lucky her window was open.

"D! Are you here!" I yelled once I got in her room. I ran out of the room to the top of the stairs. "Dakota! She wasn't there and her sister was probably still working. I ran back to the window where Mark was leaning his head out mine.

"She's not here, grab your keys." I said climbing out her window.

"You don't think she'd," He asked

"Yeah I do, we gotta get to the robot, now go get your keys."


(MINOR mentions of suicide)

That was the fastest we ever got to the robot. We both took the elevator straight to the top honestly I was surprised at what was happening. Harris, Spyder, Leo and Harper shockingly all had a hold on Dakota while she was practically hanging of the back of her chair screaming,

"Let me go!"

"What's going on?" I asked. 

"Let, Me, Go!" Dakota yelled again while Spyder pulled her off the chair shoving her towards me.

"Your girlfriend is trying to kill her self." Spyder said.

"What!" I asked.

"Okay he's making it sound worse that it is." She said.

"D what's going on?" I asked, actually getting worried at this point.

"What did you want me to do, sit and do nothing?" She said.

"Yeah preferably." I answered.

"I didn't know if you were coming back or not." She said. 

"Well I'm here now, and we've got a monster to fight off." I said running down to the control pad.


(Dakotas POV)

The monster was attacking where the military was stationed, as we were told by Harris, so thats where we went. Traeger's monster was marching through the streets sending people running and fleeing. Ryan spotted his mom, who was going to give the military information on Traeger. He saved his mom by 'stomping' on her with the robots foot sucking her up to the top of the robot as Ryan rocket jumped over a diving Traeger.

"Are you okay, mom." Ryan asked when his mom stepped out of the elevator.

"You took the robot out when I told you not to?" Grace said.

"I'm sorry mom I had to." Ryan responded to her. 

"Grace he was doing it for me." I said spinning around. 

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Super long story short I used to be able to control the robot I can't anymore without risking my life so he came back so I didn't have to risk it." I told her basically in one breath.

"She's right, we also couldn't let him rip the city apart." Ryan added.

"Ryan listen to me very carefully." Grace said. We were all tense waiting for her to finish that statement. "Take him out."

"Hell yeah!" I cheered while Spyder smacked his hands together.

"Never gets old." He said smiling at me. "You guys heard my mom, lets dust this dude. Spyder?"

"You got it." Spyder responds. "Peanut." After launching a plasma punch Traeger got his balance back facing back up with us. After taking a few hits from almost no where, Ryan asked.

"What was that?" 

"He's hitting us with his tail. Bringing up shields." Harris responds.

"We need that new X-Weapon right now!" Mark yells from the balcony.

"I'm recalibration the power flow Harpers making the finishing touches, so Ryan doesn't get fried again." Veracity adds.

"Yeah lets nor fry Ryan again." Ryan responded to Veracity. "Spyder get him off us." While Spyder fired the missiles Harper and Leo came on the Mech-links

"Hey guys we could use some help down here!" Harper yelled.

"I'll go!" I said leaving my chair. "Grace you can take my chair." I ran to the elevator before pausing and saying "You got this okay." Ryan gave me that slight nod over his shoulder before I left in the elevator. "What do you need?" I asked when I got out the elevator. 

"Go see Leo." Harper said.


(Ryans POV)

"Wait last time you used that thing it almost killed you!" Mom said after Veracity said the X-Weapon was almost ready to go. "Are you sure its safe?"

"Truth or Truth?" I responded. "We never know if its safe. But its my job." Traeger had lifted me and the robot into the air. "X-Weapon?"

"X-Weapon!" Harris and Spyder responded.


Harris and Spyder smacked the buttons on their desks launching the beam from the robot.

"Ryan you gotta amp up the beams power." Veracity said.

"You can do this Ryan!" My mom yelled.

"1.9 gigahertz." Veracity continues. "2.3 gigahertz." Eventually Traeger let go of the robot and I landed back on my feet. After a few more seconds we all watched the thing causing us so much pain and stress, burst in to red ooze. 

The whole robot was silent. 

"We did it." I said quietly. "We destroyed Traeger! Guys its over!" Mom ran down fro Dakotas chair to hug me while the rest of the team came down with us. 

"I knew you could do it!" Harper said showing up on the screen with Leo

"I, knew you could do it!" Leo said. "There was some question on his part. He was a bit of a negative Nellie."

"Wait guys where's Dakota?" I asked. They both gave me that 'what do you think look' before we heard her yell,

"Ryan!" After running out of the elevator. When she hugged me and I stumbled back a few paces and laughed.

"Whoa relax, still kind of gassed from the X-Weapon." She smiled at me and turned to the rest of them and cheered,

"we did it!" They all cheered in response while we all fell into a group hug and ended up jumping around like a soccer team that just won the World Cup.

Never felt more relieved.


"So we're gonna stay?" I asked when mom sat us down on the living room couch when we got home. "And I can keep piloting the robot."

"Yes. We're staying." Mom said.

"And I'm sorry I know how much you wanted that job in restaurant." I told her.

"Yeah. The restaurant is a dream, but you know what else is a dream? Watching my children grow up to be brave, compassionate people. And you learned it by being in that robot."

"We didn't learn it from the robot." Mark said. 

"Yeah mom, we learned that from you." I added.

"Oh one more thing." Mom said. "Seth Harper."

"Don't worry mom we are way ahead of you." I told her. "We will take care of him right now, Mark I will meet you in your car. In just a few minutes." I ran out of the room towards the front door, cutting across my lawn. Dakota was sitting in her front window and jumped up when she saw me.

"What'd she say?" She said standing in her doorway.

"We're staying." I said running up her front porch step.

"Yes!" She said hugging me back. "God I'm so relieved."

"Kota whatcha doing?" I heard Kendall call from the kitchen.  She pushed the door open more so she could see me.

"They're staying!" She said.

"Oh that's great!" Kendall smiled.

"Ryan!" Mark called from his car. 

"We gotta go back to the robot." I told her. "Don't worry I'll fill you in later okay?" I said walking back down the porch. 

"Alright call me!"


"Okay we're going to go in there and we're going to take him out." I said while the two of us lined up outside the lab Harper works in with the taser sticks in our hand.

"Wait." Mark said. "This is going to sound crazy, but he saved our lives. He put the robot back together, and he helped build the weapon that defeated Traeger."

"It doesn't matter, okay? He still has to pay for his crimes." I whispered back. I used my powers to open the room and when we burst in, there was no one there.

"I don't get it where'd he go." Mark said while I noticed a tablet on the table with a note that said,

Hey guys, <3 Harper!

I turned on the tablet to be met with a video Harper made.

"Hey guys!" He said. "I know what you're thinking, where'd our new best buddy go? But here's the thing. We kinda made a deal to work together until we defeated Traeger and guess what good news, we did so its time for me to say, sayonara. But don't worry. I'm sure we'll see each other again someday. Bye for now buddies."


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