Crossed Paths |βœ…

By rukayyatuuuu

180K 16.4K 3.8K

|Book one in the Royal Series| --- In the realm of royalty, chance encounters are not mere happenstance; they... More



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By rukayyatuuuu

Kano, Nigeria.

"To be honest i'm surprised."

"About what exactly?"

"You Aida!" Habi exclaimed.

"Why if i may ask?" Aida asked nonchalantly.

"I thought you were in love with Ya Aryan? it's so surprising how you suddenly blacked out and all. You're now so cool with everything opposite to how you were before."

"I thought we were friends? i'm really disappointed in you Habi."

"Whoa! wait, why? what have i done?"

"For you to think of me that way seriously!. Habi, do you expect me to keep loving and chasing the man who doesn't care a dime about me? Ya Aryan doesn't love me in a romantic way, he only loves me as per his cousin and deceased wife's sister and nothing more. Alhamdulilah, my heart has now fully accepted the fact and i've already moved on. I pray nothing takes me back to that square."

"Agreed, i wanted to ruin his wife's life because a day to their wedding, i still had the mission to separate them by defaming her character and chastisty with some photoshopped pictures. But Allah loved me so much because he protected me from destroying a union by making my brother's wife Ummulkhair to force me to go on a Ta'alim with her. I felt like the imam was referring to me directly when he preached about coming in between a husband and a wife or destroying a union for one's selfish reasons. He had said that, that was one of the biggest sin in islam and could lead to hell fire. After that, i knew i wasn't going with my plan anymore. I destroyed the fake pictures immediately i got back home and i cried the whole night seeking for forgiveness from Allah for my bad intentions.

"Wallahi Habi since that day, i felt peace and serenity in my heart knowing i didn't destroyed a union. And from that day, my heart learnt to unlove Ya Aryan and Alhamdulilah i did. As we're talking right now, i'm a potential bride. I will be getting hitched in the next two months In Sha Allah."

"Oh my Allah Aida! i'm so proud of you. So much wallahi. I pray Allah bless your marriage with your soon to be husband. I'm really proud of you." Habi coeed and drew her into a hug.

"Thank you so much fave." She smiled back.

"Silly, now tell me who's the lucky man huh?" Habi winked.

Aida shyly smiled and covered her face with her palms.
"He's the chief medical director (CMD) of the national hospital Abuja. We met when he visited our hospital some months back. Although he's fifty but i still love him regardless."

"So what if he's half your age? you guys love each other and that matters the most. I'm so happy for you dearest! Seems like we're getting hitched the same time." Habi giggled.

"Wait, don't tell me you're also getting married???!!" Aida squealed.

"Of course sweetheart! Congratulations to us."

"Yh..congratulations to us!" Aida cheered and they both squealed and hugged each other. They were at it when a video call came through Aida's phone from Asma.

"Guess what?!!" Asma squealed with enthusiasm.

"What??!!" They replied in the same energy staring at her though the screen.

"Ariana has given bath to a bouncing handsome baby boy! The mother and baby are both fine.!" She dropped and they both squealed.

"Mashaa Allah! This calls for another celebration."

Istanbul, Turkey.
Five days later.

"Her bathing water is set Sultana." Asma said to Sultana who was changing the baby's diaper.

"Okay, come and take the baby. And you Ariana—to the bathroom."

Ariana nearly cried. She wonders when the torturing bathing session will end. She knew it wasn't ending anytime soon because of the small problem her 4.5kg baby caused in the process of coming out of her. She had to undergo several stiches before they were discharged.

The reason which gave her grandmother to torture her by bathing her every morning and evening with hot water as per the tradition requires and for her own safety.

"Are you the one bathing her today, Sultana?" Asma asked.

"Yes, Yakaka isn't feeling well."

That will be the most weirdest moment of her life! Ariana thought. How on earth will she be able to look at her mother in-law's face again after getting bath by her? Yassalam!.

Asma laughed and winked at Ariana knowing how weird it will be for her due to her extreme shyness. She laughed once more at her before taking the baby and exiting the room.

Ariana meekly stood up and followed after Sultana to the bathroom. Twenty five minutes later, she came out wrapped in a fluffy towel while Sultana remained at the bathroom to clear up things.

A smile crept on her lips when she saw her husband on the couch who also had a smile on his face staring at her.
"Latest Paapi in town, where were you all day?" She said sitting beside him on the couch.

He took her hand and brought it to his lips placing a smooch on it before drawing her to his body.
"Went on a baby shop hunting. Bought some more stuffs for our champ."

"Really hun'? that guy has more than enough clothes already!his clothes could fill a mini closet." She said pinching his nose.

"So? he deserves more than that even after making his Mummy go through pain." He smiled while she hummed.

"I missed you for not staying with you today."

"I missed you too my baby hun'" She pouted and kissed his nose to which he captured her lips in return. It started as a slow one but eventually got intense the same time the door to the bathroom creaked open.

Sultana's cheeks flushed in embarrassment and cleared her throat to announce her presence to the two lost lovers. They immediately withdrawn from each other both in embarrassment.

"Do you mind giving us some space Aryan? she needs to dress up." Sultana said her eyes fixated on his embarassed ones.

"Sure...sure Mom, see you both later." He said and quickly left the room. Sultana smiled and shook her head before yawing her attention back to her flushed daughter in-law.

"Get dressed up quickly and i will send Asma with the baby. He hasn't been fed for a while." Sultana said and Ariana nodded still not able to look at her mother in-law.

This was surely a bad day! She got double embarrassment in a go! first it was getting bathed by her mother in law and now getting caught by her same mother in-law intensely making out with her husband.

Wow! what a day!.

Ariana stared at the baby in her laps in awe unable to wrap the fact that she was now a mother. It was the best feeling ever! she now wonders when some people say they weren't interested in having kids. Now she's a mother and she will say it was the best feeling that has ever happened to her.

She smiled and took hold of his tiny chubby hand before placing a smooch on it. She and Aryan had argue the previous night on who the baby resembles and after much arguement they came on a conclusion that he carried most of his father's features. He has the same hazel eyes like his father's and the same cute lips. They were literally like twins!.

"I am the one who beared all the pain and you're the one he carried after in looks and everything." She had complained while Aryan laughed.

"Sorry Maamah. But that's how Allah does his things." He had laughed.

Now she stared at her husband carbon copy peacefully sleeping with no care like the baby he is after much sucking. The guy doesn't play with his milk just like his father doesn't play with his food.

The door to the room creaked open and her aunties came in. They all arrived yesterday. She smiled and greeted them as she just woke up from her morning sleep.

"How are you and the baby dear?" Aunty Hadiza asked sitting next to her and taking hold of the baby.

"So Mashaa Allah, what did you ate during his pregnancy Ariana?." Aunty Halima chuckled.

Ariana laughed and covered her face.
"He made me ate eight times a day."

"Aha! this explains his weight Mashaa Allah."  They both laughed.

"Have you chosen a name for him?"

"Not yet..but Aryan has a name in mind."

"That's good. Hadn't been it was a female, she would've been named after late Fatima." Aunty Hadiza said and a sad smile overcame Ariana's face. Oh Mamy!.

"But don't worry, you can put the name whenever you have a baby girl in the future."

"Yes In Sha Allah."  Ariana smiled.

"Oya, i'm taking over Yakaka today...get into the bathroom for your morning bath and Hadiza you should give the baby a bath and steam his navel."  Aunty Halima ordered and they all set to the task.

It was the dawn of  the baby's naming ceremony. The house was already busy as the aunties runned halter skelter to ensure all the preparations were done perfectly. They will be having a grand ceremony later in the day where guests from both families will be attending.

One of Ariana's aunties was showing her how to properly breastfeed when Marwa came in like she was thrown in.
"Ya Ariana, Ya Aryan is calling you."
Considering she was a new mother and still doesn't know many things about baby care, Ariana sleeps with her aunty in the same room. Hence doesn't longer share a room with her husband. Matter fact, they barely see each other due to her aunties and siblings hovering over her and the baby.

"She is breastfeeding the baby. She will be there in a few."
After she was done breastfeeding the baby, she handed him to her Aunty and left to her husband's call.

"Good morning maama baby." He smiled opening his arms for her and she wasted no time in taking the invitation and snuggling into him.

"Good morning hun'."

"How are you and the baby doing? i missed you both."

"We missed you too. And yes, today is his naming ceremony, have you choosen a name for him?i'm tired of calling my son baby." She pouted and he laughed.

"Calm down haven...what's that your dream name again?" He asked and a smile immediately crept on her lips.

"Are you sure you're going to name him that?" She squealed.

"Of course, if it has a good meaning then why not." He smiled.

"I love you hun'. How about the name Aahil?" She asked with a broad smile.

"Hm...what does that mean again? Prince right?"

"Yes yes! and he's indeed a prince afterall." She giggled.

"Aahil it is then."

"Yipee! Thank you so much hun' i love you." She smiled and kissed him.

"Shh...he's the symbol of our love so anything for you haven." He smiled and kissed her.

"For sure...he's our Jaan."

After subh prayers, the baby was named Aahil.Aryan said the iqaamah in both his ears and named him. Aahil Aryan Amin.


"Mummy, why is Aahil always sleeping?" Ayra innocently asked.

Ariana laughed clipping on her earring before giving her daughter an answer. "Because he's a baby Ayra, you were also once like him."

"Really Mummy? was i also always sleeping when i was a baby?"

"Yes my love."

"What of me Mummy?"

"You included Adyan." Ariana laughed putting on her bangles.

"Ariana are you ready? the guests are all present at the yard." Sultana said coming into the room.

"Yes Mom, i'm ready."

"You look very beautiful and stunning Mashaa Allah." She smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks Mom. You also look the same." She smiled back.

Dressed in an expensive lace sewn into bubu, Ariana had her headtie tied perfectly and a nude makeup which looked natural and beautiful on her face. She had on gold jewlries on her worth millions and hermes flat shoes clasped on her feet.

"Okay then, i will take the twins with me, you and Aryan should come in together." Sultana instructed and Ariana nodded.

Aryan came into the room seconds after Sultana left.
"Wait...give me one word...just one word to describe you wifey." He awed staring at her with dropped jaw making her to burst out into a fits of laughter.

"Take it easy Paapi, how about the word exquisite?" She winked.

"You look more than exquisite haven. Tabarakallah Mashaa Allah. Man, I'm lucky to have a beautiful ass woman as a wife Alhamdulilah." He smiled covering her in a hug.

He started aiming at her lips when she backed away.
"No way Paapi! you're going to ruin my lipstick and by the way Aahil is watching." She winked.

He raised his brows before bursting into laughter.
"You're not serious! he might be watching but he wouldn't understand a thing about what's going on haven."

"Whatever, i heard babies have a subconscious mind, he might remember."

"Remember?? fissabililah haven where did you hear such thing?" He laughed hard.

"Whatever, let's get going, everyone is waiting for us." She laughed and picked up baby Aahil from his cot and they exited the room.

They met the guests when they arrived at the highly posh decorated yard. The guests consists of few family members and friends. It was an intimate affair.

They greeted the elders and everyone prayed for baby Aahil.
"May he be beneficial to the whole Muslim ummah at large." Sultan prayed and everyone chorused with an 'ameen'.

A sheikh was invited to recite the holy Qur'an. He read and translated Suratul Rahman while everyone listened attentively till he was done and closed his recitation with prayer.

Aunty Munaya, one of Aryan's aunties suggested baby Aahil to be kept in his baby craddle because of how he might get tired of being held by several people. Hence, the craddle was brought and he was cuddled inside.

Food and other nigerian delicacies were served and everyone chilled and enjoyed the moment.
Ariana was done eating and just passed her plate to a maid when Aida sat beside her.

"I was wondering if you two could dance together?" She smiled.

"Dance?" Ariana repeated wiping her chin with a napkin.

"Yes...lovely couple dance, what do you think about that Asma?"

"Yes that will be fun!" Asma squealed.

"No!, there's no way i'm going to dance in the presence of  Dad, Grandpa and the other guests."

"Calm down honey, why are you freaking out? Remember you danced in front of more than hundred people on your wedding dinner and why can't you dance here? we're just twenty five."  Aida said.

"Yes she's right, please Rianaaa." Asma whined.

"Okay fine, since you all insist but man, this is going to be hard." She said while they laughed. They informed Aryan who also welcomed the idea and they were called to dance.

"It's You" by Ali Gatie was played and Aryan held her hand and they began to dance slowly even tho Ariana was super shy.

🎼It's you, it's always you
If I'm ever gonna fall in love
I know it's gon' be you
It's you, it's always you
Met a lot of people, but nobody feels like you
So, please don't break my heart
Don't tear me apart
I know how it starts
Trust me, I've been broken before
Don't break me again
I am delicate
Please, don't break my heart
Trust me, I've been broken before
I've been broken, yeah
I know how it feels
To be open
And then find out your love isn't real
I'm still hurting, yeah
I'm hurting inside
I'm so scared to fall in love, but if it's you, then I'll try
It's you, it's always you
If I'm ever gonna fall in love
I know it's gon' be you
It's you, it's always you....🎼

Aryan sanged along with the lyrics as they danced while she shyly smiled until they were done and the sound of claps were heard.

"You both looked so Mashaa Allah." Aunty Munaya coeed.

The photo session began and everyone took pictures with the new parents and the baby. The new parents also took with their newborn and the twins.

The day ended with everyone having fun. Candace Cameron Bure was right when he said, "The memories we make with our family is everything."

And indeed to Ariana, it was everything because she enjoyed every bit of it.

Heyyo my lovely readers...
I'm sorry for ghosting you people like that..well, alot of things happened. Got really busy with weddings and all but Alhamdulilah i'm now back.
What do you think about this chapter? please comment as much as you can. Thank you.

We have only a chapter and an epilogue to say Goodbye to "Crossed Paths". So please show some love and support to the book by commenting and voting. By Allah, it will really mean a lotttt.

Happy new year🥳. I can't believe it's 2023 already!. Allah sa mun shige ta a saa. Allah sa yadda muka ga farkon ta lafiya muga karshen ta lafiya.
May the year 2023, be a year full of barakah, health, success, wealth and happiness. Amin!.

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