A Jori Fanfiction

By thatgurl674

47.8K 1.2K 577

Tori has liked Jade since she came to Hollywood Arts Jade has a secret crush on Tori Will the play get them... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Authors Note
Not a chapter just a rant
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

9.9K 246 82
By thatgurl674

Jade's POV

I hate how she makes me feel. Just earlier she was being all nice and sweet and I can't stand it. I don't get how she could be so nice to me when I've been men to her. I hate that I'm in love with her.

I mean I have Beck. We've been together for three years now. As I walk through sikowitz class I hear the sound of chatter. I look to the front of the class and there is Tori talking to Andre. Gosh did she have to were that outfit today. Suddenly there's two strong arms wrapped around me.

"Hey babe" Beck whispered in my ear.

"Hey" I give a short reply. He starts leading me to the back of the class. I sit and he sits next to me and put his arm over my shoulder. There's some noise coming from the window and everybody turn to look.

Then out of nowhere sikowitz comes through the window with grass sticking out of his clothes and a coconut in his hand.

"And you couldn't use the door" I said like duh tone.

"No I couldn't Jade my vision told me to come through the window and they are never wrong" He said sipping more of his coconut.

"You could have gotten scratch from the bushes out there sikowitz" Tori said in a concerned tone.

I swear she worries about everybody. But that's one of the reasons I like--stop thinking about that Jade you don't love her you hate her I keep telling my self that and half hope one day it will come true and half hope she feels the same way.

We were in the middle of class when sikowitz started talking about a play.

"Since the principle says change up our plays we will be doing a play about two girls falling in love" He said bouncing on the heels of his feet.

The whole class gasped. Even I did. He takes out a box and is looking at us with a smile on his face.

"The box will tell you your role in the play and what ever role you get no ifs, ands, or buts about it" He goes to Robby first.

"John- Father of Emily " Robby read out. Sikowitz went to Cat next.

"Susan- Mother of Emily yah I'm a mom" She giggle. Sikowitz went to Tori next.

"Skylar love interest of Emily " She reads out a little nervously. What does she have to nervous about she has done many plays. Sikowitz went to Andre next.

"Brandon- Father of Skylar. Well looks like I got a daughter" He says looking at Tori with a smile. Sikowitz skips me and goes to Beck. I scowled at him.Beck licks his finger and pulled out a card.

"Chad- Boyfriend of Emily" he said with a smile and looks at me. Sikowitz goes to me next and I kinda think I know what I'm going to get but I don't want to jinx it. I pull out a card and my heart stops at what I read.

"Emily- secretly in love with Skylar but is the girlfriend of Chad"


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