Fanfiction: Lego Movie 2; Mis...

By odawg0207

348 4 16

Emmet and Lucy are about to celebrate their Seventh Anniversary as a happy couple. However, an old Ex of Lucy... More

Betrayal and Forgiveness

348 4 16
By odawg0207

It was a pleasant day in Syspocalypstar, everyone getting along well together, as expected in a Universe of Peace and Prosperity. However, a little far from the Main town itself, lay a bright Yellow and Blue colored house, raised on a big but gently shaped hill. This was the home of two people very much in love: that being Emmet Brickowski, and the bright spot of his life, Lucy Wyldstyle. Ever since the end of Armomageddon, the two had somehow continued to grow even closer and more romantically attracted to each other, which was very surprising since they basically knew everything about each other, and were already in the deepest love there ever could be. It was adorable to watch.

Speaking of those lovebirds, they were still sleeping together in their shared bedroom, snuggled up against each other, exhausted from their romantic evening the night before. A candle lit dinner, a fun movie, the natural and occasional making out that Lucy would start that Emmet would melt into, and would last for a while, finally ending with them falling asleep together, tightly holding each other, never wanting to let go of the love of their lives. Some would say Emmet and Lucy were a bad influence on each other, in a joking manor, based on how sappy they act when they're together, but that was alright with them. The sun then shown through brightly through the bedroom window, a mystical warmth strong enough to wake Emmet from a peaceful slumber.

Emmet gave a bright smile to the day laying in front of him, whispering a nice remark to it. "Ah, good morning, Syspocalypstar. Good morning Sun, and good morning," He turned to the one thing that made him the happiest man there was. The thing that made him feel like the center of the milky way, and on cloud nine. That being his wife, Lucy. He then giving her a warm kiss, saying to her, "Good morning, Lucy... Man, why do you always look so beautiful?" He wondered, starring at her gorgeous face. Although being fast asleep and not in the best mood to wake up, Emmet still thought she was the most beautiful creature to ever live in any scenario. He tried to lay back down, snaking his hands around her waist to keep her warm and protected, but all of a sudden a strange, second warmth invaded his chest area, and pulled him down.

That strange warmth apparently was the familiarity of Emmet's wife, who woke up from his fairytale kiss, just to feel his loving and welcoming body since they were alone. "Mhm. Morning, Ems. You sleep alright?" Lucy asked, in a bit of a playful tone, wanting to do something a little more, private with him. There was just something about the brunettes innocent and loving personality that was just very attractive. Something that made her so excited. She was the toughest there was, but she fell for a sweet, child-like, kind young man? Who woulda thought? Certainly not most people. She spoke up before he could respond. "You know Ems, last night was fun. But, I think we can do something a bit... better."

Emmet was temped by this, and wanted to oblige, but also didn't want to keep Lucy from having a fun day with all of their friends. Not to mention, they now had a big responsibility, and have had one for the last Two and a half years. "Uh, I don't know, Luce. I'd really like to, but, we do have to take care of Faith, ya know? I just don't know if we should be doing this right now."

Lucy considered this for a moment, before pulling him just an inch apart from her. "Well," She said, playing with he ruffled hair, letting her hands go into it and ruffling it even more. "You know how quick we are... Plus, we haven't gotten to in a while. So, you wanna mess around? Just for a little? I won't force you to do anything, Ems, but I do think we deserve a little break. Why not just say, I'm giving you a little reward for all your hard work for being the Special?" Lucy said seductively, falling on top of Emmet, who by now was blushing so hard, his cheeks were redder than blood and red wine combined. Lucy was just too beautiful and amazing to say no to, even if Emmet was always left in a blubbering mess. Being this close to each other really did wonders to the two Lovers. He couldn't help but finally give in to Lucy's playful attitude.

The quick rise and fall of being on top of Emmet's chest as he was breathing was even more relaxing then the most peaceful lullaby in the world. Although being the same height as each other, he was always like a large shield of love and support that no terror could break through. Lucy finally move down to his face, leaving no more space between the two, as she kissed Emmet, hard and loving on the mouth. She could feel his smile through the kiss, but decided to cover it in another kiss, each peck being deeper and more tasteful than the last. She couldn't remember the last time someone could bring out such feelings in her, but Emmet, her husband, could open her up and open the lock to her frozen, hardened heart, melting it within seconds. There was no doubt, in fact, there never was. Emmet and Lucy Brickowski were perfect for each other.

As the kiss started to get even more deep and long, Lucy starting to move her hands under Emmet's shirt to feel his chest, the two suddenly heard a small, faint, and possibly the most innocent knock at their door. The couple froze, worrying they were caught awkwardly by one of their friends, but were relieved when they realized the door was closed. Then, a small, adorable voice could be heard on the other side. "Mommy? Daddy?" From the sounds of it, a little kid, an infant, was calling to Emmet and Lucy, who immediately flung up from the bed, got dressed, then opened the door to see their beautiful baby girl in front of them.

Emmet spoke in a cheerful voice, picking up the toddler and nestling her, cooing the child as a means to calm her down. "Hi pumpkin, are you ok?" He asked, worrying his pride and joy was in some sort of trouble.

Faith Brickowski, the daughter of Emmet Brickowski and Lucy Wyldstyle, was a young, but very bright girl for her age. Just Two and a half years old, but having such advanced knowledge for nearly all little boys and girls around her age. Her parents couldn't be more proud. Then again, they would be proud of her no matter what. She was gentle, kind, loving, and saw the world as an oasis for everyone with all her innocent little heart, just like her father. At the same time, Faith was Independent, very good at creating, and a little tough in sticky situations, a few traits she adopted from her mother. Her eyes, sparkling like Emmet's, but had an Emerald coloring, from no one knows in the family, but no one minded. Her hair, a thing of a miracle. A brunette, just like Emmet, but a few locks of Candy-Blue and Lipgloss Pink, partially from Lucy, whose hair was colored fully with the combination. Once again, for being a punk, goth, rebel, Lucy sure did have such unique colored hair.

After a minute, giving Faith some time to respond, she looked up to her father. "Nuh uh, I'm ok. I love you both!" The admission left Emmet and Lucy in tears, they loved their daughter so much, and would protect her from everything that could even lay a finger on her. No one, not Friends nor foes, could ever hurt Faith. Emmet them gently put her down to the ground, where she could walk freely, and she barreled down the steps to their kitchen, the Parents about to join her, but lost in thought for a bit. Lucy looked to her husband, the sparkle in his eyes that he shared with Faith.

"Ems, you're definitely her favorite. She loves running to see you." She said, Emmet quickly cutting in.

"Come on, Lucy, she loves us just the same. Just because she jumps up into my hands doesn't mean I'm her favorite. Besides, you hold her a lot too."

"Yeah, but not nearly as much. Ems, I'm not mad, I guess I'm just a little jealous.

Emmet looked to his gorgeous wife, a frown starting to invade her face. He lifted her chin up with a gentle hand, then gave a gentle kiss to her lips. "Don't be. Besides, you know that no matter what, I'll love you two more than anything." Emmet wasn't exaggerating a single word, he loved both of 'His Girls', as he dubbed his wife and daughter. Emmet truly didn't think he could live in a life without his true love Lucy, or without his pride and joy Faith.

Lucy giggled at his kiss. Uncharacteristic for her, but did it anyways. She lifted her hand, hoping his would meet with it. "Special Best Friends?" She asked. Emmet took his hand out to meet hers, his other gently grabbing Lucy by the waist.


The two then kissed, slightly getting more harsh by the second, Lucy pushing Emmet up against the wall as a means to make the kiss taste even sweeter. Emmet joyfully returned it, letting his hands hold her carefully, but letting them go explore Lucy's hips. Part of Lucy knew Emmet may be going a little too far, but she couldn't care less, and accepted. For a second, Emmet was going to stop, thinking he was making Lucy a bit uncomfortable. "I'm-I'm sorry Lucy. I guess my hands just fell to your hips. I can stop if y-" Lucy then cut him off, moaning for him to kiss her.

"Shh, Emmet. Don't stop. It, it feels nice." 

The two Lovers stayed in their position for a few minutes, before Faith called to them for breakfast, shocking the two at how they'd lost track of time. They rushed downstairs, seeing their sweet little baby girl trying to help. It was so funny, but even more heartwarming to watch.

"Hi mommy! Hi daddy! I made food!"
Emmet and Lucy were so proud of their daughter, coming over to help her. After making breakfast, the family sat down, talking, laughing, and just having a great time. Then, afterwards, Lucy had to start getting ready to go out. Although they lived in the center of a Universe of Peace, their were still threats and enemies out there, ready to take it all down. Lucy, being the best fighter Syspocalypstar had to offer, was given the honor of being named one of the Defenders of Syspocalypstar. It was a great title to hold, but it also meant she couldn't spend all her time with her sweet Emmet, or their adorable child. Even if it broke her heart to be away for several hours a day, almost every day, she had a job. Everyone always looked up to her as a leader, and she didn't want to let them all down.

After finishing breakfast with her husband and daughter, Lucy got up to get ready for another day of patrolling. "Alright Ems, Faith, I have to get ready for work."

"Awe, but we'll miss you, Mom!" Faith said to her mother, Emmet following Faith's example rather quickly.

"She right, Lucy. You sure you can't stay? We can do whatever you want."

"Ems, I know, and believe me; I want to stay, but I've got a job. Honestly though, I don't know why they need me."

Emmet suddenly amended her statement. "Um, they need you cause you're awesome! You're the greatest."

"Yeah, Mommy's the best!" Faith chimed in to support her father's statement. Lucy sighed. She knew she wanted to stay more than anything. Besides, today wasn't really a big deal to work. There really hadn't been some big threat since Rex and Armomageddon. She could technically stay, but, what if something did happen, and she was too late to stop it? She had to work, but Lucy promised herself she would be back to have a wonderful evening with her family. Yes, that would fix everything.

"Guys, I need to go work, but I promise, after I'm back, we can do all sorts of things together. Order a Pizza, watch a movie, play games, whatever you both want. Please?" Emmet knew when Lucy made a promise, she would always keep one, and besides, Lucy would be back soon, and they would be together, along with their daughter. He decided it wouldn't be too bad if she went out to help.

"Well, I guess I can trust you. Ok, we'll see you soon, Luce. Just promise you won't get hurt, alright?"

"Heh, don't worry Ems, you know no one stands a chance against me, but I'm guessing it's gonna be another slow day of patrol. Giving Emmet a quick peck to his lips, she also gave Faith a big hug. "Love you Ems, and I love you too Faith. I'll be back before you know it."

Faith looked to her mother with an innocence that was too adorable for words, while Emmet was left in a love sick daze looking at his gorgeous Lucy. "We love you too Lucy. We'll see you soon!" Emmet called out as Lucy walked out the door. He then looked to his sweet daughter. "Ok, princess, what do you wanna do? We can go out for a while, maybe say hi to your Aunt's and Uncle's?" Faith grew very excited at her Dad mentioning their technical family. Unikitty, Benny, Batman, Metal-beard, Watevra, and Sweet were so close to Emmet and Lucy, that they were just like a family to them. They were like adopted brothers and sisters to the two Lovers.

"Yeah! I wanna see Aunt Unikitty! Oh! And Uncle Batman! Eee! And Aunt Watevra!" Faith just couldn't stop from being so excited that the house almost collapsed from too much happiness. Good thing Emmet and Lucy built the house's foundation with love. Emmet picked Faith up, getting here some play clothes to wear for the day, helped her tie her shoe's, and were ready to walk out the home. Emmet spoke up again.

"Okay Faith, we're going to see everyone today. Remember, I want you to be nice to everyone, and if we go to the playground today, which we probably will, I want you to behave with the other kids, alright?" He then gave a quick kiss to Faith's forehead. "I love you, Sweetie." Faith then piped up.

"I love you too, Dad." Emmet then picked his daughter up, and began to walk to walk into town to have a great day ahead. Things were going great.


Lucy, after arriving to the Palace to get a sum up of what she'd be dealing with, went to talk to Queen Watevra and her advisors in the tactics room. Watevra spoke up at seeing her friend again.

"Ah, Wyldstyle! Good to see you! We were just about to start."

Lucy looked slightly embarrassed at the thought she almost showed up late. "Apologies, your highness." She bowed in respect to Watevra, who merely waved her hands.

"Oh no no no, you don't have to worry. Besides, we're friends, you can still just call me Watevra." She said to her Ally and Friend.

"Alright then. So, what do you guys have for me today?" Lucy asked, curious at the  map in front of them. It seemed to be an image of a planet, relatively far from the System.

"Well, we cannot exactly say we're sure." Ice cream cone spoke up. "We have been trying to monitor this planet for years, but haven't found any information on it, that is, until today. We seem to have picked up a signal from a single person. It seems to be a distress signal."

Lucy looked at the map, and then read the report on the signal. At first, she felt like it was sorta familiar to listen to, but after another listen to it, she shook.

"N-no, it can't be!" She said aloud. She was stunned. "I-I know who it is, but... I thought he was dead!"

Watevra looked confused. "What do you mean Wyldstyle? Who is it?"

"Y-yeah, it's, um, an old friend of mine. Don't worry, I'm sure I can handle this, I'll be back before you can say our Systems name." Lucy said, getting ready to depart. She couldn't believe what she was doing, but needed to do this. No matter how she felt, she still had her job to finish, and, it wasn't in her to leave someone to die.


After a small while, she took her personal ship to the mysterious planet, arriving to the thick, foggy atmosphere above it. She could barely see anything, but the scanners on her ship gave her a green light to continue, thankfully being her eyes in this strange fog above. But, after getting through the atmosphere, it was revealed the fog was some sort of illusion, as the planet had a lush green surface, cyan oceans flowing gracefully, and heards of animals frolicking around and just generally relaxing. Finally, Lucy landed on the ground, exiting her ship, and moving around to find her 'friend'. She was amazed by how beautiful the planet was, and couldn't believe such a sight was hidden by such a miserable sky- wait... Ok, the foggy atmosphere had to've been an illusion. When Lucy looked up, she saw a beautiful blue sky, and the sun shining bright.

"Ok, that is weird... Well, no time to waste, I've gotta find him." She moved to where the signal was coming from, the signal much stronger now without the foggy sky interrupting. Suddenly, before she could get to the location, Lucy saw who she was looking for. He seemed to be taking a nap, but wasn't completely unconscious, just resting his eyes. She moved up to him, and on reflex, he jumped at seeing her. He stood back up after falling on his, hammock, was it? Well, no time to worry about that. Lucy had an old acquaintance to deal with.

"Hey Logan..."

"W-Wyldstyle?! You're here?"

"Yeah, some of my friends and I got your signal, and they asked me to come save you. But, from... All of this, you don't look like you're in any danger." She said the whole thing in half a breath, looking to the guy. "So, how've you been?" Lucy finally asked after a moment of silence.

The guy who seemed to be named 'Logan' spoke up. "Oh, fine. Honestly, you are right, I didn't exactly need saving, but I just got really lonely, and I needed to see some people again. I didn't actually think my signal would get through, much less you of all people coming." He seemed content, and even happy that Lucy was the one who came to save him. He got up, giving her a fist bump, and after a second, unenthusiastically responded. He spoke up again. "Hey, don't forget, we both agreed to break up."

Oooohhhhhhh... This was an Ex of hers.

"Yeah, but I still told everyone I dumped your but and broke your big tough heart."

Logan rolled his eyes at the thought. "Fair enough. Now, should we get outta here? I'm ready to leave."

"Sure, why not? I need to get back anyways." Lucy said playfully.

"What's that supposed to mean? You seeing someone?"

"Uh, yeah? Very much... Well, let's go."

After they got back to the ship, Lucy realized she only had one seat, but that was fine. She was one of the best of the best when it came to Master-building. She quickly did some remodeling, and her ship became big enough to hold two or three seats. The two got in, and prepared to leave. Lucy then set the ship to autopilot, and they were able to get out of the atmosphere no problem, and eventually back to Syspocalypstar.


Logan and Lucy were then greeted by Watevra and some of her guards. After a quick introduction between both parties mediated by Lucy, Logan was to be granted citizenship as a civilian of Syspocalypstar. He then walked with Lucy for a few minutes. "So, that's really your real hair color?" He asked, looking at her Cyan and Pink locks.

Lucy looked at his impressed face, answering in what tried to sound like a casual tone.

"Yeah, after we merged the Systems together, I realized that I needed to be more laid back, besides, I was hiding too many things about me from everyone. Don't get me wrong, I'm still tough, punk and edgy, but I've taken a less... Rude look at things. I actually do like it here, it's my home, and my family."

Logan looked at the sight around them. First it was Bricksburg, then Apocalypsburg, and now Syspocalypstar? Wow, he missed a lot since he went missing during the whole Kragle and Prophecy incidents. Then, a thought peeked into his head... Logan realized he still actually liked Lucy, and wanted to see if they could get back together.

He didn't even know the fact she was married to another guy, and even had a daughter, but it seems it slipped her mind to tell him.

"Hey, since we don't have much to do, do you wanna get some coffee? My treat."

Lucy admired her Ex's gesture, but she already had the day planned with her Husband and Daughter...

Oh shoot...

She forgot to mention Emmet and Faith.

Now Logan might be trying to hit on her again.

Just great.

But... At the same time, she guessed a few minutes of going out to get a drink with an old friend wouldn't hurt. So, why not?

"Well, alright, but just for a half hour. I'm meeting the others soon."

"Sure thing! It'll be quick."


Meanwhile, Emmet and Faith had gone to see all of Emmet's friends, who, in all honesty, were more like a family in any sense. They were all having a great time together. Laughing, eating, playing. Sometimes even Faith said something really smart that had everyone in shock. For being an almost Three year old, she could certainly pass for having the intelligence of a successful senior in college, or better yet, a Headmaster of a very elite school, but, her innocence still got the better of her of saying some smart things. After a couple hours of socializing and comradiry, Emmet noticed something strange. He- wait, it couldn't be... Oh, it was. Lucy was back! Awesome! Now they could spend the whole day together, along with their friends and their daughter. But, before he could call out to her, welcoming her over, he saw she was walking with... another guy?

Oh, that is a little strange, but, maybe Emmet was just overreacting a little bit. But, he still wanted to see what was going on. He looked to his family, and then to Faith.

"Hey, guys, I'm gonna head over to the Café for a second. I'll be back though."

They all looked to him a little strangely, but let it go. After all, Emmet going to get coffee wasn't out of the ordinary, so they merely dismissed it. "Alright Emmet, we'll see you in a bit." Unikitty said, gently holding Faith, who she saw as a niece and little sister.

"Yeah! We'll take care of Faith too. Don't worry." Benny said.

After giving them a friendly nod, Emmet went to the Café, watching Lucy and this guy she was talking to walk in, ordering a couple drinks, and sitting down, talking. That seemed to be alright, but he was still worried, so decided to stay, but just in case the manager would ask him to leave for not ordering anything, Emmet decided to get his usual drink, and sit down both a little close but also a little far from Lucy's seat. He could just barely overhear her and the guy she was talking to.

Logan spoke up to Lucy, commenting about her drink. "Still take black, huh, Wyldstyle?

"Yeah, at first the guys here thought I was crazy for getting something like this, but they eventually gave in, since, well, the minimum sugars here is 25."

Logan seemed shocked by hearing the number of sugars for just one coffee. "Wow, that is a lot. But, I guess that is expected in such a happy and peaceful place, right?"

"Yeah, but you get used to it... Um, Logan? ... Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry... I uh, I guess... I kinda still..."

Lucy was starting to get a little worried, but something, something very small, was telling her something about this was ok. No, it couldn't be! She had a husband! She had a daughter! But, why did this feel, right? Suddenly, she was about to drop her coffee, but Logan picked it up before it spilled. He then felt a flutter in his heart, Lucy feeling scared.

"Logan, are you, about to go in for a kiss, or do you just want my coffee?"

"Can it be both?" Logan asked/said. He then leaned in, and...


Oh no.

It couldn't have been happening.

It shouldn't have been happening!

Logan kissed Lucy, gentle but passionate on the lips. She was so shocked, but for a moment, melted into it.

Emmet's heart... It's hurt before, when people told him he was nothing, and he would never be special. He also felt his heart fall before, when Lucy was taken from him mistakenly by Sweet, thinking she was kidnapped, and he wouldn't see her again. His heart also broke before, when he thought he hurt Lucy and all the people he cared about during Armomageddon. But he's never, never, felt his heart completely shatter, at the thought of anything.

Except now...

He lost her.

Emmet just lost Lucy. The love of his life. The center of his Universe. The one that was more than his everything. The one he loved since the second they met.

But... It was ok...

He knew no one would be able to stay with him forever.

Not even Lucy... But maybe... This was for the best.

As much as it absolutely crushed him to even think it, if Lucy was with this other guy, she could be happy. She could be with this guy she seemed to love...

And so, Emmet prepared to leave the Café, quickly paying the cashier, and trying not to be seen by Lucy.

Lucy herself suddenly broke the kiss, completely furious at herself for what she just did. "L-Logan! What was that?!"

"I'm sorry Lucy, I just- I wanted to do that for a while."

She then looked to him, but knew it wasn't really Logan's fault, but rather her own. She just betrayed Emmet. The only man she's loved more than everything. She lowered her voice.

"Logan, I-I have a husband and a daughter. I shouldn't have done that."

"Well, I-I mean, it was just a little peck, it may not mean he'd explode at it."

Suddenly, Lucy turned her head, and there she saw, was the man who had stolen her heart, held it in his gentle hands, and treated it like the happiest thing that's ever lived.

Emmet and Lucy, for a second, locked eyes, before he quickly walked out of the Café, Lucy seeing his crimson, tear stained eyes. She then looked back to Logan.

"Logan, I'm sorry, but I have to go, and we can't be friends anymo-"

"I understand. I'm so sorry." Logan said, realizing the mistake he had made. "Go take care of your husband... I'm so sorry." He apologized, which she gracefully accepted.

"Thanks." Lucy said, running out of the Café, trying to find Emmet, who was with all their friends, and Faith. He was probably telling them all how horrible she'd been, but... it didn't seem to be like that. He was there, sobbing, everyone trying to comfort him. "What have I done?" She asked and berated to herself.

She ran up to Emmet, Faith, and their friends, who all, except Emmet and Faith, were giving her angry glances. Emmet was just too sad to look up, while Faith was still too young to know what was going on, despite her bright mind on things.

Lucy ignored their stares and glances, trying to get to her husband. "Emmet?" She asked, tears starting to break through her face. "Emmet, please, you just need to listen. I swear I can explain! I-"

"Yeah, please Wyldstyle, explain how you just betrayed your Lover." Batman said in his usual gruff tone, everyone else nodding and murmuring in agreement. Lucy grew tense, and moved past her friends. They tried to stop her from getting to Emmet, but she was, surprisingly slippery, and got to him with ease. She then lifted Emmet's chin to face her, stained sobbing tears glistening against his face. Gosh, Lucy thought. Why is he so adorable in every face he gives? Why did Lucy have to marry the best guy in the Universe? Because that's just what he was: the best.

"Ems, please, just listen to me."

"Lucy... I'm, I'm so sorry."

... I'm sorry, what now?

EMMET is sorry?

For what?

He didn't do anything!

Everyone looked at him in awe. What was he talking about.

"Emmet?" Lucy asked. "W-what do you mean you're sorry?"

He looked at her beautiful face with a combination of a frown and a smile on his. Emmet then gave her a gentle kiss. "It's ok. I-if you don't, l-love me anymore... I mean, if you want to be with that guy, then... Well, I want you to be happy... I'd rather me live in a horrible life than you in a less-than perfect one." He gave Lucy one last kiss, before standing up. "It's ok, Lucy. I'm not angry. I just want you to be happy... I love you. And I always will." Emmet then looked over to his, no, their daughter. "Faith? Pumpkin? I'm, I'm gonna be gone for just a tiny bit, but I promise I'll see you all the time. I want you to be with your Mommy whenever she needs it." He gently picked Faith up, handing her to his Gorgeous Wife.

Lucy and the others were stunned. Why was Emmet acting so dang detached? Not just that, he should've been furious at Lucy for betraying him like that! But, he wasn't. In fact, he even thought this was all his fault. Why? If anything, he should at least not think he was in the wrong. He had every right to be mad, and here he was, being so mature and patient. No one in the whole Universe could come close to Emmet's kindness, let alone match up to him. Everyone could now see how wrong they were about him. Emmet Brickowski was truly the strongest one out of all of them.

Lucy cursed at herself in her head. "Well, you've actually done it, you idiot. You just drove the most sweet, innocent, kind, loyal, loving, cute, young guy that's ever lived away. It's all your fault! You're the worst wife ever! He gave you everything! And how did you thank him?! By kissing another guy!!"

Emmet then spoke up again, also seeing everyone marvel at how calm and mature he was. "I-I'll see you guys later. Lucy, I-"

Before Emmet could finish, Lucy carefully handed Faith to Unikitty, ran to Emmet, and kissed him so hard he fell to the ground and (metaphorically) melted, joyfully returning the kiss, but slightly pulled back since, well, all their friends were there. Lucy was glad he did so, because if he didn't, she probably wouldn't ever be able to stop herself from kissing him. She helped him up, only to give Emmet a tight hug, letting her arms rest on his shoulders and her hands stay on his head,ruffling up his hair. Lucy then spoke in a serious but loving tone.

"Emmet, I'm so, so sorry. Logan kissed me, but I swear I didn't kiss him back. I knew it was so wrong, and I tried to stop it, but he was too quick for me to dodge. I-I regret it so much. Logan was just an Ex of mine, before Batman at least. I swear... I swear I love you. I love you so much, too much to let you go. I just don't get why you think this is your fault when I did something wrong! Just, please. Please don't leave me. I can't live without you. Please Emmet? I-I'll always love you, more than everyone. I promise."

Everyone looked to Lucy, some angry, others hurt, Emmet's betrayed, and Faith's confused. Their friends were starting to doubt Lucy for everything. Who knows if this even happened more than once? This is one time Emmet just happened to catch. What if she's been having affairs with other guys behind his back?

Emmet, in his mind, and heart, somehow knew Lucy was telling the truth. He didn't know why, but instantly, he knew again, that she truly did love him above all. Well, the feeling was very mutual to her. He leaned forward, connecting their lips in such a sweet kiss that everyone lost their anger towards Lucy, and replaced it with an 'Awwww'. Emmet then pulled away, putting his forehead gently against Lucy's, happily crying at how in love they were with each other. Lucy looked to her Lover, tears staining both their faces, yet they still loved the beautiful and handsome looks on their faces.

"Emmet?" She then asked after a minute of silence. "A-are we ok?" She was worried Emmet would somehow say no, but with a gentle nod and another quick kiss, that gave Lucy her confirmation, that he forgave her.

"Yeah Luce, we're ok... I love you, so, so much." Emmet said, looking to his amazing wife.

"I love you more, so much more than you'll know." Lucy said quietly.

Eventually, everyone was able to get over the misunderstanding, and realized Lucy just made a slip up, which wasn't even intentional. It did take a few minutes, but they were all cool, and all went back to their day. Everyone was enjoying the nice day ahead, but Emmet, Lucy, and Faith were having the best they have had in a while. The family of three was staying together, since it was impossible for them to separate. They loved each other far too much.

The Brickowski Family was here to stay.

The End

Hey everyone, thanks so much for reading this little Fanfic of mine. It doesn't technically have much to do with the "Missing Piece" book I made, but it is a side story of that Universe.

I hope you all enjoyed, as well as you all having an amazing Christmas yesterday!

See you all in the next story!

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[COMPLETE][EDITING] Ace Hernandez, the Mafia King, known as the Devil. Sofia Diaz, known as an angel. The two are arranged to be married, forced by...
746K 27.4K 102
The story is about the little girl who has 7 older brothers, honestly, 7 overprotective brothers!! It's a series by the way!!! 😂💜 my first fanfic...
43.8M 1.3M 37
"You are mine," He murmured across my skin. He inhaled my scent deeply and kissed the mark he gave me. I shuddered as he lightly nipped it. "Danny, y...