The Girl Of The City

By imgayforwomenn

84 2 0

Valerie and Wanda have been married for 4 years and they are closer than ever, nothing could ever tear the tw... More

A secret best left untold.
She needs to know.
Anger and Sadness.

The talk.

13 0 0
By imgayforwomenn


Wanda's pov

I stood there. Frozen. The sentence repeating in my head over and over.

I knew Val was hiding something from me, but the fact she couldn't even tell me that she's got cancer!

I slowly look up at Trix, who has been trying to get my attention for the last 5 minutes.

"I'm gonna lose her. Aren't I?" I asked, tears threatening to leave my eyes.

"Hey. Don't think like that! All she needs is some help and comfort." She said, trying to reassure me.

"Has she gotten any treatment for it?" I asked.

"No. She refuses to do so."

"Oh." I responded.

"Listen, Wands, I gotta go. Please look after my sister. Whatever it takes."

"Always." I said, before saying goodbye and going back inside.

Valerie's pov

I woke up feeling slight out of it.

I groaned, turning over to see Wanda zoned out by the kitchen counter. I got up and headed over to where she was.

"You ok honey?" I asked.

"Why didn't you tell me." She said, very quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

"Tell you what?" I responded, genuinely confused as to what she was going on about.

"You know what I'm talking about Val." She said louder this time, standing up straight and looking me dead in the eye.

Shit. If this is what I think it is.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked again.

"I couldn't." I responded. "Your just going to force me to get treatment."

"Yeah, I will! If it means it will save your life!"

She was now pretty much shouting.

"Do you know what happens when you get treatment?" I yelled, "I'll lose everything! My hair, I could get anaemia, I could potentially lose some of my memory during treatment, I might not be able to even have children Wanda!"

"I understand that my love, but your life is much more important than any of those things. I can't lose you Val."

She had a point. My life was more important than my hair or a baby and the other two are only temporary.

Instead of answering I looked down and the floor in complete silence.

"Valerie." I heard from next to me, implying that she had come closer.

I ignored her.

"Valerie!" She said, a little bit louder.

This time I looked up with tears in my eyes.

"Come here baby." She said, pulling me into a hug, being as gentle as she can to not hurt me.

I instantly burst into tears and gripped onto her.

"I don't wanna die Wanda." I sobbed out.

"Oh honey." She said, I could tell that she was trying not to cry as well.

Soon enough, I ended up falling asleep again in her arms.

Wanda's pov

It was heartbreaking to see her this way.

The second she fell asleep, I carried her up to the big bed in our room and tucked her in.

I went downstairs, pulling out my laptop and my phone.

First I texted Trix to update her on Val, before going to text Nat.

To Natasha:
Hi Nat, I know your at the compound right now but do you think you would be able to come over to mine and Vals, I need some help.

From Natasha:
Of course, give me about 30 minutes and I'll be there!

I felt an instant feeling of relief.

After texting Nat, I made myself a cup of tea before sitting down at the dining table.

While I was waiting, I started to research more about Vals illness to see what I could do to help.

I started by looking at the side affects.

-Lumps under the skin
-Weight changes, including unintended loss or gain
-Skin changes, such as yellowing, darkening or redness of the skin, sores that won't heal, or changes to existing moles
-Changes in bowel or bladder habits
-Persistent cough or trouble breathing
-Difficulty swallowing
-Persistent indigestion or discomfort after eating
-Persistent, unexplained muscle or joint pain
-Persistent, unexplained fevers or night sweats
-Unexplained bleeding or bruising

She had been suffering from pretty much all of them. I must be a terrible wife for not noticing this earlier.

*knock knock*

I walked over to the door, opening it to see Natasha.

"Hey Nat."

"Hey wands. Everything okay?" She asked me.

"Not really, come inside and I'll explain."

I brought her in as we sat at the table I was at before.

"So, it's about Val" I explained.

Valerie and Natasha were very close so I knew that this was going to have a huge affect on Nat.

"I'm just warning you because I know how close you guys are. It's just I can't do it on my own so I'm going to need your help." I said to her, trying to hold my tears in.

She noticed straight away.

"Wanda. What's happened to Val?" She said, looking extremely confused and worried.

I explained it, immediately sobbing straight after.

Nat sat there completely shocked, similar to my reaction earlier.

"shit." She mumbled.

A few moments later we heard a small voice.

"What's Nat doing over?" Val murmured, rubbing her eyes.

"Hey baby, um, Nat just wanted to come say hi!" I blurted out as an excuse.

"Then why is she sitting there like she's seen a ghost?"

"Because.." I tried to think up a reason.

"You told her didn't you." She whispered, clearly annoyed.

Me and Nat both stayed in silence.

"Fuck sake Wanda" she angrily blurted out, storming back to the bedroom and slamming the door shut.

"Oh god, what have I done!" I whisper yelled to myself. "Nat, she hates me!"

Tears started flooding down my face.

"She hates me.." I mumbled again.

A/N: not spell checked btw. I really like how this book is coming along so I might do more of this book and have a break from writing "the Russian and the Bartender" but what do you guys think? Should I do more of this book first or carry on with my other book?

Word count: 1017

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