Kamen Rider Decade X Highscho...

By RisingHopper01

6K 125 153

Y/N Kadoya is the leader of an organization called Shocker. Sayo Kadoya Y/N's younger sister Sayo one day gai... More

Y/N Kadoya (Kamen Rider Decade)
Relatives & Peerage
Town Clean Up For The First Day Of School

Remembrance Of My Past Part 1

1.5K 27 48
By RisingHopper01

(Republishing because people aren't getting the notification or can't see the chapter)

I remember it all too well, the day I went back to my own world. The first thing I did was go see my sister, Sayo. I showed her all the pictures I took and told her all the stories of my adventures in the other worlds I went too. I told her about the heroes I met, the Kamen Riders. I fought alongside them and helped a few with their personal problems. Once I was finished with my stories my sister asked me if I found a way for her to come with me but I didn't. I told her I will find a way no matter what. Why, because my sister can see into other worlds but can travel them. That's when it happened my older brother burst into her room. He yelled at me about how I abandoned our family and legacy for trivial things. I told him I did everything for our family. I took over the family business to continue it after our parents died. For once I wanted to do something for myself that's why I left but he told me there are things I don't understand.

Y/N: "Things I don't understand? We're a pharmaceutical company searching for new cures. I was good at doing business, you're the doctor! They need someone like you in the chair."

(Authors notes: pharmaceutical company sounded like a good choice for Shockers disguise. They look like there making new medicine but actually are making Cyborgs. I don't know it sounded right to me. You guys got any ideas?)

Tsukikage: "You honestly think we're a pharmaceutical company? You've seen it yourself the things we made." Tsukikage holds up a black device.

Y/N: "Wait how do you have that!?"

Tsukikage: "This is what we make Y/N! You stealing this wouldn't of stopped us from making another one!" Tsukikage places the device on his waist. Y/N quickly does the same with the one he stole when he left Shocker.

Y/N & Tsukikage: "Henshin!"

Sayo: "Stop it!"

Next thing I know I'm laying on the grass outside our home completely beaten. I look up to see my older brother standing over me as rain falls on us. Sayo is standing behind Tsukikage watching what's happening.

Tsukikage: "I had no choice but to do this. The other higher ups wanted to kill you. I told them I would punish you and once I'm done, you'll be imprisoned. I don't know for how long but I hope you will realize the mistake you have made and join us once again." Tsukikage opens his RideBooker to take out a Ride Card. He opens the Dark DecaDriver to slide the card inside to close it.

Final Attack Ride: D-D-D-Decade!

Gold cards appear in front of Tsukikage. He jumps in the air for the gold cards to follow him up. Tsukikage extends his right leg to head towards Y/N.

Y/N stands up to see Tsukikage enter the gold card for his right leg to gain gold bar code around it.

Sayo: "Noo! STOP!!" A aurora curtain appears next to Y/N.

Y/N: "This must be Sayo's!" Y/N jumps towards the aurora curtain. Tsukikage enters the last gold card to hit the ground causing an explosion. Y/N is hit by the force of explosion entering the aurora curtain. A knocked out Y/N is thrown into a random world.

I was thrown into a world I had no idea about, well that's normal actually but this time I was on the brink of death. The bits and pieces I can remember at the time I ended up falling in a meeting Sirzechs, Ajuka, Falbium, and Serafall were having. They saw how injured I was and any minute I would die to my wounds. My brother wasn't trying to kill me if I took the attack head on I would only be knocked out....But I didn't. I jumped for the Aurora Curtain for an explosion to happen when he hit the ground. With that beating I took then taking an explosion to my back. You can say my body wasn't in the best condition. The Four Great Satans tried to heal me but my wounds were too much. That's when Sirzechs decided to use a Evil Piece to reincarnate me into a Devil. Everyone was against it, to use a Evil Piece on a stranger isn't a good idea. Sirzechs told them he would take all the blame for what happens. They tried using every Evil Piece but do no avail. Not even multiple pieces would work. That's when Sirzechs told Ajuka to get a King piece. Ajuka was against this and to give it up. For some reason Sirzechs was hell bent on helping me. He ordered Ajuka to get the King Piece. Ajuka shocked by Sirzechs anger, he quickly leaves to come back with the King Piece. They use it on me and I was reincarnated. Of course everything I told you was a haze and some of it didn't make sense to me until Sirzechs told me his point of view. When I woke up I was in a bed in a fancy room. When you get your as— handed by your brother you end up with the VIP treatment? That's what I thought to myself. That's when I hear the door open and I meet for the first time. Sirzechs, his father Zeoticus, and his mother Venelana. His parents look young for there age. Zeoticus kinda reminds of brother but a bit older. Venelana...Damn what can I say that isn't true? She's hot, sexy, and beautiful. Her body...man I hate being single....Complete milf! Okay that's enough out of me. They explained what happened and are wondering who I am. I can tell that Sirzechs parents don't trust me. I get that, random guy ends up in a super private meeting. You'd be suspicious too. Hey listen I may be strong but I'm in enemy territory stuck behind enemy lines if you will. I'd rather stay alive than almost die...again. So I told them everything. How I'm able to go to different worlds, I'm from a different world, got into a fight with my older brother, and my sister used the same power to help me escape. Well you can tell who suspected me and who trusted me. Sirzechs proceeds to explain to me what happened to me. Felt confused about being told I'm a devil now. Definitely didn't feel different until Sirzechs told him how to use release some magic power. Oh man the power I released was insane. This shocked Sirzechs and his parents. After that I was allowed to stay in the Gremory's home. I trained with my new magic power but honestly it didn't fit me. Still good to learn more about it and how to use it. Maybe if I was a Kamen Rider that used magic. Oh I even met there maid Grayfia...I asked myself all devils this hot? And Millicas the youngest of Gremory family. He would watch me train my magic. Nice kid definitely would end up being a heart throb when he's older. Zeoticus and Venelana...(I can't stop checking her out in secret)...have come around about me. After a few days Sirzechs asked me to meet him in his office. He tells me more about devil society, this world, Fallen Angels, Angels, and the history. You see my power only gives me surface level knowledge. Sirzechs going in depth on things is a big help. Once finished he proceeds to hand me a set of chess pieces sorry Evil Pieces. They are to be used to create my own peerage. I would spare you the details about them and devil society, I'm sure you have heard it many times. I just didn't know what to do with them.

Sirzechs: "The King Piece is illegal to use. We sealed them away because they act differently than other Evil pieces. They increase a devil's power by 10 or more times. The reason we sealed them away is we thought that High Ranking Devil would abuse they're power." Y/N doesn't say anything thinking about his brother.

Sirzechs: "You look gloomy, are you sad because you're no longer a human?"

Y/N: "No if it weren't for you I would be dead. I just...never mind. Do you know how much my power was increased?"

Sirzechs: "To tell you the truth the real reason we used it was because no other Evil Piece was strong enough to reincarnated you. It was a risk if the King Piece didn't work you would die if it did work you would die because if a strong devil like myself used a King Piece it would result in death." Sirzechs eyes go into a glare.

Y/N: "And since none of the other Evil Pieces worked. That meant I was too strong and I could of still died if I was too strong." Sirzechs eyes soften.

Sirzechs: "Correct, now how much your power was increased...hmmm one hundred thousand."

Y/N: "One hundred thousand!?"

Sirzechs: "Yes, one hundred thousand. Your power was just increased not capped."

Y/N: "Meaning I can get stronger."

Sirzechs: "You're right. I shouldn't be saying this but if you train for 2 years you will become stronger than me." Sirzechs chuckles with a smile.

Y/N: "And you're one of the Four Great Satans."

Sirzechs: "Do you see why we sealed the King Piece?"

Y/N: "I can...." Sirzechs notices Y/N is staring at his Evil Pieces.

Sirzechs: "Hm? Is the something the matter? Is it the same matter you didn't want to speak of?"

Y/N: "Oh no I'm from a different world, I don't know when I'll use these or have a reason too." Y/N holds up his Evil Pieces.

Sirzechs: "I understand but this is how we do things in our world."

Y/N: "I've been meaning to tell you, I'll be leaving tomorrow."

Sirzechs: "Y/N from what you told me when you first woke up all those days ago, I'm sure you feel like your home is gone but you have a home here if you ever come back. You're a devil now, from a different world or not you're one of us."

Y/N: "Thank you." Y/N bows to Sirzechs to leave his office.

Sirzechs: "I do hope you return, Y/N." Sirzechs thinks back to when Y/N first showed up. He and the other Great Satan's check on him. Sirzechs turns to see Y/N's brother standing up through the Aurora Curtain. Y/N's brother stares at Sirzechs for the hairs on back of his neck to stand up.

Sirzechs: "I never felt fear like that before. If he's able to go to other worlds then his brother is likely able to do the same. You're our only hope if your brother decides to invade our world."

The next day I left the World of DXD to the next world. Sirzechs was right I felt like I lost my home I thought maybe going on another adventure would cheer me up. What I didn't know about this small adventure was the things I would learn about. *Sigh* Anyways at the beginning I wanted a calm World where I can relax a little.

Y/N opens a Aurora Curtain to enter it. In a different world a Aurora Curtain appears for Y/N to step out. He looks at his clothes to see what he's wearing.

Y/N: "Hmmm from the information I have gained this is Sainan Metropolitan High School's school uniform. So this is my role...sounds fun!" Y/N holds his arms up to stretch them.

Y/N: "If I remember correctly from my other escapades. Time moves differently I remember one time I spent a whole year in one world only to find out a few hours pasted. I'm gonna enjoy this school life for awhile." Y/N heads off to Sainan High. He turns the corner to be met with a brown haired boy wearing the same uniform.

Boy: "Ah Tsukasa-kun, you didn't show up at my house I thought you were sick."

Y/N: "This guy must be familiar with my guise."

I'm sure you all are wonder "Hey Y/N if you gain knowledge of the world how come you don't get knowledge about your relationships?" Best I can tell you is think of it as your an actor and you know the basic knowledge of the movie your gonna be in. Yet you have no idea who your other co actors are.

Y/N: "Oh I just had some business to take care of."

Rito: "Do you need any help?"

Y/N: "No I just finished it. Come on we don't wanna be late."

That's how I met Yuki Rito, he's a 1st year at Sainan High and is my guise's best friend. Again I didn't know this at the time. Please try to understand this a recollection of my adventures. Everything I'm telling you is after the fact. Now Rito has a crush on a girl by the name of Sairenji Haruna. Oh man do things get crazy when Lala shows up. Who's Lala? She's an alien who showed up in Rito's bath tub while he was taking a bath. Yeah she invents different types of machines that always end up going haywire. She had one that teleports people. I end up naked in the girls locker room with Rito and Lala. How? Because Lala's teleportation device can't teleport clothes. Ha ha! Just from this situation I knew this world was gonna be fun. Until Zastin showed up that's when things got a little too dangerous or should say the type of danger I'll end up in with Rito. I didn't want to use my power just yet.

Next to a small river Y/N, Rito, and Lala are looking up at the sidewalk where Zastin is standing.

Zastin: "I was wondering about it when I heard a report from my men. They said an earthling tried to save Lala-sama...but which one of you earthlings was it?"

Y/N: "Yeah which one? You don't wanna end up getting the wrong one. You'll end up in big trouble if you do." A shocked Rito looks at Y/N.

Rito: "I-I don't think we should antagonize him."

Zastin: "You're right I don't wanna cause harm to the wrong person."

Lala: "Now that you know, go back and tell daddy! I'll never go back nor will I meet any future husband candidates!"

Zastin: "No. it's not simple as that. I, Zastin have received an order from the King of Deviluke to take you back. I won't be able to face the King if I go home after approving the marriage of a suspicious earthling and Lala."

Lala: "Then what can we do?"

Zastin: "Please stand back, Lala." Y/N watches Zastin reach behind his back.

Y/N: "He has a weapon on him!? I didn't see him have anything." Zastin appears next to him and Rito. Y/N quickly pushes Rito and jumps back to see Zastin swing his sword. Y/N and Rito look at the ground to see a crack.

Y/N: "Damn! That type of power is dangerous. One hit and Rito's dead."

Zastin: "Now then which one of you will I have to face." Y/N is behind Rito pushing him forward.

Y/N: "This is Rito! I'm just his friend I have nothing in this!"

Rito: "Y-Y/N!?"

Y/N: "Go get your girl! Sorry Rito can't use my power just yet."

Rito did his best keeping himself alive. Zastin wasn't the smartest when it came to our world. He ended up getting hit by a train and then gets tripped by Lala. After a few nice words from Rito about finding the person you truly love makes Zastin leave. The next day Lala ends up in our school well Rito's school. This is where the fun begins. Lala gave Rito a bag she made with thrusters in it to hit a baseball because a guy in the baseball club was jealous of him. Lala's dad later tells Rito that he has to fight off every marriage candidate because they will try to kidnapper. Not even a day later one of these candidates to show up. This guy disguised himself as one of our teachers and took Haruna hostage. He was laughable! Even though he had Haruna hostage he was defeated by Rito by just yelling. I couldn't stop laughing after that. I would like to explain in more detail on what happened but I'm sure you don't wanna stay here all day. Rapid fire it is. Peke was running out of energy and we had to find a place for Lala or she would end up naked in public, Rito and I caught a pervert who was taking provocateur pictures of girls, Lala stopped a typhoon by yelling at it, during seaside summer school she scared everyone with a robot, Rito was man handled by Haruna because she was scared, during the same summer school a baby dolphin was stealing girls tops so Rito, Lala, and I follow it to find out it wanted help for it's beached mom. Got to see Lala naked because the baby dolphin stole Peke. Rito's a lucky guy. One of Lala's childhood friends Ren joins our school in the hope of marrying her. So Ren ends up getting close to Haruna which ends up making Rito jealous. Which was the best thing to watch. Two blushing idiots with no experience with women trying to get women. School festival oh I forgot they tried to one up each other by impressing the girls. They ended up kissing each other by accident. Back to the school festival, it was coming up and Rito's friend Kenichi is the festival's executive committee chairman. His suggestion animal cafe. I know I know why that? Hold on I think I have a picture on me.

Yeah that's what he meant by "Animal Cafe." I'm sure you're asking how in the hell did he get this approved!? The principal is huge pervert I'm honestly shocked he's not fired. A second year by the name of Tenjōin Saki challenges Lala to a match to see who the queen of the school is. Apparently she was trying to seduce Rito. Of course the match was nothing more than who can be the most provocative to the customers. Saki put a piece of cake between her breasts while in a leather outfit. Lala...Well there's a reason why I said Rito is a lucky guy. She uses Peke to turn into a cream bikini. What? No I'm not gonna share that photo. She won though. Now this next situation I think this is the first time this has happened and I was somehow infected. Ren while running pushes Rito into Haruna. Rito somehow ended up pulling up Haruna's skirt to grab a double hand full of her a—. I somehow tripped on the last stair of a staircase and ended up underneath Lala's shirt with my mouth on...well you know. I'm not gonna lie I do enjoy the situations I end up in but it just doesn't make sense how it happens. That's how things happen from now on. Rito and I would always end up in perverted situations with all the girls we know. Until one day I had to use my power no not the perverted one. Rito was asked by his father to buy more drawing supplies. Rito asked me if I wanted to come since I don't wanna miss any antics he gets in too, I happily agreed.

Rito: "We bought all the stuff he asked me to get."

Y/N: "Double checked?"

Rito: "Uhh..." Rito looks at the list then everything in the bag.

Rito: "Double check!" Rito gives Y/N a thumbs up.

Y/N: "Good, we don't wanna miss something and him not finding it."

Rito: "You're right ha ha." The two head back to Rito's father's office. Rito notices a taiyaki stand to stop.

Rito: "Oh yeah, Lala said Zastin's coming by today. He's helping out my dad a lot, so I should buy him some Taiyaki." Y/N notices Rito isn't next to him to turn around and see him at the stand. He walks up to him to hand the cashier some money.

Rito: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "My treat, get some for Lala and Mikan." Rito smiles at Y/N.

Oh it's me. You're wondering why I have money. It's because of my "parents" give me an allowance. Anyways back to what happens.

Rito: "Thank you."

Y/N: "No need to thank me." While waiting Y/N feels like he's being watched. He looks around to see a short girl with blonde hair in a black dress.

Y/N: "Is looking at the stand?" The cashier hands Rito a big full of taiyaki.

Y/N: "Hold still."

Rito: "Huh?" Y/N reaches inside the bag to grab a taiyaki. He walks up to the girl to hand her the taiyaki.

Y/N: "You want one?" The girl stares at the taiyaki then grabs it out of Y/N's hand. She takes a bite out of it. Rito walks up to Y/N to stand next to him.

Y/N: "She must of not had enough money to buy one."

Girl: "Earthling food is really strange..."

Y/N & Rito: "Earthling food?" Y/N and Rito look at each other. The girl places her hands on Rito's shoulder moving close to his face.

Girl: "You're Yuki Rito..."

Rito: "How do you know my name...?"

Y/N: "Sh-!" Y/N pushes Rito back for him to fall on the ground. Rito looks at his shirt to see it was cut. Y/N stands next to Rito to pick him up. They both look at the blonde girl. Her hand is now a sword.

Girl: "Someone asked me to eliminate you. I have no grudge against you, but I must ask you to die."

Y/N: "Rito run!" Y/N and Rito run away from the girl. The two are running down the street as the girl chases them.

Girl: "I have no quarrel with you Rito's friend! Leave now and no harm will come to you!" Y/N looks back at her.

Y/N: "Ha! You think I'll trust the words of a stranger! You're words are nothing but empty promises!" The girl jumps at Rito to swing her sword at him.

Y/N: "Rito!" Y/N pushes him to the left for sword to hit the ground. Y/N runs around the blade to help Rito on his feet and they both run away again. The girl goes after them going in for another attack. She turns her foot into a spiked ball. The girl jumps again to swing her spiked ball at them. Y/N grabs Rito to throw them forward. He rolls out of the as the spike ball destroys the ground. Y/N quickly takes out his RideBooker to turn it into gun mode. He fires all around the girl to kick up dust. Y/N runs up to Rito to help him back up for a third time. The girl swings her sword to make the dust disappear. She looks around to find Rito but all she sees are the bystanders. Y/N and Rito are in a alleyway.

Rito: "W-What's up with her...is she trying to eliminate me!? Like she's some sort of assassin!?"

Y/N: "I wouldn't doubt it. Maybe one of Lala's marriage candidates put a hit on you." Y/N peeks around the corner holding his RideBooker.

Rito: "You think so!?"

Y/N: "Last time we met one, he disguise himself as one of our teachers and take Haruna hostage. Nothing is off the table." A crack in the wall behind the two starts to form. The girl bursts through the wall with her hair as blades.

Girl: "That's right. Please don't run away."

Rito: "She's serious!"

Y/N: "Duh bone head! Now run!" Y/N pushes Rito forward for him to run. While running Y/N has to save Rito from giving hit and fires at the girl with his RideBooker. The girl uses her hair blades to hit the energy blasts away.

Rito: "I'm gonna die!!" The two run up some stairs to a bridge over looking the train tracks. Y/N turns around pointing his RideBooker at the girl who's standing behind them. Rito stops running to look.

Girl: "Why don't you fight Yuki Rito? I heard you were not the type to go easy on a female opponent."

Rito: "Huh!?"

Girl: "and you I told you not to get in the way. I don't wanna hurt you." Rito realizes Y/N is holding a gun and remembers him firing it.

Rito: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "And I already told you no."

Lala: "Rito!!" Everyone looks to the left to see Lala flying towards them. She flies towards Rito to hug him.

Lala: "Oh goodness are you okay, Rito!?" Rito moves his head away from Lala's breasts.

Rito: "What do you mean by okay!? What's going on!? I was attacked all of a sudden!"

Lala: "She's a assassin that one of my marriage candidates, Lacospo, hired."

Rito: "Y/N was right."

Y/N: "You can seriously be dense sometimes."

Girl: "You are Lala Satalin Deviluke aren't you? A princess of Deviluke, conqueror of the universe. Please do not get in the way. He is my target."

Lala: "I can't let you do that! Rito is important to me!"

Girl: "Is that so? Then I'll have to force you two out of my way." Zastin is the air swinging his sword at the girl. The girl turns her right hand into a sword to block Zastin's sword. Zastin is able to flip over the girl to land in front of Y/N.

Zastin: "I'll be your opponent "Golden Darkness"!"

Y/N: "Golden Darkness?"

Lala: "That's her codename as an assassin."

Y/N: "Just by saying the name I can feel the edge."

Lala: "What does he mean, Rito?"

Rito: "I don't know." While the three are speaking Zastin was fighting Golden Darkness. They land on the tracks below. Golden Darkness transforms her hair into five dragon heads. The dragon heads bite down on Zastin keeping him in place.

Rito: "Zastin!"

Zastin: "As expected from of Golden Darkness, you don't claim to be able to use your entire body as a weapon for no reason."

Golden Darkness: "Thanks."

Zastin: "But I'm sorry, you don't have a chance. Because this is a planet you're not familiar with! I'll use the the geographical advantages of this place!" Zastin jumps out of the way of a train that's heading towards them.

Rito: "The train!"

Y/N: "Wow nice idea." Golden Darkness sprouts wings to fly out of the way.

Zastin: "What!?"

Y/N: "Now that's just cheating."

Lala: "Zastin watch out!" A train heading the different direction hits Zastin for him to be thrown up and on the bridge.

Y/N: "That's just unlucky." Golden Darkness flies up to bridge to land on it.

Golden Darkness: "Your strategy was rather weak isn't it?"

Lala: "Alright I'll be your opponent!" Y/N holds his hand in front of Lala.

Y/N: "Let me handle this."

Lala: "Aw Y/N that's so nice of you! But don't worry I may not look like it but I'm pretty strong." Y/N smirks with a laugh.

Y/N: "I know but you have to protect Rito if she gets any where near him. I'll be fighting her head on."

Rito: "Y/N! You're gonna get hurt or worst!"

Y/N: "You're right but nothings gonna change my mind." Y/N holds up the DecaDriver to place it on his waist.

Golden Darkness: "Why protect Yuki Rito?"

Y/N: "Honestly...he's my friend and I'm not gonna let you kill him for some A-hole who wants to marry Lala. I'm also doing this for Lala. If Rito dies she has to marry that same A-hole who killed her first love. I'm not gonna let that happen." A blushing Lala holds her hands together.

Lala: "Y/N, you're so sweet."

Golden Darkness: "Who exactly are you?" Y/N opens his RideBooker to take out a Ride Card. He holds it in front of himself with his left hand he pulls on the side of his driver to open it. Y/N closes his eyes thinking back to he first world he traveled too. The first world he ended up in was the World of Stronger. Y/N met Kamen Rider Stronger and fought alongside him.

Flashback Stronger: "You're pretty strong, kid. Now that I got a good look at you. You look like a Kamen Rider."

Flashback Y/N: "A Kamen Rider? What's that?"

Flashback Stronger: "Warriors who fight for justice. Just by looking at you I can tell, you will be a great warrior of justice. A Kamen Rider."

Flashback Y/N: "Kamen Rider...what would my name be?"

Flashback Stronger: "Hmm when you transformed using that card, it said Decade. How about we call you that. Kamen Rider Decade."

Flashback Y/N: "Kamen Rider Decade...I like it."

Flashback Stronger: "Ha ha good." Stronger places his hand on Y/N's shoulder.

Y/N opens his eyes to look at Golden Darkness with a smile.

Y/N: "I'm just a passing through Kamen Rider. Remember that! Henshin!"

(If the video doesn't show up it's Kamen Rider Decade's Henshin)

Y/N flips the card in his fingers to slide in his driver. He quickly pushes the sides of the driver to close it.

Kamen Ride: Decade!

Negative figures appear around Y/N with a symbols above them. They move combining together on him giving him the blank ride wear. Magenta rectangles appear out the center of his Driver. They fly up to slot on his helmet giving him the magenta color all over his ride wear.

Golden Darkness's eyes squint at Y/N.

Rito: "Whoa!"

Lala: "Oh look it's pink so cute."

Y/N: "It's not pink, it's magenta! I don't care if it was pink but get the color right!"

Lala: "But it looks pink."

Y/N: "Now shall we get started. You can call me Decade."

Golden Darkness: "Very well but let me tell you, I won't go easy on you."

Y/N: "Either will I. Rito, I'll be fine just make sure you don't die."

Rito: "...You too."

Golden Darkness: "Here I come!" A huge explosion happens next to a house. People all look at what happened. The school doctor Mikado Ryouko while walking notices the explosion. She sees Golden Darkness with her right arm as a hammer.

Mikado: "Is that Golden Darkness? Why is she on earth....I think I'd better stay out of this." In the air Y/N has his arm cross in front of him after blocking Golden Darkness's attack. A panicking Rito and relaxed Lala are also in the air next to him. Y/N notices a large piece of rubble underneath him. Y/N pushes himself off to it to side kick at Golden Darkness. Her hair moves by itself to turn into a shield to block Y/N's kick.

Y/N: "Entire body as a weapon...I get what Zastin meant now." Golden Darkness peaks from behind her shield. Y/N notices a hair fist heading towards him from behind the shield. He quickly pushes himself off the shield to twist his body for the fist to fly past his chest.

Y/N: "That was a close one." Three more fists go towards Y/N.

Y/N: "Cr—" Y/N is sent through a wall as Rito and Lala run through the hole. Y/N gets up to grab his RideBooker to turn around. He fires at the wall behind him making a new hole.

Y/N: "Rito! Lala! Take this!" Rito runs through hole with Lala behind him while Y/N heads through the front door. He turns around to see a bunch of fists to break through the front doors wall. He rolls out of the way of the fists. Rito and Lala run into a girls bathhouse making Rito's face turn red.

Lala: "Hello." Lala waves to everyone. The two run out of the front door of the bathhouse. Rito is covered in wounds form being attacked by the girls.

Y/N is on one knee when Golden Darkness steps out of the house. He fires his RideBooker at Golden Darkness for her to turn her hair into a shield. He runs towards Golden Darkness continuously firing at her. Golden Darkness doesn't feel or hear any more energy blasts. She transforms her shield back to her hair. Once her shield is down Y/N swings his RideBooker in sword form at Golden Darkness.

Golden Darkness: "He was waiting for me to lower my guard." Golden Darkness transforms her right arm to block the RideBooker's blade.

Y/N: "Tch! You really are a troublesome." Hair swords thrust at Y/N. He jumps back to hit away the hair swords. Golden Darkness jumps towards Y/N swing her arm sword. Y/N deflects the sword hairs to block Golden Darkness's arm sword. He pushes Golden Darkness back to quickly open the RideBooker to get a card. He pulls on the handles of his driver to slide the card in then closes it.

Attack Ride: Slash!

More hair sword are thrusted at Y/N. He swings his sword for a magenta energy after effect appears on the RideBookers blade. Y/N hits away all the hair swords then swings at Golden Darkness. She quickly lifts her right leg to turn it into a sword.

Y/N: "Honestly I think I got you but you stop my attack. It's frustrating! Ha ha!"

Golden Darkness: "He's enjoying this?" The two jump back getting ready to continue. Golden Darkness looks around to realize Rito isn't there.

Golden Darkness: "Yuki Rito isn't here." Golden Darkness jumps away to look for Rito.

Y/N: "Hey! Damn it." Y/N whistles for the Machine Decader to drive around the corner. Getting on the motorcycle Y/N drives after Golden Darkness. Y/N watches her jump from building to building. He grabs his RideBooker from his side to fire at her. The hair swords hit away the energy blasts. Golden Darkness looks at Y/N out the corner of her eye. While jumping from building to building Golden Darkness's skirt goes up. The principal from Rito's school is below and notices Golden Darkness's skirt flowing up.

Principal: "Ooh! I almost saw them!!" Like a second sense Golden Darkness looks at the principal and covers herself.

Golden Darkness: "Ah!!"

Principal: "Aaaw don't hide it! Flash me your panties!" Fists rapidly punch the principal.

Golden Darkness: "I hate ecchi people!" Golden Darkness leaves to go find Rito. The principal stands up as Y/N drives past him slamming his fist in his cheek. The principal hits the ground knocked out.

Y/N: "Perverted freak." Rito and Lala arrive at a temple.

Rito: "Lala...Lala...Let's stop! I'm so tired."

Lala: "But she'll catch up."

Rito: "Please..."

Lala: "Okay."

Golden Darkness: "Found you." The two turn to see Golden Darkness. Rito jumps out of fear and Lala stands in front of Rito.

Lala: "Yami!"

Golden Darkness: "I ask Decade, I will ask you the same. Why do you protect Yuki Rito? I heard from the client that he was an atrocious fiend that threatened you and planned to take over Deviluke."

Lala: "Rito!? No! He isn't such a person."

Golden Darkness: "Maybe he isn't. But I will deal with anyone as long as I'm asked. That is the duty of Golden Darkness." Y/N drives up to them, getting off his motorcycle. Golden Darkness looks at him then back at Lala.

Lala: "Ehhh!?"

Y/N: "What's up with Lala making a sound like that?"

Lala: "That's doesn't sound right!?"

Golden Darkness: "It's probably hard to understand for someone who was raised in good hands. The difficulty of living in the universe alone." Y/N stares at Golden Darkness.

Lala: "You're right...I get what you mean. That's why I left the palace. There's a lot of different things I don't know yet!" Golden Darkness is shocked by her response.

Y/N: "Lala is doing her best to learn as much as she can about the universe. Rito is helping her as am I."

Rito: "*Huff* Y/N." Rito smiles while catching his breath.

Y/N: "You, Golden Darkness, say we don't understand what its like to live alone in the universe. I don't know your past nor will I pry." Golden Darkness turns to Y/N.

Y/N: "But there's one thing I have to say. Whatever happened in your past is in the past. You're strong now those things won't be able to hurt you anymore. This is what I have to say to you: It's your choice to live alone! There's so many people in the universe you can make connections with. You might even find a kind person like Rito or an amazing girl like Lala. You can live with so many people in your life. All you need to do is open your heart." Y/N points at Golden Darkness.

Y/N: "Open your heart to others! I'll show you the connections I made! Connections you can make too!" Y/N opens the RideBooker to take a card out. He opens his driver to slide the card in to close the driver.

(2:42 for Stronger. If the video doesn't show up it's all showa Rider cards for the DecaDriver)

Kamen Ride: Stronger!

In a flash Y/N's form changes to Kamen Rider Stronger.

(With the DecaDriver around his waist)

Golden Darkness runs at Y/N turning her arm into a sword. Y/N holds his left arm up to block her sword. He quickly grabs a card from his RideBooker to slide it in his Driver. Hair swords behind to circle around him.

Attack Ride: Electro Fire!

Y/N's right arm is coated in electricity. He throws a punch but doesn't hit Golden Darkness. A shockwave of electricity is sent towards Golden Darkness from the tip of Y/N's fist. Golden Darkness is electrified by the shockwave. She slowly backs away as electricity appears around her body. Y/N runs at Golden Darkness throwing a punch at her head. Golden Darkness closes her eyes but she doesn't feel pain. She opens her eyes to see Y/N's fist sparking with electricity right in front of her. Y/N moves his hand away from her.

Golden Darkness: "Why did you stop?" Before Y/N can answer a space ship appears above them. A beam of light shoots down for a figure to float down. A little alien dressed in robes walks out of the light.

Alien: "Taadaa! Lacospo is here to visit."

Lala: "Lacospo!"

Y/N: "Hold on a second this little sh— is who you're working for?"

Lacospo: "I've come to pick you up Lala-tan! Let's get married!"

Lala: "In your dreams Lacospo! You ordered an assassin to come kill Rito! You're the worst!"

Lacospo: "The...The worst!?"

Lala: "That's right! There's no way I would ever marry someone so cruel!"

Y/N: "How many marriage candidates does she have?"

Lacospo: "Lala-tan...why don't you get it. These feelings I have for Lala-tan..."

Y/N: "You do have a face a mother could only love." Lacospo looks at Rito to angrily point at him.

Lacospo: "This is all your fault Yuki Rito! You have been taking advantage of Lala-tan!"

Y/N: "Someone has a thick head." Lacospo walks towards Golden Darkness.

Lacospo: "Golden Darkness! What have been doing all this time? You were supposed to take care of him by now!"

Y/N: "Because I have been fighting her the whole time."

Lacospo: "Huh!? Who are you!? Another assassin!? I'll hire you too!"

Y/N: "Yeah right! I'm Rito's friend!"

Lacospo: "Yuki Rito's friend!?"

Golden Darkness: "Lacospo..."

Lacospo: "Huh?"

Golden Darkness: "Your timing was good. I have something I want to talk to you about too." Lacospo looks a little worried.

Golden Darkness: "You were supposed to give me information on the target, not lies and fabrication. Surely you weren't trying to deceive me?"

Lacospo: "Sh..Shut up Yuki Rito is deceiving Lala-tan! I have no reason to lie!"

Y/N: I have one question Lacospo-tan, what exactly is Rito lying about?" Lacospo stays silent not sure what to say. Golden Darkness just stares at him but this makes Lacospo panic.

Lacospo: "He's making a fool out of me! If that's the case...Come on out! Gama-tan!" Lacospo raises his hand for a beam of light to shoot down from his ship again. The light disappears for Lacospo to be on top of a giant frog.

Rito: "A frog!?"

Y/N: "Man I'll feel bad beating up someone's pet." Y/N scratches the back of his helmet.

Peke: "That's the rare Irogaama!"

Lala: "You know about it Peke?"

Peke: "Yes...I saw it in a Astrobiology reference book. If it's the real thing then it's my natural enemy!!"

Y/N: "Wait you're a robot, what do you mean by natural en...Oh! Wait it can do that!?"

Lacospo: "Now Gama-tan! Show them what they have to fear!" Gama opens its mouth to fire some sort of sledge out of it. Golden Darkness jumps out of the way out but some of sledge splashes on her. Her clothes on the left side of body start to melt.

Golden Darkness: "My clothes...!"

Lacospo: "Hyahahaha! Gama-tan's mucus is quite convenient. It only melts clothes! This is why Gama-tan is my favorite pet! Now let's strip you of your clothing, Golden Darkness!"

Golden Darkness: "I do not approve of that ecchi animal!" Golden Darkness turns her right arm into a sword to jump at the frog. She swings her blade for it to bounce off the frogs body. The frog shoots it tongue out to hit Golden Darkness sending flying.

Y/N: "I got ya!" Y/N jumps to catch Golden Darkness when he lands on the ground he slips on some mucus. Somehow when Y/N hit the ground his helmet flies off and Golden Darkness ends up sitting on his face.

Golden Darkness: "Nooo!" Golden Darkness stands up holding her skirt down. Y/N stands up to realize his helmet is off.

Y/N: "Wait how did I lose my helmet?" A hair fist hits Y/N making him stagger.

Y/N: "What the hell was that for!?" Y/N looks at Golden Darkness who is still holding her skirt and has hair blades floating next to her. He carefully picks up his helmet.

Lacospo: "I caught you off guard! The nude finale!" Gama fires her mucus at Golden Darkness.

Y/N: "Sh-!" Y/N quickly hugs Golden Darkness. She is shocked Y/N is using himself as a shield for her. Lala jumps in front of them getting hit by the mucus. Y/N let's go of Golden Darkness to see Lala's clothes completely melt off.

Y/N: "Damn even though I already saw her naked. She's so stunning that it's like seeing it for the first time again. I guess that's why so many perverts want her."

Lacospo: "Ooh! Lala's clothes! Good shot, Gama-tan! Get me a little closer!" Peke gets a angry and reconstructs Lala's clothes.

Lacospo: "They came back! What the!? Damn! In that case, have some more!" Gama fire a barrage of mucus at Lala. Y/N puts his helmet back on. He removes his scarf to wrap it around Golden Darkness covering the melted part of her clothes. Golden Darkness just stares at him as he does it. Y/N turns around to see Lala dodge every single mucus blast.

Y/N: "Lala's going so fast she's leaving behind after images."

Lacospo: "Eh!? Which one is the real Lala!?" Lala appears behind Lacospo.

Lala: "Lacospo! Please behave yourself!" Lala rapidly punches Lacospo and Gama. Y/N, Rito, and Golden Darkness are shocked by Lala's strength. Lacospo and Gama are sent flying into the sky.

Lala: "That guy was terrible!"

Golden Darkness: "Wasn't he weak, Princess?"

Rito: "More like she's way too strong."

Y/N: "...Ha ha! She did say she's pretty strong. That's pretty strong!?"

Golden Darkness: "Why did you protect me? We were enemies..." Golden Darkness looks at Y/N and Lala.

Lala: "Eh? Because Lacospo was the one behind all these bad things. Besides, I couldn't let someone do such cruel things to a cute girl like you, Yami-chan."

Golden Darkness: "Cu...te? You...referring to me?"

Y/N: "Yeah, she's right." Y/N de-henshin's by removing his Ride Card from his Driver.

Y/N: "Lacospo lied about everything to get you to kill Rito. Also you are actually cute." Golden Darkness doesn't say anything.

Lala: "Oh did we offend you, Yami?"

Golden Darkness: "Ah...no...it's just that's the first time someone said that to me..." A blushing Golden Darkness looks away.

Y/N: "Hey Lala."

Lala: "Hm?"

Y/N: "Why did you have to take my spotlight? I was all cool and gave out a good speech. I didn't even get to use my finisher." Y/N walks up to Lala to poke her cheek.

Lala: "I'm sorry I was just so mad at Lacospo that I didn't think."

Y/N: "I'm messing with you. You did great." Y/N holds up his hand for Lala to high five it.

Rito: "Lala, why have you been calling her "Yami-chan?"

Y/N: "Oh yeah she did say that."

Lala: "Why? Because her name is "Golden Darkness" right?

Y/N: "I get it because Darkness in japanese is Yami." Y/N hits the palm of his left hand with his fist.

Rito: "But I don't think that's her real name..."

Yami: "I doesn't matter...I have no interest in what I'm called."

Rito: "Anyways now that Lacospo is gone, you can stop targeting me and return to space, right?"

Yami: "Return...to space..." Yami looks at Lala then at Y/N making her cheeks turn pink.

Yami: "No. Once I have accepted a job, abandoning it midway through is against my principles." Yami looks at the three friends.

Yami: "Yuki Rito until I settled things with you, I will remain on earth. Especially you, Decade, throughout our fight you were enjoying it like you didn't take it serious. Next time you better take it serious because I will."

Y/N: "Ha ha ha! Alright, I'll take that as a challenge."

Rito: "Wait what about me!?"

After that Yami every now and then tries to off Rito. We always get into fights because of it. She told me to take it serious but I can tell she's not either. The days continue of my stay in this world. Rito and I always get into very lewd situations usually because of Lala. One day Yami got sick, Rito and I took her to our school's doctor Mikado. She open her front door completely in her underwear...I think it's because of that ability. Mikado was able to heal Yami, she may be my "enemy" but I don't want any harm to her. Thanks to that ability I ended up seeing her in only her panties....who do I pray to thank for this beautiful ability....I hate being single. A few days late Lala's dad showed up. He threatened to destroy earth if Rito didn't meet his expectations. Of course hearing that I spoke up saying I will beat him down if he does. Lala was able to talk him down and tried to erase out memories of her but her device failed like usual ha ha! Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months. Every day Rito and I get into crazy lewd situations. Honestly it makes me laugh the logic in this world is strange but fun. I think I mentioned I enjoy this lewd accident ability. I realize the reason why I stayed for so long was because I was using that ability to get my mind off my brother. I truly enjoy my time here but I'm just running away from what happened. That's what I figured out at the end of my adventure here. I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm like a magnet to Yami whenever it comes to lewd situations. Honestly I'm shocked I wasn't dead yet. She could of easily killed me. The school was destroyed once. How Lala and Yami had a practice fight. Lala definitely is the conqueror of the universes daughter. Yami was able to open her heart to one person, Mikan, Rito's younger sister. The two ended up being good friends at first Yami was against it but she opened. Oh here's a good one, Rito and I ended taking a weird medicine Mikado provided for us. It was supposed to help with fatigue but we ended up flirting with every girl we know. I ended up flirting with Yami right before the medicines effect wore off. I was met with a blushing Yami so I guess it was okay. I did have to explain to her what happened after Mikado told us what happened. Yami looked kinda angry about it being fake. One day Yami was invited to Rito's house. Zastin was very suspicious of her and kept an eye on her. With all that suspicion he ended up jumping to conclusions and tried fighting her. I defused the situation and Lala was not happy with Zastin. There's this one time we ended up a video game because Kyouko or so we thought. It was actually Lala's younger twin sisters Nana and Momo. They wanted to know more about us earthlings who are close to Lala...Hm? You want something like last time? Okay fine here I have this....

Now that's done let me continue. There's a lot stories I can tell you but I think that would take too long. Let me think of a good one...Ah here. Celine got into the refrigerator and drank some cola. Weird things happen when she drinks that. Oh Celine that's Rito's flower he got for his birthday a long time ago. It ended up transforming into a small child because of Rito taking hold care of it. We thought she was dying at the time. Anyways Celine let's out some pollen out of the flower on top of her head. It changed Yami's personality. Momo told us that Celine's pollen was supposed to make anyone who is bathed by it will fall in love with Rito but for some reason Yami fell in love with me.

Rito: "Wait!!"

Y/N: "Celine! Come back!"

Rito: "Who let her in the refrigerator?!"

Y/N: "I don't know! I was playing video games with Momo!"

Lala: "Doesnt she know she'll get drunk after drinking cola!?"

Y/N: "I think she does but she likes drinking it."

Riro: "And that's not the only problem. We have to catch her quickly or..." Celine runs into a park to see Yami. She runs up to try and grab Yami's book. The flower on Celine's head puffs out some pollen. The pollen hits Yami's face for a small Celine before she became a child to appear on Yami's head.

Y/N: "Uh oh!"

Rito: "Ahhh!"

Lala: "Got her!" Lala catches Celine by picking her up.

Rito: "Al...Alright! Now, then shall we go back Y/N, Lala?"

Y/N: "Yeah let's go." Yami's hair turns into a hand to grab the back of Y/N's collar.

Y/N: "Whoa!" Rito and Lala look back at Y/N and Yami. Y/N is a few inches off the ground being lifted by Yami's hair.

Yami: "I'm gonna to...borrow Decade.."

Rito: "Umm okay."

Lala: "We'll see you at Rito's house, Y/N."

Y/N: "Sure..." Lala and Rito leave with Celine. Yami puts Y/N down.

Yami: "There's a Taiyaki shop that I like. Let me treat you to some, Decade."

Y/N: "Thank you?"

Yami: "Now please come with me." Yami leads Y/N to her favorite taiyaki stand.

Y/N: "Why does she want to treat me? Did I do something last time we fought? Momo did say Celine's pollen makes anyone fall in love with Rito. It looks like Yami wasn't effective by it."

Yami: "The usual. 20 taiyaki please."

Owner: "Here you go. Thank you for coming Yami-chan. Now enjoy it with your boyfriend okay?" The owner gives Yami a thumbs up.

Yami: "Boyfriend?" Y/N notices Yami's cheek flush with red.

Y/N: "Hm?" Y/N and Yami sit down at bench together.

Yami: "Now please have some."

Y/N: "Thanks." Y/N grabs a taiyaki to move it close to his lips. Yami sees a couple in front of them. The girlfriend is feeding her boyfriend.

Girlfriend: "Okay say ahhh!" Y/N is able to take a bite out of his taiyaki when he hears Yami making him stop.

Yami: "Decade..."

Y/N: "Huh?" Y/N looks at Yami with his mouth open.

Yami: "Allow me to feed you." Y/N can see Yami turn her hair into hands making him sweat. A hand grabs Y/N's cheeks to keep his mouth open. The other hands grab a taiyaki each and feed Y/N.

Y/N: "Cr-! I'm gonna suffocate!"

Yami: "Is it delicious?" Y/N runs to the bathroom to throw up the taiyaki.

Y/N: "I...I thought I was gonna die!" Y/N whips his mouth to walk to the sink. He turns it on to cup his hands to put the water in his mouth. Y/N rinses his mouth to spit the water in the sink. He turns it off to go outside.

Y/N: "Sorry to kept you wait...ing...Wow." Y/N is surprised by Yami's new look.

Y/N: "Uhhh those clothes?"

Yami: "I thought I would try using my transformation ability to change my clothes to match the people around me."

Y/N: "Oh you have same ability Peke has."

Yami: "Well since I'm using transformation I can't hold the form for too long...So how...do they look?"

Y/N: "You look really cute. You should wear more clothes like that."

Yami: "You...think so?" Yami and Y/N walk down the street together. Y/N stares at Yami.

Y/N: "This is completely new side of Yami. Could of Celine's pollen of done something?" Yami notices Y/N is staring at her.

Yami: "Please don't look at me like that..."

Y/N: "Oh sorry I was just thinking...is it okay if I take a picture?" Y/N holds up the camera around his neck.

Yami: "O..Okay." Yami stops for Y/N to stand in front of her. He holds up his camera to look through it.

Y/N: "Smile." Yami blushes a little and gives Y/N a small smile making him blush from her cuteness. Y/N takes the picture to lower his camera.

Y/N: "D..Done. I'll show you the picture when I get it developed." Someone bumps into Y/N for him to fall forward. Y/N holds his hand forward to get a handful of Yami's chest.

Y/N: "Oh sh-!"

Yami: "Ecchi...I'm supposed to hate it but..." Yami removes Y/N's hand to get closer to him.

Yami: "I feel it'll be okay if I give in to it...I know I'm not the usual me but..."

Y/N: "She knows!? Then the pollen did effect her but why is it me and not Rito!?"

Yami: "Since this is feeling I want to explore then..this mood..this sense of security, I want to try and feel more of it." Yami looks up at Y/N.

Yami: "So...Would it be okay with you...if I gave you a kiss? I want to try and see what this kind of feeling would emerge and how deep the meaning of a simple kiss has." Yami moves closer to Y/N who moves his head back.

Y/N: "Whoa whoa! Hold up!" Y/N grabs Yami's shoulders to push her back.

Y/N: "I would definitely do that but this isn't you, Yami. You're under the effects of Celine's pollen. When your no longer under the effects and you still want too I happily oblige." The small flower falls off Yami's head.

Y/N: "The flo..." Yami slaps Y/N away with her hair hand.

Yami: "Don't think you can touch me so easily."

Y/N: "She's back...she's back."

Yami: "Why...did you say we can't?" Y/N is rubbing his cheek.

Y/N: "Like I said you weren't yourself. You should do that kind of thing when you're you."

Yami: "He did it for me...You're an idiot aren't you?"

Y/N: "Huh? Not really."

Yami: "You are. Worrying about me, your enemy." Yami turns to Y/N with a smile.

Yami: "I don't hate...idiots."

Y/N: "That's a real smile from the real Yami."

Yami: "So when I defect you I will give you swift and painless death." Y/N has made it back to Rito's house. He is sitting on the floor looking at Celine who's laying on the couch. Lala is next to him watching Celine. Momo and Rito are standing behind the couch.

Momo: "So Yami was under the effects of Celine's pollen but she was in love with you not Rito?"

Y/N: "For the last time. Yes!"

Momo: "But how's that possible..."

Y/N: "You're the one with the green thumb. You tell me."

Momo: "I don't know...did you help Rito take care of Celine when she was in her first stage?"

Y/N: "Uhhh a few times but not much."

Momo: "Maybe that's why. Celine's pollen has a chance for people to fall in love with you. That's my best guess unless you want me to research further. I'm gonna need Celine's pollen meaning we need her to drink Cola."

Rito & Y/N: "No!" Y/N and Rito both hold there hands up to stop Mono.

Y/N: "Let's just leave it at that."

Rito: "I agree."

My adventures in this world were coming close or so I thought when Mea showed up. Who is Mea? Mea is Yami's younger sister...technically. She's a second generation weapon while Yami is a first generation. Being made by the same people technically that makes them sisters. Things started to heat up and there's a secret mastermind behind all this. I didn't know that until later on. Things were still the normal but with Mea being a little sneak. I decided to stay a little longer I didn't want anything to happen to Rito who seems to be the center of it. Then one day I learned more about Yami's past, another one of Lala's devices that Celine somehow had malfunctions. My hand and Yami's end up glued together but without the glue. Oh I forgot to mention for a long time now Momo and Nana have been rather friendly with me. Nana has been a little tsundere to me. Momo however seems to be more bold in her approach. Going into the bath with me, flirting whenever we're alone or when she sees the opportunity too, and I think she's purposely trying to get in lewd situations with me. Every morning I'm met with a nude Momo in my bed. Oh why is she doing this if I live in a different home? I never mentioned this but my guise's parents are always gone. My "mom" is a model and works together with Rito's mother who is a fashion designer. My "dad" is a little strange, he writes a blog on what's the best Udon in Japan. He's always off somewhere eating Udon. Why is this important? The next thing I'm about to say. Again one of Lala's machines ends up going haywire and we tried to stop but it ended up blowing up my house. That's why I told you about my so called parents. No one was hurt when it happened. Now I'm currently living with Rito until my house is finished being rebuilt. Anyways back to the glued hands, Yami and I have to spent the night together. Lala said the effects would wear off in the morning.

Y/N has a blindfold over his eyes and is standing in the bathroom.

Yami: "If you look I will kill you."

Y/N: "Like hell I would!" Yami is sitting on the toilet.

Y/N: "Damn it Lala!" Yami finishes her business for them to walk out of the bathroom. They walk into the kitchen where Rito, Mikan, and Momo are.

Yami: "Mikan."

Mikan: "What is it, Yami?"

Yami: "I'd like to borrow your shower." Y/N is trying to take off the blindfold.

Y/N & Rito & Momo & Mikan: "What!?" Y/N has the blindfold half way off his face.

Mikan: "You want to take a shower!? Together with Y/N!?"

Yami: "It's not like I can help it."

Y/N: "Skipping one day is fine! You're hair needs the natural oils it makes!"

Yami: "I always take a shower once a day. You're a little sweaty too, so please wash yourself as well. Of course I'll blindfold you this time."

Y/N: "Hell no! You're just gonna suffocate me!" Momo's eyes light you.

Momo: "Oh my how splendid! Then I too will go with you. To help out! It'll be too inconvenient with both of you being one-handed!" Mikan can tell how excited Momo is.

Mikan: "Momo!"

Nana: "No, Momo you shouldn't! For the reason you're too easy on Y/N!"

Y/N: "What the hell did I do to her anyways?"

Nana: "I...I will go with them!"

Rito: "Nana..."

Mikan: "You will?"

Nana: "That's right! Y/N is just as devious as Rito." A stone faced Y/N agrees with Nana.

Y/N: "Thanks."

Nana: "That wasn't a compliment!"

Y/N: "That was sarcasm!"

Nana: "Whatever! I'll go with them and watch that Y/N doesn't do anything weird to Yami! It is alright, Yami?"

Yami: "I see. Please do, Princess Nana."

Y/N: "Guess my opinion is off the table. Let's get this over with."

Rito: "Sorry about this."

Y/N: "Its fine we have been through worst, right?" Y/N smirks at Rito who is wrapping the blindfold on him.

Rito: "*Sigh* You're right." Nana walks up to the two boys.

Nana: "Let me check!" Nana tightens the blindfold.

Y/N: "Ow! What are you trying to do? Stop the blood flow going to my head!?"

Nana: "Be quiet and get in!" The three head into the bathroom. Y/N can hear the door close behind him.

Y/N: "How am I suppose to take my clothes off?"

Yami: "I'll just cut your clothes off."

Y/N: "Oh that's great I get to lose my only school uniform."

Yami: "I'll sew them back together with my transformation ability afterwards."

Y/N: "Oh thank you! I'm being sarcastic!"

Nana: "I said be quiet! And don't you dare take that blindfold off!" Y/N can hear the cloth rubbing against bare skin. He then feels the air of the bath hit his bare skin.

Y/N: "I'm guessing you cut my uniform."

Yami: "Yes." They walk into bath for Y/N to stay standing. Yami sits down for Nana to scrub her.

Yami: "I'm sorry, Princess Nana."

Nana: "Just call me Nana." Nana looks up at Y/N.

Nana: "Hey, I'm not going to wash you."

Y/N: "Yeah I know. Just hand me the shower head." Nana grabs the removable shower head to hand it to Y/N.

Nana: "Here." Y/N reaches for the shower head to grab it. Nana let's out a moan making Y/N realize he has grabbed her tail.

Nana: "My tail."

Y/N: "Sorry!" Y/N let's go of her tail to slip on the wet floor to fall on Yami to grab her chest. Yami turns her hair into a fist to punch Y/N. He falls over to land in front of Nana. His towel around his waist falls off for Nana to get a eye full of his manhood.

Nana: "Ah no way...GET AWAY FROM ME YOU BEAST!"

Y/N: "Rito help! Back up! Back up! I can't see!" Rito ignores Y/N by doing his homework.

Rito: "Sorry Y/N."

Y/N and Yami are in a Japanese style room with Mikan and Momo.

Momo: "So you laid the futon out in the tatami room?"

Mikan: "Yes. The bed is too small for Y/N and Yami to sleep in." Y/N is rubbing his cheek.

Y/N: "It's a good thing I can take a hit."

Yami: "Thank you very much, Mikan."

Y/N: "Yeah thanks, Mikan-chan."

Mikan: "Lala said she thinks the effects of the device will wear off in the morning. Good night." Mikan and Momo leave to their room's upstairs.

Momo: "Is it alright? They're on the first floor so if something happens we won't be able to run to them quickly."

Mikan: "It's alright Yami is there. And not Momo.  Also Y/N is pretty strong too." Y/N is laying on the tatami floor.

Y/N: "How long have I been here? Time is different in every world. I can remember multiple winters, summers, autumns, and springs passing by but we only went up one grade. I guess only an actual year pasted in this world." Y/N looks at his hand.

Y/N: "How long will I stay? Maybe it's time I leave or maybe I'm just staying here...because I'm running away from my problems."

Yami: "You thinking of Ecchi things?"

Y/N: "No...just some private thoughts."

Yami: "You ever do something like you did in the bath I will kill you on the spot."

Y/N: "Note taken...Oh Rito told me about the last time you slept at his house. You can't sleep can you?"

Yami: "Ever since I became an assassin I've never slept with my mind clear and relaxed. Even when I close my eyes, only my body rests, but I can't reach deep slumber."

Y/N: "You do it because you don't know when someone might attack, right?"

Yami: "Yes, If I don't feel the tension constantly I might lose my life in an instant."

Y/N: "I can ever understand those feelings. You probably think "Don't talk so self importantly when you don't know anything." To you everyone here was raised with a sliver spoon in their mouth. I'm sorry I don't know what happened to you in your past and I said those things to you when we first met."

Yami: "Today...when we held hands today I remembered her. Shall we talk about the past?" Y/N turns his head to look at Yami.

Yami told me about her past that night. How she was made, who made her, and who she was made of. Yami is a clone of a woman by the name of Tearju Lunatique. Since she's the genetic donor that makes her Yami's mother in a way. Tearju would read Yami story books to her. Tearju was the kindest person to her like a real mother would be until one day she disappeared. The research facility she worked at was run by horrible people. They're main goal was to make Yami into a weapon. Tearju raising Yami like a human was going against their agenda. Y/N thinks back to his older brother.

Y/N: "It...can't be...was I Tearju in a way back in my home world? Well how about I go destroy this that place for you?" Y/N has a sinister grin on.

Yami: "Please calm down. Before long the galaxy fell into the hands of the new power, Deviluke, who managed to unify it for the first time and those people's came to naught. It doesn't exist anymore. Everything is in the past."

Y/N: "Don't you feel like they stole something from you? If Tearju was by your side you would of had a better life. Honestly I wish they were still here I would burn everything down!" Y/N sits up with his fist in the air. Yami sits up to move closer to Y/N.

Yami: "What a strange person...even though we're enemies, he gets anger for my sake. He cheers for me. But one who is even stranger is me. Next to this boy who is my enemy. Why do I feel such peace? When I'm able to feel this warmth with my entire body will I understand, Tearju?" Yami gets close enough to place her head on Y/N's shoulder but doesn't. She moves back to look away.

Y/N: "Uhh Yami you okay?"

Yami: "No it's nothing. It was on the tip of my tongue. "I want you to hold me." I'm not thinking straight." Y/N can feel his hand slide off Yami's hand.

Y/N: "Oh hey! The effects wore off! Oh thank god."

Yami: "...Are you that happy to be separated from me?"

Y/N: "What you want to stay together like that for a few days? I can ask Lala to make a new one. We can have a nice bath together like tonight." Y/N jokingly grins at Yami.

Yami: "Hmph! No!" Yami lays back down for Y/N to do that same.

Y/N: "Thanks for telling me about your past, Yami. I want you to know, you don't have to be afraid of getting attacked. You're in a home full of friends."

Yami: "....."

Y/N: "Good night." Y/N closes his eyes to fall asleep. Yami remembers falling asleep in Tearju's arms. She moves closer to Y/N to hold his arm.

Yami: "Good night..."

I felt like Yami was opening up more with everyone after that. Strangely Tearju showed up being our new teacher. Weird how Fate works. My suspicions about Yami being more open was confirmed with the following weeks until that day. Nemesis, Mea's master, has begun her final step of her plan. She was able to turn Yami into a being called "Darkness" by using "Peace." I don't understand it fully myself but Yami is like a time bomb. From what Nemesis said it's the "Peace of Mind" a Weapon is not to possess. Opening her heart to others has led to this. Not only that Nemesis lied about Mea not being real. This lead to Yami's transformation that I have to fight.

Nemesis: "We finally meet how do you feel, Darkness?"

Darkness: "I feel ecchi~" Nemesis, Nana, and Mono are surprised by Darkness answer.

Darkness: "I want to see that ecchi person."

Voice: "Yami-chan! The ecchi me is right here!" The principal who's only in his boxers is climbing the fence to get in the school swimming pool.

Principal: "What a splendid look you have! Please swim together with me in a tight embrace!" The principal jumps towards Yami with his arms open.

Tearju: "P...Principal!?" Yami smiles at the principal.

Darkness: "Not you." Yami's hair swirls to make a wormhole for the principal to fall into.

Nana: "Th...The principle disappeared!?" Yami raises her hand for her hair to swirl into a worm hole again.

Yami: "Who I want to see is this one." Y/N is sitting in class spacing out. Everyone hears the screaming from the swimming pool. His classmates get up to look outside the windows. Kotegawa Yui stands up to yell at the class.

Yui: "Hold on everyone! We're in the middle of class, so be quiet!"

Y/N: "Seriously? Are the guys trying to check out the girls...." Y/N's instincts are telling him to run. He turns to see Yami's claw hand grabbing his arm.

Y/N: "What the hell!?"

Rito: "Y/N!"

Haruna: "A black hand appear in midair!"

Lala: "Y/N!" Y/N is pulled into the wormhole to appear outside above the school pool.

Darkness: "There you are~" Y/N is shocked to see Yami.

Y/N: "What happened to you?" The two fall into the pool.

Nana: "How!? Wasn't Y/N in the classroom?"

Tearju: "She transformed space and created a wormhole. She has the potential to create wormholes with her power...If that power was focused for a destructive purpose." Y/N opens his eyes under water.

Y/N: "What is going on!?" Y/N realizes he is lifting Yami's top with his right arm for her chest to come out while pulling on bottom to make it thin for it to peak out. Yami and Y/N come out of the water.

Y/N: "Okay that time it was your fault! How did you do that!? And why you wearing that outfit?"

Darkness: "As expected I thought if anyone would, it would be you to give me a wedgie."

Y/N: "Is that what they call it? Thought it was the other way around. Wait how would you know that?"

Darkness: "It's fine. You can feel me up more. I'm different from the way I was, I love ecchi. And I love the ecchi you as well." Y/N's eyes narrow at Yami.

Y/N: "Yami...What the hell happened to you?" The water glows for a second making Y/N look around. The water turns into hands to grab and grope the girls.

Tearju: "No! Don't approach the pool..." The water hands grab the girls that are around the pool.

Y/N: "Tearju-sensei! Yami let everyone go!"

Darkness: "I'm preparing it for you, Decade."

Y/N: "What?"

Darkness: "A fitting place to die. You see, Decade I want to kill you, who I love, with my own hands." Yami starts to get out of the water and stands on it like it's solid ground.

Darkness: "After all, you are my enemy and I respect you. If I kill you, you will live on in my heart forever. We will become one, that is the ecchiest thing."

Y/N: "Some wrapped sense of love you have."

Darkness: "Well...even if I say that. To you the reality of being easily chewed up and swallowed like taiyaki will not change. So the least I can do is offer this parting tribute to you. To die surrounded by boobies. Isn't it the most fitting manner of death for the ecchi you?" Yami pulls on her top to show her chest to Y/N.

Y/N: "You think I'm the only one who would love that? Honestly as much as I would let that happen...I'm not ready to die today." Y/N smugly smirks at Yami.

Momo & Nana: "Stop!"

Darkness: "Princess Nana and Princess Momo would you also like to join the tribute to Decade?"

Momo: "Yami..."

Y/N: "Momo! Nana! Get me out of here! I'll handle Yami! I just need to..." Yami sits on Y/N's face.

Darkness: "Why don't you drop your pretenses at earnestness, Decade? Do you remember? The number of breasts you've fondled up till now? Their sensation...their smell...Whatever your intention might have been. You are the incarnation of shamelessness~"

Nana: "Hey Yami...cut it out!" Yami transforms her hair into Y/N clones. They float towards Momo and Nana. The twins dodge the clones hands who are trying to capture them.

Momo: "Nana! They might look like Y/N, don't be deceived!"

Nana: "I won't be caught by something like this!" One of the clones gets close to Nana's face to talk with Y/N's voice.

Clone: "Nana, I want to do ecchi things with you." Nana's heart skips a beat for the clones to grab her.

Momo: "Nana!" Being concerned about Nana gives the clones a chance to capture Momo. The clones start to rip their school swimsuits off.

Darkness: "Oh my! Exposing princesses boobies in broad daylight! Uhuhu you are so ecchi!" Y/N is to move his face out of Yami's crotch to speak.

Y/N: "I'm a growing boy, if a girl wants me to do things with her of course I will oblige. Like Momo always sleeping naked in my bed with me."

Momo: "Y/N!"

Y/N: "Hurry up you two! Is that all the daughters of Deviluke can do!?" Momo and Nana look at each other to nod.

Momo: "Yami's transformation energy is in the pool. If we can hit it with our tail energy it will dispel it."

Nana: "Alright!" Momo and Nana jump in the air with such strength it pushes the clones away.

Darkness: "Heeeh! As expected~ They broke out of my transformation with raw power." Momo and Nana turn around to wrap their tails together to fire an energy blast at the tip. The energy hits the pool for a small explosion for all the water to splash away. The girls start to run away from the scene. Y/N is coughing up water, he wipes his mouth to reach behind his back. He pulls out the DecaDriver to place it on his waist. The belt wraps around Y/N for his RideBooker to appear on his side. Y/N hears someone whistle for a herd of cats to take him away.

Y/N: "Wait hold up! Nana!!" Y/N notices a small girl with black hair sitting on the fence. Yami watches Y/N be taken away making her feel sad.

Momo and Nana try to get Yami to turn back to normal but it wasn't enough. Yami says that she turned into this form once before but not in the lewd outfit. Nemesis was happy to hear this. When she turned into Darkness for the first time Yami cut a planet in half but that transformation was incomplete.

Darkness: "It was an incomplete awakening. The transformation come undone after a few seconds. I turned back to normal and forgot about being Darkness. It is true that I'm different from the Darkness of that time. Back then I didn't have these feelings. These ecchi feelings...Ahhh~ Decade! How he kept looking...touching me...my boobs...my butt...and even more precious place."

Nemesis wonders if her obsession for Y/N has somehow infected Darkness.

Darkness: "Ahhh...I can't live without him anymore. I need to chase him down and kill him at once. I have to become one with him~"

Momo: "You can't! We won't let you get near Y/N until you return to normal."

Darkness: "You're annoying. Get lost!" A mouth opens below Momo and Nana for it to swallow them. The herd of cats walk over Yui and Haruna. Y/N ends up in between Haruna's legs spreading her spot. He looks up to see Haruna.

Y/N: "Oh hey...Where's Lala and Rito!?" Yui puts Y/N in a choke hold.

Yui: "Why did you show up in a cats!? And why are you harassing Haruna!?"

Y/N: "Oh get off me Yui! Now isn't the time!"

Yui: "Good grief!"

Y/N: "Yui for the love of everything that's holy! Every time that happens is never on purpose!"

Yui: "Why are you so shameless like Rito!?" A wormhole for Yami to fly out with black wings.

Yami: "That's exactly why a Decade who is not shameless is like taiyaki without red bean paste filling." Yui let's go of Y/N shocked by what Yami is wearing.

Y/N: "Run both of you."

Yui: "So you can do things to Ya..."

Y/N: "I SAID RUN!" Y/N's hand flashes in a magenta glow. Yui is a little scared by Y/N's outburst. Haruna grabs her hand to pull her away.

Darkness: "Oh my what's with that outburst? Don't you want them too?"

Y/N: "Enough with the foreplay let's get to the main dish." Y/N opens his RideBooker to take out the Decade Ride Card to open the driver.

Darkness: "Ahhh~ you're actually letting lose."

Y/N: "Yup and I won't stop until you're completely satisfied. Henshin!" Y/N slides the Ride Card in his driver to close it.

Kamen Ride: Decade!

Negative Decade's appear around Y/N with the Heisei Riders symbols. They fuse together on Y/N to give him his blank ride wear. The magenta rectangles fly out the center of the DecaDriver to slot on Y/N's helmet giving color to his ride wear. Yami's index finger extends into a blade to fly at him. Y/N removes his RideBooker from his side for it to turn into sword mode. The two weapons clash for a shockwave to happen around the two. The two jump back ready to continue the fight when Lala and Rito to arrive.

Rito: "Y/N!"

Lala: "Are you okay!?"

Y/N: "Don't interfere! This is my battle!" Wormholes appear around Y/N for blades to shoot out. Y/N jumps out of the way for the blades to hit each other. More wormholes appear for Y/N to dodge around the school yard. He turns the RideBooker to Gun form to fire at Yami while dodging. Yami's finger turns into a sword to hit away the energy blasts. While dodging the swords Y/N opens his driver then opens the RideBooker. He takes out a Ride Card to slide it in his Driver to close it.

Attack Ride: Blast!

Y/N fires his RideBooker for magenta versions of the RideBooker to appear around it to rapid fire energy blasts. Yami hits away a few energy blasts but is hit in the shoulder by one making her stagger for the others to hit her. Yami licks her lips for the ground to shake underneath her. A statue of Y/N in his civilian form appears from underneath Yami's feet.

Y/N: "Not gonna lie that actually looks really good." On top of the statue Yami commands the giant statue of Y/N to throw a punch at Y/N.

Y/N: "This might be difficult." Y/N dives out of the way for the fist to hit the ground. He rolls on the ground to point his RideBooker at Yami. He fires but Yami commands the statue to block the energy blasts with its right hand. The statue swings its right hand at Y/N.

Y/N: "Cr-!" Rito and Lala watch Y/N get hit by the hand.

Rito & Lala: "Y/N!"

Nana and Momo who were teleported into Mea's apartment are heading back to school. They see a bright light to see Mea has gain control of her body with the help of Murasame. After a happy reunion with Mea and Nana, they look over the railing to see the giant statue.

Nana: "What the hell is that!?"

Y/N has stabbed the back of the hand on statue. He takes out another Ride Card to put it in his driver.

Attack Ride: Slash!

Y/N removes his sword from the statue. He swings his RideBooker for the magenta energy trail to appear. Y/N cuts the right arm off to fall and land on the ground. He runs to the statue to jump swinging his sword to cut its left arm. Y/N lands and quickly turns around to run at the statue. He jumps again to swing his for a three time to cut the statue's body apart. Y/N lands on the ground to turn his head. Yami jumps rock to rock to head towards Y/N.

Darkness: "That's another thing I love about you! To be able to slash that thing apart. You're so strong! I respect every bit of your power!" Y/N turns his body to hold up his sword to block Yami's hand that has been turned to a sword.

Y/N: "Ah! Such strength! This little girl has this much strength!"

Darkness: "We always fight to a stand still but now I'll make sure you die!" The two start to clash blade's. Sparks fly out every time their swords make contact. They start to jump away from the school by jumping to different buildings.

Yui: "Th...This too absurd!" Rito and Lala see Haruna and Yui are hiding behind a wall.

Rito: "Haruna! Yui!"

Lala: "Are two okay?" Momo and Nana jump down to land next to the group.

Lala: "Momo! Nana!" Lala hugs her sisters.

Rito: "What happened to Yami?" Lala let's go of her sisters.

Momo: "Nemesis somehow made her transform into that...Darkness."

Rito: "Darkness. What can we do help her!?" Mea lands next to them.

Mea: "There's no need to worry shameless Rito-senpai. Yami-oneechan is simply seeing a strange dream. We have to wake her up."

Y/N is keeping his defense up blocking Yami's attacks.

Darkness: "As expected of Decade! We're always even when it comes to fighting!" When Y/N's feet touch the roof top a wormhole appears for a blade to shoot out. Y/N moves his body for it to fly past him. He watches the blade go straight up. Out the corner of his eye he sees Yami appear to his right.

Y/N: "She got me!"

Yami: "The current me is slightly different from before!" Yami swings her hand sword to hit Y/N's to send him flying. She teleports behind him to kick him into another buildings roof.

Y/N: "Arrrah..." Y/N stands up stabbing the roof top with his sword. Next thing he knows his Driver hits the ground.

Y/N: "What!?" Y/N looks at hands to see his Ride Wear is gone. Tentacles wrap around his body to turn him around. Y/N can see Yami has turned her lower body into tentacles.

Y/N: "These tentacles...there just like that octopus alien Nana has! They're all slimy." The tentacles start to remove Y/N's clothes.

Y/N: "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!!" The slimy tentacles move around his bare body.

Darkness: "I read males can also feel good here." The tentacles start to play with Y/N's nipples.

Y/N: "That just feels weird!"

Darkness: "You want it here?" Y/N jumps in his skin when he realizes where the tentacles are rubbing.

Y/N: "Stop this...." The tentacles focus on the tip making Y/N grunt. Yami pulls Y/N closer to her body. The two are pressed together as the tentacles wiggle and touch their bodies.

Darkness: "All that wiggling is awesome." Y/N can feel his thing rub against Yami's precious place.

Lala: "Go slippery slippery slip-kun!" Lala throws a device for it to turn the roof top all slippery. Yami slips and falls backwards letting Y/N go. Y/N is throw forward and slides to a part of the roof that isn't slipper. He stands up to see his driver is on the other side. Y/N runs and slides towards his driver. He grabs his pants along the way. He jumps to put his pants on to land next to the DecaDriver. He picks it up to place it on his waist.

Y/N: "Thanks Lala! Rito!" Lala is floating next to the building. Rito is standing on the building next to Y/N's.

Lala: "Of course!" A red faced Rito gives him a thumbs up.

Rito: "You okay?"

Y/N: "Yeah." An anger Yami looks up at Lala. She floats in the air to transform her hand into a gigantic sword.

Darkness: "I clearly understand now, Princess Lala. In the end your my enemy! I will kill Decade and become one with his soul! The one who blocks the way of my love is you and Yuki Rito! I'll just destroy you two!"

Peke: "Lala-sama! It's dangerous!! That amount of energy!"

Rito: "Should we run?"

Y/N: "No, I'll finish this." Y/N uses his Decade Ride Card to transform.

Kamen Ride: Decade!

He takes out another Ride Card and uses it.

Kamen Ride: Stronger!

Yami: "That form it's the same one you used the first time we met. Don't think it will be like last time!"

Y/N: "Oh this time I'll show you my finisher and a new form!"

Yami: "What did you say to me on that day? "I'm a passing through Kamen Rider! Remember that!" I'll make sure I remember you as a Kamen Rider!" Yami swings his gigantic blade. Y/N smirks while taking out two Ride Cards and opening his Driver.

Y/N: "I'm glad you remembered and will remember but today isn't the day I die. Nor will I let you destroy this world!" Y/N slides one of the Ride Cards in the drive to use it.

Form Ride: Stronger Charge Up!

Y/N surges with electricity for his horn to turn sliver and his chest gains a sliver stripe. Electricity shoots out of his Ride Wear.

Y/N: "One minute is all I need." Y/N uses the second Ride Card.

Final Attack Ride: S-S-S-Stronger!

Electricity bursts out of Y/N's right foot. He runs and jumps extending his right leg. The blade and Y/N's foot make contact for energy and electricity to shoot out. Rito and Lala cover their eyes from the blinding light. Bolts of electricity hit the roof tops and the streets below.

Y/N "Haaaaaaaa!"

Yami: "Become one with me!"

Y/N: "Say that to me when your back to normal and I'll do it! Haa!" A huge explosion happens for a blinding light to appear. Yami is sent into a building while Y/N is sent flying into a forestry area of the town.

Rito: "Y/N!" Rito looks at Lala to hold his hand out.

Lala: "Right!" Lala grabs Rito's hand to fly towards the forest.

In the forest Y/N break multiple branches then landing on the ground. His Ride Wear disappears off him.

Y/N: "Ahhhh....My body is gonna be sore tomorrow." Lala And Rito land next to Y/N.

Rito: "Hey you okay!?"

Y/N: "Ahhhh....I just want some ramen and relax at home. Maybe Lala can sit in my lap."

Lala: "Oh Y/N you know I love Rito."

Y/N: "Ha ha....That girl loves me and ended up like that because of me." Y/N smiles at Lala and Rito.

Y/N: "Please don't interfere. I have to be the one to save her...I have to save the girl who loves me."

Rito: "But..."

Lala: "No Rito. Let Y/N go this." Y/N grabs Rito's forearm.

Y/N: "If Lala or Haruna were in trouble, you would do the same. Actually you have done it multiple times." Rito removes Y/N's hand to grab it.

(Epic handshake meme here lol)

Rito: "Good luck and save Yami." Y/N nods for Rito to help him up.

Darkness: "Oh you're normal. In that state it doesn't seem you'll be able to cancel out the next one." The three friends look up to see Yami in a tree. Yami holds her hand up to try to name her hand into the gigantic sword but nothing happens.

Rito: "What happened?"

Lala: "Looks like she's out of power."

Darkness: "Out of power? Don't make me laugh. I did use some energy but given a little time I'll recharge. I don't need large scale attacks. My transformation ability is still in perfect shape, no?"

Y/N: "Maybe."

Darkness: "So this time it's the end!" Darkness jumps at Y/N turning her hand into a sword. Y/N takes out his RiderBooker to block her attack but Zastin appears to hit her away.

Y/N & Rito & Lala: "Zastin!?" Yami wraps her hair around a tree to stop herself.

Darkness: "Another interlope..."

Zastin: "I'm sorry I'm late Lala-sama." Two other Deviluke guards appear next to Lala and Rito.

Lala: "Maul! Buwattsu!" Y/N walks up to Zastin to slap the back of his head.

Zastin: "Ow! What was that for!?"

Y/N: "This is my fight!"

Zastin: "We are the Deviluke's personal guard. We will protect the princess from any threat even it's Golden Darkness."

Y/N: "Then do your protecting, I'll be the one fighting." Y/N steps forward ready to fight. Yami pulls her thong up.

Darkness: "Exactly! I don't wanna face old men, even if you look at me with those ecchi eyes. It only feels gross. Geez you're annoying! A bother!"

Y/N: "She's talking like girl who got interrupted right before the big one."

Darkness: "Are you not gonna transform?" Devil wings appear on Y/N's back as he summons a magic circle in his left hand.

Rito: "Y/N's a Devilukian!?"

Lala: "No he has wings Deviluke's only have a tail."

Y/N: "No I'm gonna try this tactic for a change." Y/N swipes his left hand for a flames to fly towards Yami.

Yami: "These little sparks aren't gonna be a thing to me!" Yami swipes them away with her claw hand.

Y/N: "You sure about that?" Y/N snaps for the small flames around Yami to grow bigger and fly towards her. He runs towards Y/N to thrust his sword. The fireballs hit Yami as Y/N stabs her stomach.

Y/N: "Swirl!" The flames swirl around the RideBooker's blade.

Y/N: "Flame Lance!" The flames are fired forward taking Yami with them. Yami hits a tree for a small explosive to it happen.

Darkness: "Are you trying to burn off my clothes? You never stop being shameless." Y/N swings his sword to the side making the flame dissipate from his blade.

Darkness: "What more lewd things can you do with this tactic?" The two run at each but a bunch of animals and alien animals to separate them.

Y/N: "Momo?" Jack-o'-lanterns use there vines to hold Y/N and Yami.

Y/N: "Nana?"

Rito: "What is this?" Momo and Nana arrive to the location.

Nana: "It means no fighting."

Momo: "Sorry we're late that big explosion sent us flying back."

Mea: "Y/N-senpai! Rito-senpai!"

Y/N: "Oh great the annoying little sister is here." The jack-o'-lantern's let Y/N and Yami go. Mea jumps branch to branch to tackle Y/N into Rito.

Mea: "I'm so glad you're still alive!" They hit the ground for Rito to pull her top up and Y/N to grab a hand full. Mea is on top of Rito while Y/N is on top of Mea. Rito is spreading Mea's butt for Y/N's lower waist to be touching her butt.

Mea: "That's my Senpai's for you~"

Rito: "I'm sorry!"

Y/N: "It looks like we're have a threeso..."

Nana: "Shut up you beast!"

Momo: "I'm relieved that you seem so energetic, Y/N."

Y/N: "Not really I'm tired as hell. I just want ramen. Oh yeah where have you been Mea?"

Mea: "That's a long story. I'll leave it to your imagination." The three get off each other and get up.

Mea: "What's more important right now."

Zastin: "Golden Darkness's little sister are you are enemy too!?" The jack-o'-lanterns, Animals, and Alien animals swarm Zastin and his two guard friends.

Zastin: "Momo-sama! Nana-sama! Now's not the time to be kidding!"

Nana: "We're not kidding around."

Momo: "Right."

Nana: "Mea is our friend. Yami is too, of course."

Momo: "We didn't come here to fight Yami. we came here to return her back to normal."

Y/N: "Well mind telling us?"

Rito: "Maybe a psycho dive similar to what you used with Bladix?"

Mea: "No it's just that a program planted in Yami has activated it's not like she's infected with some parasite. The same method from before won't work. But...there's hope."

Darkness: "You disappeared didn't you...how strange."

Yami was surprised by Mea presence. She tries to convince Yami to turn back to normal but to no avail. The two end up fighting and Mea takes her into the city. Momo and Nana explain to everyone how we can change Yami back to normal.

Y/N: "You're kidding me right? I know I'm the cause but that's how we make the system crash!?"

Momo: "This is all conjecturer but I wanna trust Mea's words."

Nana: "I...I too want to believe in Mea's hope."

Y/N: "*Sigh* At least I don't have a shirt on. Let's go."

Rito: "You're actually gonna do it?"

Y/N: "Hey we may get into weird situations. As long as the girl is willing I'll oblige and Yami is definitely willing." Lala tosses Momo and Nana a device that will change their clothes to their Deviluke outfit that have the ability to fly. They put them on to grab Y/N.

Lala: "Please protect Y/N. He's my second friend I made on earth. He's precious to me."

Momo: "Yes!"

Nana: "Yep!"

Y/N: "Lala..." Y/N smiles at Lala.

Lala: "Don't worry about me Rito will watch over me. Y/N, I know you'll rise to the expectations."

Y/N: "Ha, I always do."

Yami has captured Mea and turned her hair into clones of Y/N and Rito to lick her. Nana makes a giant vine appear underneath Yami and Mea. On top of the vine Yami stands ready to see what's coming. Momo and Nana land with Y/N on the vine.

Darkness: "Heeeh Decade! You come here on your own to be killed by me?"

Y/N: "Well here I go....I came here for one thing only! To do all the shameless things to you! I had enough of this fight! I'll release my true nature!" Y/N whips his pants off shocking Nana and Momo.

Nana: "I-If Yami attacks Momo and I will stop here. I don't approve of you acting like a beast....but only for today. Make sure you open her eyes."

Darkness: "You will...do shameless things with me? Huhu...aren't you bluffing? Certainly you are the twin avatar of shamelessness who would bury his face in panties as soon as he stumbles. It's the usual act of god...but underneath you are earnest. That difference is what turns me on."

Y/N: "How am I bluffing? I took my pants off, I'm ready whenever you are. Now come on let's get to it."

Darkness: "I don't know what your plotting. But I'm happy you'd come to me. Finally I'll be able to kill you." Y/N runs at Yami for her to turn her hair into swords. They thrust towards Y/N who dodges the swords. Momo and Nana their plant and animal friends hit some swords away. Y/N jumps at Yami with hands in the air.

Y/N: "Yami-chan!"

Momo & Nana: "The principal!?"

Nana: "Why is he acting like the principal!?"

Momo: "The principal is a huge pervert Y/N is using him as a model." Y/N starts to touch every nook, and cranny of Yami's body.

Darkness: "Doing something like this on his own. It can't be possible for Decade!"

Y/N: "You keep forgetting! I've said multiple times if I girl wants me to do shameless things with her I'll happily oblige!" Y/N pulls on Yami's nipples.

Y/N: "They may be small but they're just right!" Yami flies away but Y/N holds on.

Y/N: "I won't let you go, Yami-chan!" Yami's horns start to disappear.

Momo: "We have to follow them." Mea sprouts her own wings to fly towards them. She can feel Yami's feelings flow into her mind realizing Yami has been love with Y/N and all the things he has done for her. Yami lands on the side wall and Y/N doesn't stop. She turns to slap him away.

Yami: "How long are you gonna keep this up?" Y/N looks at Yami to smile.

Yami: "I hate ecchi..."

Y/N: "I know. Good to see you back, Yami." Y/N winks at Yami.

Everything went back to normal. Yami apologized to everyone the next day. This wasn't the last time Yami turned into Darkness. Someone put a hit on Rito again and I had to fight another assassin. Of course she had to steal my spotlight and defeat him in her Darkness form.

Y/N: "Uhh I don't have to do those things again do I?"

Mea: "You might have too, Y/N-senpai."

Y/N: "*Sigh* I honestly don't like doing it unless she says she wants too." Y/N starts to take off his shirt.

Yami: "Wait stop!" Everyone stares at Yami as Y/N puts his shirt back on.

Yami: "Its still me, I became Darkness out of my own will."

Y/N: "What? Do you have control over it? Is there a risk turning into Darkness?"

Yami: "Its true that back then I was out of control. But...this time I had confidence that I could do it."

Y/N: "I still don't agree with it. Yes, you had confidence but what if you ended up losing control? It was too big of a risk we should of fought together."

Yami: "Kuro is a formidable foe. I did it to save you."

Y/N: "I don't need protecting, Rito does. Why protect me? You categorize me as your enemy."

Yami: "It's because I don't see you that way! You're no longer my enemy but the man I love!" Yami holds her hand over her heart.

Y/N: ".....Hm...You finally said it."

Mea: "You knew?"

Y/N: "I'm not a bone head like Rito."

Nemesis: "I have to agree he doesn't look as dense as Rito."

Rito: "Huh?"

Y/N: "Since you told me something that took a lot of courage, I'll tell you something." Everyone stares at Y/N.

Y/N: "I'm not from this world."

Nemesis: "So you're an extraterrestrial. How's that something that would take a lot of courage?"

Y/N: "No you have it wrong. I'm from a reality complete different than this one. I able to travel to different realities with my ability." Y/N summons a Aurora Curtain. He makes it disappear by waving his hand.

Y/N: "My ability also gives a guise. I guess you can say there never was a Y/N."

Rito: "I don't get it."

Mea: "It means Y/N bent reality."

Nemesis: "Since he's from a different reality his existence here is an anomaly. His ability is able to change reality in a way for him to have a footprint in this reality. To put in bone head terns, his ability gives him a life so he can live here. That's why he said there never was a Y/N."

Rito: "But I know he's my best friend."

Y/N: "Try to think back to when you were younger. Was I ever there?" Rito thinks back to when he was younger but every memory he remembers Y/N was never there.

Rito: "What...But I feel like you were there."

Y/N: "All because of my ability. I didn't do all this because I wanted to deceive you all. I just like traveling to different world and seeing them. The sites, culture, and the people. I see all of you as my friends. Even if I had to pretend for awhile. I'm sorry I deceived all of you."

Rito: "....Even if you were pretending at first. You have shown that you care about us. You don't have to apologize. You're always be my best friend."

Y/N: "I can see why the so many girls like you. I'm shocked I was able to get one to like me." Rito blushes remembering the other girls.

Y/N: "That's not all. I'm not human well not anymore. I got into a fight with a strong opponent that almost led me to my death. A man by the name Sirzechs was able to save me by reincarnating me into a Devil." Y/N's wings appear on his back.

Mea: "A devil not a Deviluke?"

Y/N: "No, Devil from religion."

Yami: "I read about those when I was learning more about Earth. They are wicked creatures."

Y/N: "That's what they say ha ha. But Devil in that world are similar in some way but they are beings who follow their desires. Some are wicked and then there's some like me. That's my secret."

Yami: "That does not change how I feel about you. It's as Yuki Rito said you have shown how much we mean to you."

Y/N: "And someone finally opened up." Y/N smiles at Yami making her blush.

Y/N: "I'm surprised you actually felt comfortable wearing that outfit."

Yami: "I didn't feel comfortable! It was embarrassing."

Kuro the assassin after hearing Yami's confession decides to do the same. Change his ways and stop being an assassin. The "normal" days come back but I knew it was my time to leave. At the end of school I asked Rito to came with me to the rooftop. I told him I will be leaving.

Rito: "You're leaving?"

Y/N: "Yeah my time here is done. I won't be leaving immediately, I'll have to tell everyone first. I'm not gonna lie I wanna stay but..." Y/N remembers his brother then his sister.

Y/N: "There's a promise I have to keep."

Rito: "I understand. I want you to know that you are welcomed to my home anytime." Y/N wraps his arm around Rito's head.

Y/N: "Thanks bone head." The two laugh together.

For the next two days I say my goodbyes. I tell everyone I would be leaving on the third day. Of course some felt happy I was leaving Yui in particular. I know she's a little sad about it. Not being able to see a friend for a long time is always hard. The third day comes along.

Y/N wakes up to see Momo sleeping next to him. He grabs her waist to pull her towards him making her his little spoon.

Momo: "Ah!"

Y/N: "I'm gonna miss this."

Momo: "Brave aren't we? You usually ignore me."

Y/N: "Yeah because Mikan always ends up walking in. This time I'm gonna enjoy this because I leave today." Momo moves on top of Y/N. The light shines on her bare body.

Momo: "Since you're leaving how about we take this further?" Y/N grabs her shoulders to push her on her back. He looms over her, moving closer to her lips but stops.

Y/N: "Not until you tell me."

Momo: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Y/N: "You know exactly what I mean. Also you have to convince your twin to do the same." Y/N gets off Momo and heads downstairs. Mikan is cooking breakfast for everyone.

Y/N: "Good morning."

Mikan: "Good morning I can't believe this will be our last breakfast together."

Y/N: "Yeah...I'm gonna miss everyone." Momo arrives to help Mikan.

Y/N eats breakfast with everyone. They all laugh and talk together. After breakfast Y/N packs a few things. He holds up a picture of he took with everyone to smirk. Y/N walks out the front door with everyone behind him.

Y/N: "I'll come visit sometime."

Mikan: "I hope it's soon." Mikan has a sad smile on.

Rito: "Remember what I said on the roof that day."

Y/N: "Yeah."

Nana: "Even though you're a beast. You can be nice sometimes."

Momo: "Do you really have to leave?"

Y/N: "If I stay I'll be breaking a promise. I have to go."

Lala: "Y/N, thank you for being my second ever friend." Lala smiles at Y/N.

Y/N: "Thank you all for being my friends." Y/N walks up them. He hugs Mikan and Rito together, kisses Lala on the cheek, and pats Momo and Nana's head. He hands everyone a picture all of them together. Y/N gets on his motorcycle to give a final wave goodbye to them and drives off.

Driving around town looking at everything one final time, Y/N arrives at the school.

Y/N: "I'm gonna miss this place." He hears something land behind him. Getting off his motorcycle he turns around to see Momo and Nana.

Y/N: "Why are you two here?" Y/N removes his googles and helmet.

Momo: "You told me something this morning I didn't understand. I ask Nana about it." Nana blushes from Momo's words.

Momo: "With her help I was able to understand what I have to tell you."

I mentioned before that Nana and Momo were acting different with me. In the past I would help them and get into situations with these two. Over time they developed feelings for me. Nana being more secretive about her feelings. Momo being more active with hers. But I wanted to hear from them so I know for sure.

Momo: "I love you, Y/N. Just as Rito won Onii-chan's heart you won mine. You're kind, brave, and really cool." Momo looks at Nana making her face go redder.

Momo: "Nana, you'll feel regretful if you don't do it." Nana doesn't say anything but nod. She steps forward fidgeting her hands.

Nana: "Y-Y/N...." Nana takes a deep breath.

Nana: "I love you! And I'm sad you have to leave. I know I say you're a beast...just as Momo said you're kind. You make my heart flutter every time." Y/N walks up to the two girls. He takes something out his pocket to wrap one around Momo's neck then Nana's. Y/N gets on one knee to hold there hands.

Y/N: "When I come back those will not be around your necks. They will be on your finger, both of you." Momo and Nana look at the necklace Y/N gave them. On them is a ring with a stone of their favorite color.

Y/N: "Your older sister helped me find those stones. I ask you two, please wait for me."

Momo: "Y-Yes!"

Nana: "I-I will!" Y/N stands up for Momo and Nana to hug him with tears running down their faces. He hugs the girls back to kiss their cheeks. Y/N is driving when he notices Yami's ship. He stops to move his googles up. Yami flies down to land next to him.

Y/N: "Came to say goodbye."

Yami: "Yes..."

Y/N: "You have something to say to me? You might wanna tell me now. You won't be able to late on."

Yami: "....Please take me with you." Y/N sits up on his motorcycle.

Y/N: "I will be heading towards something I have no idea what the outcome will be. I have feeling I'm going to be fighting for my life. Knowing this will you still come with me?"

Yami: "Yes, when your life is in danger I will come save you."

Y/N: "Then become a Devil, be apart of my peerage. Where we're heading your gonna need all the strength you need. Being a devil will give you the ability to use magic. Real magic and give you special abilities."

Yami: "If I have to fall to wickedness to protect you I will fall." Y/N holds up a pawn.

Y/N: "Repeat after me. I, Yami, will gladly give my life to you, my master." Yami glares at Y/N.

Y/N: "Listen being in my peerage means your my servant but I'm not gonna make you do anything. It's just gonna be like we have now."

Yami: "...I'll trust you. I, Yami, will gladly give my life to you, my master."

Y/N: "With this declaration Yami stand proud as my foot soldier, my Pawn." A magic circle with the Decade symbol in the middle appears turning Yami into a devil. Yami looks at hands then at her body.

Y/N: "You should feel them now." Yami's devil wings pop out for her to flap them.

Y/N: "Try this." Y/N shows Yami how to use magic. A small flame appears in Yami's hand.

Y/N: "I'll teach you how to properly use magic. Also make sure you put those away." Y/N points at the wings for Yami to make them go away. Yami looks at her hand, something inside her tells her to try to turn it into a blaster like her sister, Mea. She thinks of the blaster arm Mea uses for her hand to turn into it.

Y/N: "What the!? Hold on you're able to do Mea weapon stuff!? But how?"

Yami: "I don't know I just felt like I can do it."

Y/N: "Maybe it was the Evil Piece." Y/N reaches behind him to take another set of goggles and a helmet.

Y/N: "Safety first." Yami takes the helmet and goggles.

Y/N: "What about your ship?" Yami puts on the helmet and goggles.

Yami: "Mikado said she would take care of it while I'm gone." Yami sits right in front of Y/N.

Y/N: "Uhh Yami?"

Yami: "Is there a problem?"

Y/N: "No no just..."

Yami: "I saw what you did with the two princess." Y/N can see Yami has pink cheeks and is pouting.

Y/N: "Listen I have to tell you something. I come from a family that a harem is normal. My siblings all have different mothers. I will be getting more than I but you're special." Y/N moves his head down to make Yami turn to him. He kisses Yami on the lips. Yami goes wide eyed then closes her eyes.

(If the video doesn't show up it's Kamen Rider Decade's opening)

Y/N moves away to rev his motorcycle.

Y/N: "No matter how many girls I get. You'll always be my number 1. You're the first to confess. You're the first to win my heart and I win yours. Remember that!" Yami blushes to smile. Y/N drives off for an Aurora Curtain to appear a few feet in front of them. Y/N and Yumi remember all the good times they had in this world. The motorcycle enters the Aurora Curtain taking the two to a new world.

That's how I met Yami my first Pawn and my first girlfriend from another world. There's still a lot more I have to tell you. How I met the rest of my peerage and what I learned about Shocker. Right now I'm done talking about it. Next time I'll tell you more. See ya.

(Authors notes: Hello I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story. Y/N still needs 4 more pawns. I already thought of one of the 5 so that why it's 4 If you have any suggestions go ahead but if I don't know the character I'm sorry but I'm not gonna add them. They can be male characters or female characters. Say if you want the female characters to be in his harem they don't have too if you don't want too. If you want them to be a mutation piece say what ability they gain must be reasonable. You have any harem members post who you want. The not knowing reason applies to harem members too. I hope you all continue to read my stuff. Have a nice day or night)

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