the flower field filled with...

By ghostsilentwriter

51 1 0

↓This is a random story↓ (The cover theme represents the whole vibe ish of some adventure in the chapter) Thi... More

✨more AU information ✨
★chapter 1★
★chapter 2★
★Chapter 4★
★chapter 5★
★chapter 6★
★chapter 7★
★chapter 8(FINAL)★

★chapter 3★

6 1 0
By ghostsilentwriter

🔥-fire spirit
🏹-wind archer
🌳- millennial tree
🌊-sea fairy

🔥: Oops-

🌊: You broke the one with the ashes didn't you?

🔥: . . .

🌊: *Sigh*

🌙: What happened?

🌊: He...

🏹: Fire spirit "accidentally" broke the vase with your pets ashes

🌙: WHAT?!!

*She walks towards fire spirit*

🌙: You pets vase?

🔥: Might have by accident...

🌙: . . .

-she broke down into tears-

🔥: Look I'm sorry I didn't notice there was a vase of your pets ashes...

🌊: . . .

🔥: Sf what are you-

-sf slaps fire spirit-

🌊: You dummy!! You're just making her condition worse if you keep ruining things that might be important to her!!

🔥: Well I didn't know it was her pet's vase!!

🌳: Can you both calm down now?

🌊: Fine

🏹: Moonlight are you alright?

🌙: . . . *She continues to sob and remembers her Dearing pet that died*

🏹: It's fine now...your pet is in a better place

🌳: Give her a moment to recover from this accident

*All 4: alright.../fine...

🌊: But I'll stay with her

🌳: Okay then we'll be waiting here

-she went and comforted her and carried her to the other room-

🌊: Look...he didn't mean that

🌙: That was the only...thing I had with my pet! And he broke it and burned his ashes...

🌊: *Signs* are you alright now dear?

🌙: . . . *Nods*

🌊: Alright...wanna go back to the others?

🌙: *Nods no* I wanna have alone time for a few more minutes with you

🌊: Alright..

🌙: Dear...?

🌊: ?

🌙: I'm tired...

🌊: *Signs* fine

-sea fairy puts her to bed-

🌙: Are you going to stay..?

🌊: . . .

🌙: Don't leave me alone :(

🌊: Fine...

🌙: The fact that you still have my sweater..

🌊: Yes because it's soft

🌙: Alright

-moonlight moves closer to her protective wife and she hugs her until she falls asleep-

🌊: . . .

🌙: Don't. Go

🌊: I won't- plus you would probably pull my wrist just so I won't leave

🌙: Yes

🌊: It's literally 9:48 am in the morning and you want to sleep-

🌙: Because yes

🌊: Fine then

*After 2 hours*

🌊: Dear? Are you awake?

🌙: . . .

🌊: Guess not..

🌊: . . .

*She tries to get up but moonlight pulls her wrist*

🌙: I said don't go

🌊: *Signs* fine

*After 10 minutes*

🌳: It's been 2 hours and 10 minutes

🌊: We're back--

🌳: That took you long enough

🌊: She fell asleep but pulled my fucking wrist because she doesn't want me to leave her

🏹: 👀

🔥: What- oh- is that why you had a red mark on your wrist?-

🌊: Yes cuz she pulls my fucking wrist tightly and I fell back in the bed-

🌳: Oh-

🌊: And now she's still holding even though it's red-

🌳: Does it hurt?

🌊: No I got used to it but yes- it does (😭)

🔥: Dang

🏹: How long has she been doing that

🌊: 3 whole fucking days every time she sleeps when I'm next to her

🏹: 💀

🌊: Relatable

🌙: Wait what-

🌊: ?

🌙: OH- I didn't notice your wrist was getting red-

🌊: It's fine

🌳: 👀

🏹: Suspicious

🌊: Shut it

🔥: 😗🥤

🌳: Fire spirit is just enjoying his drink

🔥: Yes

🌳: What kind of drink even is that?

🔥: Gasoline 😋

🌳: 😨

🏹: I feel 3rd wheel

🌙: You guys wanna go out somewhere?

*They all agreed*

🌙: To where though....

🌳: I know where! Come on I won't tell yet until we get there!

*Other 4: alright

-they all followed millennial tree and went to a place where it is beautiful that will be a breathtaking moment...-

🌳: Here we are!

🌙: How did you find this hidden place?

🌳: I was roaming on the mangrove forest and I accidentally stubble across it

🌙: Ohh

🔥: This is beautiful!!

-they admire the beautiful view of a gloomy waterfall and have a little river lake that continues to an actual real large lake with a glowing and only willow tree-

[Reference from AI]

🌊: Isn't it getting dark?

🏹: It does but should we plan camping here for a few days for a break??

🌳: That does sound a good idea

🔥: Omg yes!! I miss going camping back in my days

🌙: You went camping back then?!

🔥: Yes! But it's a fire freedom group members only and I was part of it

🌙: Lemme went to an elementary at your signatures?

🔥: Yup!

🌳: That was the first time you said something about yourself actually

🏹: True

🔥: I just noticed that sf is gone-

🌙: She's gone?--

🌊: I'm back-- I just saw something

🌳: Where were you?

🌊: I followed a random creature cuz it was somehow glowing faint colors

🌳: . . .

🏹: What's wrong millennial tree?

🌳: Does that meant that...

🌊: Mean what?

🌳: It's nothing...

🔥: Suspicious little tree

🌳: Shut it

🏹: Let's actually camp here after 1 week so we can prepare

*The other 4 agreed*

🏹: Come in guys let's go

-they all went back to the tower and started to make plans and prepare for the camp that they had in mind-

-*Time skip* 1 week later....-

🏹: Guys it's time!

🌳: Should we go in the morning or noon?

🌊: I go with morning

🔥: Noon

🏹: Morning

🌙: Huh?-

🌳: Choose what time should we start?

🌙: Oh- morning

🌳: Alright then morning it is

-they all went back to the same place where they found the waterfall with a connected river to a large lake-

[Side view] [reference from AI]

🏹: Ill go set everything

🔥: I'll keep on watch >:D

🌳: Sure but don't burn anything

🌙: Sf? Should we explore?

🌊: If you want?

🌙: Come on-

🌳: Where are you two going?

🌙&🌊: Exploring?

🌳: Alright then

🔥: I actually wanna see the top of this waterfall

🏹: Then go? Just make sure that you won't turn soggy

🔥: Okay fine

-fire spirit went up to the waterfall to find 🌊&🌙 above-

🔥: What are you guys doing here?

🌊: I don't know? What does it look like to you?

🔥: You two roaming around?

🌊: Exactly

🔥: Ohh--

🌙: Why are you here anyways?

🔥: I decided to go up to the waterfall and I found you two here

🌊: You know that there's an easier way instead of risking yourself from getting soaked in water?

🔥: Wait what-

🌙: We went the other way

🌊: Plus it's easier

🔥: I didn't know- (😭)

🌙: Just go back with the others were going to stay here for a few more minutes

🔥: Alright then

-fire spirit went back to the others to find everything is already settled-

🔥: Dangg this is nicee 😮😮

🌳: This actually took 3 hour to set the fucking tent cuz wind archer had problem with the other one and lost the fucking part

🏹: That's true.. unfortunately 😭

🔥: So that's why- also I found the two on the top of the waterfall instead of exploring the lake side

🌳: They're at the top?

🔥: Yes actually I saw them

🏹: Millennial tree help me set this!!! I'm having trouble setting it up

🌳: Alright fine, talk to you later fire spirit

🔥: Fine

🌊: We're back--

🔥: Where did you find that stray cat?

🌙: Where do you think we are in?

🔥: In a forest?

🌙: There

🏹: Bro just got mindset

🔥: Shut up😭😭

🌙: Are you guys done setting everything?

🌳: No, because why? Wind archer fucking lost the important fucking piece of this fucking shit-

*The 3 of them looking at millennial tree*

🌳: What? It's true

🌊: I never heard you swear that much

🔥: Same here

🏹: It wasn't my fault ok?

🌙: Just fixed that mother fucker

🌳: Alright alright--

-a few hours went by *afternoon 5:28*-

🔥: Do you guys wanna tell stories?

🌳: Like what?

🔥: I don't know? How about something scary

🌊&🌙: . . .

🏹: Sure

🌳: Tell it then

🔥: So there was a group of friends going on a "very peaceful" trip to somewhere like this when suddenly their vehicle broke and in the middle of the empty road...

🌳: That sounded like what every horror story would start 😐

🔥: Shushh!! I'm still at the starting part of it!!

🌳: Fine go on and continue

🔥: Alright so...they decide to camp on their vehicle for a while until someone will go to the road and they will call for help but 3 days went by and nothing showed up until...a large van came to the road and stopped at them and said "do you guys need....a ride...?" In a creepy tone and the driver was wearing a black mask but they agree cuz they don't want to camp on a random sidewalk of a road

🏹: Okay this is interesting...

🔥: The man told them that one of the friends will be left on the road while all of them will go with the masked man... The friend group was an odd number like 3,5,7 and so on...their group of friends were 5 one of 5 will go and the rest will go inside the van

🌳: Dosent that like--

🔥: Shut up millennial tree and let me continue my fucking damn story

🌳: Fine😒

🌙: . . . [She moves closer to sf]

🌊: . . . [Confused look at her]

🔥: Anyways lemme continue my damn story

🔥: So they decide to not get in the van and all of them stay together but then the next day one of their friends is missing until day by day one will go missing was left alone then the same van came again and asked the same question "do you need a ride...?" But this time the last one agreed and got inside of the masked mans van...

*A random wolf howls in that sentence*

🌳: What was that?

🌊: A wolf?

🏹: It's not even full moon--

*All 4: . . .

🏹: Wait is it because of-....nvm

🌳: Because of what??

🏹: Nah I thought it's because of moonlight's moon at the top covering the actual moon

🌳: Ohh

🔥: That makes sense

🌳: Fire spirit? Continue your story

🔥: Actually nvm cuz yk she might overthink about it

🏹: That is true and those two are very quiet-

🌊: What about us being quiet?

🔥: I don't know? I just feel like you two are getting suspicious for some reason

🏹: Am I the only one who think fire spirit is weird

🌳: True he has been getting nice actually

🔥: 😗🥤

🌙: Okay can you actually continue the story?

*🔥,🌳&🏹 We're in shock*

🔥: You sure?

🌙: Yes I'm sure

🌊: Are you really going to risk it?

🌙: Maybe? Go on fire spirit

🔥: Alright then...

🔥: The last friend in their group remains and let's call her by Lia... She was one of the remaining friends in their group and the one who will risk it all by going to a stranger's van...

🔥: Once she steps inside she notices 4 huge trash bags inside and asks the driver "uhm sir? I think you left these here?" She said "oh sorry I forgot to put them somewhere else! Silly me" the masked man said trying to hide something...the bags were smelling rotten bodies...Lia got suspicious and while the man wasn't looking she opened the bag to find her friends inside dead and covers in blood...

🌳: Welp that went dark

🏹: True

🌊: Wait what time is it?

🔥: 8:13 pm?

🌊: Fire spirit continue your story tomorrow please it's important that you will not continue at this time

🔥: Alright

🏹&🌳: . . .

🌙: I'm scared-

🏹: Why?

🌙: I heard something

🌳: It's probably just some animal roaming around

🌙: No it's different...

🌊: Are you hallucinating?

🌙: I don't hallucinate

*The rest: . . :.

🌙: What?

🌳: Are you sure?

🌙: Yes I'm sure

🔥: Did you do something?

🏹: Who?

🔥: Moonlight?

🌙: No I didn't do anything!!

🌊: Don't think about it...I'm sure it's nothing plus there's 4 of us here with you

🌙: . . .

🌳: Yea you don't need to be worried...

🏹: Plus shadow creatures can't get to us when I hunt them

🔥: I burn

🌳: Of course you only burn

🔥: Yes 😗🥤

🌊: How about you take rest? You're going to hallucinate if you don't and keep remembering fire spirit's story

🌙: Fine and don't fucking go this time

🌊: I won't go as long as you don't pull my wrist

🌙: Fine then

🌳&🏹: 👀

🔥: Do y'all have more gasoline-

🌳&🏹: No

🔥: :(

🌊: Get over it

🔥: Fine

🌙: Are you guys arguing or--

🌊: Definitely not

🌳: Why do you always drink gasoline anyways?

🔥: It increases my flames😄

🏹: I guess that's why

🌳: Come on guys let's rest for this night

🌙: . . .

🌳: Is something wrong?

🌙: . . .

🌊: *Signs* moonlight... nothing is going to happened okay?

🌙: . . .

🌊: I know your worried I can tell

🌳: *Whispers* dang she's good at comforting

🏹: *Whispers* I know right?

🌊: I promise I won't leave your side again- and don't pull my wrist

🌙: Fine

🌳: So are you going to rest or not?

🌙: Fine I will

*All 3: *shocked*

🌙: What?

🔥: *Whispers: dang she got convinced to rest cuz of sf 😧

🏹&🌳:*Whispers: we know

🔥: 😭😭

*In the morning*

🌊: Dear are you awake?

🌙: . . .

🌊: Guess not...

*She tries to get up but moonlight pulls her wrist tightly*

🌊: Ow-

🌙: Don't leave..

🌊: You literally pulled my fucking wrist-

🌙: That's because you will leave me!!

🌊: I won't- I can't even get up because you kept pulling my wrist

🌙: Oh- sorry my bad

🌊: It's fine

🌙: Sf what are you--

-sf kissed her causing her to be stunned-

🌙: . . .

🏹: I-

🌊&🌙: . . .

🌳: Am I supposed to be surprised-

🌊: How long were you two here-

🏹: Just at this moment

🌙: . . .

🔥: What did I miss-

🌳: Something

🔥: . . .

🏹: Exactly

🌊: Can you guys leave for a sec?-

🌳: Fine

🌙: . . .

🌊: Are you alright dear?

🌙: *Nods*

🌊: Wanna go out now and with the others?

🌙: . . .

🌊: ?

🌙: *Signs* *nods*

🌊: Come on I'll hold you

🌙: Alright...

-they went outside while sf was holding her hand so she wouldn't be scared-

🔥: They're you guys are!

🏹: What happened?

🌊: I don't know? She suddenly got scared

🌳: Is that why your holding her hand?

🌊: Yes I think so?

🌳: Alright

🔥: What happened to her?

🌳: She got scared for something reason

🔥: Oh

🏹: Don't worry she's fine thought At least for now

🌙: F-for now?

🏹: . . .

🌳: What did you tell her this time?

🏹: Nothing I swear!!!!

🌳: Right...

🌊: Wind archer fix yourself and dont tell anything like that every again

🏹: Fine

🔥: What did I miss? I also grabbed some fire wood

🌳: Oh alright

🌙: . . . *Moves behind sf while holding her hand*

🌊: What's wrong?

🌙: N-nothing

🌊: . . .

🏹: Just tell her plus she will comfort you

🌙: Fine

🌙: *Whispers* dear? Can you carry me..? I'm tired

🌊: *Whispers* fine

-sf carried moonlight while trying to make sure she wouldn't feel sad-

🌳: Let me guess..she's tired?

🌊: Yes

🏹: Wow- wait how did you knew millennial tree?

🌳: I've been noticing that whenever moonlight is tired she is always getting carried by sf and Im starting to notice some signals now

🔥: Signals of what?

🌳: You'll know soon enough

🔥: Why do I always feel like I'm missing out a lot >:(

🏹: It's not our problem that you were trying to see people's secret at first and now they are losing trust in you and probably wouldn't try to chat more personal stuff

🔥: . . .

🏹: Do you get my point?

🔥: Actually no

🏹: Why-

🌙: *Tap tap*

🌊: ?

🌙: *Whisper: what are they talking about?

🌊: *Whispers: they talking about fire spirit being a promblomatic cookie

🌙: So is that why there's a shadow behind fire spirit?..

🌊: A shadow?

🌳: What shadow?

🌙: Do you guys see it?

🏹: No?

🌙: . . .

🔥: I think you're managing to use your abilities again

🌙: That's different

🔥: Huh?

🌙: You know that nevermind

🌳: You guys wanna go explore the forest area?

*They all agreed*

🌳: Where should we start...

🏹: How about that cliff??

🔥: Sure!!

-they went to a cliff to find a small village and with nice locals-

[Reference from AI]

#1🍪: hello!! You must be a traveler if I'm correct?

🌳: Actually we saw this on a cliff and decided to visit it to see it in person

#1🍪: ah! An explorer!! Alright

🏹: Do you guys live here?

#1🍪: yes actually we do and people came in here to view the cliff but ended up finding us!!

🔥: Ohh

#1🍪: anyways why don't I give you guys a tour?

*They all agreed on #1🍪*

#1🍪: follow me!!

-they went ahead and followed #1🍪's tour-

#1🍪: and that's all!! I hope you will enjoy this small village with the others!

🌳: Sure...

🏹: Didn't know there was a village in's very well hidden

🔥: True

🌳: You guys wanna go to the other side of this village?

🔥: Sure--

#3🍪: Stop! Don't go to the other side of this village!! You'll never know what's lurking in there!!

🏹: Suspicious....

#3🍪: Look- this village has a history about how many locals in here get lost when exploring the village and when they got back it went 5 year pasted but the cookie who enters always stay the same age!!

🌊: Dosent that sound familiar?

🌳: It does for some reason....

🏹: There's nothing to be worried about (#3🍪) we handle stuff like this mostly

#3🍪: So you guys are a?

🔥: Guardians but I don't know if sf actually quit hers

#3🍪: Ohh!! Alright I get it!!

🌙: Wait hold on-..

*The 4 mains: ?

🌙: Didn't you say that went the locals went there they went missing for 5 years and came back still young?

#3🍪: yes

🌙: I think I might know how to go there without getting stuck in timeline...

*The 4 mains: TIMELINE?!!

🌙: Yes that place was for some reason stuck and nobody knows what causes it but legend says that if you get stuck there there's only 2 people that can save or might save you...

🌳: And who are those people?

🌙: Neither that it's croissant or timekeeper because their the only one that knows how to time travel in different ways so it's possible that you can get out of the timeline by safely of get stuck

🏹: Okay that makes sense-

🔥: Wait! #3🍪!! How many locals got stuck there?

#3🍪: huh? Oh about 10 people

🔥: 10?!!

#3🍪: yes it's 10 can you guys save them? They have been missing for 10 years per 1 year a person went missing and that total of 10

🌳: I- okay? Sure

#3🍪: thank you! You're a hero!!

🏹: Wow-

🌊: I feel 3rd wheel here-

🌙: Same

🔥: You guys?

*4 mains: ??

🔥: Where's #3🍪?

🌳: Hold on they were with us talking?

🔥: They're gone!

🏹: Oh shit

🌊: Welp now it's 11

🌳: Why are you so calm during this situation?!

🌊: I don't even know-

🌳: 😭

🌙: Guys let's just go before more gets missing

*4 mains: alright/fine

-they went to the other side of the village-
[Reference from AI]
[Pretend it's dark]

🌙: Damn it's dark in here...

🏹: Feed fire spirit some gasoline

🔥: Nah I might burn this forest again

🌊: Fire spirit nice era?

🌳: True-

🔥: Wow just wow-

🏹: Guys don't move

🌙: . . .

🌊: Why?

🏹: Millennial tree, give me an arrow

🌳: Alright?

🏹: *Signs* -looks at the top of a tree- . . .

🔥: What is he looking at?-


🌙: What got away?

🏹: Shadows...

🌊: You mean those shadow spirits again?

🏹: Yes but it was in a human form so it's impossible for a shadow spirits to be like those

🌳: . . .

🔥: Wait wind archer you're actually up to something!

🌙: True that might be one of the people that got stuck in here except for us

🌊: Wait were stuck?-

🌙: Not yet there's a timer if I know..

*4 mains: TIMER?!!

🏹: We gotta have to be quick then

🌳: Wait is there a catch?

🌙: No? I dont think there is

🌳: Ah shit- were dead

🔥: More like stuck

🏹: You guys calm down

🌊: Is there more information about this place?

🌙: No that's all I know

🌊: . . . You sure?

🌙: Yes I'm sure

🌳: Oh shit--

🔥: Welp might as well try to find the 11 before we are actually stuck

🏹: Alright then...

-they all proceed to find the 11 missing people in the local village and found only 3-

-they went back to the village before all of them get stuck-

🌊: We only found 3...

🌳: Unfortunately we didn't find the other 8

#2🍪: sister!! Your back!! -hugs #6🍪-

#6🍪: stop- your hugging me tightly-

#2🍪: sorry sis!!

🔥: Don't the others have relatives?

🏹: Don't think so?

#11🍪: bleh- what was that?

#8🍪: wow I'm free!!

🌙: Are you guys safe?

#6,8,11🍪: yes

🌊: At least they weren't hurt or something

#11🍪: I actually saw a monster went by and killed #10🍪...

*The 5 mains: . . .

🌳: I think we should go back and save the others

🔥: Wait, moonlight didn't you tell us the limit timer before getting stuck?

🌙: No? Also the timer only lasts for 5 hours before your actually stuck

🏹: We have more time than I thought

🌊: Should we go back?

🌳: Okay but we should go into groups...

*They all agreed and went by 2 groups and one will stay with the rescued locals to keep them comfort*

🌙: I think I should stay with the locals...

🌊: You sure..?

🌙: . . .

🏹: How about millennial tree will stay? Because you might get scared that sf will get lost or something will happen

🌙: Fine

🌳: I wouldn't mind staying with these little guys

🔥: Alrighty then let's go!!

-they all went back to find the rest of the missing people-

🏹: Me and fire spirit will go the the farther side and you two will go to the farther right and go straight if I'm correct you will find a cave covers with vines if not then go back and go forward

🌊: Alright

🏹: And I forgot to mention that go inside the cave and you might see a glowing light inside

🌊: Why were there glowing light?

🏹: I placed that there just in case and I didn't much explore the area also it's huge

🌊: Alright

-fire spirit and wind archer's pov-

🏹: Hurry let's go

🔥: Alright alright wait up!!

🏹: Your just slow

🔥: Wow just- wow

🏹: Hmm...two direction..let's split again



🔥: What?! No! I don't wanna split up in this area!!

🏹: It's faster if we split up and don't fool around also if you get lost just burn

🔥: Ohh okay at least I can burn!!

🏹: No hurry don't fool around

🔥: Alright alright-

-moonlight and sea fairy's pov-

[The place where they were told:]

🌙: Guess this is the cave that wind archer was talking about..?

🌊: Maybe? Should we go inside?

🌙: . . .

🌊: You alright?

🌙: wind archer did mention that we should go inside...

🌊: Then let's go while we still have time

🌙: Alright

-millennial tree's pov-

🌳: So what are you doing here little one?

#15🍪: I'm lost :(

🌳: Aw do you need help finding your parent or sibling as such?

#15🍪: yes!

🌳: Alright

#15🍪: I have a sister and her tag number is #18

🌳: Wait you guys have tag number?-

#15🍪: yes!

🌳: O-oh

#9🍪: woah!

#13🍪: hi tree!!

🌳: What do you guys need?

#9🍪: I haven't seen a tree talk

🌳: Haha arent you a curious little one?

-back to the groups-

-fire spirit and wind archer's pov-

🔥: Dang it!! I'm lost, hold on...

*Fire spirit creates a fire on the bushes to send signals to wind archer*

*🏹: (I sense fire burning on the bushes...FIRE SPIRIT!)

🔥: What's taking him so long

🏹: What do you want this time?

🔥: I got lost and also have you seen this fragment before?

🏹: What fragment-...

-wind archer stared at the fragment looking shock-

🏹: Where did you find this?!

🔥: At this exact spot?

-wind archer grabbed the familiar looking fragment and examined it-

🏹: I'll keep this in case you burned it but accident just like moonlight's pets vase

🔥: Don't bring that up again

🏹: Offended?

🔥: N-no? Just find it guilty

🏹: Alright then let's go back before we waste more time it's already been 3 hours of me going around in a fucking circle

🔥: Lmao alright

-moonlight and sea fairy's pov-

🌊: The light is fading...

🌙: Hurry we already wasted 3 hours on this cave if we stay were going to lose another hour

🌊: Alright alright- let's get out of the whole forest then

🌙: Alright-

-they went out to the forest to stubble across wind archer and fire spirit-

🏹: Did you guys find something in the cave?

🌊: No not yet

🏹: That cave is deep so it's probably nothing at the near exit

🌙: We actually went down until we're the light reaches before going back out

🔥: We found a fragment and it somewhat looks familiar

🌙: Let me see that-

-moonlight grabbed the fragment and took a glance of it before saying-

🌙: I think I know this

🏹: Do you?

🌊: Guys let's go to millennial tree first and let's see if he knew about the fragment before Time ran out

🔥: Right I forgot about the timer

-they went back to millennial tree to find him playing with the little locals-

🏹: Aww

🔥: He's getting some bonding time

🌳: Hey you guys are back

🌙: Also millennial tree? Do you know this fragment somehow?

🌳: No actually...I never saw this kind

🌊: Isn't it weird that moonlight knows alot of stuff about this kinds?

🏹: Or maybe it's normal for her to search random stuff and finding it useful right now

🌙: That's- actually true wind archer-

🏹: Wait what

🔥: Guys let's go back to the waterfall I miss that place

*They all agreed to go there again but they kept the fragment just in case*

🌳: Also were did you even find that?

🔥: In time trapping forest what ya think?!

🌳: Well sorry 😒

🏹: Can you two shut up we're trying to find the actually place for this

🌳&🔥: Fine

🏹: Thank you

🌙: Can you hold this for a sec? I need to get something back from the tower

🌊: You sure that you can do it?

🌙: Maybe

🌊: Alright then

🌙: Just come with me-

-🌙&🌊 went back to the main tower and trying to find the book about the fragment they found-

🌊: Did you find it?

🌙: Not yet...

🌙: Oh wait nevermind I found it

🌊: Now search the pages of it

🌙: Alright wait

-she tries to search for the pages but comes across something different-

🌊: What? What did you see?

🌙: This...

-she handed the book for her to look at the page to find the actual fragment details but it's deeper in the same fragment but ended up being almost useless due to the small little details-

🌊: That's all?

🌙: I remember there's more than that thought..I don't know what happened to the page

🌊: Did someone riped it apart?

🌙: Huh?

🌊: Look there's a ripped page

🌙: . . .

🌊: Don't you think that someone stole the page?

🌙: That was the ritual side page..

🌊: Ritual?!

🌙: That fragment was used for rituals and I think that someone broke in and stole the page that's why I heard a door slam 3 days ago

🌊: Wow you still remember that

🌙: Well of course I would remember

🌊: Let's go back to the others..

🌙: Actually not yet there's more info about that fragment that I knew and it's somewhere in these books

🌊: Are we still going to search for it?-

🌙: Yes

🌊: Alright-

-3 hours of searching-

🌙: Okay I guess that's all?

🌊: These 3 thick fucking books have the fragment info's?-

🌙: Yes

🌊: Ah shit-

🌙: I know the pages don't worry about searching every single page until you find it

🌊: Alright :')

-they went back to the others to find fire spirit tied up to a tree-

🌙: What the-




🌳: *Signs* wind archer?

🏹: Fine *he splashed water at fire spirit causing him to screech*

🔥: *Hiss*

🌳: Don't, stop drinking gasoline you might burn the forest again with over drinking

🌙: Guys-

🌳,🔥&🏹: . . .

🌊: Why do I have to carried these thick fucking books

🌙: Because yes

🌳: Hold on-

🏹: Where's the fragment?

🌊&🌙: . . .

-to be continued....-

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