A collection of mini Bapa fan...

Af NaniNossi

7.8K 140 95

This is a collection of mini Bapa fanfics, not mini moments. There will be a lot of funny and cute stuff, so... Mere

1. Just best friends
2. Cute pictures
♡Bapa's mini-moments♡
4. His impeccable hair
5. We could die (❤VoltBrain💙)
❤ What are they hiding?💙
❤ What are they hiding?💙part 2
❤ What are they hiding?💙part 3
❤ What are they hiding?💙part 4

3. Bose fell in love at first sight

898 15 15
Af NaniNossi

Chapa and Bose sit together on the couch at S.W.A.G. and watch "Genuine Moments". Mika and Miles are gone.

Bose: *eating popcorn he issued aww*

Chapa: Yep, it's all sooo cute, of course, but you have to admit that it doesn't work that way in life.

Bose: Mmm??? *finished his popcorn* What are you talking about?

Chapa: I mean all the "Genuine Moments". It happens only in soap operas, it is impossible to fall in love with a person at first sight, and it is certainly impossible for two people to simultaneously fall in love with each other at first sight.

Bose: Why are you so sure of that?(

Chapa: Because everything is always embellished in such series and shows and...

Bose: And if I told you that I had experienced it, would you believe me?

Chapa: *She picks up the remote and turns down the volume on the TV, then throws it somewhere, looks intently at Bose and says: FEEL?!? WHERE?! WHAT?!!! HOW?!!! WHEN?!!! WHO DID YOU FEEL IT FOR???????

Bose: Whoa-whoa-whoa, easy, what's wrong with you?! Why did you throw the remote like that?

Chapa: Forget about the remote!

Bose: But you threw it right out the window, it shattered the glass and flew out into the street, and definitely rolled down the mountain, how do we now add sound and ...

Chapa: *Abruptly she grabbed him by the shoulders and started shaking him, saying: FORGET ABOUT THIS REMOTE AND THE SHOW, BOSE, PLEASE JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!

Bose: Okay, okay, fine, I'll answer just stop shaking me like that Chapaaaaaaaa!!!

Chapa: *stopped*

Bose: *is silent*

Chapa: and???

Bose: And... So what were we just talking about?

Chapa: ... -_- .......... BOSE!!!

Bose: What??? - What? - he asks, and innocently looks at her with big eyes, as if he had forgotten everything.

Chapa: ... I need to come out for a second.

Bose: okay)

Chapa went outside, got a decent distance away from the S.W.A.G., and started screaming and simultaneously throwing lightning bolts into the grass, trees, and bushes...

10 minutes later

Bose: ooo you're back, Chapa))) -- Joyfully he said and smiled sweetly at her

Chapa: yeah... back... (mentally): calm down, relax Chapa, now you're not going to yell at him, calmly reiterate and explain the question to him, and he'll answer it to me! *Takes a deep breath and sighs* Out loud: friend, do you remember what we were just talking about?

Bose: nope)

Chapa: Really?

Bose: Really nope)

Chapa: *she came very close to him and standing while he was sitting, took him by the chin with two fingers and lifted his head up a little and looked him straight in the eyes* You know I don't like to be lied to, Bose, especially when it's YOU. Now tell the same thing when you look me straight in the eyes!

Bose: *blushed slightly and got nervous* R-really, I don't... I - I d-don't...

Chapa: Well, well, well, go on, my boy) *smirked*

Bose: *still looking very close into her eyes* I-I really don't... Aaaaah I can't take it anymore, I give up, I pretended to forget what we were talking about.

Chapa: Bose!!!

Bose: SORRY!!!!! -- He said and looked at her with big, sweet puppy dog eyes, as if to say, "Don't be angry, please!((("

Chapa: *let go of his chin* do you want to tell me WHY you were pretending? -- She said, trying to keep her voice gentle so as not to yell at this innocent Sunny.

Bose: Well, 👉👈 I just realized that I accidentally let it slip to you, and I didn't want you to keep asking me about it, so I pretended to forget, hoping that you would forget about it yourself...

Chapa: aaah, so that's it!) - she said with a satisfied smile and looked at him suspiciously.

Bose: *looked away from her awkwardly* W-w-why are you looking at me like that?!?

Chapa: Really why?) If you didn't want me to ask you about it, and you forgot, then you didn't want to talk about it with me, and if you didn't want to talk about it, then it's something that concerns me and...

Bose: NO - NO - NO!!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS !!!!!!! - he said a little louder with excitement.

Chapa was still standing while he sat. Suddenly she took his cheeks with both hands, squeezed lightly, wrinkling them, and lifted his head so that he looked up at her again.

Bose: huh?!?

He was embarrassed and blushed even more than before. His face was very cute now (though no, not just now, but always))))).

Chapa: Do you love me?

Bose: I.. I... I lov... Only if you love me!

Chapa: Well, of course I love you! *kissed him on the top of his head* I fell in love with you at first sight, too, Bose! ♡

He was very much surprised. It was obvious from his reaction that the boy was not expecting to hear her say those words at all. He didn't know what to say and just stared at her mesmerized.

He came to his senses in shock when he felt Chapa kissing him on the lips...

Bose: *Slowly closed his eyes*

POV Bose

I couldn't believe it was really happening to me! I'M SOOO HAPPY!!!
After a few seconds, I felt her deepen the kiss and put her tongue in my mouth, and then she began to nudge me slightly as if slowly lowering me down onto the couch while she kissed me... I didn't resist. So slowly, she threw me down on the couch so that I was now lying on it and she was on top of me. It was very pleasant. Very. We made out with tongue for a very long time. And when she was done, and raised her head and looked at me with such an all-consuming look, as if to say: "Now you are mine♡)!"
I felt slight goosebumps from this and didn't hold back and said: "I love you!!!" She smiled happily and began kissing me again, digging her fingers deep into my hair and pleasantly scratching my head.

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