Zephyr's Tale (5wirl X Reader)

נכתב על ידי KeysKay

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⟡ Idol AU ⟡ Whilst navigating twists, turns, questionable life decisions, breakdowns, mysteries, and more, yo... עוד

⋆˚☆˖° Introduction ⋆˚☆˖°
•·.·' Prolouge '·.·•
Ch. 1: News Chaos
Ch. 2: Unbroken Bond
Ch. 4: A Sudden Intuition
Ch. 6: Greatest Wish
Ch. 7: Supplant
Ch. 8: A Cunning Scheme
Ch. 9: Together Once More
Ch. 10: Idol Rivalry
Ch. 11: Favonius Music Awards
Ch. 12: Well, shit
Ch. 13: Walks And Worries
Ch. 14: Meet The Parents
Ch. 15: Summer Festival Pt. 1
Ch. 16: Summer Festival Pt. 2
Ch. 17: Realizations
Ch. 18: Belleau Ball
Ch. 19: Yet To Be Solved

Ch. 5: Charity Concert

548 34 9
נכתב על ידי KeysKay


It's officially been full month since you were bestowed with the title of manager for the popular idol band, 5wirl. The sheer magnitude of your accomplishments in such a short span of time is nothing short of awe-inspiring. It's so unbelievable in fact that you pinch yourself once in a while to verify whether or not your dreaming. Amidst the flurry of activity in these past few weeks, you've managed to forge meaningful connections with the band members, basking in days filled with joy and laughter.

And of course all the more work.

"Place the speakers there," you command with authority, pointing decisively towards the stage. The staff promptly scurries to execute your instruction and leaves.

"U-uh, Manager Y/N?" Interjects a timid staff member. "Where- where should we place t-the snacks?" 

"I told you to handle them later. We have no time for snacks right now, our main priority is the stage!" You chide him, your tone sharp with frustration. "Ugh..." You rub your temples. "And where in the archons is the equipment?!"

The relentless pressures of managing a top-tier idol band have really taken the toll on you. Salt, stress, and absolutely no rest, these were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect irritated manager you are today.

Following the industry's announcement that it was safe for public appearances, you proposed a bold plan for their concert comeback -- an outdoor charity event that would not only captivate the hearts of fans but also contribute to a worthy cause.

After arduous negotiations with company executives and meticulous planning, you were finally granted the green light to set up the concert. Surely, things would go smoothly from here on out.


"Who knew some people are so... incompetent!" A deep, exasperated groan escapes your lips for the tenth time.

The wrath of your annoyance was clear as daylight as people started to feel frightened by your angry demeanor, scrambling to complete their tasks with haste and trembling nerves whenever you're near.

Just as you're about to lose your composure, a gentle patter of footsteps interrupts your thoughts. As you turn to look you're met by a comforting smile from your hired stagehand, Naganohara Yoimiya. 

"Gah, I don't think I can handle this much longer Yoi," you confess, your voice heavy with exhaustion.

"Which is whyy, you should rest silly!" Yoimiya chirps, her voice brimming with positivity. "As the stagehand, I can handle everything else from here. You've done enough already, so just relax and unwind for a bit!"

You look at her worryingly, your mouth curving into a pensive frown. "...Are you sure? Like absolutely positive?"

"Yesssss, now go!" Yoimiya insists, taking charge of the situation and dragging you off the stage. 

With your worries temporarily quelled, you watch from a distance as Yoimiya rallies the troops and directs the stage setup, her expertise and enthusiasm rubbing off on everyone around her. In that moment, you only had one thought one your mind:

Are you glad to have a friend like her.

You settle down languidly onto a nearby chair, your body feeling weighed down by the accumulated fatigue of the day. As you shut your eyes, a sense of relaxation washes over you and you quickly drift into a deep slumber.

More like a 12 minute nap.

"Stopp, 5 more minutes." Irritated, you swat the hand away with a dismissive flick of your wrist. But the annoying poking persists unabated.

"Managerrrrrrr, I'm bored!"

You recognize that peppy voice anywhere. "Ugh..." With a heavy sigh, you slowly pry open your eyes, momentarily blinded by the glaring rays of the afternoon sun, till you're met with the figure who disturbed your relaxing sleep.

"You're finally awake! Now let's go- Ow!" Venti yelps as you boink him on the head. "Aw c'mon...!" Venti whines, nursing his wound.


At that moment, a familiar voice calls out his name, drawing both of your attention towards the source of the sound. Turning your gaze in unison, your gaze falls upon a familiar braided blonde approaching you.

"There you are. Why aren't you preparing for stage rehearsals?" Aether asks, his tone laced with a hint of irritation.

"Who, me? Rehearsals? I already know every song in the world! There's no need for me to practice," Venti replies confidently, an aura of self-assuredness emanating from him.

Aether heaves a weary sigh before noticing your presence. Suddenly, an idea appears to dawn on him, and his previously irked expression is replaced with a stern one as he turns his gaze to Venti.

"Were you pestering the manager?"

"Wha- n-no!" Venti shakes his head vehemently, flatly denying the charges against him. "I was... merely gracing them with my presence!"

You shoot a skeptical glance at the singer, which is already enough to convince Aether who's in the wrong.

Rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands, Aether emits a heavy sigh. "Well, just so you know, test rehearsals starts in a few minutes so I suggest you test your microphone first."

"Mmmmmmmm," the singer muses as he rubs his chin thoughtfully. "And that I shall do -- hehe, ciao!" He waves briskly before darting away like the wind.

Quite the spontaneous individual indeed.

"Phew," Aether breaths a sigh of relief, turning his attention as he offers you his hand.

"Would you mind accompanying me for a sec?"

˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹

Aether opens the RV door, gesturing you to head inside first.

With a gleam in your eyes, you step inside the RV, your gaze darting around the interior with curiosity. "This is the inside of 5wirls trailer!?" you exclaim internally.

The space was filled with racks of clothing, large vanities, and cute decorations. A massive sofa dominated the space, with an empty section likely reserved for instruments.

"Where's the other instruments?" You ask, gesturing to the spot where only a single keyboard remained.

Aether stifles a chuckle before replying, "The other's already placed their instruments on the stage, that's why I'm here to grab mine." Aether walks over to the keyboard, brushing his fingers through the keys in a slow, elegant manner. A hint of tenderness entered his expression as he spoke. "My twin sister actually gave me this keyboard as a gift."

Your eyes widen in surprise and intrigue, as Aether's revelation catches you off-guard. However, it's not as if Aether has never spoken about his twin sister before, he loves her dearly and the fans are well aware of this fact. Yet, the mystery surrounding her actual identity has only fueled wild speculations and rampant rumors among the fandom.

The question piqued your curiosity, and so you ask him, "Your twin?"

Aether simply nods, his expression softening as he reminisces. "Lumine. She gave me this keyboard years ago, when I was still a trainee."

Suddenly, Aether's gentle demeanor shatters like fragile glass as he breaks out in cold sweat. "A-ah! But can you n-not tell anyone outside of work? My sister doesn't want her identity to be revealed so as to not disturb her future in college." He implores, his arms flailing in a panic-laced frenzy.

You let out a laugh in response. "No worries, I won't tell a soul."

It's understandable why she would choose to remain shrouded in anonymity. Many siblings of prominent celebrities are often subject to undue scrutiny from their peers and even authority figures, who often feign a false sense of familiarity with them solely to meet or forge a romantic relationship with their celebrity sibling.

As you approach the keyboard, a sense of awe overtook you. "Man, I've always wanted to learn how to grasp an instrument. It's always admirable how talented musicians are, in any form of music." You remark wistfully.

Aether ponders for a moment before flashing you a warm smile. "Stand right here." He gestures towards his place in front of the keyboard keys. Though taken aback by the sudden instruction, you decide to comply.

"I'll teach you to play a short simple song I know, it goes a little something like this..." You feel something close to your back. Aethers warm palm envelopes yours, his head peeks over your shoulder as he starts to guide your hand to the melody.

♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.✧ ⋆。✩♬ °。⋆ ˚

"Ta-da," He chuckles, "You've officially played your first song on- huh?"

It seems Aether himself has been consumed by the music as he was completely oblivious to your bright red face -- brought on by the sudden physical contact. Only then did he step back, visibly flustered.

"Ah! Uhm-" He stammers, "Sorry I didn't mean to- I was uh-"

"AETHERRRR~~" The loud call from the microphone echoes through the trailer, cutting off Aethers apols. "Where are youuu??? And here you said that rehearsals are important!" The vigorous voice continues.

Aether suspires, facepalming himself. "Looks like Venti tested out the mic already."

"Ohhh AETHERR!!"

"Alright, alright I'm coming!" Aether groans in defeat, quickly packing up the keyboard. "Oh and uh- sorry about earlier, feel free to watch!" He hurryingly says before rushing to the stage.

You peek from the RV door to watch their performance on stage, though you've heard them practice several times this would be the first you've seen them practice right on stage.

"Aha, you're finally here!" Venti throws him a derisive grin.

"Alright, is everyone prepared?" Kazuha glances at each of the bandmembers.

Aether finishes setting up his keyboard, an affirming look on his face. "Let's start."

˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹




Amidst the deafening cries of adoration and awe from the fans, the much-anticipated concert has finally arrived, it's evident to say that it's a resounding success. From the vantage point of the backstage, you see the palpable excitement of the audience as they hyperventilate, scream, and in some cases, even faint from the sheer thrill of being in the presence of their beloved idols

From the corner of your eye you spot a silhouette rushing to you. "Y/N!" Yoimiya clasps your hands and bounces up and down with unbridled joy. "Oh my god this is going so well! Everyone's loving it!!"

You chuckle. "So do I! I couldn't have done this without you, you know."

"Awww!! Well~ then I can't wait for you to see the BIG finale!" She springs her arms up to the air.

You raise an eyebrow at her. "Big finale?"

"Of course! Every spectacular show also needs a spectacular ending!" A cheeky smile appears on her face as she pulls a small box with a button on out from her pocket.

"Time for a lightshow!" She presses the button.

In an instant, a flurry of bright, colorful lights shoots up from the stage and explodes in the sky above, creating a breathtaking fireworks display that dazzles the entire crowd. The concertgoers scream and cheer in ecstatic appreciation as 5wirl finishes their final song of the night, leaving a lasting impression on everyone in attendance.

"Yoi this is amazing!" You stare mesmerized by the beauty and grandeur of the display before you. As you stand there, taking it all in, your cheeks flush with warmth as
Yoimiya suddenly wraps her arms around you from behind, letting out a giddy laugh. "I'm glad you like em! All these are specifically made by yours truly!"

"Ah, Y/N!"

You peer over Yoimiya's shoulder and to your delight you see Aether- wait. You see not one but two Aethers walking towards you, causing you to do a double-take.

Yoimiya gasps, her hands covering her mouth in amazement. "Are you guys twins?!"

Aether nods. "This is my twin sister Lumine, she decided to ditch her college work today and watch us perform." His gaze shifts towards her, an impish grin playing on his lips.

"Hey, at least I didn't ditch college all together." She retorts back with playful jibing.

You stare in surprise. "Woah, so this is Aether's actual sister?" you contemplate, utterly taken aback.

"Oh my gosh, that's so awesome! I'm Yoimiya, and this is Manager Y/N!"

"Ohh so you're Y/N? I've heard so much lovely things about you from Aether." Lumine casts a foxy smile in his direction.

Aether lets out a deep sigh, "Why did you have to phrase it like that?" He slightly hides his face, a flushed look plastered on.

Instantly, Yoimiya's face brightens with a brilliant idea, "Oo I know I know!" The girl whips out her phone, "Let's take a selfie to celebrate!" She hurdles everyone together, wrapping an arm around you as she prepares to take the picture. "Say concert~!"

In perfect harmony, everyone boisterously chimes in, "CONCERT!"

"Boom! Time to post this for memories!" Yoimiya scrolls through her phone.

"Ah wait, my sister-" Aether's plea is cut short as Lumine abruptly shoves her hand in front of his face.

"It's alright, you can post it." Lumine affirms.

"Huh?" Aether gives Lumine a confused look. "I'm almost graduating so it won't bother me so much, plus I've been in this school long enough to figure out who's fake." She explains, assuaging Aether's concerns.

Aether's expression shifts to one of worry. "But what about when you work? What about when your trying to just have a nice walk? What if they bother you then?" He bombards her with questions.

"I'll be finee." She consoles him. "You know just because your already working doesn't mean you get to act all big brother on me, we're the same age remember?"

"I know but-"

"Yoimiya, post it!" Lumine directs with confidence, pointing at Yoimiya's phone.

"Andddd.... done!" With a press of a button, Lumine's identity has been officially released to the world.

You catch a glimpse of Aether, who still wears an uneasy expression. His eyes widen, his cheeks faintly flushed as he gazes down at his hand interlocking in yours. "She'll be fine." You softly tell him, tightening your grip to offer reassurance. Gradually, his face relaxes into a soft smile.

"Thanks Y/N."

˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹

💫 ... The next day Lumine's phone blows up with messages about the post.

המשך קריאה

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