Forced To Face Our Past

By A1H2D3

223 4 4

Former Vigilantes-turned-heroes, Green Rabbit & Mind-Master, are forced to help on a mission to capture their... More

Never Again...
Hello Again, My Pets!
Author's Note

What We Went Through

69 2 0
By A1H2D3

Aizawa sat glaring at the table in front of him. Nedzu had a solemn look as well. The Detective went over the facts of their failed mission. Aizawa growled as the Detective talked about Mind-Master and Green Rabbit-

"Green Rabbit and Mind-Master have been captured and are currently being held hostage."

It was now Endeavor thought it would be a great idea to open his mouth- "How do we know they didn't just take off to be vigilante criminals again?!" The fire user growled. "They sure as hell were against even coming on the mission!"

Aizawa snapped- "IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK!?"

"Ya it is!" Endeavor challenged. "What kind of heroes back down from a fight! They should have been proud to take down that scientific bitch!"

It was Nedzu's turn to speak. The rat's normally cheerful or emotionless tone, was now so deep and dark, even Endeavor shivered under it's tone-

"Have you ever been experimented on?" The rat muttered. His voice was eerily dark. 

"Well no, but-" Nedzu cut Endeavor off-

"Well, I WAS. And trust me, you don't know hell until you are forced to do what has been done to me and to them."

"And... what is that?" Endeavor asked, hesitantly.

"Let me give you a few examples..."


Hitoshi finally came too, as he saw he was in what looked like his old room. Hitoshi froze upon seeing it. Paralyzed by fear.

He snapped out of it, when the sliding metal door opened. Hitoshi tried to walk over, but realized a chain was locked onto his foot, linking him to the back wall. It was then he noticed he had none of his hero gear, and a shock collar around his neck.

"Hello there, 203," Dr. Emily smiled. "Good to see your awake~!"

"WHERE THE HELL IS IZUKU!?" Hitoshi demanded. Dr. Emily laughed-

"You mean 186?" Dr. Emily smirked, as she saw Hitoshi's eyes widened. "He's fine, just woke up. Oh and trying to use your quirk on me?"

Hitoshi backed up, until his back touched the wall. Dr. Emily walked up to him. She sighed as she starred in Hitoshi's eye. Hitoshi's legs gave out from under him, as he sunk to the ground below hime. Fear plain on the purple haired teen's face. (A/N: I consider someone a teen/kid until they turn 21. Hitoshi & Izuku are 19.)

Hitoshi started to feel a shock, as he collapsed to the ground. Hitoshi held onto the collar, as it shocked him. Hitoshi cried out as he felt the pain-

"MAKE... IT... ST-STOP!!!"

"Are you gonna try and use your quirk on me again? Because you know very well I won't make the mistake of letting you do that again..."

"I-I... W-won't! Pl... Please!" Hitoshi screamed in pain. The shock stopped, Hitoshi hated Dr. Emily's quirk so much, the switches inside the shock collar could easily be flipped on and off by her quirk.

Hitoshi gasped for air, as he tried to stand up, only Dr. Emily kicked him in the gut. Her kick caused him to fall back onto his knees. Hitoshi grabbed onto his stomach in pain. He stayed on his knees, as he glared at Dr. Emily.

The mad-woman smirked- "Looks like someone forgot the rules. Shall I remind you?"

Hitoshi only looked away definitely. All that got him was Dr. Emily grabbing a hand full of his purple hair and forcing him to look at her face-

"One," She started. "No quirk or power usage unless I say so," Dr. Emily let go of Hitoshi's hair and shoved his face away. Hitoshi looked up at her, as he remembered her next rule- "Two look at me when I'm talking to you. And three..."

Dr. Emily used the air around Hitoshi to pull him to the center of the room. Her eyes glowed with a sick glint of excitement as she looked at Hitoshi- "Never back talk. Do you remember now?"

"Yes, I do," Hitoshi growled.

"Yes what?" Dr. Emily hissed, with a look of victory in her eyes as Hitoshi gave into her wishes much easier than Izuku.

"Yes, Ms. Emily."


A Few Minutes Ago...

Izuku groaned, as he woke up. Feeling a familiar pain in his chest. The aftershock of being nearly suffocated to death. The greenette first took notice of the chain linked to his foot, as his vision finally was steady enough to see through.

Izuku felt around himself for any injuries. There weren't any new scars, from what he could tell. His hands froze as they rubbed over the ruff metal of a- 'A shock Collar... No... S-she got us!' Izuku muttered in horror.

The large metal door slid open. Izuku's eyes shot up towards the person in the doorway. Izuku growled, as he saw none other than Dr. Emily standing there... Smiling... Izuku stood. The greenette got into a fighting stance.

Dr. Emily clicked her tongue- "Stand down, 186."

Izuku only growled like a wild animal, in response to his old nickname. Dr. Emily clearly didn't like that answer as Izuku's shock collar was activated. Izuku grabbed at the collar. The former vigilante fell to a crouched position in pain.

He refused to look, Dr. Emily in the eye. Despite the pain, Izuku would not give this bitch the satisfaction of making him cry and plead for forgiveness or mercy, like he did as a child. It would only serve to boost her sick ego.

Dr. Emily seemed a bit surprised at the lack of tears and pleas. Which was understandable, since as a child, Izuku was one of the more... emotional... experiments she had worked with. It seems that has changed.

She was sick of this and forced Izuku to look at her, by moving the air under and around his head. The wind forced him to look up and no matter how much he fought it, keep his head looking at her.

Izuku kept his eyes averted. Doing what little he could to defy her. Eventually, the shock was too much, even for his modified body and Izuku subcame the pain and blacked out. Dr. Emily sighed-

"Hmm," She didn't care. The fact he lasted for over 30 minutes proved her former experiments worked. A normal human wouldn't have been able to last more than five minutes, maybe teen if they had an electric based quirk. "Looks like someone needs... extra lessons..."

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