Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Hellt...

By BruhZone

530K 13.4K 7.8K

So I'm changing Helltaker just a little bit, there really was no world so I gave it one, sprinkle in some new... More

The Sisters, My Roomates
Saving a Researcher
A walk never hurt nobody
My Boss and our Awesome Friend
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Triple Threat
The 7th day
Im sorry who's at the door
New Job
Overseers (P.1)
Overseers (P.2)
Overseers (P.3)
The Date
Just a normal day
Abyss Days
The Return
Taking care of
A Spar
Needing Money
Having A Wander
The Overseers Servant
Servant Battle
The Strongest Servant
Main Event
You got the book...
Azazel Needs A Break
Just A Normal Day For Y/n
(So, lets try this again)
Always 1st Place
The Denizens of Hell
The Goat Woman's Niece
Hide and Seek
More of an impact then previously thought
New Spells
The Pruna Family
Memories Three Times Over
Beel's Boutique
The First Ever Dream
A line between a job and abuse

A Holly Jolly Hell Hole (X-Mas Special)

7.7K 182 193
By BruhZone

(JUST A LITTLE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! Nothing much really but a little dive into the future and a little wholesome chapter, a bit more simple because I'm just coming back so enjoy!)

Y/n was up and early, today was Christmas! Now sure, it was Hell and he was a demon, living with a actual Lucifer, buuuuuuuut, no greedy demon says no to free things and corporations loved their money so Christmas still alive in Hell.

And there was no one looking more forward to it then him, other than maybe Azazel. She had helped Y/n throughout the entire time. They even taught Tindira, who was immediately in love with the idea. Judgement even helped out, though she didn't love it as much as the trio.

They had decorated the entire mansion. From outside to inside. But on Christmas Day was Y/n's favourite time. His cooking time. He has the whole day to himself, to create the most amazing of feasts. And he was going to make it big. Real big this time around. This, of course, wasn't the first time he's made a feast, but he was going all out on this one, using a multitude of spells and techniques this Christmas. This meant he was in the Kitchen the whole time today.

However that also meant the others had to order in food and wait to open presents. Which, surprisingly, they weren't too happy about.

"THE WHOLE DAY!?" Lucifer shouted at the duo sitting on the couch.

Cerberus ran up to the two. "WHAT ABOUT PRESENTS!?" They simultaneously whined.

"Open them now. We don't care." Zdrada spouted. She wasn't in a fantastic mood, her cigarettes had been taken away.

"Not without Master!" The trio replied. After all how could they, to be honest how could any of them. Y/n's gifts were probably going to be the best. I mean come on, his ability, being one of the most thoughtful demons possibly ever, pretty much knowing everything about everyone. His gift giving was probably better then Kris Kringle himself.

The two stayed stiff on the couch.

Zdrada and Malina had known him their entire lives. He had become a master chef in that time, beautiful, delicious meals everyday. But all that combined never even came close to his Christmas Feast. And now he was making that same feast for twelve people. That Turkey was gonna dress to impress.

Also they were not going to let them of all people in kitchen. Not today of all days.

Pretty much all the girls were annoyed. However, Judgement got out of her seat and walked over to the kitchen door. Malina and Zdrada looked over, genuinely ready to square up with High Prosecutor of Hell.

"Wow, this food must seriously be something!" She laughed, chains erupting from thin air and crossing over the door. "There. Now it's locked, literally no one else but me can open it!" This was a personal request made by Y/n. She got an early taste of what was being created in there and that was only the prep.

"High Pros-" Lucifer was about to use her status but was quickly told.

"Screw off, I'm off the clock!" She scoffed at the Queen of Hell, before turning to Zdrada. "Hey, there should be a Christmas special of that one anime shouldn't there!"

"Huh, yeah it should be airing today!" She said with a smile. "Y/n can watch it later so come on!" She motioned her over to the sofa.

The two had becoming binging buddies, after the week the chef introduced them, anywhere else they would keep it a secret, but here they didn't care, considering everyone knew.

"So how exactly am I going to get my coffee." Pandemonica walks up to her.

"He'll kick a cart out the kitchen. It'll be filled with drinks and Christmas snacks. If anyone one of you touch my candy cane cookies I will burn you." She says casually.

"Well there's one minute until my-"

The kitchen door slams open and all the inside is covered in darkness. Shooting out comes a wooden trolley with three different shelves. Then another, this one with two compartments.

The door was then slammed shut.

Malina and Zdrada immediately got up. They walked over to one of the carts.

The first plate was filled with soft candy cane cookies. A Pint glass of a vodka infused hot chocolate next to it, the colour of it was a perfect red and white, they didn't mix whatsoever, whipped cream with red sprinkles covered the top. An edible candy cane straw sticking out cream. Malina immediately grabbed the plate and drink and walked off.

Zdrada stared at her bowl, it was filled with various types of gum, all having nicotine, each colour had differing types of flavours, this was the only cigarette substitute she would have the entire year. Her drink consisted of warm apple cider apple chunks in the shape of cigarettes. "Fucking finally!" She shoved a strip of green gum in her mouth and took the items from the cart.

And instead of Malina tearing through the cookies and Zdrada chugging the drink. They, did the unthinkable, acted like regular human beings, they actually savoured the food. Zdrada took sips, Malina chewed tens times more then she usually would. The most incredible thing was, they sat next to each other, ignoring each other.

Everyone else stared at the food. "What the hell did he put inside of it?!" Cerberus however didn't care, on the bottom half of the cart were three bowls filed various treats, that Cerberus took to immediately they basically shoved their head in each bowl, but gradually their chomping slowed down into chewing.

The remaining demons stared confused at the others. Azazel walked over to the sister demons, she snapped her fingers in front of each of their faces. They didn't react, their faces showed obvious bliss.

"They're in a state of complete euphoria!" Azazel shouted aloud. "Fascinating!" She looked over at her plate, cupcakes with white frosting sat on it, crushed cookies and cream was showing the shape of snow angels. A teacup sat next to it, it was steaming with a snowflake made of white chocolate sat, slowly melting away into the tea.

Azazel smiled. She took the cakes and beverages and walked through the archway, in the dining room, she sat at the large table and began to examine the items.

Pandemonica was the one to go next, a large glass with black coffee, and a plate of dark brown cookies. Nothing to cosmetic, which was what Pandemonica smiled at. Y/n loved making his food look amazing and he did so many nice things in a row, it probably took him a great deal of resilience to not decorate Pandemonica's delicacies.

Immediately Pandemonica went for the coffee, it tasted the exact same as regular coffee in her, which was sort of disappointing. Her finger touched some sort of note on the back.

'Drink with the cookies! \ ^_^ /'

She did as the note asked, she wasn't a snacky kind of demon however, but-

"Delicious..." The taste of cinnamon hit her tongue it worked in tandem with the the bitterness of the coffee, creating a very sharp sensation of taste. Her horns grew and her teeth sharpened yet there seemed to be not one hint of a sadistic thought in her eyes.

She was immediately at the dining table, with both items next to a very drowsy Azazel.

Lucifer out the rest of the demons spoke up. "Either he's drugged the food or it's just that good." She said with a great deal of suspicion, staring at the plate with her name on a post-it note.

"So a win-win either way!" Justice proudly strutted forwards. Her pl- hey, wait no... and it's gone. There wasn't anytime to even admire the items the chef made, the cookies had been completely devoured and the drink chugged.

"See it's not... all... thaaa-" Her face had quickly reddened, her voice slurred and her body shook. She was drunk, not even a minute after it was consumed. She quickly sat, well more fell, onto the carpet underneath her. Her hiccups knew no bounds.

As Lucifer began to prod and poke the person who barely ever got drunk. Modeus had decided to go next her cookies consisted of mistletoes, as well as a seemingly simple glass of strawberry milk. A romantic Christmas novel was also next to the items. She immediately went for the book, it immediately landed on a part about mistletoe's. "christmas...? role-play...?" Her thoughts went wild. She then smelled a familiar scent, she picked up the glass of strawberry milk and gave it a whiff, it was memorable.

It was succubus milk. Most uncomfortable purchase of the demon servant's life. But as he had planned, Modeus was satisfied, licking her milk moustache, sensually. Y/n would've probably cringed seeing it, knowing exactly where and who it came from. She immediately left.

Judgement grabbed hers from the couch with her chains. It was probably one of the most confusing things she'd ever witnessed. Her cookies were her chains, not only that, but they were linked, there was no openings, each link of the chain was a separate cookie that could move. Her drink was just a simple luxury hot chocolate, very nice in her opinion. It wasn't long before she was about half conscious as everyone else.

Beelzebub and Lucifer were the only ones left. Tindira was happily gnawing on a chocolate statue of herself in a Christmas outfit,

They both walked up to the cart, a more civilised spread for Lucifer, a glass of chardonnay with a beautiful chocolate volcano cake.

Beelzebub's was a Christmas spread iconic treats of every kind with a large hot chocolate to gulp it all down.

They stared at the food, wondering if they should eat this. And they did, they were the strongest demons hell and simple plate of dessert weren't going to knock them-

And they are out cold.


The kitchen door opened, still complete darkness inside. A familiar hooked tail slowly crept out, wrapping itself around the carts pulling it into the darkness, if we follow the tail, we find the demon it's connected too.

"Ah, they're resting now." It was incredibly hot in the kitchen, so he was currently in a shirtless apron combo. "Well, I guess I can get started." He picks up a familiar yellow grimoire, it was the grimoire he had, ahem, 'earned' from Baphomet. He taken it back from Azazel, due to thinking he would need some help. "Epekteínoun"

His eyes glowed the same colour as his vortex. The corners of the kitchen began to expand outward, different kinds of ovens, food-making stations and crates revealed themselves as if they were in the walls.

Scratch some, he'd need a lot of help. The spell he just used was a space expanding spell, he'd been planning all this out for two months now. In each of the crates was some sort of ingredient in complete pristine condition, he had made the extra ovens himself, following instructions from a friend of his in the Wrath Ring in exchange she got a recipes for some meals she loved. An early Christmas Present to each other.

But anyway, what he needed now was manpower. He needed someone strong to put large pieces of meat in the giant pans, about three big golems would be enough, but he also needed help with literally everything else, so he went to the most reliable summon he knew, ghosts.

He started flicking through pages, most of them were filled with names, however because he was in Hell most were just Dictators or Murders or... Queen Elizabeth the 2nd...?


Anyway, he went to the next best thing, ghost monsters. You had named ghosts, like Quee- I mean Hi- I mean... some generic, non-specific name, these were powerful people that got into Hell and died, they had some sort of ability. Then there's monster ghosts, the spirits of sinners who died but didn't have the willpower to turn into a demon, so they turned into monster ghosts. They can actually regain some memories if they get strong enough.

He flipped through to the monsters.

'Ghost Queen. An intelligent monster that has control of a small army of ghosts.

If the summoner can complete the monster's request, they will be able to control said Queen for an entire day.

If not the Queen and her Ghost will just leave. Do not try to tame or force, they hold a grudge. A bad one.'

There was some other information but he was confident in doing requests so he was sure he could deal with it. He looked at the phrase to summon the ghost.

"Se kaló pnévma, ypirétise me ópos boró" A transparent aura appeared around the demon, his eyes turning a glowing grey. All the effects disappeared after a couple seconds. He definitely felt the magic take place.

He looked around, finally looking down to see a the pale head of a beautiful woman staring at him. Except from her eyes which were a rose red. She quickly sinked lower into the ground, noticing that her summoner had found her. Only her red eyes peaking out. She was obviously afraid of the current circumstances...


Words like that surrounded her rapidly. She was even more scared when the demon crouched down, his confused frown turning into a simple smile. "Are you okay?" He asked politely.

The ghost still stared up at him, untrusting.

"Wonder what ghosts eat? Can they eat? They have to eat right?" The demon stood up. He was not exactly sure, what the ghost could need to make him comfortable to be around, so immediately went to thing he was good at. Food!

He started to look around the fridge. As he did that, the ghost noticed a teapot on the side. She perked up at the sight.

Y/n looked back to see the ghost holding a teapot. She was tall, maybe a foot taller then he was, the girls would be jealous. She wore a slightly ripped Victorian dress obviously showing which era she died in.

She quickly panicked, dropping the pot and returning to the floorboards, the demon caught the teapot with his tail. He stared at it before smiling once again. "Tea it is!" He began to make tea looking at his phone the entire time. The ghost watched him curiously.

After he made the cup, he placed it on a table nearby and walked away. He continued to stare at his phone, scrolling.

After a minute of stubbornness and internal debate she 'sneakily' floated over towards the tea. She was expecting an attack or some sort of attempt of capture. Only for the demon to still be staring at his phone. This was a confusing situation for the ghost, she wasn't actually scared of the demon, she just couldn't kill him until he actually tried to force her to do something.

This was not her first time being summoned, every time she was forced into doing something, or at least the summoner or tamer attempted too. She had gotten pretty good at acting scared, making it easy to lower the target's guard. She learned she was much stronger then those kinds of people.

They all expected her to do as she wished, but little did they know, they had to complete a request for her first. People just didn't seem to understand that.

Anyway she drank the tea and it was the most monumental moment of her afterlife, it had been god-knows how many years, she had been stuck in the wilderness most the time scaring off demons, killing the ones who weren't. She was actually very close to evolving.

When she finished, she was in a state of bliss, her guard completely gone. A mistake, a prescience heading straight towards her, he wasn't going to tame her, he was going to hunt her. It was so quick she couldn't react... as the scent of tea hit her nostrils once again?

Y/n's tail had whizzed past her, refilling her empty teacup. She looked back on to see the demon staring at her phone once again, he curiously looked up, seeing the ghost stare at him, he shot her a simple smile.

Now, it had been hundreds of years, all that ever came to hunt her were terrifying freaks of nature, so her representation for the average looks had been destroyed, so to see this actually good-looking (Thank Pandemonica, Lucifer and Beelzebub for that.) demon man, in an apron to give her a smile and serve her out of the goodness of his own heart.

It was a miracle, a miracle she wasn't letting go. She was quite literally clinging to his arm, waving around the teacup, all to the surprise of the demon looking at the words now popping around her head.


They were vastly different compared to before. "I guess she liked the tea?" He kinda just scratched his head and made more.

She had quickly summoned a multitude of ghosts making the same laughing pose and movement of a prideful rich girl showing off her wealth. Of course no laughter came out, because, ghost. At the cost of personally making her tea as long as he needed her, she had quickly given up her army of spirits for the amount of tea made.

She quickly got very confused when he actually told her what he needed her and her abilities for. Kind of insulted at the same time, but all could be fixed with tea.

-Timeskip brought to you by Y/n's bees sleeping on his bed because it's too cold-

Slowly the demons in the other room had gotten out of their trance. With the verification from Malina, Zdrada and Beelzebub. The food was not drugged, it was just that good. Which in turn made the demons want more, including the three demon that were going to guard the door. Malina and Zdrada forgetting why they wanted to protect the door in the first place.

They soon remembered when it was opened. Not only a wave of hot air that one could quite literally describe as 'Christmas' hit them. But a wave of music too, with a demon singing along.

"L, is for the way you look at me~" Sweat glistened over his body, the apron just made it ever more teasing.

"O, is for the only one I see~" He opened multiple ovens, hot air hitting his face, swaying his hair.

"V, is very very, extraordinary~" He took out the trays, holding large quantities of meat, with his hands placing them to the side.

"E, is even more than anyone that you adore~" At that point he had finally noticed the demons peaking through the door. "Ah! Sorry did my singing disturb you." Sure he was good with instruments but he never actually ever had any faith in his voice.

(To whoever said Ronald McDonald, to the you decide what you can wear thing in the 1st chapter of this story. Thank you, for giving me the image of my favourite demon dressed as Ronald McDonald singing Micheal Buble, Anyway-)

And he said that with a rare, more embarrassed smile, to the demons that had to be held back by Judgement's chains, at the letter O.

Modeus, had been tackled to the ground by Malina and Zdrada behind the door, this was quite literally the most kinky(cliche) things she had seen from him. Also just because the sisters had gotten to see him for a little bit didn't make their minds better then the others, they had a treasure trove of memories of shirtless apron Y/n from the past Christmas' aswell.

Tindira didn't really care, she was very much more interested in the food and how he made it.

The three more powerful demons, Justice, Beelzebub and Lucifer were calm and collected... at least in the outside. Sure Beelzebub went to the red lights district in the Lust Ring, but that did not stop her burning desire for the one other person who actually cared for her, causing her wings to buzz in bursts.

Justice could not exactly see, what was going on, but she could feel it. The sweat drops hitting the ground, the hot air emanating from the demon. Not to mention the singing, everything she could imagine was happening when his voice was in the air was left up to her imagination, her very lustful imagination.

While Lucifer's mind was filled with- "PLEASE STOP! THIS A PEASANT! No!... Well technically it wouldn't be the first time- NO!" She quietly argued with herself. One of her fangs was sinking into her own lip while doing so.

Pandemonica was on the 'calmer' side, keeping a straight face and attempting to look away. But always peeking again.

Azazel was the opposite she was purposefully staring at every inch, she basically had a picture perfect image of him in her head. Her plan was to draw this later in the her Sin of Lust Report, yet she seemed not to care much on the others reactions which was strange to her, when she realised.

Cerberus were having confused thoughts they didn't think they could have on someone called master. They were one of the oldest demons here and they've never had thoughts on a Master.

Judgement wasn't going to lie and say he wasn't attractive. In fact she would admit he was damn good eye candy. But was it really worth the amount of Lust coming from the group she was holding back. In her opinion, no.

"So what can I getchya?" He used the apron to rub some sweat off his head.

The chains had to be strengthened. "You are really pushing your luck on how strong I can make my chains..." She bumped up the No to a Maybe. "More food'n'booze of course, cause that's what all of you rushed in here for, right?" Judgement at least wanted to save some pride of the demons so she helped out.

Also she could hear cracking coming from behind her, Modeus was biting through the chain. And if she could get through that... well that apron isn't gonna do anything.

"Oh sure, Viv!" He looked to his right and called out.

They hadn't noticed, because, they're lustful parts of the mind had taken over, so they literally didn't notice the huge gourmet kitchen, it had become. Ghost cooking similar dishes and using an artefact to keep the food as fresh as when it was finished, golems carrying giant slabs of perfectly cooked meat, desserts upon desserts had been created.

The previously plotting ghost had now pushed the carts towards the demons. As soon as she did she floated over to Y/n. "Good job Viv." He praised the ghost.

Before literally any of them could ask anything there were thrown through the door behind them. Judgement pulled along the carts. Closing and chaining the door up once again. Modeus had her usual war-hammer out, however it was with a renewed vigour. She marched past Judgement and began slamming it on the door, sparks flew but not much else came of it.

Her locked chains were unbreakable for young demons like Modeus and her stronger versions put up a good fight for even Justice. Her free-form ones, the ones used on Modeus, left much to desired though, but even then they should have lasted way longer, then again she didn't actually know the strength of Modeus, she was the daughter of Asmodeus after all. Well at least she could get a gauge on her strength, she was actually really good at reliably understanding people's strengths.

Unless they were the one annoying exception inside the kitchen. "Makes a pact with a rare monster..." Judgement muttered to herself. "Ghost Queen my ass, thats a maid if ever seen one..." She swears that every week he somehow get stronger whether it mastering a spell, finding a grimoire, making a pact- the list is quite literally endless in Judgment's eyes.

Next thing she knows he's gonna be the King of Hell. She looks over at Lucifer. She then realised that probably wasn't a far off future. Wait if he did, would that make him the boss of her...? She then kinda just stopped caring and took her food and drink.


Everyone had been put in a state of bliss (or drunk in one person's case) once again, when they woke up they expected to be watching the Grinch, because after Modeus' small unhappy phase, they decided to watch some sort of movie.

However, when they woke up, they were sat at one the most beautiful thing they had ever seen, at a nightmare acacia table they had never seen before, huge amounts of food laid out, music of course playing and on top of that the servant that made it out was bringing out more.

"Oh you guys are awake? Dig in!" He didn't have to tell them twice, they all started to eat insane amounts, piling up their plates. He set down two more plates and turned around to head back to the kitchen only for another demon to grab his arm.

"Sit, you're actually gonna sit with us at the start this time." Malina said still sitting at her chair, Zdrada moved left a seat to let him sit between the two. Every Christmas he tended to keep cooking when they started eating.

"I'm gonna need to grab more food at some point." He sat down. "You eat like sinners don't starve."

"They deserve to starve." Zdrada says ripping a chicken leg a some sort of roasted Frankenstein animal. "I deserve this!"

"This is way better then back then." Y/n said a sentence and the two demons, yes even Malina, smiled and nodded.

The sister compared an emotionless table, three other people at that same table, they could barely remember their faces, not that they'd want to. And Y/n compared it to an empty wooden shack, a small demon sitting alone. They compared it to this, this was way better.

Though that small moment didn't last long. As Malina's frown returned and Zdrada and Y/n's lips were covered in grease from the food in front of them.

They weren't the only demons comparing it to something else.

Tindira and Beelzebub didn't do it in the void. Lucifer compared it, to her solitude this time of year. Justice, the first year she could no longer see the amazing lights. Pandemonica was always working of course. Modeus and her father didn't really explicitly celebrate it after her Mother's death. Cerberus always saw it on TV but never actually got to do it. Judgement never really cared but it did feel nice when it came down to it.

Azazel was actually the stuck in her memories the most, she could remember the smell of all the Christmas food and crackers, she could hear the cheers and laughter. Yet, she never got to see the laughter, she never got to touch the Christmas crackers. She did alway get the leftovers though, they tasted nice.

"Oi, what's your problem." Judgement looked over at the Angel.

"Oh! Uh? Nothing!" The Angel waved.

"Yes, that is the problem, there's nothing on your plate." The sheep-haired demon added on the other side of her. "You need to eat otherwise you won't grow Azazel." She placed a bunch of vegetables on her plate with tongs.

"Aren't you the one who needs to grow Pandemonica." Justice pointed over the table with a fork. "Especially in-"

"Thin ice..." Pandemonica glared.

"Are you kidding?" Pandemonica looked over at the boastful Judgement. "What she needs is MEAT!" She drops a slab of meat on Azazel's plate.

Pandemonica sighed. "Vegetables are the best how-"

"The hell they are!" Judgement shouted.

"Don't listen to either of them their idiots." They both eyed the demon chef. "Eat both, trust me, I am the talles-"

Basically the whole table booed.

"Oh come on it's true." He shrugged.

"Just because it's true does not mean it has to be said at every occasion." Lucifer rolled her eyes. "Which you do."

"Then get taller. And I won't do it." He laughs. A cupcake was quickly thrown into his face. "Uncalled for..." He looked around for the culprit.

"Your face is always calling for it." Modeus quickly retorted, watching as Beelzebub licked the frosting off her fingertips.

"Oh really-"

The table then defected in to chaos and Azazel watched. She may have lied about enjoying the leftovers In Heaven, because comparing that to here, where there were presents under the tree in multiple shapes and sizes, being able to actually join in on anything, to have opinions valued.

Comparing Heaven to a place she'd never want to leave it was an easy choice.

A piece of pie quickly hit her face.

A painful, but still easy choice.

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