The Deaf Mutant

By Raven-_S

222K 4.9K 1.1K

Y/n is a new Avenger, but she has her differences. She is deaf, Completely deaf she uses ASL to communicate... More

Author notes
Loki return
I guess she does have a voice
Overheated I think?
Loki's room
The sickness
Our little secret
Her Snuggle Buddy
Loki's New Beginning
Trust me love
No Promises
Good Night My Child
Scars Are Forever
Does It Look Bad
1k reads
Blue Button
No Ordinary Mortal
It's Cute
Girls Day Out
Secret room
Author's Bestie'sšŸ˜±šŸ˜šŸ˜œ
Come On Prince
Do They Know
Trip Down Memory Lane
Time you know...
I Can Braid It If You Like
Our Little Avenger
Did I Kill Anyone
You can speak
See No Evil-Hear No Evil
I'm not a good person
Possibilities Of Tomorrow
I Should Choke You With This
She Wasn't Alone

I'm Not Going To Die

1K 25 23
By Raven-_S

"Don't make another move" a thickly accented voice called out while pointing a spear at them
"Hey wait please don't hurt us" standing up in front of her he blocks the view

"Oh you have got to be kidding me here we go again," she says while looking at the group of women.

"I said don't move" pushing the spear against his chest

"We don't mean any harm," Peter says, standing up weakly she holds onto Peter to steady herself

"What happened here?" the woman holding the spear asked while taking a glance at y/n's bleeding body.

"Long story" looking over he noted how his partner's body was completely depending on him to remain standing, and the hairs on his neck began to stand up. Wrapping his arm around her waist, her body gives out falling to the ground.

"Please help" he pleaded, snatching his mask off. He looked at them who looked back at him shocked, his face was bleeding and bruised but that was not what they were shocked about.


"Help him, they are just kids," a voice said, stepping out of the crowd with his sister.

Looking back at her he watched as her eyes closed.


Opening her eyes she looked around the room, she was hooked up to a monitor and had wires all over her, noticing her suit was off she quickly sat up in the bed.

"Hey be careful there I don't want you getting anymore hurt," helping her sit back

"Your friend is in the bathroom he will be right back" nodding her head she looks around the room and noticed it looks similar to Tony's lab but way more advanced

"She doesn't talk much," Peter said walking back into the room, taking a seat beside the bed as she looked at Peter's face. "You look terrible"

"You looked worse but you heal faster than me, at least once they removed the bullets and glass from you"

"I will leave you two alone" walking out of the room the door closes, and y/n averts her attention over to peter.

"You're the deaf mutant," he said slightly freaking out

"Like how and how did I not know, and why don't you seem very surprised that I'm spiderman"

"I have suspected it for a while now, and I have caught that suit of yours hanging out of your bag, in starks lab"

"Really, wow this is bad"

"Yea you suck at keeping your identity a secret"

"Wait so did you only start talking to me because you knew it was me under the mask" smiling at him she looked away

"Maybe, can you hand me my suit" Peter smiled hearing her talk, grabbing her suit Peter hands it to her, looking in the pocket she smiles while pulling out the necklace.
"How are we going to get home," she says while putting the necklace on

"Well we have been here for almost two days"

"I have been asleep for almost two days!"

"Not exactly, you did try and stab a few of the doctors," rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment he looks out the window.

"Why did you pass out after the mission?"

"It has been a while scenes I used my powers for that long on a mission or that much, I guess I'm a little out of practice."

"I think you did pretty good for being out of practice."

"What a great first Mission right," Peter smiled to himself hearing her speak in her real voice. It made him happy that she trusted him enough to speak to him.

"Hello" a voice called out as she entered the room.

"My name is Shuri, it's nice to see you awake," she says to them.

"We need to get home" Shuri's head turns to the side in confusion.

"She said that we need to get home. It's just that we have some people that might be worried that if we don't check in, is there any way we could contact them." nodding her head, Shuri pulls out a tablet.

"Oh course, but is this your suit," she asked in total curiosity. nodding her head she smiles.

"It's cool but if we ever meet again I would love to do some upgrades for you" y/n smiled at her as she examined the suit.

"Oh and when you're up for it my brother would want to talk to you both but I'm going to leave so you can call your family," she says while shutting the door.

Dialing the number for Tony we Facetimed him and he quickly answered.

"Kids are you ok"

"Tony is that them," someone in the background asked

"Yea where ok" the camera soon turned revealing the rest of the team. They all looked relieved when they saw the both of us safe.

"Where are you kids"

"To be honest we have no idea," Peter says glancing out the window

"But their technology here is better than anything I have imagined I have been working with you at Stark industries for a while and this is like 2060 stuff right here." Peter rambles fanboying. y/n looks at him smiling.


"This is the kid that was under the mask," Clint asks

"Yes, yes he is," Tony says while pinching the bridge of his nose

"Well we have to figure out how to get you guys"

"The king wants to talk to us anyways we can talk about getting us home"

"What are you in England"

"More or less"

"You're in Wakanda, sorry didn't mean to intrude, Shuri says as she walks in the door.

"I have never heard of Wakanda before"

"That's the point"' she says while grabbing items and walking out the door.

"There is not a lot you can do Mr.Stark the best you can do is wait it out until we can talk to the king" the look on Tony's face showed pure fear about leaving the kids with no extraction plan in a place they never knew existed.

"Okay, be safe kids" pressing the hangup button y/n moves the device to the side

"Are you okay?" Peter asked looking her over as she stares off into the distance

"Yea but I think they might kill me"

"From what I understand their family and I think they're more relieved to see you alive than wandering through all of the what ifs. I think the last thing they would want to do is hurt you."

Looking at Peter she smiles at him.

"We should probably get dressed to go meet the king" getting to the edge of the bed Peter carefully helped remove the wires off of her, grabbing her suit she examined it to see how damaged it was. Only a few holes, cuts that could easily be covered with her cape.

Walking to the bathroom she puts on her suit quickly as she could while still being a little sore.

Walking out of the bathroom she watches Peter slip a hoodie over his suit.

"Shuri will be here soon are you ready" giving him a slight head nod she gives a very weak smile not knowing where she is, who these people are, and what he is going to say.


Everything was shiny, as they walked into the throne room Peter and y/n stood side by side as they approached a slightly familiar man Shuri sitting on what they could assume was a throne. They had guards all around them, everywhere they looked.

"Bow before the king of Wakanda" y/n and peter glanced at each other and around the room. Peter and y/n quickly get on a knee.

"No, no please get up there is no need for bowing," he says while walking towards them helping them off the ground.

"I would like to thank you"

"For what" Peter questioned

"Well without you two knowing you saved my people from danger, You stopped them from getting any closer to us"

"We were just doing our jobs," Peter told him

"My sister informed me that your family is eager to get you two home, which I can understand but we would like to make sure you to are completely healed"

"Walk with me," he says walking out of the throne room with Shuri following.

"You two may be a little confused about where you are. You are in Wakanda, we prefer to remain hidden from civilians"


"generation before me decided it would be best so we could protect the people and the technology that many people would kill for, and have tried to kill for. We were blessed when a meteorite landed here with a substance unheard of to man. But if it fell into the wrong hands, it would cause an all-out war amongst the people"

Continuing to walk down the extravagant hallway they received glares and weird looks from the guards and other people in Castel.

"So are you like the king"

"Yea I guess I am, sort of" As they continued to walk around and answer questions he turned to Y/n.

"Are you feeling alright, you have been Offaly quiet. I know you have to have some questions"

He said, turning to glance at y/n. Y/n looked at Peter who just nodded and understood where she was going with this.

"So my partner is deaf and I guess you could say selectively mute," Peter says trying to explain.

"Hmm," he hummed to himself pondering on what Peter said.

"So she can't hear us"

"No she can, Mr.Stark made her special hearing aids that give her a close mimic of fully functioning ears. But the ones she has on now are for missions and the other ones are at home"

"Fascinating, well I'm going to let the doctors check you both over one more time, and then we can get you home" opening the doors back to the room they were in before. Taking a seat on the bed they both waited for the doctors to come in and check them over so they can finally get home.


Walking them through the barrier they walked them out further to the place they found them, the Dora-Milaje stayed by the barrier to stand guard.

"Truly, I am thankful for both of you, if you ever need anything press this button and I will come and help."Handing her a device she put it into a pouch of her suit.

"Thank you so much, MR. king sir for helping us both"

"Call me T'challa, and anytime"

Watching as a jet landed in front of them they waited for it to open, watching as everyone walked in their suit but Tony, looking around at the damages from the battle they won. catching the sight of y/n Natasha quickly pushed her way through the rest of the team and ran towards y/n, wrapping her arms around she hugs her tightly while the rest of the team catches up.

"Hey kid," tony says giving Peter a hug

"Hey Mr.stark" returning the hug Steve walked up to t'challa and Shuri

"Thank you for taking care of them" shaking hands

Letting y/n go Natasha smiled at her, walking over to Tony he hugged her and smiled at her.

"Hope you're not having second thoughts about me being an Avenger" she signed

"I am but it's not really up to me anymore now is it," he says glancing and both y/n and peter

"You both are old enough to make your own decisions about this team, whatever you choose," he says looking at them.

"Where's Loki," she asked Thor

"He was waiting on the jet, and refused to get off" She nodded to him and ran at full speed to the jet and up the ramp. Looking around the jet she notices a green cape in the corner.

"Well this is depressing," she says looking at him, lifting his head he looks at her slowly getting up. His eyes were bloodshot and it looked as if he has been crying for the past few days. Walking over to her he stops at arm's length

"Your not dead"

"Do I look dead Loki?" she questioned, wrapping his arms around her he pulled her closer, hugging her. Returning the hug she smiles to herself happy to finally see her family again and most of all to see Loki.
"Don't, don't do that again. I was trying to reach you in the mind link, but everything was cut off, I thought you had-"

"You thought I died" she questioned

"Can't get rid of me that easily?" she tells him pulling away to look up at him, the worried feeling Loki had was slowly fading away the more he held onto her, and the sound of footsteps made his head turn towards the ramp.

"y/n come on we are saying goodbye, where are you" leaning her head into Loki's chest she laughed to herself

"I'm coming Parker," she says while pulling away from Loki, walking towards the door she smiles as his touch still lingered on her and a few stray tears she would never mention to him due to his ego.

"Thank you T'challa and Shuri for your hospitality" Y/n signs and peter voices out loud for them

"You are very welcome, and if you ever need anything" T'challa starts

"Remember we are only a push of a button away," Shuri says with a big smile. As the team walked back to the jet y/n and Peter watched as both Shuri and T'challa crossed their arms over the chest and bowed their heads down.

As they walked into the jet Steve closed up the door as they took their seats, Peter made his way and sat beside Tony while he pretended to look busy only to be relieved that they were back safe.

Y/n took the seat beside Loki in the back, looking up at her he smiled. sitting down she took out her hearing aids and let out a huge sigh of relief the mission was officially over, although she is still a little weak from the huge amount of power she used in battle, she was happy to be sitting beside Loki.

"Mission officially is finished" she signed making an explosion motion with her hands while looking at him.

He smiled

"But no it literally went up in flames," she says smiling

"So you and the spider thing talk to each other"

"His name is Peter and yes, I am talking to him now. Although he may never stop ranting to me he was happy when I talked to him"

"I'm glad"

"Me too, the more trust I build with people makes me want to trust them with my voice. If I could hear perfectly fine or just talk to people it would make my life so much easier"

"Well I like you just the way you are, you don't have to change for people. People should want to change for you," bumping into his shoulder she smiles.

The ride back to the tower has been long and there is still a long way to go, so why not have a little fun, she thought.

Loki was reading a book, Focusing as she uses her powers to poke his side he looks at her she smiles. Touching his hand she watched as a blue color began to break through, looking down at his hand he moved away from her and continued reading.

Touching his hand again it turns blue and he looks at her but goes back to reading after giving her a pointed look. Touching his arm it slowly starts to turn blue, closing his book it vanishes. She gives him an innocent look.

"Your eyes are blue, I know what you are doing" poking his cheek she smiles

"Your that bored that you have to" grabbing his hands he stares at her as his entire body turns blue, he gave her an annoyed but playful look

"Fine" leaning closer he kisses her nose, and she sneezes, and then again. Her eyes flash a deep blue as he smirks at her, smiling as she watches as Loki's blue color fades back to his original Asgardian form.

"Now darling lets not do that again" he signs, sighing she rolls her eyes and sinks into her seat

"You cheated, you used magic"

"I didn't know that there were rules to your game"

"There are always rules to my game" she signs, pouting and yawning. She leaned back in the chair, everyone was already asleep but them and Stark.

"Now more games I think you should get some sleep"

"I am not 5 I can take of myself" summing a blanket it appears in his hands, giving her a pointed look he covers her with the blanket.

"Yea and I have a chance of being king of Asgard"

"You could"

"No I don't, but that is another story for another day, I know you are old enough to take care of yourself but you tend to be stubborn and not listen, I will wake you when we arrive" wrapping an arm around her she leans into him.

Knowing the possibility of her getting cold could never happen she snuggled into the blanket and enjoyed the slight warmth it provided.


It's been a few days since the mission, Peter was staying at the tower until he was completely healed. Y/n was working on repairs to her suit in the lab while Tony worked on his suit.

"y/n hand me the Channellock pliers over there please" walking away from the holographic table she hands him the pliers.

"Tony I don't think you should touch that with your bare hands," she says while watching him touch the wires.

"I know what I am doing sparkle hands, I have built many versions of the Iron suit before and-" snatching his hand away he hisses in pain while holding his hand to his chest.

"You're so dumb, but don't listen to me not telling you to touch exposed wires," she says while showing him. Looking at his hand she smiles.

"You will be fine, it's just a little shock not enough to kill you," she says while walking back to what she was doing, looking at the hologram she changes the design a little bit.

"You know now that you are no longer our Avenger in training, missions may end up like the last one right"

"I know but I will have my partner with me," she says while moving the hologram around

"Just" he sighs

"Tony the last mission was out of our control, are you worried that I'm going to get hurt," she asked finally turning to face him

"No, I'm worried, I'm worried that you will get killed."

"It's kind of hard to kill me"

"Hard yes Impossible no" sitting down on a stool he looks at her

"You and Peter, you guys are like my own. So I'm going to worry and the last mission sent me into a downward spiral, not just me, everyone.

"Tony, I can't promise that I'm not going to die, I'm only human, I think," she says the last part wondering to herself

"Yea but your my kid"

"I don't think Natasha will take kindly to you taking me away from her"

"She can share" giving him a look he smiled

"No she can't," he says

"Look this is the hard part about our jobs, Tony, getting hurt, going missing, and sometimes dying"

"I thought you died"

"But I didn't"

"But you could have" getting up she walks back to the table

"But I didn't," she says while taking the flash drive out and putting it into the machine.

"Look, Tony, I came from hydra, I was taught death is something to expect on every mission I did for them. In every training session I had, I could have died, and my friends could have died. They did die"

"You had friends in there"

"Yes, a set of twins"

"Just promise me you will try not to die"

"Fine I promise to try not to die," she says spinning on the stool carelessly. She was trying to ease Tony's nerves, but it was pointless because he will always worry about her.

Picking up her water she takes a sip as the room fell silent.

"So, are you and Loki dating yet," he says breaking the silence

Coughing she looks at him, her eyes wide as water falls out of her mouth. Taking a deep breath she sits the cup down.

"Are we what now"

"You know dating, I don't like him very much and he has thrown me out of the window on multiple occasions. Did I deserve it yes but that's not the point" getting up out of her seat she looks at Tony?

"No, we are just friends"

"Hey, J.A.R.V.I.S pull up the file, not just friends" as he said that hologram photos appeared of y/n and Loki together.

Looking at Tony her face is concerned

"Where did you get-" turning around she starts walking towards the door.

"You know what Tony I don't want to know"

"Where are going"

"None of your business dad," she says while opening the door.

"To Loki's room a bet"

Walking out the door she watches as he laughs, using her powers she pours the rest of her water onto his head and walks into the elevator. Smiling to herself she waits for it to open on her floor. As the door opens she smiles to herself, walking to the door she lifts her hand to knock on Loki's door but stops before she could. Tony's words plague her mind, as the door opens Loki looks down at her.

"Are you okay?" he asked, Looking up at him she smiles, nodding her head she looks at him. Walking into the room he closes the door behind her, sitting on his bed she looks at him.

"Tony has a shrine of us together," she says while Loki walks towards her

"He has a what now," sitting beside her on the bed she smiles

"He has a shrine of us, just walking together or reading on the couch, it's kind of creepy"

"Why am I not surprised," he says looking at her

"He thinks we're dating," his eyes widened and he smirks

"The entire team thinks we are dating,"

"It's not a bad thing is it" she questioned while looking down at his bed sheets, placing his finger under her chin he lifts it so her gaze is back on him, looking at her features he smirks. He watched as her eyes slowly shifted to a soft blue color.

"Why would it be" holding his wrist she watches as his skin turns blue and his eyes turn red

"Loki you have got to stop doing that'' she says while moving his hand away.

"But it's so much fun," he says while getting up

"Why do you keep turning me blue"

"Maybe I just like seeing your frost giant form"

"Well I don't"

Getting up she walks towards him, looking him in the eyes her eyes shift to a dark blue. Grabbing his wrist she kicks out his leg, falling on the floor she gets on his back holding his arm behind him.

"Take that back"

"What is this for," he says hissing in pain

"Take it back Loki"

"Take what back" he yells

"Take it back about your frost giant form"

"When did you get so aggressive" she whined

"Don't make me say it again" she says while pulling his arm further back

"My frost giant form is alright" pulling his arm back more he hissed

"FINE my frost giant form is amazing," he says, letting him go he lets out a deep breath, getting up she smiles and lays down on the floor beside him, as his form shifts back to his Asgardian one.

"I think you broke my arm"

"Oh stop whining"

"What was that for"

"For begging such младенец, Loki weren't you the one that told me you shouldn't change for people, people should change for you"

"I will never give anyone any kind words again," he says while sitting up

"What do you have against your frost giant form anyways" looking at the ground he sighs

"Asgardians don't take kindly to frost giants, a long history of rivalry between the two realms. They hate us and they hate me for being the frost giant and the prince, especially my father."

"Daddy issues"

"Yes big daddy issues darling"

"I grew up not knowing my whole life was based on a lie, and poor Thor tried his hardest to include me in things when we were younger, but my father wouldn't allow it. My mother sheltered me from the truth for as long as she could but it was pointless. I was bound to find out sooner or later."

"The God of lies growing up on a lie" he added

"Do you hate yourself" turning to look at her he gives her a weak smile

"It's not worth hating what I can't change, I guess I'm just broken"

"Not broken damaged, if your broken then you can't be fixed but if you're damaged then there is some hope"
"Did you get that off the top of your head"

"No, a friend told me a while back." getting up she puts out her hand

"There is hope for you blue" taking her hand he stands up

"blue " he questions

"Hey if you get to have a nickname for me then I get to pick one for you," she says

"But blue"

"Would you rather me call you prince" smirking at her she rolls her eyes

"Sometimes I wonder why I bother asking questions" jumping on the bed she lays down on her back. Sitting beside her he looks down at her as she stares at the ceiling.

"Let me take you to Asgard," he asked

"You want to take me to Asgard"

"Yes," he smiles

"Why, why do you want to take me"

"Well because I," he stops thinking about what he should say

"Because why not"

"You would also make the trip more tolerable"

"Okay I go to Asgard with you then what, Are you sure your father won't kill me on the spot because I am human"

"No offense darling but are we sure you are human"

"No. but still Loki, I'm not good around people I don't know, and communicating is hard"

"I will be right by your side, I don't want to force you, you can come whenever you want" looking into his eyes she grunts covering her face with his pillow.

Smiling at her he shakes his head at her antics, summoning a book he rested his back against the headboard and began to get lost in the pages of the book. Uncovering her face she looks at him.

"Can you read to me" looking at her he smiles

"yes," putting the pillow under her head she looks at him and watches as he reads the words on the pages, the story of a lost prince. She listens to the book closes her eyes and imagines the story as he narrates it for her.

Soon discounting the world drifting off into dreamland.

Marking the book Loki looks down at her noticing she was sleeping, smiling as he carefully covers her with the blanket. Carefully taking out her hearing aids he puts them on the table Getting up off the bed he walks over to his chair to continue his reading. Every so often he would glance at her to make sure she was still asleep, make sure she was still there.


After taking a shower he walks out, his hair still dripping wet. Looking at his bed he notices the still-sleeping girl. Picking up his book he places it on the shelf amongst many others he has yet to read.

Sitting up in the bed she looks around the room and looks at the clock that reads 2:00 am, walking towards he looks her over. "Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine, someone is at my door," getting off the bed she opens the door to see a frantic sweaty peter lightly knocking on her door. Turning around he looks at her, walking towards him she notices the tears in his eyes.

"What's wrong peter," she asked walking towards him but he didn't say anything all he did was hug her. She could feel his heart racing and tears falling down her shoulder. She didn't know how to respond or to help.

Finally feeling him calm down she pulls away

"What happened" she watches as he tries to explain

"Whoa slow down take deep breaths" watching him talk breathes he begins to sign

I had a nightmare that you died, it felt so real. Not just you but MJ and Ned and-" placing her hands on his shoulder she smiles at him.

"I'm not dead, I am still alive" nodding his head he wipes his tears and looks behind y/n

"I'm sorry for waking you," he says to both her and Loki who was leaning against the door frame watching.

"It's okay, don't apologize," Loki says knowing the effects of nightmares, although he would never admit it, it was hurting him watching the young boy cry from a nightmare, reminding him of the terrors that still hunt him to this day.

"Do you want to come watch a movie in my room tonight?" he says in a fragment almost as if he is learning new words every time he speaks, nodding his head he timidly walks into the room with y/n following behind him.

Walking towards the table she grabs her hearing aids and puts them in, adjusting to the sound she looks at the two boys sitting on the bed going through movies to watch on the t.v smiling to herself as she takes a seat on the bed.

Pushing play on the movie big hero six begins to play, Peter sat against the headboard between y/n and Loki. sitting there in silence they watched the movie plays.


"Yes my love"

"Thanks for doing this for him," smiling to himself

"No one should have to suffer alone"


Sitting up in the bed she looks around and notices the sleeping boys on the bed beside her, carefully getting up she walks towards the door. Opening the door she is met with surprised looks.

"Good morning Clint, Steve what do you want?" she says slightly agitated about them waking her up. Their faces were shocked.

" Natasha wanted us to come to get you and Peter for breakfast" Clint finally answered, looking at them she rolled her eyes and walked back into the room. Putting her hearing aids in she cringes at the feeling it gives, walking over to the bed Loki looks at her.

"It's time to wake up" she signs

"If we don't come down now I think they might send more people to wake us up."

"Boy of spider it is time for you to wake up," Loki says, shaking him sleepily, sitting up he looks around the room. Getting out of bed they all walk to the door together, opening the door they walk into the elevator sleepily waiting, for the doors to open.

The smell of food invaded their noses as they walked closer to the dining area, taking their seats Loki and y/n sat together like always while Peter went to find Stark.

"So, I was thinking maybe sometime during Christmas break but not during Christmas because I'm sure the team has something planned"

"What are you talking about," he asked genuinely confused about what she was saying

"Going to Asgard"

"You want to go"

"Yes Loki I said I would go, I want to go"

"Your guys usual," Natasha says while she puts plates in front of them. While the team gathered around the table they began to eat.

"So why were you guys so late getting down here," Tony asked while preparing to eat.

"It was a late night"

"Maybe because she was in Loki's room" Clint mumbled, earning a kick in his leg from under the table by her.

"What was that Clint," Steve asked

" I said maybe because-" using her powers she shoves a strawberry in his mouth cutting him off

"Okay, anyways y/n your adoption ceremony is coming up soon," Tony says slightly concerned for Clint. Smiling to herself she puts a piece of pancake in her mouth.

"So how do you guys feel about a New years party"

"How do you feel about NO" Natasha answers him sharing the same reaction as everyone else, Tony's parties don't always go as planned and they know that, from previous experience.

"Can't we have a peaceful Christmas and new year Tony"

"Yea what Sam said let's relax" Bruce adds in

"Fine, but no promises"

"y/n was sleeping in Loki's room," Clint says, caught by surprise everyone choked on their food.

"Oh, you had to say something didn't you," y/n says.

"Welp there goes a peaceful breakfast," Loki mumbled as he waited for this disaster to unfold

"Wait you found her where," Tony says making sure he didn't miss hear anything

"In Loki's room," Tony looked amused especially after the conversation they had yesterday.

"Wait why were you in his room," Natasha asked

"We were reading, talking"

"Why does it matter," they all gave her pointed looks except for Tony Who was just smiling

"You're enjoying this"

"Yes, yes I am darling"

"Are you two dating," Sam asked

"Oh my gosh," she says while getting up from the table

"No Sam we are not dating, when will I ever enjoy a peaceful breakfast"

"In the tower, probably never," Natasha says,

"You know a distraction would be nice"

"What do you want me to do, start a fire" looking at him she gives him a pointed look

"No, I am not doing that," pinching the bridge of her nose she rests her forehead against the glass of the window.

"I had a nightmare last night, Mr. Loki, and y/n stayed up with me all night until I could fall asleep" Lifting her head she looked at Peter who had a slightly frightened look.

"Oh, are you, okay kid"

"Yea just- I'm fine"

"How about we all just forget this conversation"

"That would be nice," Natasha says while kicking Clint in the leg

"Hello," Steve says while picking up the phone

"Guys gear up, we have a mission"

"To be clear gear up everyone over the age of 20," Loki looked at Steve as they stood up

"In human years"

"Come on peter I will have happy drive you home," Tony says while guiding him to the elevator leaving y/n and Loki alone

"Well that was fun"

"Shut up," she says while walking to the couch

"Doesn't this remind you of the first time we were left alone at the tower," taking a seat beside her she gave him a sarcastic look?

"The one when Hydra tried to kidnap me and force me under their control again. The time when the tower was infiltrated and I was forced to trust that as soon as I took off your bracelets you wouldn't kill me," leaning in close he nods his head with a smug look

"No, not really"

"What shall we do to pass the time", Loki asked
"I don't know what should we do"

"Let's light something on fire," she says with a smile her eyes flashing blue

"Okay my little arsonist, I don't think the team will take kindly to you setting something on fire"

"Fine, I prefer the cold anyways," she says while putting her legs on Loki's lap while staring up at the ceiling.

Summing up a book Loki begins to read waiting for her answer on what they are going to do.


"Hmm" he responds

"Everyone is scared I'm going to die"

"Well they care about you a lot"

"But I don't want to worry people, and the risk came with the job they should know this"

"They should, but when you care about someone, feelings tend to cloud people's judgment. How about we go spare while you come up with some other things to do," he says while standing up. Agreeing with him she gets up and they make their way to the elevator.

"wait who going to clean up breakfast"


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