camp love ~elmax story~


34.5K 715 930

max and el both attended the same camp for summer 1985 but knew nothing about eachothers existence, but when... Еще

pt. 1
pt. 2
pt. 3
pt. 4
pt. 5
pt. 6
pt. 7
pt. 8
pt. 9
pt. 10
pt. 12
pt. 13
pt. 14
pt. 15
pt. 16
pt. 17
pt. 18
pt. 19
pt. 20
pt. 21
pt. 22
pt. 23
pt. 24
pt. 25
pt. 26
pt. 27
pt. 28
pt. 29
pt. 30
pt. 31
pt. 32
pt. 33
pt. 34

pt. 11

1.2K 23 92

el's pov:

"so what did you think of the movie?" i asked max who was half asleep. "it was really good." she told me in a sleepy voice. "oh come on, you're not gonna go to sleep already, are you?" i asked her. "i don't know, maybe." she told me as she sat up. "the fun is not over yet, i have something else to show you." i told her as i stood up. "what is it?" she asked me. "the counslours do more things, trust me it's gonna be fun," i said while smiling. "i'm going to wake up the boys so i don't leave them in the freezing cold." i told her as i shook them awake. "wake up!" i said as i shook will awake. "huh?" he asked in a groggily voice. i looked over and noticed that dustin was laying on lucas, and drooling in his hand.

i slightly giggled and pointed to them, and max also slightly giggled. "guys wake up!" i said as i shook the rest of them awake. "what is it- AHH!" lucas screamed when he noticed the drool in his hand. him screaming caused dustin and mike to wake up. "WHAT THE HELL MAN?" lucas screamed at dustin. "WHAT? WHAT DID I DO NOW?" dustin yelled back. "LOOK AT MY HAND. ITS DISGUSTING." lucas shouted as he showed dustin his drool infested hand. me and max looked at eachother, and burst out laughing. "me and max are gonna go, see you guys later." i said inbetween giggles. i grabbed the blanket off the grass, and reached for max's hand to hold it in mine.

as soon as our hands made contact, i couldn't help but feel the butterflies in my stomach come back, and my face felt hot and heated. "so what's the next surprise ba- uh.. el.." max asked. i looked at her slightly shocked.

did max almost just call me babe!? no- what am i thinking? i just misheard her.

"once again, it's a secret." i told her while smiling and slightly squeezing her hand. she nodded, and we kept walking in silence. the only thing i could hear at that moment was my heart pounding inside of my chest. i just hoped she didn't hear it aswell.


"and here we are." i told her as we sat down on some logs around a fire pit. "what is this?" she asked as somebody lit some logs of wood in the fire pit on fire. "after the movie night, people make s'mores and just hang out around the camp fire." i told her. that sounds awesome." she said while smiling. "it is, yo- uh i mean it's really pretty.." i told her as the fire lit up her face. max's ocean blue eyes were sparkling as she stared at the fire, meanwhile i stared at her. because of the orange, red, and yellow colours, it made her face give off a orangey tone, almost as bright as her ginger hair.

"alright, who wants some s'mores?" counslour tommy asked as everybody cheered. "alright, everyone can have a few each." he said as he handed everybody sticks with marshmallows on the end. "we get to roast the marshmallows?" max asked in an excited tone. "how else would we make them?" i asked her while slightly giggling. she started to giggle too, as she head the stick out into the fire to toast it. i did the same, and watched the once white marshmellow, turn to a light brown colour.

i could feel somebody staring at me, so i looked to my right and saw the few kids toasting their marshmellows, then i turned to my left, and made eye contact with max. her face immediately turned a light red colour, as she looked away back at the fire. "shit!" she said out loud as she brought the stick away from the fire. "are you okay?" i asked her. "yeah, the marshmellow is burnt, that's all." she told me.

"do you want mine?" i suggested as i brought mine away from the fire. "nah it's fine." she said as she carfully took the marshmellow off the stick. i did the same, and put the marshemllow inbetween 2 graham crackers, and put a peice of chocolate inbetween the marshmallow and top cracker, as max did the same. "cheers to an amazing night." max said as she held out her s'more. "cheers." i said while smiling and doing the same. i took a bite of the s'more, and it tasted amazing. "this is really good!" i said outloud. max nodded as she also took a bite.


after making a lot more s'mores, and just talking, counslour tommy decided he wanted to play a song on his guitar. "any suggestions?" he asked as he put the guitar strap over his shoulder. "sunshine?" a boy suggested. "alright, i think i know that one." he said as he took a deep breath.

"the other night dear, as I lay sleeping," he sang as he played the guitar. "dreamed I held you in my arms," he sang as a few people joined in. "but when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken," he sang as a few people continued to sing along. "so I hung my head and I cried." he sang in a soft voice.

"okay, everybody on three," counslour tommy said as he took a deep breath. "one.. two.. three." he counted.

"you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are gray." him, and a few kids sang.

i glanced over at max, and saw her already staring at me. we gazed into eachothers eyes for a few seconds, with neither of us breaking eye contact. we both had big smiles in our faces, as i broke the eye contact to glance down at her soft pink lips.

"you'll never know dear, how much i love you," counselor tommy continued to sing in a soft voice. "so please, don't take my sunshine away.." he said dragging out the 'ay'.

i looked back up to max's eyes, and they were still sparkling from the fire, a few kids cheered and clapped as he ended the song, and i felt like my face was getting closer and closer to max's.

"hey, big day tomorrow since it's the last day of camp, you guys better get to bed." counslour tommy told everyone which caused me and max's moment to be ruined. max looked away, and i quickly pulled my face away from hers. i barley got close to her face, but still. i couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if he didn't ruin our moment. i also couldn't help but wonder why i related to those lyrics he sang so much. that's exatly how i felt about max.

~the next morning~

"max! get up!" i said as i shook her awake. "hm?" she asked in a groggily voice as she opened her eyes. "come on! it's already 12:15! we get our pizza party at 12:30 remember!?" i asked her. "oh yeah.." she said in a sad tone. "hey what's wrong?" i asked her. "nothing, it's just i don't want camp to be over yet.." she said in a sad tone. "why? we can finnally go to the movies, the mall, arcades!" i excitedly told her. "yeah, but what if i never see you again?" she asked in a sad tone as she sat up. "hey don't say that, we live close remember? you can come over to my house ANY day you want, plus we're going to the same school in september right?" i asked her.

"yeah that's true." she said in a happier tone. "okay, so pleasee get up." i said as i grabbed both of her hands and pulled her out of her bed. i guess i was way stronger then i knew, because when i pulled her up, it caused her face to come near inches away from mine, and our foreheads were almost touching. "sorry.." i awkwardly said as my face turned red. "it's okay.." she awkwardly replied as she stepped back.

"get dressed, i'll meet you outside, okay?" i told her as i slipped in my sandels and opened the door. she nodded as she opened her backpack and dug though it looking for clothes. i walked outside and shut the door, and sat down on the steps. my heart was still beating really fast from that close encounter i just had with max, and it felt like i couldn't breath. that is the THIRD time i've almost kissed max now, it's just something about her just makes me want to press my lips against hers, and just hold her..

last night after the close kiss, i couldn't sleep at all. max fell asleep right away, but i couldn't. my mind kept circling back to the thought of max, i couldn't help but wonder if my feelings towards her are wrong, if i'm wrong for liking my bestfriend this way. by now my feeling we're crystal clear.

i like max,

as more then a friend.

max's pov:

"i'm done getting dressed." i told el as i stood behind her. "jeez you scared me!" she said as she spun around. "i'm ready to go!" i told her as i jumped down the steps of our cabin. "so where should we go to?" i asked her. "the boys wanted us to meet them then at their cabin, because they wanted a box of pizza." el told me. "ugh yeah, i swear they only think about their stomachs." i told her as we walked side by side towards their cabin. "i know! will is not too bad, he is the best out of all the boys." she told me.

as she said that, it felt really upset suddenly. if el does not like mike, she probably likes will for all i know. "are you okay?" el asked me in a concerned tone. "uhm.. weird quetion but.. do you like will..?" i asked her nervously. el's face dropped and she started to laugh. "you know will is my stepbrother right?" she asked while still giggling. "OHH.." i said feeling relived that she didn't like him. "well, my dad and his mom are dating, so he's not my stepbrother yet, but still he kinda is." she explained. i nodded feeling a lot calmer.


"put it under the bed!" i heard lucas shout as we approached their cabin. "IM TRYING!" mike yelled back. "helloooo?" i called out as me and el walked inside. "oh um hey!" lucas said as he spun around to face me and el. "what's under the bed?" i asked him in a sarcastic tone. "wha- nothing!" he said quickly. "oh please, do you think we're deaf?" i asked him as i glanced at the ground and noticed two single rose petals. "what is that?" i asked while pointing to the rose petals. "nothing!" lucas said as he picked them up quickly. "max! the pizza!" el excitedly said as she tugged on my sleeve.

"okay! come on let's go!" i said as we ran out the boys cabin, with all four of them following us. we approached counselor tommy who was holding two boxes of pizza. "here you girls go!" he said as he handed me and el each a box. "thank you!" el said while smiling. "no problem, hey congrats on winning the game." he said while putting away his wallet. "thanks!" el said as we turned around and walked back to the boys.

"so?? what kind of pizza is it?"'dustin asked as he tried to reach for the pizza. "that's somthing for me to know, and you guys to not know." i told him. mike rolled his eyes as he walked towards el. "so should we go back to your guys cabin?" he asked el. "yeah sure, me and max need to pack our stuff up anyways." el told him. "okay, we're already done packing our stuff." mike told el.


"so what kind of pizza is it?" dustin asked for the millionth time as me and el sat down on my bed. "this one is pepperoni and sausage, and this one is pineapple." el told dustin. "ew! that's nasty! fruit on pizza?" mike asked as he made a disgusted face. "says you." i told him in an annoyed tone. he rolled his eyes as he grabbed a pepperoni and sausage slice. "have you ever had pineapple?" i asked el as i took a bite of the pineapple pizza. "no, is it good?" she asked as she picked up a slice. "are you kidding? it's amazing!" i told her.

el hesitated, but then took a bite. "what do you think?" i asked her. "it's amazing!" el said as he face lit up. "it's disgusting." mike told her. "have you ever tried it?" lucas asked. "well no-" "try it!" el said as she grabbed a slice and tried to make him eat it. "ew no! disgusting!" he said as he tried to turn his head. lucas stopped him so el could give him the pizza, but he shoved lucas away. "seriously stop! it's disgusting!" mike shouted. el sighed and put the peice back in the box. she looked really upset because mike had just yelled at her.

"so uh when do you guys go home?" dustin asked changing the subject. "my mom taking me home at 2:00." mike told us. "my mom is taking me and dustin home at the same time." lucas said. "my mom is picking me and el up at 1:30." will told us. i sighed. "what's wrong max?" el asked. "my mom is gonna be hefe at 1:00, i'm the first one to leave.." i said in a sad tone. "aww, why don't we hang out tomorrow so we can see eachother?" el suggested.

"yeah, that sounds amazing.." i said still in a sad tone. i glanced at the clock we had in our cabin, and noticed the time. 12:45.

i really didn't want to have to go home. i would do anything in the world to just stay at this camp, or spend time with el, hell even one of the boys. i just didn't want to go home to my shitty house, and shitty lifestyle, with my shitty mom.

"max?" el asked as she placed her hand on my knee. "yeah?" i asked while looking up. "can i talk to you..?" she asked. "uh yeah sure." i said while standing up. "okay," el said as she walked towards the cabin door with me. she looked back at the boys who were exchanging looks, and then she spoke. "me and max will be right back." she told them. they all nodded and me and el walked outside.

"why don't we go to the lake for some privacy?" she suggested. "sure.." i agreed. i glanced over my shoulder and saw all four boys running out of our cabin, and running towards there's. weird, but i just shrugged it off.

we walked towards the lake in silence.


"please tell me what's bothering you." el said as she sat down crisscrossed. "i just really don't wanna go home.." i told her. "why? what's wrong with that?" she asked in a concerned voice.

"uhm.." i stuttered as i felt my eyes flood with tears. shit, why do i have to cry NOW? infront of el of all people. "remember when i told you my brother died, and my stepdad divorced my mom?" i asked her as i wiped my tears away. "yeah?" she asked kinda confused. "that's not all.." i confessed. "my mom is an alcoholic.." i bluntly told her as i felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"oh max.." el quietly said as she placed her hand on my knee again. she pulled me into a hug, and i felt more tears roll down my cheeks. "i'm sorry red.." she said as she slightly rubbed my back. "i don't wanna go home el.. your the only person who has ever cared for me, and i don't wanna leave you, even if it's only for a day." i told her as i hugged her tighter.

"hey, it's gonna be okay.." she softly told me as she pulled away from the hug. she brought her hand up to my cheek, and gently caressed it with her thumb. once again our faces were inches apart, and i glanced down at her soft pink lips. the feeling i was feeling last night, and a bit ago when she pulled me out of bed, and our faces were super close, returned again. butterflies, and my stomach was beating out of my chest.

"uhm.. we should probably go back.." i said while looking away. "oh, uh yeah.." el agreed as we stood up and walked back towards our cabin in silence.


i looked down at my watch and saw the time. "it's 12:57.." i told her in a sad tone. "aww.." el said also in a sad tone. we walked up the steps and opened the door.

once i saw what was inside my heart dropped, and i immediately felt, sad, angry.. jealous..

these mike was standing with a bouquet of flowers, and a big banner with the words 'el, will you be my girlfriend?' with a big heart painted in red. there was rose petals, and roses scattered around the cabin.

"el, i've been meaning to ask you this for awhile, you are perfect, and beautiful, and funny, and just everything. i love you more then anything in the world, so will you do the honours of being my girlfriend?" he asked with a big smile on his face.

i looked over at el's shocked face, and i could feel tears forming in my eyes, and roll down my cheeks. i glanced over and saw my backpack along with all my stuff on the floor, and i grabbed it and put my backpack on. i could feel more tears roll down my cheeks as i ran out the door and push passed el.

"max wait!" i could hear el call as i ran down the steps. i ran towards the parking lot of the camp, trying to block out el's voice. "MAX WAIT PLEASE." el yelled. just before i reached the parking lot i turned around to face her. "WHAT? WHAT DO YOU POSSIBLY HAVE TO SAY RIGHT NOW?" i yelled. she was a little taken aback from me yelling, but she tried to grab my hand, but i ripped it away.

"max what is wrong?" she asked as she watched more tears roll down my cheeks. "NOTHING. NOTHING IS WRONG AT ALL." i yelled at her.
"you can tell me ma-" "NO EL. GO BE WITH YOUR LOSER ASS BOYFRIEND AND YOUR LOSER ASS FRIENDS. GO BE HAPPY WITH THAT DUMBASS PEICE OF SHIT MICHAEL." i screamed as i felt more tears roll down my cheeks. "what is wrong with you?" el asked me.


i watched as her face turned from confused, to shocked. "max-" she said as she tried to grab my hand, but i turned around and ran into the parking lot. i saw my moms car and quickly opened the passenger side door and threw my bag inside, and sat down and quickly shut the door.

"what's wrong maxine?" my mom asked. "drive." i told her. "what happen-" "DRIVE." i yelled at her as i felt more tears run down my cheeks. she nodded and turned on the car, and backed out of the parking stall, and drove away from the camp. i glanced out the rear view window, and saw el standing in the same spot with a sad expression.

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