Bocchi the Love Story!

By Kawaii_Lumine

200K 7.8K 5.3K

Unexpectedly created this during my free time, and also the fact that I'm in love with the series! Just wante... More

1. Prayers
2. Sandwich
3. Mission Impossible!
4. Lethal Hugs
5. Answer
6. Experiences
7. Boy hogging
8. His side of life
9. Mr. Green Eyes! ( 2 )
10. Bitter
11. Rain, Rain, go away~
12. Please don't be a rental, please don't be a rental, please don't be rental-
13. Asachin! ( 1 )
13. Asachin! ( 2 )
13. Asachin! ( 3 )
Special Chapter: Special Feelings
14. Kessoku Band
15. Last Will
16. Mayafumi Akemi
17. The Realm
18. Fevers are for losers! ( 1 )
18. Fevers are for losers! ( 2 )
Omake: Short Stories
19. Resolve
20. Lie
21. Gifts
22. Difficulty level sky rockets! ( 1 )
23. Difficulty level sky rockets! ( 2 )
24. Costume Hunt! ( 1 )
25. Costume Hunt! ( 2 )
26. Mothers can't help but be worried!
27. Halloween! [ 1 ]
28. Halloween! [ 2 ]
29. Halloween ( 3 )
Omake the Sequel: More Short Stories!
30. Icepops
31. Alleviate
32. Fornication ( this is a joke please-- )
33. " Gotou-san, I love you."
33. Thou shall respond in kind! ( Actual chapter )
34. The three red flags are Bassist, Bassist, and.....THAT'S RIGHT! BASSIST!
35. I guess that confession is being pushed back to chapter 50 after all...
36. " Is Gotou-san okay?"..." Oh yeah, she's totally fine. I think."
37. Sent and Sent Back
38. We're Bocchin' Now!

9. Mr. Green Eyes! ( 1 )

5.3K 236 148
By Kawaii_Lumine

Today is Monday, the worst day when it comes to a school week for me. And also, today marks the first day for the month of October.

The month of horror, the celebration of Halloween. I can already imagine the Starry's club being littered with halloween decorations like most establishments.

Oh I hope....



" So this is your house?" He asks as I hopped off from the bike.

" Y...Yes."

" Hm, I see."

Eh? What's with that tone of voice? Does my house look ugly?! Oh god, please no! If he thinks that its ugly then I might have to pretend that this totally isn't the place I'm living in and that I actually live at the more better-looking houses in the neighborhood--

" Gotou-san."

" Y-Yes?!" I stiffened immediately as his emerald eyes turn to me.

" Do you have my number registered?" He asked.

Eh? Number? Does he mean cellphone number-- no, of course he meant cellphone number!

" A-Ah....about that....." I replied, slowly reaching for my phone in my pocket. Wait a second,I shouldn't be too hasty, he may be asking just to be sure that I DIDN'T have his number.

I mean, what if he's the type who prefers to be friends but not at THAT level...


( Imaginary sequence )

" You don't have my number?" He asked.

I shook my head ' no '.

" I'm relieved. I was worried that if you did, you'd start annoying me with random messages."


( Imagination end )


If I hear those words utter from his mouth, I'm as good as dead.

Wait...hold on a moment...JUST A MOMENT!

I'm forgetting one important thing-- This is Akihiko-kun I'm speaking to!

We're...good friends, right? Hopefully? So stop the negative thinking. I'm 100% certain that Akihiko-kun would NEVER say something like that.

So this shouldn't be a problem!

I confidently pulled out my phone...

But then I froze. Wait a minute, isn't this bad too? What if he said something like...


" Huh? You don't have my number...?" He frowns.

I shook my head no.

" And you never asked? Even though we were friends?" His tone sounded disappointed.

I reached out my arm to him, not wanting for him to get the wrong idea but he slapped my hand away.

" It seems you never thought much about our friendship at all, Gotou-san. Might as well just end it right? Judging by how you never made the move in asking for my number, it seems like you never planned to put effort and dismissed me as nothing more than an annoyance."

" N-No w-wait!"

" I understand. I'll be going now. It's best if we no longer speak to the other, even if we're seatmates." He says, turning around and his figure quickly distancing itself away from me.




(( Her unrealistic imagination is Bocchi's downfall ))

Okay, mission abort! Pick the optimal choice; Just nod and don't you dare pull out your phone, girl!


Why can't I feel my phone...?

" Here, registered it for you. The contact name is Asahi so it won't be difficult for you to find." I hear him say as I felt an object being placed on my hand.





" I...I s-s-see....t-t-thank you." He had my phone.

" You should probably create a security lock. All I had to do was swipe up and it opened."

Did he see my gallery?? No, rather, did I have anything in my gallery that nobody has to see?!

(( Her gallery was so bare that it's sad. ))

" Uhh, Gotou-san, you okay?"

Did....Did he go through my history?! Did he see all the things I've searched?!

' How to get fans easy and quick '

' How do I talk to people? '

' Is it normal to perform while in a box? '

' How do I make friends? '

' Are all bassist broke? '

' Is it normal for a dog and 5 year old to have better communication skills than you? '

No no no no no no no no no no--

If he saw all that then I'm absolutely done for!

" Uh...seems like you're frozen again." He sighs. " Well, I have to head home now. See you around, Gotou-san." He says before waving goodbye, but I was too stuck in my own head to say anything back.

The door opens and I still stood there frozen. Akihiko was long gone.

" Sis, you're home!" It was Futari who opened the door. But I paid no mind as I was still stuck in frozen time.

" Sis?"

Someone help me!

" Mommy! Sis is frozen again!"

Till this day, I wonder if Akihiko-kun secretly went through my phone and discovered the full extent of my pathetic being. He hasn't said  or implied anything in regards to it, but he's too kind of a person to call it out.

He probably HAS seen it, and is mocking me in his thoughts.

I don't blame him.

" Everyone, may I please have your attention!" A voice called.

The class went silent and I decided to pay attention, anything so I don't have to die by my own crippling anxiety.

" As you know, today is the first day of October. And what does the month of October remind you of ? " Mayafumi-san, a girl in my class with the role of class president, and is part of the student council.

" Halloween!" A group of girls cheered.

" Correct!" Mayafumi smiles. " And so, I'll be glad to inform you that the student council have decided to set up a festival that celebrates Halloween on the 30th!"



I barely survived the cultural festival! And now we have this?!  Is it optional for me to skip? It HAS to be, right?

" There will be food stands organized by members of the cooking club, posters and arts created by the art club, and carnival type stalls organized by the creation and gaming club." She explains.

Everyone applauds loudly, the excitement in the room was steadily elevating upon hearing this. I'm just waiting for the part where she says that it's optional.

" The event will be held on a Saturday 30th, so it's completely optional for you to participate or not! The event will start at 6 pm but we recommend that you attend at 5!"


Now I'm cheering to myself! Yay~!

" Now, I know all of you must be excited. But in order for us to pull tjis off, we're gonna need a few people to lend their assistance in organizing the event. Decorating the school and all, y'know. So council agreed to have 10 students from each class volunteer." She says.

I know I'm not going to do it. Nu-uh!

" So for those who wish to volunteer,  please raise your hands! At least 10 people!"

" Sure, sounds like fun!" One girl raises her hand.

" Don't leave us behind!" 2 other girls seemed to follow her and raise theirs.

" If it's for halloween, then I'm down." A boy raises his.

" Excuse me, can I decorate anything so long as it matches the theme?" Another boy asks.

" Of course! So long as it gives the vibe of halloween." She says.

" Okay, I'm in." He soon raises his. I wonder why he wanted to ask that question, what kind of decorations did he have in mind...

Soon, another group of people volunteered till there was one vacant spot.

" Um, we just need one more! So if anyone else is also willing, please I would appreciate--"

" Me! I'll do it!" My seatmate says, raising his hand.

" O-Oh, A-Akihiko-kun? S-Sure!" Woah....Mayafumi-san's demeanor flipped a 180...

" Oh? Mayafumi-san turned a lil' red there~" one of the girls tease.

" A-ahem!" Ignoring that remark, Mayafumi smiles. " I-- I mean, we appreciate your assistance,  Akihiko-kun."

" It's no problem. Halloween is one of my favorite events, so I'm glad to help in whatever I can." He politely says.

So he likes Halloween that much, huh...


" Lunch?" Akihiko calls out to me. I nodded and we both head outside the classroom.

But then we were met with a suprising redhead.

" Hey, you two!" She waves, her smile giving my eyes radiation.

Guess I'm gonna go blind now.

" Ah, Kita-san. It's the first time I've seen you come around our class." Akihiko was first to greet.

" I want to eat lunch with you two!" She says.

" But...are your friends okay with that?" I asked just in case.

" They're totally cool with it, besides it's been awhile since I ate with Gotou-san ever since Akihiko-kun came around." She says, linking her arm with mine.'s nice to feel wanted...

" Seems like she missed you too." Akihiko muses.

" Enough dilly-dallying and let's have lunch, yes?" Kita-chan says.

" Yeah, I'm starving anyways. Let's go." He says.

" R-Right!" I made my input.





" So~ Did you guys volunteer to help out with the prep work for the event?" Kita-chan asks as we ate lunch in the usual cramped space I'm accustomed too.

" I did." Akihiko says.

" Gotou-san, what about you?" She looks to me expectantly.

" No."

" Ah so you are-- wait, ' no' ?! " she suddenly grabs me by the shoulder almost spilling both her and my lunch.

I looked at her in confusion and panic

" YOU SAID NO?!" She says, shocked.

" I s-said no!" I stammered under her uncomfortable gaze.

" So you're not going to help Akihiko-kun?!" She gasps.

" What does that have to do with anything? It's Gotou-san's choice whether she wants to help or not, it's only volunteers anyway. " Akihiko says before turning to me. " But you're going to participate in the event right?"

" N.....No." I looked away.

" See? She's still going to-- wait, did you just say NO?! "

Before I could answer, it was Akihiko's turn to have a go at grabbing me by my shoulders and shaking me till my mind was scrambled.

" What do you mean you're not going to attend?! It's halloween! " he yells.

Why do you extroverts have to put me through such pain and turmoil when I'm not in the same opinion?!

" I...I'd like to skip festivals whenever possible..." I said, looking away. I can feel both their gazes piercing me like sharp spears.

"'s HALLOWEEN." Akihiko repeats as if that was the selling point in convincing me otherwise.

" It's going to be fun, I swear! Pinky promise, cross my heart, swear to the river styx!" Kita-chan says.

" Just because you swore to a greek mythical river, doesn't mean I'm any more convinced..." I clarified.

" That's not the point here! Think of all the fun events that were mentioned by your class prez! Snacks, games, attractions, etc!" She continues to insist.

" ... "

" If you don't come, then who's going to accompany me?" Akihiko suddenly pouts-- wait why is it so cute?!

" I want you to accompany me, Gotou-san." He gives me the puppy eyes-- AH! STOP IT!

Look away. Look away. Look away. Look away. Look away. Look away.

Boys shouldn't be capable of this ancient technique! What gives?!

" Please reconsider!!!"


( Starry's )

" A halloween event?" Nijika-chan perks.

" Yes! " Kita-chan says.

" That's on a saturday..." Ryou-san hums. " Are there food stalls?"

" Ye-"

" I'm going." Ryou answers.

Of course that's your priority....

" But I don't think they're might have to pay, Ryou-san." I said.

" .... Bocchi, will you pay for me?" She gives me the puppy eyes.

" Y...You still haven't paid me back for the cake last month!"

" Add that to my tab, I swear I'll--"

" No. Pay for it yourself, Ryou-chan." Nijika blankly states.

"...." Ryou pouts.

" Could we attend?" Nijika asks.

" Mhm! I'm pretty sure you can. Even if it's not permitted, just wear a costume and nobody would suspect it!" Kita says


" C...costume? Were we supposed to wear costumes??" I asked.

" Yeah, didn't your class prez mention it?" Kita asks, confused.

Maybe not....since she was distracted by Akihiko-kun....

" You're going to attend right?" Nijika asks me.


" You're attending, and that's final." Kita interrupts.

" Huh?!"

" Think about it, Bocchi-san! When was the last time the 4 of us got together and hung out?" She says.

" That's a fair point, actually.  It's been a while, huh." Nijika nods.

" Kita-Kita, will you shoulder my expenses?" Ryou asked.

" Anything for you Senpai~♡" Kita answers in a heartbeat.

" No." Nijika smacks Ryou's head. " Not happening.  Either she pays her own or starve." She says, strictly.

" Tch." Ryou looked disheartened.

She has a's been a while since we got together outside of work....

Maybe...attending it won't be so bad...


" See you tomorrow, Bocchi-chan!"

" B-Bye! See you too..." I waved, smiling a bit before leaving the club.

The outside night breeze hits me and I feel myself instantly relax. The walk home is a 20 minute journey from here, but that's no problem--

" Finally out, I see."

" Akihiko-kun...?" I stopped and gasped, I was met with his emerald eyes staring into me. He was parked outside with his bike.

" Why are you..." I stepped closer, confused. " Here...?"

" Wanted to take you home. " he says.

" Y-You don't have to go through the trouble--"

" It's never a trouble Gotou-san. It's a pleasure." He winks before hopping on his bike. " shall we?"

I sighed. Trying to argue will get me nowhere. He's too good of a negotiator, never leaving any room for me to fight back against something he insists.





I shoved the memories of the last time I rode his bike deep into the back of my mind. Just enjoy the ride, Hitori. Don't think about it.

" How was work?" He broke the silence, as we waited for the cars to pass.

" It was busy....the band today was really charismatic, I almost got distracted." I cringed as I remember almost spilling a customer's drink.

" What about you." I ask back.

" A drunk woman came into the shop and was looking for a bass. I could barely understand her slurring words, and she almost broke the bass she picked before downing more alcohol. I feel pity for her liver. " he chuckles.

W....Why does that sound awfully familiar....

Hiroi-san would definitely do something like that, but it couldn't possibly be her, right?

" She was saying stuff about spiral of happiness when I told her to quit the drinks." He adds.

Oh god. It was definitely her.

" Haha...Is that so..." I pretended to not know of her.

" Mhm. By the way, did you reconsider?"

" About not attending...?"

" Yep."

" I had no choice but to reconsider since the band was going to attend..." I added.

" Really?! Are you girls going to perform?" He asked, excited.

" unfortunately no...I don't think that's going to be part of the events. " I shook my head.

" Bummeeerr..." He drawls out.

I giggle at his reaction.

" Thanks for the ride, Akihiko-kun." I hopped off his bike.

" Anytime-- oh and by the way." I turn to him, curious.

" Text me later! If you're down to chat, then I'm happy to accommodate. We haven't chatted since I gave you my number after all." He says.

" A-Ah....o-okay!" I replied, caught off guard.

He gives one last smile before waving goodbye and biking away...

W-Wait.... do I have to text him first?!

( Later that night...)

~~~To be continued~~~

Decided to split this into two or three parts! Don't worry, the title will make sense in the next chapter!

Hope you enjoyed this one, and see you in the next!!!

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