
By RocknRoll7575

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Jaune works to help Vacuo prepare for Salem's Attack, however, he is sent to negotiate with the strongest Des... More

Chapter 1: War Preparations
Chapter 3: Warrior Princess
Chapter 4: The Outside World

Chapter 2: Welcome to Themyscira

372 11 4
By RocknRoll7575

A lone rowboat landed on the shores of Paradise Island, on it was Winter and Jaune, the latter looking ragged due to him being the one who mostly rowed. Once they landed and stood on the beach, they grabbed their bags out of the boat, and Winter looked around, seeing a rather small cliff with a jungle atop it, one that they could climb. She also noticed that they had apparently landed on the part of the island that was not a populated area, and yet she felt the stares of eyes from the forest.

"It feels quiet," Winter said with a peered glare, "Keep your eyes out, Mr. Arc,"

Jaune looked at her and nodded, he too felt that something was off the moment they arrived on the beach. Winter and Jaune prepared to move, however, before they could take another step, a spear was thrown in front of them, and the two looked to the cliff where the spear was thrown and the two of them saw a young woman standing on the edge.

She wore light brown hoplite armor that looked worn out, and atop her head was a silver Phrygian and in her hands was a round dark blue circular shield, and in the middle of that shield was a dark golden eagle, strapped her side was a golden rope and a sword hung on her side. She was eventually joined by more female warriors that stood behind her, wearing the same armor as their leader. Each is armed with a shield, spear, and sword.

The warrior that appeared to be in charge looked down at Winter. "Who are you? Why have you stepped foot on the island of women?" the lead warrior asked.

Winter looked at the female warrior on the cliff, "I am Winter Schnee and this is Jaune Arc, se are here on a peaceful mission," Winter shouted, "I wish to speak to your leader," Winter said

"And how can we trust you when you have brought a man to this Island?" the leader asked.

Winter looked back at Jaune and gave him a look that told the Arc male to be on guard before turning back and looking at the lead warrior, "He means you know the harm and is my companion, and he too must speak to your leader as the information he has is valuable for what we must discuss with your leader," Winter replied.

"No man is allowed here on paradise!" cried a blonde warrior next to the leader, "He will leave or he will die!" she cried.

the leader turned to the blonde warrior, "Stay your hand Aersia!" replied the leader. The lead warrior turned back to Winter, "The man must leave, he is not allowed here," she told.

Jaune then stepped forward before Winter could speak more. "I understand that I am not allowed here, but I need to speak to your leader!" Jaune shouted, "We are up against an enemy unlike any Remnant has ever seen! I am not leaving until I speak to the one who's in charge," Jaune said.

The lead female warrior looked at Jaune, her expression stern yet it wasn't a hateful glare. She didn't speak for a while, but after looking at another woman with dark skin to her left, they spoke, but neither Jaune nor Winter, and based on some of the expressions of the other warriors, they too could not make out what they were saying. Eventually, the leader and the woman ceased speaking and the leader turned back to Jaune.

"I will allow you and your companion to enter on one condition," She told them, "You must win against me in a spar, win and we will take you to our Queen as guests, lose, and I shall take you in as prisoners," The leader told Jaune.

Jaune looked at her and agreed to her terms with a nod. With his agreement, the leader jumped down and landed safely on the beach, and she stood up and looked at Jaune, and Jaune got a better look at her face, Jaune found her to be captivating, her light blue eyes stared at him, and in them, he saw a person who was strong, confident, yet also kind and gentle, and while she had a helmet on, he saw small strands of black hair protruding out. She pointed at the spear, and Jaune picked it out of the beach and tossed it back to her, which she caught with ease.

The female warrior stabbed her spear back into the beach and looked at Jaune, "You have told me your name, so I shall tell you mine," She told Jaune, she then undid a strap under her chin, and then pulled her helmet off, letting her hair flow out. Her hair was rather short, and bangs slightly covered her left eye. "I am Diana, a warrior of the Themyscira tribe," she told him.

Jaune looked at her and he found her to be rather captivating, something about her just spoke beauty and grace, but also gave off strength and power. He removed his thoughts from  his mind, and he gave her a soft smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Diana," Jaune told her.

"I could say the same for you, Lord Arc, I have never seen a man before, so to see one before is rather interesting," She told the blonde Knight. she then stapped her helmet back on and picked up her spear, "Now then, shall we begin, Lord Arc?" Diana asked.

Jaune nodded and unclipped Crocea Mors from his belt and activated his great sword mode and took a fighting posture, and Diana put her helmet back on and tied it once more and then pulled her spear out of the sand, and raised her shield, took a fighting stance, her spear at the read behind her shield and her eyes determined.

Diana inched closer at Jaune, and once she was close enough, she thrust her spear forward, but Jaune dodged the attack narrowly, Diana then pulled back and thrust her spear once more, this time managing to hit the knight in the shoulder. She once again pulled back and jabbed the spear forward, but Jaune quickly jumped to the side and he turned his body, raised Crocea Mors, and swung it down hard on the end of her spear, knocking it out of her hand. Diana was surprised by the force of the strike as she felt the slight rattle of her hand, but regained her composure and backed away from Jaune before unsheathing her sword, and then charged at Jaune, ready to strike him, but Jaune acted much faster, as he swung his sword at her, but the female warrior deflected his attack with her shield and then jabbed him in the side with her sword, hitting his aura and causing him to slightly staggering back.

Diana didn't let up as she quickly swung at him again, but Jaune blocked her attack before both pulled their blades back and continued trading blows with their sword, though, no hit landed so far as each blade hit the other.

Diana swung at Jaune, but the huntsmen ducked under her swing and rolled behind her before he quickly stood back up and looked at the female warrior before him. 'She's fast, unrelenting with her attacks, and isn't pulling her punches, she's good, she might even be better than Ruby... maybe even then Pyrrha,' Jaune thought, 'I need to find a way to beat her,'

Diana turned to the blonde knight and looked at him, she charged at him, but Jaune now swung at her, however, she quickly blocked his attack with her shield once more, blocking a rather powerful attack from the man. She then swung at him and managed to get him in the arm, and he staggered to the side, but he then stopped and swung upward at her, and strike her sword hard, nearly disarming her and making her hand feel rattled.

Diana quickly jumped back and her eyes analyzed him and her mind thinking heavily on her opponent. 'He's rather good, he's well skilled with a blade and rather quick to block and dodge my attacks, he is a warrior, and yet... when his sword and mine strike one another, and I look at him, his eyes tell a story of sadness, but why? Why does a warrior such as himself bear such sorrow?' Diana asked herself.

The two resumed the spar, Jaune swung at her, but Diana bent backward and dodged his sword, Diana quickly turned around and used the edge of her shield to strike him in the back of his right side, resulting him to grunt in pain, before he turned around, just as Diana thrust her blade at his face, and while shocked at first, Jaune raised Crocea Mors and narrowly deflected her attack. Jaune then swung back at her but Diana managed to block his attack with her own blade, both locked in a struggle for power, and Jaune pushed his blade forward, managing to push her own sword back, and Diana knew she was in a pickle, but she smirked and then swept her leg underneath him and kicked his legs out from under him, causing him to fall to the ground.

Jaune looked up and looked up at Diana, only to see the point of her sword in front of his face.

"Admit your defeat, Lord Arc, there is no shame in losing to a woman," She said.

Jaune looked at her and softly smiled once more, "I surrender," Jaune said.

Diana was a bit shocked to hear him admit defeat and surrender so easily, she had always heard how men her so prideful and cocky, and were too stubborn to admit defeat to a woman, as they were blinded by their ego, and yet, this man before her, Jaune Arc, smiled when defeated by a woman, and even seemed not to be ashamed of his loss.

Diana sheathed her blade and held out her hand for him to take, which he did, and she helped him up and looked at him with a smile. "You have skill and power, Lord Arc, and yet..." Diana began.

Jaune looked at her with a perplexed face, "Yet what?" Jaune asked with a raised brow.

Diana just looked at him in silence for a moment before shaking her head with a smile, "Nothing, Lord Arc, I had forgotten what I desired to say," She told him.

Jaune accepted the answer and he then remembered his end of the deal, he deactivated his great sword mode and then handed his weapon over to Diana. "A deals a deal," He told her.

Diana looked at the sword and then looked at him, and while still surprised, she took it. She then looked over at Winter. "Lady Winter, will you hand over your weapon?" She asked.

Winter looked at her and unhooked her saber from her waist and walked over to Diana and hand it to her, "As Mr. Arc said, a deal is a deal," She said

Diana nodded and then looked toward the cliff and gestured for the other warriors to come down, which they did, and then tied their hands together.

Winter turned to Jaune, "I do hope this is how you negotiate," Winter said.

Jaune turned to her with a small smile and chuckled a little, "Trust me, I'll have something figured out," Jaune told her.

Winter nodded, "I hope so, Mr. Arc," Winter told him, as they were led away.

As they were led away, they saw a path that led up the cliff and into the jungle, and after a while of walking through the jungle, they arrived at an opening where Jaune and Winter looked in awe as they saw the city of the Island.

As they walked toward it, they truly saw just how marvelous it was, as the buildings of the city appeared to be made of many different materials such as marble, bronze, gold, and limestone, and there were statues that appeared to be made of marble and gold, and the city was bustling with many women, all with different jobs.

Winter looked at the city and then looked back toward Diana, "This place... it's beautiful," Winter told her.

Diana looked at her and smiled, "Indeed, our ancestors built this place," she told Winter.

Diana's right-hand warrior looked at Winter, "Indeed, and we've kept it maintained for years, and not once has it been destroyed," she said.

"Amazing," Jaune said.

Diana turned to him, "Yes, and not once has a man ever seen the city,"

Winter then quickly turned to her, "Wait, don't your people fornicate with men to produce more warriors?" Winter asked.

"We do, but we don't bring the men to the city, we bring them a small fort where the women breed with them," Diana said, she then turned to Jaune, still smiling. "You should feel honored, Lord Arc, you are officially the first man to set foot in this city," She said.

Jaune turned to her, "Oh trust me, I'm definitely honored, this place is amazing," Jaune replied with a smile.

Diana smiled and then turned back to lead the group toward a large building that looked more elegant than any of the buildings they had seen, and they stopped outside of it, and then Diana looked at her right-hand warrior, "Nubia, get the Queen and tell her about Lady Schnee and Lord Arc here," Diana told her.

Her right hand, Nubia, nodded, "Of course Diana," Nubia replied.

Nubia went inside, for a few minutes, and as they waited, Jaune turned to Diana. "Um, if I may ask, what is the Queen like?" Jaune asked her.

Diana turned to her, "As long as I've known her, she has been a great ruler, kind and compassionate to her people, yet she is harsh when needed," Diana replied. "Not only is she an amazing ruler, but she is also one of the best warriors and a wise woman, she taught me and many of the young warriors many lessons that we hold close to our hearts," Diana told him

Jaune smiled at her, "You sound like you admire her," Jaune said.

Diana smiled, "How could I not look up to her, she's an amazing woman," Diana said, "I strive to be like her," Diana said with a soft smile.

Jaune smiled, "Well, she sounds like a wonderful woman," Jaune replied.

Diana nodded, "She is," Diana said, "Though, I do hope you're not just saying that to get into the good graces with her... or her daughter," Diana said with a smirk.

Jaune raised a brow when she heard this, "There's a princess?" Jaune asked.

Diana nodded, still smirking, "Yes, the Queen has a daughter, though don't think you can whoo her with your male charms," Diana finished with a chuckle.

"Me? Have Male Charms?" Jaune asked with a smile, "Diana, I have no charms, trust me, I wore a dress to a dance for a friend,"

Diana's smile widened, "You in a dress? I could never imagine a man wearing one," she said.

"Well you've met one," Jaune told her, "I've worn plenty of dresses Diana,"

Diana kept smiling, but before more could be said, Nubia came out and signaled Diana that they were allowed to come in, and with that, Diana led Winter and Jaune inside. Once inside, Winter and Jaune were once again amazed by the inside, as it was decorated with many drapes, walls were painted with pictures that told stories, and they were brought before a small platform with some small stairs, and there was a marble throne, also decorated with small purple drapes and pillows, and sitting on it was who was no doubt the Queen of the Themyscira tribe.

She had long dark curly hair, deep blue eyes, and slightly tan skin, a bronze crown rested atop her head, and bronze earrings hung from her ears, she wore a purple corset over a white toga, and draped behind her was a long purple cape. Jaune thought she was very exquisite, in fact, she was just as beautiful as Diana.

The Queen looked at Jaune and Winter and she stood up and approached them. "I am Queen Hippolyta, queen of the tribe and of this island," Hippolyta told the two outsiders, "Now, tell me what brings two outsiders, one who happens to be a man, to my island?" She asked

Winter looked at Hippolyta, "Your Grace, my name is Winter Schnee, I come from Atlas, and the man here is Jaune Arc who hails from Vale, we are here to seek your help," Winter told her

The Queen turned to the younger woman, "Why does a woman of Atlas and a man of Vale call our aid?" Hippolyta asked the specialist.

"Your Grace, the outside world is in great danger," Jaune told her, "We're up against an enemy who destroyed Atlas,"

Hippolyta and many others looked shocked and awed by the words he had spoken.

Winter nodded in agreement, "Mr. Arc here speaks the truth, a woman named Salem who is older than any of us here, controls the Grimm and plans to rid the world of all life," Winter said,

Jaune looked back at Hippolyta, "She's successfully attacked Beacon and Destroyed it, and wiped Atlas off the face of the map, we fought her forces at Beacon, we lost, we fought her at Atlas, and we lost, Beacon can't stop her! Huntsmen can't stop her! The Atlas Military can't stop her! But only together! All of us, do we stand a chance," Jaune told her "And we need you and your people, Queen Hippolyta because right now, we need all the help we can get," Jaune said.

Hippolyta looked at him with a raised brow, finding Jaune's attitude curious. "It is not often a man seeks the help of women, Lord Arc," Hippolyta replied, "Most men would keep their pride over seeking help from strangers,"

"I'm not most men, your grace," Jaune retorted

Hippolyta gave Jaune a small smile, "I suppose you Aren't, Lord Arc," she replied.

"My friend Ruby was the one who got us this far," Jaune continued, "I owe her to keep fighting Salem and her forces, which is why beg you for your help,"

Hippolyta looked at him and then to the ground in thought for a moment, before looking back at them. "Lady Schnee, Lord Arc, I wish to ponder about this subject more before answering, I must speak to my most trusted advisors about this, so, until then, you are our guests, your weapons will be returned to you, and I will allow you stay here as long as none of you break our laws," She said, eyeing Jaune for a split second, "Is that understood?" She asked.

"Yes, your grace," The two said before bowing quickly.

Hippolyta smiled softly and nodded, "Now then, I will have my daughter show you to where you will be staying, if that is alright with her," Hippolyta said as she turned to Diana.

Diana smiled at her mother, "Of course, mother," replied Diana.

With a smile at her daughter and a quick nod, Hippolyta left, and Jaune turned to Diana with a dumbfounded look, as it shocked the young Arc to know that he had just fought the princess herself mere moments ago.

Diana saw Jaune's expression and smirked at him.

Jaune sighed and returned her smile, "So, you're the princess," Jaune said

Diana nodded, "That I am, Lord Arc," she replied, "I do hope this doesn't change anything," She said

Jaune smiled, "Well it does change one thing," Jaune told her.

"And what is that, Lord Arc?" Diana asked

"Do I still call you Diana or do I have to call you princess, or milady?" Jaune asked with a smirk.

Diana smiled at him, "Please, continue to call me Diana, I don't wish to be called or treated any differently," Diana told him.

Jaune nodded, "Of course... princess," Jaune teased.

Diana rolled her eyes and sighed. She then led Jainenand Winter to some free rooms with the building, which was now no doubt actually the palace of the Queen. Diana let them get settled in and then left, closing the curtain behind her and telling them that Dinner will be served soon.

After Diana left, Winter looked away from where she once stood and over to Jaune as he was unpacking, a small smile on her face, "I think the princess has taken a liking to you, Mr. Arc," Winter told him.

Jaune stopped what he was doing for a split second, he didn't look at her, but he shook his head, "There's no time for that," Jaune said.

Winter suddenly felt a twinge of sympathy for the boy, forgetting that he still must be in pain, "Of course, Mr. Arc," Winter said, as she began to unpack.




Later that night, one of the servants came to Jaune and Winter and let them know that dinner was ready, and they followed the servant to the dining room, which was rather large, not only were they there but so were some of the other warriors they had met earlier, such as Nubia, Aersia, two young girls that looked to be around Oscar's age, and another older woman that appeared to be Hippolyta's age, however, Diana nor Hippolyta had arrived, and so, Jaune and Winter took two empty seats there were net from each other.

The older woman looked at Winter and Jaune with a soft smile, "You must be Lady Schnee, and Lord Arc, correct?" she asked

"We are," Winter replied.

"A pleasure, I am Menalippe, the teacher of most of the warriors on this island," Menalippe replied, "I've taught all of these young brats how to fight,"

Jaune looked at her, "Does that mean you also taught the princess?" Jaune asked.

Menalippe turned to him and nodded, "Indeed, she's one of the best warriors I've had the pleasure of training," Menalippe told him.

Winter nodded in agreement, "She is an amazing warrior, I saw her fight Mr. Arc here, and she's one of the best I've ever seen,"

Jaune smiled and gave a quick nod, "Yeah, she kicked my butt," Jaune replied.

Menalippe smirked, "Yes, I heard she gave him quite the thrashing," Menalippe replied, "But trust me, that spar with lord Arc here wasn't even close to what she can do,"

"Yes, I noticed she has Aura, does that mean she also has a semblance?" Winter asked.

"She does," Menalippe responded.

Before more could be said, Queen Hippolyta arrived, and everyone stood up and bowed as she entered, and when she took her seat, she let them know to sit down, which they did, she sat at the head of the table, a smile on her face.

"It's good to see you all," Hippolyta greeted, "Menalippe, I am glad you could make it tonight,"

Menalippe looked at Hippolyta with a smile, "Of course, Hippolyta, It's been a while since I've come to dinner," Menalippe replied, "Where is Diana?"

"She should be arriving soon," Hippolyta replied.

As of being summoned, Diana's head poked out from the doorway, looking a bit angry at her mother. "M-Mother, do I really have to wear this?" she asked.

Hippolyta rolled her eyes and looked at her daughter with a small smile, "We have guests, Diana, the least you can do is look presentable," Hippolyta told Diana.

Diana groaned, and finally, she entered the room and that's when one person's eyes widened with shock, as Diana looked stunning in a dark blue dress, which had an opened back, a silver rope belt was tied around her waist, and she wore a silver tiara atop her head, with a sapphire star in the middle of it, elegant silver arm bracers. Diana looked a little embarrassed but she took a seat that was close to her mother and sat across from Winter.

Hippolyta smiled when Diana sat and gave a quick nod, "Now, with Diana here, we can all eat," Hippolyta said.

With that, they began to eat, but one person was more distracted than the rest. Jaune had thought that Diana had looked stunning, more than he thought she could, he forced himself not to keep looking at her, not wanting to seem like he was gawking at her and coming off as a male stereotype to the other women here. There was just something... something really stunning about her. Diana looked up after taking a bite of her food only for her to glance at Jaune only to see him looking back at her, but he quickly turned away.

Jaune took a bite of his food as another thought came to his mind, 'She looks more regal in Silver than Pyrrha did in bronze, or Weiss in White,' Jaune thought once again.

Hippolyta looked at Jaune and Winter, "Lady Schnee, Lord Arc, I talked to my most trusted advisors about you wanting our help, and they advised me against it," Hippolyta told them.

Jaune and Winter looked at her with worried expressions, and even Diana turned to her mother with a bit of a shocked look.

Winter looked at her, "Your Grace-"

"They said that we should stay out of what involves the world of men," Hippolyta replied, "However, I said that we would fight alongside you,"

Jaune and Winter were once again shocked.

"Y-You'll help us?" Jaune asked.

Hippolyta nodded, "We will," she told the knight, "We may not live in the world of men, but share this world, and our ancestors made a promise to the King of Vacuo long ago, and if we didn't fulfill that promise, what kind of warriors would that make us?" Hippolyta asked with a smile.

Jaune smiled, "Thank you so much, your grace!" Jaune said

Winter smiled but was more composed, "It truly means a lot to us, Queen Hippolyta," Winter said.

Hippolyta gave them a quick nod, "It is no problem," Hippolyta replied, "I would like you both to stay on the island for another day, I have to inform the whole Island and prepare our forces, which will take a quiet awhile, so, I'll have to send a few warriors with you when you leave for the time being," Hippolyta told them.

"Who'll come back with us?" Winter asked.

"I haven't decided yet, but it will be decided tomorrow, and once those Warriors are decided you can take them back to Vacuo with you and wait for us," Hippolyta told them.

"That is reasonable, Queen Hippolyta," Winter replied.

Hippolyta smiled and nodded.

With that said, they all continued to eat, dinner, Jaune, and Winter feeling much better than they had since they arrived in Vacuo, as they felt they had finally won. Diana smiled at her mother and continued to eat, as it meant that she was going to be seeing the outside world, she would finally see what it was like out there.




How was this Chapter? I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope you guys enjoyed it too. We're finally getting our ship sailing! I dub this ship WonderKnight! (Is that already taken? et me know if it is)

But this ship will sail as long as I am alive! AND NO ONE WILL STOP ME!

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