𝗩𝗜𝗢𝗟𝗘𝗧 ➷ mr snake x...

By ohkkul

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𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐰.


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By ohkkul

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❝ The Bad Guys are just animal's who are obviously improvising their heists. . .❞

4719 words

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So, step one: We'll need to blend in.. . .

The 5 creatures had showed up to the museum of fine arts, dressed up in "disguises." Wolf had shown up in his usual white suit, but he's topped it off with the same colored white fedora and a small fake mustache. Topping of this indolent look, a pair of tinted cheetah print sunglasses rested upon his nose. Shark, the master of disguises, went all out. . . Maybe even too much. He dressed up in a sparkly red dress with a more than likely stolen pearl necklace, finishing off with a blonde wig that was too small for him along with pink cat eye glasses

Webs porched up on Shark's wig and slicked back her non existent hair. She was in a full black body suit but some sparkly pink wings to finish off the simple look. Snake had a velvet suit with a white undershirt, along with some obviously fake arms with puffed out white gloves. A same suit colored top hat and a very bushy fake mustache.

The aquatic animal, Piranha, was dressed up in a black simple suit with the blackest top hat. Piranha's was most simple but he was comfy and that all that mattered to him, other than that dolphin of course.

"Professor Marmalade, this year's recipient of the Golden Dolphin, the most annoying good creature on the planet." Wolf criticized as Marmalade jumped out the car with joy. "Professor, in the past year, you've stopped wars, fed the hungry and saved countless pandas!" The news reporter, Tiffany, seemed to fan-girl. "Some have described your goodness as second only to Mother Teresa." The microphone she was presenting was shoved into the guinea pig's face.

"Oh, Tiffany, it's not a competition. And if it were, it would really be more of a tie." Professor Marmalade innocently explained with a adorable warm smile plastered onto his face. "But we can all agree that there is a flower of goodness inside all of us, just waiting to blossom." He spelled-out as he sign some pictures of him with a black sharpie.

Marmalade's attention appeared over to the red panda who was assisting Foxington with the same cute smile as he remembered. Marmalade has always looked up to the red panda as vice governor, maybe taking an interest of her appearance. He put on his warmest smile as he made his way over to them both.

"Oh, Professor! What a surprise, didn't expect you'd visit me so early. ." Y/N beamed as Marmalade mildly grasping the panda's paw into his own. "Please, I wouldn't missed your alluring face for the world. ." The guinea pig seemed to flirt before he leaned his face closer to the panda's paw.

The panda seemed to swiftly move her paw away from the pig's grasp. Marmalade seemed to take note of this, but before he could question, Diane strutted over to the two small animals. "Y/N, The Ambassador wants to meet you. ." She invited before greeting the Professor.

"Once inside, there are two armored doors. The first can only be opened by a special key card that is carried by our dear friend, the chief of police." Wolf explained to the already knowledgeable creatures.

"The second is outfitted with a retinal scanner and guarded by an elite special ops unit trained to strike first and ask questions later." Two guards had been porched up still by the locked door, one soon grabbing an innocent fly and punching it in their hand. The security guards were known to be scary and intimidating, even horrifying Diane and Y/N.

"Governor Foxington is the only one who has clearance to open the second door, but Lieutenant Pandot is helping her greet people. So, step two: Snake and I will need to get up close and personal with them. . ." Wolf went on but Snake was caught of guard with this instruction.

"Why can't Big Tuna do it?" Snake spat at Wolf as he slithered farther from Wolf. "You barely have a job, Snakey." Wolf teased as the group chuckled at his lack of work in the plan. "Besides, you seem to take a greedy interest in her. ." Wolf mocked which caused Snake to get so enraged he shut his fanged mouth.

"Enjoy your evening, Mr. Ambassador." Diane shook the Ambassador's hand then to pat the lady's shoulder in maybe reassurance. "Lovely to meet you both." The women admired before her and The Ambassador. "Interesting piece. ." Wolf exclaimed to catch the red animal's attention.

"Trashy, pointless and pretentious." He exclaimed as he 'admired' the artwork of trash. Diane raised an eyebrow as she exchanged a look to Y/N. "Well-" "Hm. . Yes, he's not wrong." Snake cut off the panda as he slithered behind her. "Oh. . Uhm..." Y/N uttered towards the snake, very confused of why he cut her off. She tried to shake it off as cliche and put on a sweet smile.

The smile made the eastern snake to get a bit more enraged. A kind gentle smile, not even a bit menacing. "Hmm. They say that art reveals more about the viewer than the artist. ." Diane responded to Wolf, obviously not knowing about his appearance. Y/N thought he looked a bit familiar, but that thought was cut off short by a snake tail wrapping around her shoulder.

"Say . . . Aren't you Lieutenant 'Dandot.' " Snake guessed, obviously wrong. "Pandot. . ." Y/N corrected with an unamused look on her face. "I must say. . . I'm impressed with your work. . . What do you do again?" Snake asked carefully pulling her away from Diane and Wolf.

Y/N slightly squinted her eyes to get a better look at the creature. The panda could easily make out it to be the Snake from the villains theyre trying to pry out. She put on a smirk before answering Snake's bland question.

"Well, I do help out Foxington with paperwork. . Especially with the 'Bad Guys' incident that's been occuring." Y/N chuckled. "I do say, those 'Bad Guys' are a wonder in thievery." Snake boasted as he adjusted his fake monocle. This statement caused Y/N to laugh hysterically as she put her hand on her chest.

"A-Are you kidding? Their theivery is so bad it's pointless!" Y/N laughed as she wiped a tear from her crystal eyes. "You're actually kind of funny." She complimented the reptile.

"What. . I. . . I am?" Snake question, oblivious to the 'joke' he seemed to make. "Of course. . Mister . . .?" Y/N dragged on, sticking her hand out acting stupid of what his name was.

"Hiss. . . topher. Hisstopher!" Snake word played as he shook the Lieutenant's paw with his tail. Snake started to go in a greedy trance as his tongue seemed to get a taste of Y/N. To him, she seemed to taste sweet but a bit bitter.

"Well, 'Hisstopher' . . The Bad Guys are just animal's who are obviously improvising their heists. Did you see their last job? Ugh. Unsecured exits, crude disguises, compulsive showboating. It was just a complete disaster. " Y/N vented to the Snake who seemed to take this criticism to heart.

The snake gritted his teeth and let out a calming sigh, not letting himself get angry and blow his cover. "Well . . I'm not so sure about that." Snake states with a obviously aggressive tone. Snake and the panda held their aggressive eye contact, Y/N keeping her decieving smirk on her face.

"Sorry to cut this meeting short but, me and my friend have to go." Wolf came up to the two pair and placed his paw on Snake's "shoulder". "So loonngg. ." Wolf slurred as he dragged him and his reptile friend along towards the entrance of the museum.

Diane walked up next to Y/N, the two not leaving their eyes off the villains. "They think we're dumb, don't they?" Diane muttered to her vice. "Yep." Y/N states before walking towards the museum, Diane by her side.

"You alright, Snakey? You and that panda seemed to make some aggressive eye contact." Wolf asked him as they continued to walk towards the rest of their group. "That panda has a way bigger self ego than I ever had!" Snake exclaimed as he slapped his tail on the ground in frustration.

"Aww. . The ego she seems to have, y'all would be cute." Wolf teased which causes Snake to stop dead in his tracks, Wolf never stopped walking.

Snake, Him? Out of all people. Snake hated her voice, he hated her smile, he even hated her fur. At this point, Snake hated her to the point where he lost all interest in eating her. What a waste of life. .

Snake caught up to the group who made their move into the museum.

"Once we're in, it's on to step three: We split up and we take our positions." Wolf intrigued as it showed Cheif and a mountain of guards in front of her. "Officers, if the Bad Guys crash this event, I am definitely going to lose my job, and I will not hesitate to take you down with me!" She threatened each and every one as she pointed aggressively.

"Now, move out!" She commanded as the other officers moved out the way .

ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

"Ladies and gentlemen, your emcee for the Good Samaritan Awards... " The annoncer started as they revealed the two governors. "President of the committee, Governor Diane Foxington. Along with Governor Y/N Pandot." The voiced continued. The two walked up there with caring smiles, waving at the cheering crowd.

They both it up to the podium. Diane cleared her throat before she would read the speech in front of her. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you." She genuinely uttered.

"Last year, we faced our biggest test when a meteorite crashed into our dear city. That meteorite didn't just make a hole in our city. It made a hole in our hearts." She poetically explained as the screen behind her played the meteorite crashing on the city's land.


he crowd 'awww'ed in hopelessness and sadness over the event. Shark faked sniffled and wiped tears from him eyes in the crowd. "But even in tragedy, Professor Marmalade, he did what he does so well. He made us look at things differently." Diane admired as the TV showed Marmalade turning the meteorite on it's side, revealing it to appear as a heart.

"And thanks to you, Marmalade, the Love Crater Meteorite will forever serve as a symbol of how there is good even in the worst places." She concluded. The audience started cheering and of course, appluading of how good the speech hit their hearts.

Y/N nodded to Foxington as a way to show that she did a good job. Diane mouthed the words 'thank you' before turning back to the crowd once more.

"And now, please join me in welcoming to the stage...Professor Marmalade!" Diane spoke out as the guinea pig made his way to the stage. He stood near Y/N and gave her a wink, making the panda a bit flustered for the awkward gesture.

"This award is for..." Diane started but a very muffled fart made it's sound wave to them. Y/N covered her snicker with a cough and tried not to chuckle.

For Y/N, she blurred out the speech that both the animals beside her were presenting. Y/N's keen hearing, she could hear a very muffled conversation behind the curtain. She tried to shuffle over without being discreet to get a better listen. "Webs! Webs!" She heard. Y/N's ears perked up in entertainment. The plan worked, and she was so excited about it.

"And now it is my honor to award Professor Marmalade with the Golden Dolphin!" Diane announced as the curtains slowly open. The Golden Dolphin was not to be found, no where to be seen. This caused shocked reactions and gasp to fill the museum.

"Everyone, everyone, uh, please don't panic. Just stay calm. I'm-I'm sure there's an explanation for this!" Diane tried to reassure the crowd from panicking even further. Y/N looked around just to find the crew leaving the museum. She furrowed her eyebrows but that didn't stop her from trying to help the crowd calm down herself.

"Nice work, everybody. Now, let's make like a wolf and get the pack out of here." Wolf explained as he flipped the stolen diamond ring from his hand. "Ah, wordplay. I don't get it." Piranha uttered confused from Wolf's gesture.

"Diane, Diane, if I may..." Marmalade squealed as he hopped on the podium, swiftly grabbing the mic. The quick gesture causes the mic to squeak a bit, but no one barely noticed.

"You have to understand, I didn't bring hope back to the city for an award. I did these good things because of how they made me feel!" He tried to explain to the crowd. "That tingly feeling I get. That shiver up my spine. ." He continued, getting more poetic into his words. "The wag in my tiny tail. ." Those six words, the words of complete feelings. Those words set a certain gray wolf's fur to flare up.

The feeling made his breathing heavier, like the thing he had experienced before. The wag in his tail. He tried to keep his composure but he stood still, his group now walking without him.

"Because, you see, being good just feels so good. And when you're good, you're loved." These few words caused the wolf's tail to starting waving unexpectedly. He barely noticed, joy filled his brain.

"Wolf?" Some of his group members tried to catch his attention. "GO!" The rest shouted, then Wolf came back to reality. His tail was out, his cover was blown.

"IT'S THE BAD GUYS!" Cheif shouted which caused the whole museum to turn to the five, most of the audience gasping in shock. "Arrest them!" The Cheif commanded, causing all of the guards to circle around the group, all ready to attack.

"They stole the Golden Dolphin!" One accused which wasn't a big shock to anyone. All the attention on them, they had barely anywhere to run to. The red animals approached the guarded crowd and stood a feet away from them.

"Come on, you can't prove that." Wolf tried to explain, but this was clearly contradicted by the Golden Dolphin falling out of Shark's dress. "My baby!" Shark's faked high pitch voice trying to play off, obviously it not working.

"On your knees, Bad Guys." Cheif ordered once more before the wolf pulled out a grappling hook. "Never! We're out of here." Wolf asserted as he fired his grappling hook to the highest window. His group stuck onto him before he rubbed, what he thought was a successful getaway, in the whole museum's face.

"So long, suckers!" He howled before letting the grappling trigger loose. This immediately caused embarrassment for Wolf. His off white pants only got taken with the hook, revealing his pink boxers decorated with white hearts.

"Well, this just got a little weird.." Wolf shuddered embarrassed about this whole situation. The rest of the group let on a nervous smile, hinting a bit of embarrassment from this.

Y/N stifled a gentle laugh as Diane's forehead beated sweat in second hand embarrassment. "Told you they have unsecured exits. ." Y/N teasingly uttered to Diane, purposefully loud enough for the infamous 'Bad Guys' to hear upon.

ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

"The Bad Guys go bust. The nefarious fivesome has finally been captured. And I, Tiffany Fluffit, am first on the scene." Tiffany announced the the camera, broadcasting the arresting. "You know, when you said it be easy. . I didn't expect them to be stupid." Diane quietly mocked to her Lieutenant. "Aww, did you doubt me that much . ." Y/N jokingly complained as she puffed out her bottom lip, mocking a sad disappointed face.

Diane chuckled and jokingly hit Y/N's shoulder, secretly hiding a tinted flustered face. But that wasn't the issue, the big issue was the Bad Guys finally getting what they deserved. Hell, what they needed.

"Wow. You know, I-I just realized that I have devoted my entire adult life to putting you in jail." Cheif admired to the handcuffed wolf she was escorting to the prison truck. "You are my purpose. Without you, who am I?" She questioned, a small tear forming in her eye.

"Ah, I'm just kidding." She teased as she smacked Wolf's back in pure joy. Wolf reacted in a negative way, maybe cause he got hit a bit too hard. "This is the best moment of my life!" She praised.

"NO!" Shark shouted before he got shoved into the truck. "Get your hands off of me!" Piranha protested before he literally got thrown into the same truck as shark. He groaned in pain, knowing he landed flat on his face. "Ooh, you're begging for a biting right now." Webs taunted, being contained by a glass box.

"Wolf!" Snake greived for. Snake knew it was his fault, but out of all the people who could've messed up. Wolf? Wolf never backed out of a plan, how could he just let him go like this.

"Professor Marmalade! Madam Governors!" The crowd that surrounded the three shouted. Shoving mics and cameras in each of their faces. "One at a time. One at a time. ." Y/N pleaded for the crowd to calm down.

Wolf glanced down at his tail in guilt. He got stumped from a heist, just because of the wag in his tail. An empty feeling getting filled with joy and warmth. But he had to fix it, for the team. He swiftly left Cheif's grasp, which immediately caused a reaction from her.

"Hey. Hey! Excuse me." Wolf cried out to the crowd, easily catching the attention of everyone involved in the crowd. The crowd gasped in shock of the confidence the criminal had, this even caused the paw duo to raise their eyebrows.

"Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to congratulate the governors here." Wolf unsuccessfully tried to charm them both. Diane gave an unamused smirk as Y/N crossed her arms with a raised eyebrow, both confused from his confident action.

"I got to say, you really got us pegged." Wolf praised as he walked a bit closer to the trio, "We're just a deep well of anger and self-loathing. ." Wolf started to explain before getting cut of by Diane. "Denial?" Diane questionly mocked.

"Sure. That, too." Wolf helplessly agreed.

"Narcissism?" Y/N chimed in, soon putting on the same condensending smirk as Diane.

"Yeah, Yeah-"

"Emotional emptiness." Y/N and Diane stated at the exact same time, almost like they planned it together.

"So we're on the same page. ." Wolf gave in, helplessly doing what ever he could to get the plan in action. "What is he doing?" Shark asked to his group, expecting them to somehow know.

"Sadly, we were never given a chance to be anything more than second-rate criminals. ." Wolf so fakely mourned to them, adding on a obviously fake griefed face. "If only there was someone who could help the flower of goodness inside us blossom." He sadly requested to them. Marmalade seemed to be keen into the conversation because Y/N noticed him perk up.

"Some icon of love and forgiveness, like, uh, I don't know, Mother Teresa." Wolf teasily mocked, causing jealously in Marmalade spike up. He was good, he was an icon of love and forgiveness. He is a good person.

"Best thing is to just throw us in jail for the rest of our hopeless lives.. . ." Wolf grieved in sorrow, helplessly trying to me them feel a bit remorseful. "Yeah, that's the plan!" Cheif annonced in joy as she gripped the wolf's shoulder, beginning to drag him to the truck.

"Wait, wait, wait, no, no." Wolf pleaded, holding onto the trucks closing doors. "Get in there!" Cheif ordered, physically hurting the wolf to force him in there.

"Wait. Uh, beg... beg pardon?" Marmalade pleaded as he hopped over to the scene of Cheif and the wolf. "No... Marms.." Y/N pouted, using an old nickname from years ago. "He's doing what I think he's doing, isn't he?" Diane desperately asked her companion. "If he is, it'll be a week to remember." Y/N teased with a smirk.

"Mr. Wolf may be a savage beast. Basically walking garbage." Marmalade explained in a bit rude fashion. "Sorry, I'm making a point." He apologized.

"Do what you need to do, pal." Wolf reassured.

"But how can we say they're hopeless if they've never been given a chance?" Marmalade claimed, making the crowd think about the quote he made. "What if... what if we tried a little experiment, Governors?" He politely asked, strutting towards them.

"As you know, my Gala for Goodness, the "hashtag charity event of the year," is coming up." He advertised to the people around him. "If I can prove to everyone at that gala that the Bad Guys have changed, will you set them free and give them a clean start?" Marmalade begged. The crowd quickly gasped and murmmered their own thoughts about this decision.

"What? Professor Marmalade!" Cheif pushed Wolf out the way, causing him to hit his head on something. "No, no, no, no, no. Don't you see what he's doing? He's playing you." She tried to persuade but obviously Marmalade wouldn't budge.

"But it was my idea." Marmalade concluded. "It was his idea." Wolf started, obviously taking Marmalade's side. "But only because you made him have it!" Cheif growled, enraged of what the wolf had started.

"Madam Governor, Lieutenant, you can't just let them go." The Cheif continued to plead to her, she didn't want her life goal to slip away from her hands so quickly. "Professor, I'm not about to put the safety of the city on the line for an experiment.." Diane demanded, obviously not dealing with Wolf's game.

"Excuse me, Madam Governor." Wolf commented, easily catching the attention of both governors. "I seem to remember that a wise person once said, 'Even trash can be recycled into something beautiful.' " He seemed to quote, surprising Diane even further.

Y/N consciously raised a subtle eyebrow, making her gaze towards the astonished fox. "Diane. ." Y/N mocked, knowing Diane stated this quote out of spite.

Foxington chuckled softly at this re quote, putting on another unamused smirk. "Okay . . I'm game. .But only because it's you, Professor." Diane gave in.

"Y/N?" Marmalade questioned, obviously trying to get her opinion on the situation. "I love a good challenge . ." The panda teased, causing a relieved smile to spread on Marmalade's face.

"NO!" Cheif cried out in mental pain. "We'll hold on to the Dolphin until the gala. Just to remove any unnecessary temptation.." Y/N disclosed, Diane handing the Dolphin to Y/N's paws.

"Of course. Good thinking. That's why you're governor." Wolf complimented. "Now that everyone's happy..." Marmalade started to annonce.

"Not happy." Cheif choked through gritted teeth.

"...I, Rupert Marmalade the Fourth, will turn the Bad Guys into..." Marmalade announced soon putting his hands up. "the Good Guys!"

The scene was silent, only thing that could b heard was camera's shuttering. It soon filled with gasp and soft opinionated mummers.

Y/N hummed in satisfaction of this event, she thought it be fun. Diane knew Y/N was up for a challenge, especially one this dangerous.

"I think these belong to you." Wolf brought up, trirwling the handcuffs he broke loose from. He tossed them back to the Cheif before making his way into the car. As he so had done that, Y/N caught a slight glimpse of the snake, 'Hisstopher.'

"Hey." Diane cried out, catching the gray wolf's attention. "Not everyone gets a second chance. Make the most of it, Mr. Poodleton. ." Diane teased, giving wolf a slightly educated assumption.

"Also, tell 'Hisstopher' . . I said hiii." Y/N teasily slurring her last word. Snake had been caught by her words, leaning forward to look the panda in her eyes.

Snake felt, different. . Her eyes seemed more. . Vibrant. Like it was glistening in the dawn moon. Maybe it was his hatred for her but it felt like they were the only ones there. Like a trance even. Y/N felt something, but she really couldn't put her finger on the subject. She assumed maybe it was just a coincidence of their meeting.

"Snake!" Shark called for, slapping his fin on him. Snake jumped out of spite and cleared his throat. He wanted to get another closer look but the truck door soon closed, the engine starting to whirr.

On the other side, Y/N was shocked at the private scene they created. Diane smirked in a teasing manner, probably overlooking at them just staring blank at each other.

"It was pure anger, promise. ." Y/N tried to falsely explain to her companion. "Yeah . . Yeah" Diane jokingly brushed off. "Someone's gonna have to keep them in place, the Professor isn't that direct." Diane explained to Y/N, not direct with her request.

"If you may, please try to keep them in line. Do your very best also?" She requested, only recieving a graceful nod in return.

"You got it, Crimson. ." Y/N responded, using a private nickname when they're having serious conversation. Diane began walking to her limo, Y/N staying behind to be passenger with Marmalade. Y/N decided to ride with Marmalade, easier access to his home, getting her mission done much easier.

"Don't make out with the snake too much!" Diane yelped, causing the poor panda's face to blush a crimson. She playfully rolled her eyes soon walking over to the guiena pig, still conbersating with Tiffany Fluffit.

"You ready, Marms?" Y/N politely asked, only recieving a small smile from him. "More than anything in the world dear." Marmalade flirted with a generous wink.

Y/N let an awkward smile spread across her face, including a small sweat beed drop. Before they both hopped into the limo.

ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

The prison truck started to move, the whole group questioning Wolf's confrontation with the Governors. "Wolf? What are you doing?" Snake finally spoke. "Yeah." The others agreed. Wolf seemed confused at first, not knowing what they were talking about.

"Oh, that. I-I-I'm sorry. I thought it was, uh, obvious." He chuckles as he scratched behind his ear a bit. "We're gonna go good!" He announced, a smile plastering on his face.

His group didn't show the same reaction, more confused than angry. "Uh, you totally lost me." Webs spoke out of spite. "I told him to stop drinking out of the toilet." Shark remarked to the rest of the group.

"Hey, did you get hit on the head?" Snake asked, pointing his tail near Wolf's forehead. "What? No, I didn't get hit on the head." Wolf disclosed after swatting away Snake's tail.

"My cousin got hit on the head with an anchor, and after that, he only swam in a circle." Shark commented, creating a circular motion with his fin.

"No, no, g-guys, guys, you're not following me. We're gonna pretend to go good.." Wolf tried to explain, adding his paw to make movements to help himself more.

Just a few days with Marmalade. And then we roll into the gala as Good Guys and roll out scot-free with..." Wolf started, only getting finished by the rest of them. "The Golden Dolphin. ." They all said in awe.

"You got it. Since when do we not finish a job?" He retorically asked his group crossing his arms. "The Bad Guys become the Good Guys so we can stay the Bad Guys. You know what I'm saying?" Wolf explained with a sly smirk on his face.

"It's the ultimate Bad Guy thing. It's fantastic." Snake admired with almost the same sly smi as Wolf. "Wolf, you're a genius!" Piranha admired with a tooth smile.

"It's gonna be, like, the most relaxing con ever, like a vacation. ." Wolf began. "Oh, oh. A con-cation." Piranha joked, causing the truck to erupt in laughter. "Ooh! My parents met on a con-cation." Shark chimed in, completely almost irrelevant.

Tomorrow was gonna be a day to remember. .

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