The Last Of Us 2: What it mea...

By LoneWriting2021

3.9K 146 27

In the aftermath of life-altering events, Y/N L/N finds himself trapped in a turbulent struggle to rebuild hi... More

Chapter 2: Mysterious Dreams
Chapter 3: Confronting The Past
Chapter 4: Gathering Intel
Chapter 5: The Arena
Chapter 6: The City of Ruins
Chapter 7: Lost In The Wilderness
Chapter 8: Chaos Unleashed
Chapter 9: Glimmer Of Hope
Chapter 10: Showdown

Chapter 1: Prologue

750 27 5
By LoneWriting2021

Y/N's Clothes:

Y/N's Weapons:

[Five Years ago]

Y/N found solace on a tranquil walkway, idly swinging his feet back and forth as he absorbed the breath-taking hues of the setting sun. It had been a mere few hours since he, Joel, and Ellie had concluded their epic adventure, a journey fraught with unimaginable hardships. In the quietude of the moment, doubts whispered through Y/N's mind, questioning whether the trials they had faced were truly worth it.

"Hey," Ellie's voice chimed beside him, her smile illuminating the gathering dusk as she nestled her head against his shoulder. Her mere presence dispelled his uncertainties, reminding him that the struggles they endured had brought them together. 

Y/N reciprocated the gesture, resting his head against hers, while below, Joel observed the two young souls, their affectionate bond a testament to the enduring power of love.

"Do you think we'll always be together?" Ellie inquired, her gaze locked with his, searching for reassurance in the depths of his eyes.

"I don't know," Y/N replied gently, his voice filled with hope. "But what I do know is that I eagerly anticipate the future with you." With those words, he leaned in, his lips meeting hers in a fervent and tender kiss. 

The sensation of being in love enveloped them both, a profound connection that made them feel invincible. Little did he realize that the events of their past would soon come back to haunt him.

Y/N stirred from his slumber, his bleary eyes struggling to adjust to the morning light. The remnants of last night's hangover weighed heavily upon him as he sat up, rubbing his temples in an attempt to alleviate the throbbing headache. Just as he began to regain his composure, a resounding knock on the front door jolted him from his daze. With a sigh, he rose to his feet and made his way to the door.

As Y/N unbolted the entrance, his sister Cassandra L/N greeted him with a mischievous smirk, clutching a clipboard in her hands. "Shift time," she declared, her tone laced with playful authority. 

Y/N couldn't help but roll his eyes, well aware of the routine that awaited him. He trudged to the closet, retrieving his arsenal of weapons, preparing himself for yet another perilous scavenging mission that had become his responsibility.

"Still using the Bat, huh?" Cass commented, her expression growing serious as she observed her brother's choice. Y/N shrugged nonchalantly, swinging the trusty baseball bat about before securing it on his back. 

"Old reliable," he quipped, acknowledging the unyielding loyalty he held for the weapon. With his shotgun in hand, he stepped out into the chilly air, the snow crunching beneath his boots. His gaze fell upon his steadfast companion, the horse named "Flash," a tribute to his favourite comic book hero.

From his vantage point at the stands, Y/N spotted Ellie engaged in a lively conversation with Jessie. A pang of mixed emotions surged within him, prompting him to avert his gaze. He refocused his attention, his hunting rifle trained on the horse before him. Catching sight of Cass nearby, he couldn't help but quip, "You owe me a beer when I get back." Cass grinned in response, shaking her head as she walked away, leaving Y/N to his mission.

Y/N tenderly stroked Flash, his faithful equine companion, gently guiding the horse toward the exit. A flicker of Ellie's gaze caught his attention, but he swiftly brushed aside the flood of memories threatening to resurface. Offering a casual thumbs up to the gate operator, he signalled his intent, prompting the gate to swing open and grant him passage.

"Have fun," the gatekeeper's voice rang out as the gate closed behind Y/N, sealing his departure from the relative safety of the settlement.

As Y/N rode through the snow-covered landscape, he carefully surveyed his surroundings, jotting down observations in his trusty journal. Pulling out his radio, he deftly adjusted it to the correct channel, a playful grin spreading across his face. "Hello, come in, old man Joelle," he chuckled, knowing well that it would ruffle Joel's feathers.

"You know I hate it when you call me that," Joel's weathered voice crackled through the radio, but the hint of fondness was unmistakable. 

Y/N's smile widened. "Oh, you love it. Don't lie," he teased, navigating his horse through a narrow, winding path. Alongside the trail lay frozen remnants of decayed bodies, remnants of past treks.

"How's it looking out there, kid?" Joel's concern seeped through the airwaves.

"Snowy, and I'm freezing," Y/N responded, his breath visible in the icy air. Approaching a desolate house, he dismounted his horse, swiftly securing it to a sturdy post.

"If you're on patrol, be careful. I have a feeling the weather's about to take a turn for the worse," Joel warned, his voice carrying the weight of experience.

"I've stumbled upon a house to scavenge. Once I clear it, I'll hunker down if the weather worsens," Y/N informed, his determination evident.

"Got to run, kid. Stay safe," the radio crackled one final time as Y/N stowed it away in his bag. Raising his rifle, he peered through the scope, scanning the vicinity, spotting a couple of infected aimlessly roaming. Steadying his aim, he attached a silencer, preparing to eliminate the looming threat.

Y/N dispatched the first infected with ease, a well-aimed shot silencing it permanently. The remaining frenzied creatures clamoured about, oblivious to their imminent demise. Whistling sharply, Y/N drew their attention, methodically picking them off one by one before closing the distance. Armed with his trusty bat, he engaged in close-quarter combat, swiftly dispatching the remaining threats.

With the house secured, Y/N cautiously ventured inside, casting a beam of light from his flashlight, the sound of his whistle still lingering in the air. After a brief pause, heavy footsteps reverberated through the silence. Y/N struck swiftly, sweeping the legs out from under the approaching infected, his foot swiftly descending upon its head, ending its pitiful existence.

Now inside, Y/N embarked on scavenging, diligently searching for anything of value. He took note of his essential supplies, glancing out the window as he whistled softly once more. "Joel was right," he muttered, observing the blizzard's intensifying fury. 

Recognizing the worsening conditions, he made the prudent decision to hunker down, seeking temporary refuge from the storm. He radioed Maria, updating her on the situation.

Seeking solace within the confines of the house, Y/N leaned against a wall, a wave of melancholy sweeping over him. Retrieving a photograph from his pocket, he gazed upon the image of him and Ellie, their love once ablaze. 

A single tear traced a path down his cheek as the haunting echo of Ellie's final words during their breakup reverberated in his mind. "I hate you." The weight of his own perceived failures bore heavily upon his soul, a constant reminder of how he had let her down.

A couple of hours later, Y/N emerged from the house, untying his horse and riding off. He used the radio to arrange a meeting with Jessie at a predetermined location. As Y/N approached Jessie, he noticed that his friend looked annoyed, probably due to the freezing weather. However, before he could reach him, Y/N began to cough violently, clutching his chest in pain.

To his alarm, purple smoke accompanied the coughing, and he immediately recognized the symptoms. Memories of what had transpired at the hospital flooded his mind. "You look like shit," Jessie remarked upon Y/N's arrival.

"Yeah," Y/N chuckled weakly, "I sought shelter in a less-than-comfortable house." His amusement faded as he saw the concern etched on Jessie's face. "What's wrong?"

"Joel and Tommy never showed up," Jessie replied, his expression filled with worry. Y/N could feel his blood boiling at the thought of them being in trouble. His mind raced with possibilities as he pulled out his map.

"Then let's go," he said determinedly, his voice laced with resolve. "We're going to find Ellie and Dana." Y/N glanced at Jessie, finding assurance in his nod of agreement. Together, they would embark on a mission to locate their friends and ensure their safety.

Y/N and Jessie rode swiftly through the snowy landscape, their horses galloping over fences as they made their way to a hideout where Dana and Ellie were supposed to be. As they arrived, Jessie dismounted and went ahead to scout and locate their friends.

"You were supposed to be on patrol!" Y/N heard Jessie's voice shout, prompting him to head down as well. He caught up to Jessie and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't go in there, trust me," Jessie warned, making his way back up the stairs to leave.

With a mix of anticipation and trepidation, Y/N opened the door and entered the hideout. Ellie and Dana were hastily putting on their clothes, their faces frozen with a combination of fear and embarrassment upon seeing Y/N. Ellie mustered a few words, her voice faltering. "Y/N, I... uh..."

In that instant, Y/N's heart shattered. He had known deep down that Ellie was no longer his, but it didn't make this moment any easier to accept. Their breakup hadn't been too long ago, and the pain was still raw for him to bear.

Instead of succumbing to tears or engaging with Ellie, Y/N swiftly retrieved a pair of sunglasses and placed them over his eyes. He turned away from her, determined to leave without further interaction. "Y/N, wait!" he heard Ellie's voice call out, but he had no interest in listening to her explanations. He simply climbed onto his horse, Flash.

"I'll report back if I find Joel or Tommy," Y/N said to Jessie, his tone cold and detached. Jessie nodded silently, observing Y/N's departure without revealing that his eyes were glowing.

Riding through the snow-covered landscape, Y/N's gaze fell upon a cabin with its lights illuminated. He secured his horse to a nearby post and decided to enter through a window, guided by the faint sounds of Joel's agonized screams. Determination surged within him as he quickened his pace.

Y/N peered through a narrow opening in the door, witnessing a muscular woman brandishing a golf club pointed threateningly at a wounded Joel. "Time for you to feel my pain," she declared. Without a moment's hesitation, Y/N charged into the room, wielding his own bat to intercept her swing.

"Leave him alone," Y/N commanded, delivering a swift kick to the woman's leg before turning his attention to another assailant. However, before he could react, a forceful blow from a crowbar struck his back, causing him to stagger. As he attempted to regain his footing, a powerful golf swing connected with his face, sending Y/N crashing to the ground.

"Finally, the other one is here," the woman smirked, advancing towards him. Undeterred, Y/N mustered a defiant smile. "Do your worst. I don't care." The woman proceeded to mercilessly beat him, but Y/N laughed through the pain, refusing to grant her the satisfaction of breaking him.

"Stop!" Joel managed to spit out through a mouthful of blood, his eyes fixed on the relentless assault on Y/N. But the woman showed no signs of stopping, her blows raining down on Y/N with increasing brutality. Just as despair threatened to consume the room, Ellie burst in, only to be swiftly tackled to the floor by the woman's henchmen, who held her tightly.

Ellie's eyes widened in horror as she took in the devastating sight before her. Y/N had been beaten to a pulp, yet he somehow maintained his smile, refusing to display any trace of fear. The woman glanced down at Ellie, her grip on the club tightening.

"This is what I want you to witness," she sneered, her voice laced with sadistic satisfaction. "The utter fear and regret of losing someone when you can't do a damn thing about it." With those words, she advanced toward Joel, her grip on the club tightening further.

Another woman, visibly pregnant, grabbed hold of the woman's arm, diverting her attention from her deranged intentions. "We need the immune boy," she stated firmly, trying to reason with her.

"I want to do what I came here for," the woman shrugged off the pregnant woman, dismissing her plea as she moved closer to Joel.

Y/N, still wearing a smile on his face, found his voice. "Leave him," he spoke up, his tone resolute. "If you're looking for someone to punish, then punish me. Just leave them alone." He lifted himself up partially, a smirk playing across his face, taunting the woman.

In an act of defiance, Y/N spat blood in the woman's face, further enraging her. In retaliation, she mercilessly struck his head with the club, delivering a powerful swing that rendered him unconscious. "Take him," she commanded, and her followers proceeded to drag Y/N L/N's bloodied and unconscious body away, while Ellie pleaded desperately for them to stop.

Ellie's head throbbed as she slowly regained her vision, finding Dana by her side, checking on her well-being. "Jessie, they're down here," Dana's voice sounded muffled to Ellie, her attention fixated on the bloodied puddle left behind by Y/N.

With the assistance of Jessie, Dana, and Tommy, they guided Joel and Ellie back to the camp, where Maria would provide them with the necessary rest and care to heal their wounds.

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