Inevitably Her

By Poison_IvyGlacies

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Blake, one of the coldest investor's in NYC, is all set to be in her dad's footsteps in taking care of his bu... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

8 0 0
By Poison_IvyGlacies

3rd person POV

Blake Dwellington is a successful investor who came into share market at a very young age of 23 challenging her father that she would be successful in field she desires, and she proved him right. Within a span of 6 years, she was well known throughout New York Stock exchange for her investments and known for funding various startup companies. But right now, she is more tensed about winning a bet made to her love Misa so that they can go on a vacation together.

Blake just stroked a golf ball and made it almost near to the hole. With having two chances left, she went back to golf cart to retrieve her putter and was determined to win the bet at any costs this time. She went back to her cart located near the golf club while enjoying the scenery of green fields with a river view and noticing Misa enjoying her cold coffee in the club house with sun rays emitting on her giving her an ethereal look. Blake was in a trance for a second and wanted to enjoy the sight for a few more minutes but it lasted only for a few seconds as their eyes met Misa rose from her chair and started walking toward her with a small smirk and Blake just stood there, not breaking eye contact.

"You know if you really get tensed about it its fine you can drop it" Misa said as she came nearer to her and Blake kept a straight face and suddenly pulled her in gripping her waist "You know that if I win, I get to kidnap you for 4 days right" she said smilingly hiding her devilish grin.

The bet was made on an impulse by Misa just on the way to golf course as Blake asked for a day off and Misa rejected that idea because of her work. It's not that she doesn't want to spend time, but Misa Lopez recently started a cosmetic company "Love and Lush" and it was her dream come true and the company is funded by Blake making her the majority shareholder and she always had a fear of letting her down and her fellow shareholders whom she considers as her family. Right now, the company is coming up with a new project with developing a new jewelry line and they already announced the date of arrival to public, making things more hectic with marketing plans and problems with the production line which Misa must deal with before the launch.

As Misa was spaced out Blake started giving small pecks on her cheeks making her come out of her thoughts, Blake knew that she was tensed about new launch but seeing her work without a break made her feel miserable, so she forced her to come with her to golf course on a weekend. When Blake was driving, she suddenly suggested to take a day off but Misa wasn't accepting and so they made a bet that, if Blake can put the ball in cup within 3 moves, they must leave for a holiday for 4 days but if she didn't then she should not disturb Misa with her work for another 2 months and right now Misa know that she is on losing side.

Misa suddenly stepped closer to Blake, inches away from face and could feel Blake's breath on her lips and slowly started moving even closer trying to lure Blake into her charms as she worked to take the putter from her hand as she knows Blake was going to win but luck never stood on her side as Blake realized and suddenly dodged Misa attacks and was ready to win the bet. There was a sudden interruption as Misa phone rang and she took this as an opportunity to change the course, "I have to take this call quickly and just so you know if I am not watching you then I don't believe that you won" she said with a smile and rushed from there, making Blake furious as the play is unfair.

When Misa came back from call, she was slightly stressed and was nervous for some reason. Blake realized that and went running towards her asking about the situation and Misa started to speak saying that there was a problem with the production plan and the demand cannot be met before the launch period and Kean her production manager called her to inform saying that they must come up with new plan for production or push back the date of launch.

Kean was Misa college friend, and he was appointed by herself as she recognized his talents in production and scouted him making him a salary offer which he cannot resist yet call it jealousy or intuition Blake never gave him a chance to prove himself and always kept him afar. She realized panic in Misa eyes and started to leave the matter for now and got ready to leave the golf course with her only to be stopped by Misa, "You know it's a small matter and you coming with me may raise some doubts in office about our relationship".

Misa and Blake never felt a need for unwanted attention and them being in a relationship will wreak havoc in the office and their personal lives, so they decided to not disclose it anyone and only their people in close circle. Blake reluctantly agreed and decided to play golf for a little longer, "The bet will be on hold for now then Ms. Dwellington", she said smugly, "You can't keep it on hold forever Ms. Lopez" Blake said with a frown "We will see about that but remember, you can't play until I am here to see the wining moment". Misa replied with a smile and went off to solve the issues.

At Love and Lush Cafeteria

The cafeteria was designed by one of Misa close friends. Love and Lush has around 4 floors and top floors were entirely dedicated to cafeteria, and she wanted to have an atmosphere of peaceful, calm, and vibrant with pastel pink shade of curtains and with wooden floor with glass windows and a balcony with some colorful plants and outdoor bed swings and canopy on the other end for people to relax.

Kean was sitting inside eagerly waiting for Misa's arrival to hand in the reports. Misa came back after some time after changing her outfit from golf clothes to simple 2-piece white suit with her long hair tied to a bun making her look professional. She greeted few of her employees before proceeding to face Kean. "I was gone for few hours and there was a mess in a department, this make me feel confident about my vacation plans" she said with a smile. "Tone down your sarcasm for now and come up with a solution will you" Kean asked losing his patience. "Geez what's with you today?" Misa asked as Kean was close to losing it. "Misa this is serious I know you kept your trust in me, but still before launch time it's impossible to meet the demand" he said with a gloomy face. "Relax, will you I came up with a plan to deal with the crisis", she said with her confidence smile. "I clearly thought this out, lets rent anther factory on a lease and we can run them parallel to meet up with the time. I am sure we can be able to meet the deadline." Misa was confident about her plan. "You think I haven't thought about that Misa but finding a factory to lease at such short time is impossible and I already contacted with few of them and guess what" "What" Misa asked, "They all turned down our offer, we have to push back the date Misa, that's the only option left now".

Misa was never ready to push back the date as she was really excited to launch this new chain of jewelry from her own designs and she worked very hard on convincing board members, "I know few of the factories who may collaborate with us. Let us try them" she said with a glint of hope in her voice. "What factories do you know that I didn't, trust me I contacted every one of our close contacts". With that her slight hope of turning situation around vanished, just as she was about to agree to push back the date, Blake entered from the door making everyone surprised as she rarely shows up to the office apart from board meetings. She directly went to see Misa as she wanted to see her expression. Shocked does not even describe to begin what she was feeling, she knew that Blake directly came from Golf course as she was still in her outfit but still, she greeted her with a smile, "Ms. Blake its rare seeing you here" she asked, "I just came here to meet with a friend who was nearby and also I hope you did not forget about our lunch appointment" Blake asked excitedly, but there was no lunch appointment it was not even planned but she just has to take advantage of the situation. With no choice of going back Misa replied "Of course, I didn't but as you can see, I have a few problems to deal with". "Is it about production?" Black asked while receiving glares from Misa, "Wow, how did you even know about it, surely words spread faster than one imagined" Kean asked interrupting them. "I didn't hear about them, but you can call it a hunch but since I am here let's talk about it tell me Kean what's the problem", Blake asked as she sat down with them. "As you already know we can't meet the supply to demand within the launch date" Kean said "And I reckon that you guys came up with a solution" Blake asked changing her tone to more serious. "We did but as you know no one is ready to lease us the factory on such a short notice" Misa replied and Blake glanced at her smilingly "If that's the case it's no big deal, I already talked to one of my friend who can provide you with factory, I already saw some of the factories which suits our demand, I hope you continue with you original plan as implied before" Blake said and Misa never felt more relieved but also a bit disappointed that she has to take the help of her girlfriend for such a trivial matter. Blake got up trying to leave with Misa "And Kean next time just don't try to give up by sticking to one solution. I expect more from you than what you did today", Blake said with a frown "I understand, sorry for the inconvenience Blake", Kean replied "As long as you understand" she said before turning to Misa, "Now Ms. Lopez is your lunch appointment still available" Blake said bringing back Misa from her thoughts. "Of course, after your favor I guess I owe you one" she replied with her smile. "Perfect, anyway it's about lunch time, we can leave now, what do you say?" Blake asked "Sure". With that both left together for a lunch appointment which was clearly not scheduled.

As soon as they left Kean got a call from an unknown number making him tensed and answered his phone with a slight shiver in his voice which can be noticed, "Sorry boss, I couldn't able to postpone the launch date, give me one more chance" but there was no response from other end making Kean gulp and words struck in his throat and after a long pause a voice sounded "One more and this will be your last, you better not disappoint me" with that sentence, tension washed over Kean, he replied "Thank you" while making plans to destroy Love and Lush.

***End Of Chapter***  

Let me know what you think, and guess who would be the main villain?

And also who is your favorite character so far? Let me know in the comments!

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