Restrained Affection [Affecti...

By Sarah24SM

405K 18.8K 1K

Advin Martin being the first born is next in line to be an Alpha, all his life he had dreamed to be a good le... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 03

14.1K 646 45
By Sarah24SM

Nine-year-old Jasmine rushes from the pack house shouting aloud

"I'm going to get a detention for sure" she grumbles as she hears the bell go off.

"Go, go Jas, go, go Jas" the twins shouts from the gate as they see her running late

"No" Jasmine shouts in horror as they boys lock the gate to stop her from entering

"Hold on tight Sir" Sirus states to his brother as they both succeed in puling the gates together

"What are you guys doing? I will get a detention if I'm late" Jasmine complains to them but they just shrug their shoulder

"You will have to tell us the password to enter this gate, mam" Sirus speaks all professional sounding

"Why are you doing this to me?" Jasmine asks on the verge of tears

"The password please" the boys speaks

"Fine, I will do it" Jasmine finally gives in

"See that was so easy. It was nice making deal with you Miss Jas" one of the boys states before letting her enter and getting out of the school ground

"Um...aren't you getting inside?" Jasmine asks as she watches both the boys walking back home

"School is for nerds and good boys, we are the bad ones. Bu-bye and remember the deal we will be waiting" Sirus shouts before walking with his arms around his brother's shoulder

"See I told you she would totally fall for it" he grins as he walks away from the school

"What if she goes and complains to Papa?" Siran asks worried to make their Papa mad at them

"Relax she won't" Sirus nods confidently

Being the Alpha's son's no one ever wants to be on their bad side and if they did, then these two always deal with them together.

Everyone knows to stay away from the evil twins of Adrian's.


Jasmine pouts as she gets a detention once again and all because of those two, she wishes she had not said no to them last night.

Even if they are two years her junior, they are really cunning, she had caught both of them thieving the ice cream boxes as well as the cookie jars in their room yesterday and she had informed Scarlet about it...

That had end up with them getting punishment from their mother and no cookies for a whole week. They both had glared her all the time and later cornered saying she will be their bus boy for the whole week and of course, she refused to be their slave and pass them cookies.

Now seems she will have to do it so they will not make her life miserable. Sighing she takes a seat in the cafeteria and starts eating her food when out of nowhere Kevin stands next to her, he is one of the senior and one who has been bullying her for past 3 years. Putting her food down, she awaits his attack.

"Hello little Jasmine!" he greets too sweetly.

Jasmine gets up from her place and tries to move away before he makes her cry but she land on the ground as he pushes her back. She holds her mouth shut as he steps on her hand making her cries louder.

Lex rushes to her side pushing Kevin back as soon as he sees what was happening.

"What the fuck man?" he shouts helping Jasmine up and looking at her hands for the damage

"Oh look! Who is here to save the princess?" Kevin mocks to Lex who just ignores the boy

"Fuck off!" Advin growls at Kevin as he too comes to Jasmine's defense like always

"Else? What you going to do, complain to your father?" Kevin snickers mocking him.

"Why do you keep bullying her?" Lex yells at Kevin frustrated of same thing every day

"Why do you keep saving her?" he snaps back irritated himself as they always come to save the girl and humiliate him.

"She is just a kid what has she done to you?" Lex defends her but Kevin is not the one to back off

The only reason Lex or Advin hasn't hurt the boy is because one Kevin was from their neighboring pack and if something happened to the boy their whole pack is going to be in danger and second this is their senior year so both the boys do not want to get out of here making enemies or with bad memories.

"Oh come on I was just having some fun and what's with both of you? Why are you the only ones that come to her rescue? What is she to you two?" he asks getting in Lex's face knowing all too well that they cannot touch him

"Listen here Kevin, if don't stop this shit, I'm going to kick your ass" Advin threatens as he goes to stand between Lex and Kevin.

"What is it with you, why do you act so high and mighty when it comes to her? Dude, she is a murderer's child; her father killed everyone from his pack. Who knows what she is capable of, you should be thankful, I'm doing this to her" Kevin argues now not so sure if Advin will hold back on hitting him

Advin sighs trying to calm himself before he looks at Lex and then at Jasmine as he tries to take all of them out of this situation before he looses his shit. However, he stops in his tracks with Kevin's words.

"Is she your mate or something?" he shouts narrowing eyes at him, as Advin always tries to save the girl for no reason what so ever

Advin stiffens at that and turns slowly around in anger that his secret is out.

"What did you just say?" he growls threatening the boy to repeat that

"I said is she your mate or something the way you are always so protective of her. You do know all of the pack members hate her right.

If she is the next Alpha female than man, you are so going to loose the pack member's respect and trust...

No one will follow an Alpha who will choose a psycho as his mate, she only can be a bitch not an Alpha" he chuckles only to be crashed into the wall hard as Advin looses his shit.

"Shut the fuck up and listen carefully, she can never be my mate. Someone as pathetic as her can never gain a title to be my mate! Now stay away from her because I'm fed up with explaining to my mother about her bruises everyday!" he snarls loudly in Kevin's face who turns white as sheet

Kevin nods in understanding and Advin slowly let go of the boy before he passes through the sea of kids without sparing a glance towards her.

Jasmine stands still as she hears him say that and quietly makes her way out of there without saying a word.

From that day onwards she becomes as invisible as possible from everyone, she busies herself in kitchen or she sits locked up in her room.


Advin stays away from her as much as he can and focuses on his training to prove his dad that he is capable to go on his missions. He silently thanks Jasmine, as she keeps her distance from him too not that she ever was in his way.

Advin punches the punching bag hard as he takes his frustration out. He has been having a very hard time controlling his wolf as his wolf has tried to gain control over his body. His wolf has been whining for his mate and that he cannot do!

How can he accept her knowing her past will destroy the future of his pack? How can he take her as his mate when every single person in the pack hates her! His father and mother may ignore it but he cannot, he cannot shut down the things they call her behind their back, how they want her out of here. If he announces her as his mate, he will be putting oil on the fire.

He cannot do that to his pack, he cannot betray them for his selfish reason. No, he will not tell anyone about it, he cannot if anyone knows about it, he's sure war will go off. He cannot punish his pack for his mate. He would rather be mate less than throwing away everything his father did to build this pack, his home.

He will have to stay away from her for everyone's happiness and benefit. He will not let her be the reason for the destruction of his pack; she has enough blame already being the daughter of the man that destroyed his own pack.

He will not give them another reason to hate her; no it's best like this. If he acts, as she is not his mate, then everything will be good. He cannot give her more pain than she already has, after all she is his to protect!

"You cannot do this to us?" his wolf growls clawing at him to be out when he makes the decision.

"I have to! You want them to hurt her more than she already is?" he asks his wolf frustrated at their situation as well as being irritated with his wolf whining.

"But we will hurt her more if we don't mark her. She will be safe with us!" he begs but Advin doesn't give up.

He can never jeopardize the peace his people have or the respect his father has from his pack. No, she will not be the reason for the failure of this pack, his wolf can howl as much as he can for her. She cannot be theirs not now and forever, is too far away to say...

Anyway now the new council has formed, new warriors are being selected he will try for that, he will become strong and then may be then he will have enough courage to accept the fact that she belongs to him.

He needs to focus on his future, he will make his father see that he is no longer a boy but a man who can take responsibility and is capable to handle an Alpha's duty.

Jasmine silently watches her future Alpha as he lies on the ground exhausted from all the training he has done for the day; she smiles as she feels happy that he is working so hard to impress the pack and the Alpha.

"I'm very proud of you my Alpha, if no one else is" she whispers.

She has been coming here everyday after she knew that this is where he has been spending his time training for the upcoming selection for the warriors, who will serve under direct command of the council.

Madam Alpha has been very upset about his decision but she knows both the Alpha's are proud to have such a strong and smart son. Even the pack is happy to have such a potential future Alpha, who is working so hard for the betterment of this pack and all his focus is on being a great Alpha.

Jasmine stiffens as he gets up from the floor; she slowly puts the energy drink and cookie outside of the door before slowly backing away.

Advin carries his gear before moving to his room for a much-needed shower, he picks up the cookie and drink from the door he has been getting for past few weeks.

He smiles, as he feels grateful to have such a loving mother who always looks after him knowing how much he needs the energy and how hungry he feels after his work out.


"Did you see that?" Sirus asks quietly to his twin as they watch their big brother walking away with a smile holding the cookie that was supposed to be theirs and the drink.

"Ya, he is so strong. I don't know when we will get to be that strong" Siran replies making Sirus groan

"Not that Sir, those cookies...our cookies that Jas took away from us and now I know why. She has been feeding all of those to Big B that is so unfair...

We need to have a talk with Jas now, let's go" dragging his twin along Sirus goes in search of the girl.

"What are you doing here?" Jas asks as she opens the door when she hears someone banging it for a while

Sirus looks around the room until his eyes lands on teddy bear she plays with. Holding the bear's neck tightly he turns to Jasmine.

"Now that we have Mr. Brown, tell us what you were thinking giving our cookies to our brother!" he narrows his eyes at her trying to be intimidating

" saw that?" she asks breathlessly hoping they will not tell the future Alpha about it else he will be mad at her.

"Yes, now explain or else we will snap your bear's head off of its body"

"No" Siran shouts running to his brother side

"What are you doing, it's her only friend and Papa did warn us not to mess around with her"

"This is important Sir; you need to be strong and we should make sure she takes us seriously else one day she will go against us...

Imagine, today she is distributing our cookies and if we ignore it this time the day isn't far off that she will start to distribute all of our toys" Sirus explains to his brother in all his seriousness.

"You are right; being a guy our toys are more important than anything else" Siran nods before looking at Jasmine

"Okay Jasmine please sit down" Sirus stalks towards her making Jasmine back down and stand with her back on the wall

"You see Jasmine, we don't like when someone..."

"What is going in here?" Adrian voice makes all of them stiffen at their spot

Siran and Sirus both slowly turn towards the door to come face to face with Adrian, they smile innocently at him before looking at each other.

"We are dead" Siran whispers making the sign of cutting his throat with his hand.

"Boys" Ad asks not knowing why Jasmine is plaster against the wall and they were in Jasmine's room, with her bear in hand.

"We were just playing" Sirus grins walking towards his father

"Wait, stand where you are, Jasmine, honey can you tell me what these two are doing in your room?" Ad asks her knowing that every word Sirus speaks is nothing but lies

Jasmine looks from Adrian to the twins as if a deer caught in headlights. She does not want to lie to her Alpha but if she says the truth, the boys will not let her go easily.

When Jasmine just stares at him, Adrian realizes that she will not be saying anything to be on the boy's bad list so he turns back to his sons.

"Siran come here; now explain to me what is going on?" Ad asks with a smile to his son as he knows between the two boys Siran will never lie to him no matter what

"Um...we...ah...are we in trouble?" Siran asks worried

"Not if you did nothing bad"

"Oh well, guess we are. Jasmine was giving our cookies away to Advin, we did not like it, and Sirus says if we did not teach her a lesson, one day she will take our toys away and give it to others...

So, we were just planning to cut off her bear's head nothing blood worthy" he explains all the while pouting that his Papa will punish him

"Okay, Jasmine, go keep Scar company while I have a little chat with my boys" Ad states and Jasmine rush out of the room in hurry snatching Mr. Brown from Sirus clutches.

"Sit down boys" Ad orders making them groan and take a seat on Scar's bed swinging their legs

"I see you both aren't being good boys and before you start pouting let me ask why are you skipping school again"

"School is boring Papa" Sirus complains

"Is there anything that doesn't bore you?" he asks raising his brow

"Ariel doesn't go to school as well but you never scold her" Siran points out this time

"Ariel is getting home schooled for the time being and you know she hates crowds as well with her problem...

Okay, you do not like going to school, you bully an innocent girl and you create havoc in the pack and roam around the woods without any guards or anyone's guidance...

Make me understand what exactly do you guys want to do, you all are just 7 years old" Ad asks sighing heavily as he has no clue how to reach them all they do is create trouble no matter how small or big

"He hates us" Siran cries as soon as Ad finishes making Sirus hug the boy and wiping his tears

"Awe, come on boys don't do that to me, we all know I don't hate you. No one does, now look at me and let me understand the situation you are in, what is going on here. Let your Papa in" Ad asks seriously before pulling the boys onto his lap.

These two are his gems!

"We are bored being in here" the boys finally confess

"What?" Ad asks them to explain properly

"We want to go where all those kids are. We know that there are special kids who had gone from this pack to somewhere else and we want to go there...

We heard they have awesome toys and pools"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...wait a second who told you about this stuff?" Ad asks surprised about the information they have

"We may be kind of heard you and Warren discussing things on the progress of those special kids?" Sirus explains sheepishly

"Did you two eavesdrop on our discussion? Boys" Ad asks sternly

"It was an accident" Sirus explains in a hurry making Ad groan

"No, the answer is no. That place isn't for you, you both are normal wolf kids and they aren't, there is a reason why they are called special" Ad tries to explain before he stops as the twins gasps

"You mean we aren't special?"

"No, that's not what I mean, boys you are too young for this"

"But Papa..."

"No, your mother will kill me if I send you two anywhere away from the pack. Ariel already is staying away from home and now in few months you brother will also leave this place and if you two leave she will go crazy"

"But we also want to go to every werewolf's dream place, wolf's paradise" Sirus whines not liking the decision

"It's not a paradise" Ad looks at him amused

"Of course it is. Come on Papa say yes, we have already searched about that place on your laptop...

We want to go and join them there, that place has a bigger swimming pool than ours, it has an awesome game room filled with every game possible and then there is the biggest T.V. we have ever seen. Say yes Papa, please" the twins begs getting off his lap and jumping in front holding each of his hands.

"I'm not sending you two in there, you are too young, end of discussion" Ad warns before standing up from the bed

"How come Ariel get everything she wants and Advin doesn't even have to say what he wants before he gets it but we have to beg and still get no?" Siran asks this time halting Adrian's step

"Oh no, no you aren't doing this to me boys. You are merely seven years old that place is for those who have special powers and blood running in them, I can't let you go there it isn't safe" Ad shakes his head no for them

"Okay then, we won't say anything now but promise us when we grow up you will let us visit that place" they stand their ground on the topic being adamant

"Boys, don't do this to me" Ad asks them to understand

"We made our choice dad, we want to go to that place and start our training" they try to make him understand

"Is that something your heart desires?" Ad asks seeing their determination

"From the moment we heard about it" they nod simultaneously

Adrian gulps not knowing how or what to tell them, this is the only time he found them so serious. He does not know if it will be a mistake to say them yes.

In addition, he does not know how Scar will react once she finds out all of her kids will be leaving their home soon.

No matter how much he doesn't want to let Advin leave he knows this year Advin will be selected he has seen his boy's hard work and he knows for Advin to take his place as Alpha, Adrian will have to let go of his son.

As for Ariel after that unfortunate night she was not the same and he blames himself each moment for that. She is too scared to even step a foot in her own home and that if it was not for Devilin he knows they would have lost her.

Ariel's condition was so bad that she couldn't even bear the touch of her own mother, it was only Devilin who took her out of her shell and now she can't bear to stay away from his side and refuses to go anywhere without him.

Hoping, time will heal her wounds and she will come back to her home to them, as they do not want to loose another of their daughter's as well.



Both Scar and the twins call him at once, as he is lost within his thoughts. Scar has come in search of him as soon as she felt the distress from him through their bond.

"What is it?" she asks looking at them as they are still in Jasmine's room

"The twin wants to join the training along with the special kids" Ad informs Scar waiting for her reaction.

"Ho...Isn't Rom the one in charge of that place?" she asks instead making Ad nods in answer

"And Enzo is the head of the security team" he adds with a smile

"Okay, guess it's just you and me, huh?" she smiles sadly before going near her twins

"Your okay with that" he asks worried about her

"As long as they are happy" she smiles kneeling in front of her sons, pulling them into her arms

"So, does that mean it's a yes" the twin asks at once

"At least let me check with Rom on this" Ad states before sighing and looking up praying

"Thank you Papa, we love you and you too mommy" the twins grin happily

"The training in there is different than here boys"

"We will learn Papa don't you worry"

"Aren't they too young for that kind of training?" Advin voices, worried from the door making Jasmine shriek as she has been watching the scene from the door and did not hear his arrival

Advin ignores her as he enters the room and stands in front of his parents and siblings.

"Nothing is easy in our world Advin, I'm sure they can handle it and Rom is there to watch out for them" Adrian assures his son patting his back before he stands next to Advin watching his twins

"Still, they are too young; can't you just send them to the training ground where the pack practices if they want to be tough?" Advin advises not wanting his brothers to go somewhere they cannot protect them

"Just wait for few more years I mean..." Advin adds only to stop when Adrian squeezes his arm

"They aren't going there right now Advin. As procedure, they will have to go through a full check up and tests before they can get admission...

I wouldn't send them in there if I didn't know better" Ad assures his son who seems terrified at the idea of his baby brothers going out of the pack house

"If you say so, but make sure they are guarded properly as it seems they like to wander off alone most of the time" Advin informs his father in all his seriousness

"I won't send them with out any preparation" Ad promises to him proud of all of his kids

"Thanks for worrying about us Big B, we want to be as strong as you and Papa" the twins grin before jumping on him as they giggle

"Just take care of each other okay and no getting into trouble" Advin ruffles both of their hair before hugging them tightly

"Be safe" he whispers to them as emotions cloud him

"Love you too, Adie" they smile hugging him back

Adrian and Scar hug each other with a smile as they watch over their sons and thanking god for this wonderful gift.

Jasmine slowly backs out of the door leaving the Alpha's family to have such a personal moment and right in her room. The only thing she wishes is to be apart of it, may be someday.

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