The Girl and The Specialist

By TransformersRules

15.8K 509 86

She's 16, doesn't talk, no boyfriend, and, well, no life outside the Lennox residence. She's Lori Lennox, dau... More

Chapter 12: RECOVERY
Chapter 20: HERE WE GO AGAIN

Chapter 13: RON'S BIRTHDAY

527 21 4
By TransformersRules

I stared at the ceiling and stretched as I began to wake up. 

"Lori, are you up?", mom called, her voice muffled through the door, "I'm leaving in 45 minutes."

I pounded on my desk twice, indicating that I was awake. I sat up and swung my feet over the side of my bed. After grabbing the crutches, I carefully stood up. Seconds later, my bedroom door flew open, and Ron walked in.

"Anything I can do to help?", he asked, "Your mom's busy with Annabell."

I thought about it for a second and finally decided. I wrote down that he could start the shower for me while I changed into my robe. He agreed and headed into my attached bathroom. I walked into my closet and started getting undressed slowly. My shirt was easy. My bottoms, however, were a little more difficult. I nearly fell over. Twice. Once all my clothes were off, I grabbed my robe and pulled it on. I made sure to tie my robe shut before walking back into the bathroom. Then, it dawned on me; how was I supposed to shower? I couldn't stand on one leg forever; the crutches were an absolute no-no in the shower and there was no way I was going to be able to sit in the tub without help. I stood there awkwardly as I tried to find a solution.

"Do you want me to get your mom to help you get in?", Ron finally asked, and I sheepishly nodded, "Okay, don't move."

He disappeared when he opened the door to my room. Not long after, mom appeared. I took my robe off once the bathroom door was shut and, with some difficulty, mom finally helped me into the tub and helped me sit down. She stayed with me while I took a quick bath - something I hadn't done in ages. Once I was finished, she helped me back out and to dry off. I was pretty sure I'd be able to dry off on my own but didn't want to risk falling. After all, I would be balancing on one leg.

"Alright, all done. You should be able to get dressed on your own as long as you sit on your bed. If you need help, let me know.", mom said and left my room, shutting the door behind her.

I walked into my bedroom and leaned on the crutches while I dug through my dresser for undergarments and socks. I tossed the items onto my bed and walked into my closet to pick out an outfit. I settled on simple blue jeans and a black t-shirt. I got changed and headed toward the stairs once my hair was brushed. I carefully walked down the stairs, using the railing and one of my crutches. The other one, I just tossed down the steps. 

I took the stairs one by one until I finally reached the bottom. I carefully leaned forward and grabbed the other crutch. Then, I lost my balance. I quickly grabbed the railing but it only slowed my fall. In seconds, I heard heavy footsteps coming from Annabell's room and the laundry room.

"Lori!", I heard a gruff voice yell, "Are you alright?"

I only nodded in response as Ron came down the stairs and helped me up. Dad appeared soon after with one of Annabell's onesies draped over his arm. Dad stood off to the side as Ron lifted me up and helped me steady myself with my crutches.

"What happened?", Dad questioned as he checked me over for injuries.

"Obviously, she fell.", Ron stated, "This is why I was carrying you up and down the stairs. So we could avoid this."

I looked down as guilt began to pool into my head. Dad grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

"Lori, we're not mad. We are just concerned for you. You fell. We just want to make sure you're okay.", Dad reassured me.

"He's right.", Ron confirmed and I nodded in understanding.

"Get going, kiddo. Your mom is waiting for you in the car.", Dad informed me.

I walked over to my shoes once dad let go of my shoulders. I pushed my tennis shoes towards the couch with one crutch while using the second one to walk. Once close enough, I sat down and propped both crutches on the armrest. I pulled my shoe onto my good foot first and then slowly pulled the other shoe onto the injured foot. I carefully got up off the couch and headed outside. Mom's car seat running in the driveway. I quickly got in and we headed to the nearest dollar store to get some small decorations. I settled on a couple balloons and some streamers then we drove to Walmart. While mom was over in the bakery picking out the cake, I picked out a card and walked around to try and find something Ron could use. I spotted a cot in the camping section and decided to get one so Ron could have an actual bed to sleep in instead of his truck. I also grabbed a pillow and a queen sized blanket. Mom paid for everything - even after I pulled out my card. We loaded everything into the car and headed home.

When we arrived back home, the driveway was empty. Ron had left and dad had gone with, no doubt. Mom and I quickly brought everything inside and I was pretty surprised to find dad passed out on the couch with Annabell. I looked at mom and she shrugged. We quickly began setting up the house. Well, mom did. I sat on the couch as I wrapped empty boxes and signed the card. I had pulled the gifts out and left notes in them to check my room where mom helped me set up the cot.

Ron came home about 4 hours later and looked exhausted. Perfect.

"Where'd you go?", Dad asked, "You took off so quickly."

"Orion needed my help on a mission specialized for me. When I got to the base, it turned out he just wanted me to clean the weapons and teach the soldiers and other bots how to do the same.", Ron responded and looked up at the ceiling, "What happened? Did Annabell's unicorn throw up on the ceiling?"

Mom laughed, "No. Orion texted Lori that today was your birthday so we went out and got a few things."

Mom gestured to the gift I had wrapped and Ron sat down on the couch. He picked up the gift and dad whispered something in his ear. Ron just nodded to him and began tearing the wrapping paper. It wasn't long before he got the gift torn open and he looked at the writing on the box.

"Seems awfully light to be able to hold 600 pounds.", Ron commented.

"Follow Lori. She's got more upstairs.", Mom stated and he set down the box.

Ron lifted me up and carried me upstairs while I held onto my crutches. With each step he took, I became more and more nervous. Before I knew it, Ron was already setting me down at the top of the stairs. I walked into the bedroom with him following me. Once we were in the bedroom, I gestured to the bed. I took a deep breath to calm down my nerves as Ron walked over to the cot to examine it.

"Why'd you get me a bed? Not that I don't appreciate it.", Ron quickly stated, finishing his question.

He looked at my desk where the notebook I'd been using was sitting. He moved around the bed to get it and I decided now was the time.

"So you don't have to sleep in your truck.", I answered, my voice raspy from lack of use.

Ron nearly jumped out of his skin and I couldn't help but giggle. He stared at me with wide eyes full of surprise.

"You-", he started, stopping from the shock.

"Happy birthday.", I smile between coughs.

A minute later, mom walked in, "Come downstairs for cake.", then she saw Ron's expression and laughed adding, "Wow, he must love his gift."

I nod and follow her out as Ron finally came back, still shocked, but not quite as much. At the stairs, he lifted me up and carried me down. He set me down at the bottom of the stairs and we walked over to the kitchen where another gift sat. I stared at mom, confused.

"Did you forget it's your birthday, too?", Mom questioned, a big smile on her lips.

I did. I actually did. I run over to the cake to take in the details as dad and Ron walked up behind me. I couldn't help myself and shoved my finger into the frosting. I peeled some frosting off and quickly shoved my finger in my mouth as mom turned around.

"Lori!", Mom yelled at dad and Ron stuck their fingers in the frosting and did the same thing, "William!"

Dad laughed, "Mmm buttercream!"

Mom handed me my gift while she cut the cake. I quickly pulled off the wrapper to find some new shoes. They're the same ones I'd been looking at for the last week. Dark brown leather with a cream colored fleece lining inside, size 6.5. I hugged my mom and we all began stuffing our faces with cake.

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