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By braeium

552K 24.7K 15.8K

(π’π‡π”ππ“π€π‘πŽ π‚π‡πˆπ’π‡πˆπ˜π€ 𝐗 𝐅. πŽπ‚) REWRITE OF OLD BOOK ON MY OLD ACCOUNT @DarkTanken ❝And yo... More

ACT ONE β”οΈŽβ”οΈŽ parallels.
ACT TWO β”οΈŽβ”οΈŽ new world.


7.9K 505 584
By braeium

𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 :
i like knowing you care


CHISHIYA, THE SELFISH, manipulative man had jumped in front of Usagi, and taken the bullet. Everyone looked to be in awe. Or in shock.

It was quiet for a moment before Riko called out in a panic, "Chishiya!"

     She stood up quickly, the blinding pain from her injuries being ignored as she rushed over to him. He fell to the floor with her barely managing to get a grip on him to stop him from hitting the floor as harshly. She held him up, sitting on the floor as he laid and placing his head on her lap.

     Chishiya gazed tiredly up at her, and her heart dropped. Would he die from this? Would he leave her alone in this world that seemed to be rooting for their deaths? Riko didn't want to find out.

     Riko heard Usagi and Arisu call out for him, them running by her but she just cursed internally, not knowing if she wanted to slap him or congratulate him for stepping in front of the bullet and growing as a person.

     "Chishiya! Why did you do that?" Usagi questioned as Riko put pressure on the bullet. It hit his chest on his right side, a worrisome sight to see. Usagi urged, "Why did you protect me?"

     Chishiya informed with a quiet voice, "I wanted to do something uncharacteristic."

     Riko's face grew a frustrated expression, angry that he had gotten shot again but also upset that she was proud he chose to save someone else. Her own emotions didn't come clearly, she had always struggled understanding them. She scowled down at him, bullshit, you wanted to give me a heart attack!

     Chishiya informed, "It's probably because of the people I met here like Kuzuryu and Arisu."

     Arisu was hit with a thought, "Hey, what were you going to tell me earlier?"

     "Oh, yeah..." Chishiya breathed out, "To me, people who live life so seriously seem like fools. Those who strive so hard...I just want to curse them. All their goodwill was repugnant to me. But I must have been jealous. They had what I didn't. It seemed like they were criticizing me for being such a vain and vulgar person. I was afraid of them."

     Arisu admitted, "I know what you mean."

     "I figured you would say that, Arisu." Chishiya gave him a quick look before his eyes turned to the sky.

      "Shotguns..." Motherfucking Niragi's annoying ass voice spoke, "Sure don't do a good job of killing."

     Riko looked to the side. She could see Niragi from her position, laying on the ground with a large wound in his chest. But it wasn't enough. Riko turned, spotting the pistol that was dropped by Chishiya nearby, she picked it up and turned towards Niragi with an enraged expression, "Then, I'll just finish the job!—"

     Arisu jumped forward, moving by her side his hand blocking hers that had begun go rise. His good morale shining through as he objected, "No more shooting!"

     Riko felt all the rage in her snap, and she shouted an angry, "You—Fuck...Damn it!" throwing the pistol to the floor.

Riko looked down at Chishiya who stared up at her like she was a bright star in the night sky, and he was an astrologist, admiring every little thing about it. But she didn't notice, her chest swelling with the overwhelming emotions she was feeling.

      Arisu stood up and took a few steps towards the Niragi who had continued to speak on the floor, "Even by mistake, don't you dare call me evil. If there were seven billion of me, then you'd be the ones who are evil. It's good for you...that you're on the side of the masses."

     Everyone was quiet for a moment. Riko was still seething, that's how statistics work dumbass. but trying to distract herself she put more pressure on Chishiya's wound, her inner panic only growing the less he blinked and the softer his eyes grew.

      Suddenly a shadow crossed over them. They looked up to see the King of Spades blimp flying above them. Riko looked up and laughed at the sight. Sarcastically, she ranted, absolutely great. I love this. This is amazing. "We never can get a fucking break." Riko cursed.

I'm done. I'm done with it all. This sucks. I'm tired, I'm bleeding, Chishiya is bleeding, Niragi is still somehow alive, and you send the King of Spades at us? Wow.

     "He's coming!" Arisu rushed towards Chishiya.

     In the distance they heard a man scream, "Run!" as the sound of gunfire was heard following him.

     People started to run by in front of them, and Arisu planned, "Let's move them behind a car."

      "Right." Usagi agreed, standing up from beside Chishiya.

     Riko didn't say anything but grabbed Chishiya's arm. Her and Usagi dragged him behind the red vehicle they had been using as cover before while Arisu and Kurayami moved Niragi. Kurayami "accidentally" dropped his head as Arisu was holding his feet.

     "C'mon!" Usagi waved for Riko to follow her.

     "No," Riko shook her head, "I can't run, I can barely walk. I'd just get shot, it's pointless. You guys go, I'll stay with them."

     "I'll come with, Usagi. I'll help bring him down" Kurayami planned. Usagi nodded and started to back away with Arisu as Kurayami placed a hand into Riko's shoulder, "Hey—You stay out of sight. You hear me?"

     "Yes sir." Riko agreed sarcastically, "Don't get shot because your head is a giant target."

     Kurayami sent her a grin, Riko returned it. It was a farewell that felt bittersweet, because they both knew they might never see the other again. However, they both understood that their friendship meant more to them both than the other could ever understand, and that was enough for them.

Then the trio were off, leaving three players hiding behind cars, all bleeding out.


The firing went away as the King of Spades passed them, chasing the crowd into a different part of the city.

They had been gone for a while, probably a half hour at least.

     Riko had stood up with much struggle, looking aimlessly at the empty streets of Tokyo. She sighed, turning down to Chishiya who was already looking at her with interested eyes. The girl breathed out with an exhausted huff, "You're so annoying."

     He raised an eyebrow as she continued in a mocking voice, "Let me just get shot twice and scare the life out of Riko who's concerned for me, oh, but I don't care. I want to do something uncharacteristic."

     Chishiya's lips twitched up at the scene, "I like knowing you care so much for me."

     "Yeah?" Riko laughed, she could feel tears prickling at her eyes as she angrily sat down next to him and admitted, "Well I hate it." She swallowed thickly, her emotions coming out like a river.

"You're smart but damn, you're reckless." She ranted, "And I worry for you, every single time you're out of sight...because what if you made the wrong person angry and they killed you? I don't want to know what that would do to me."

"Are you crying?"

Riko laughed, "No." And it wasn't a lie. She was almost crying. Not crying...yet. Almost, but not yet.

      Chishiya breathed out, slowly relaxing in his position. He was laid straight, his legs pointing out in front of him and his hand on his side, pressing his wound. Riko spotted him nodding out of her peripherals. Then, he agreed, "...I understand how you feel."

     "There is one final game." A voice announced over speakers from various shops surrounding them, "All players wishing to register must do so immediately."

     "They did it," Chishiya piped, laying his head on the car as he looked lazily at the sky, "huh?"

     "Seems so." Riko pushed off the car, looking over at the sky to see the King of Spades blimp briefly as if was ending its stage of blowing up.

I'm glad to have made it this far. Riko watched the blimp fall below the buildings in a burning fire. She breathed out, leaning her head against the vehicle.


     Arisu and Usagi are there, walking to them. Usagi was being helped by Arisu and Riko spotted mass amounts of blood on her legs, two stab wounds being the center of them. The King of Spades surely didn't go down without a fight. There was blood on Arisu's face as well, but they both held a determined expression as they looked at the large tower where the Queen of Hearts blimp flew proudly.

     The pair walked by them, at most giving them a glance and feeling relieved when they noticed all three were still alive—more so towards Chishiya and Riko. Fuck Niragi.

     The three all watched as they disappeared into the final game, wishing it would all be over already.

Suddenly out of nowhere Chishiya said, "I pulled you back."


"When the King of Spades threw the grenade at us before...I pulled you back."

"Yeah," Riko nodded in confusion, "then they drove off."

Is he losing his memory or something?

"I didn't have to." Chishiya admitted.

Riko turned to him in confusion, "What?"

Chishiya explained, "You would have made it in the car and been able to drive away in time to avoid the blast."

"...Oh." Riko blinked at him.

"I pulled you back because I didn't want to be alone." Chishiya admitted, surprisingly honest for once. It must have been because they were bleeding out, "But it worked out in my favor. I got the best company out of the entire group."

      Riko huffed, "Aren't you kind?"

     Chishiya let out a short laugh, she assumed because his wound hurt so much when he did. His face scrunched up but then it returned back to his normal expression once he realized she was watching.

     He shifted, and continued to talk, "You know how I said I never wanted to understand anyone's heart?"

     "Yeah." She nodded, remembering the moment where they were sitting on the floor beside each other the same day they had gotten separated from the group.

     "That was a lie."

     Riko furrowed her eyebrows, trying to gauge his expression, "What do you mean?"

     "I want to understand yours." Chishiya quickly admitted.

     Riko didn't say anything, too taken aback to have anything to say.

     He continued, looking forward into and distance as if he were nervous to make eye contact, "I want to know what makes you happy, what makes you sad, scared. I want to know the expression your face makes when you feel loved. I want to know it all."

Riko looked at him, her eyes wide as she processed his words. His body relaxed slightly, as though he had been waiting for a million years to share that with her.

"You..." Riko was speechless for once.

"I'm keeping you on your toes," Chishiya sent her a small smirk, "...right?"

     "Would you two shut up and just kiss already?" Niragi's spiteful voice was heard as he cut in.

     "If you don't shut the fuck up right now, I'll put another hole in you." Riko blurted quickly, pissed off that he had ruined their moment, "This time Arisu's not here to stop me. You're lucky you even got this far."

Niragi didn't say anything, but she did hear a huff. Riko rolled her eyes, that's what I thought asshole.

"I love it when you threaten people." Chishiya pointed out, bringing her attention back to him, "You look really good when you do."

Riko rolled her eyes, even though she did like being complimented by him as it never happened, "How romantic."


     Eventually a silence came about them, both knew they were just watching the Queen of Hearts eerily stay in the same spot.

Although it took until the sky turned a gloomy dark blue color, they watched the Queen of Hearts blimp catch fire, and begin to crash. Fireworks of different colors flew into the sky all over the city, exploding in celebration.

     Riko sent a look to Chishiya who was still sitting by her, now even closer than they had been before. He turned to her as well. Riko let out an unbelievable laugh and smiled. He breathed out of his nose and also smiled.

     They had done it.

They had beaten the Borderlands.



I didn't realize that
I'd made Riko so
similar to Mira. It's
weird to learn Mira's
backstory and see the
similarities between


Posted: January 15, 2023
Words: 2099
Edited: ✘︎

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