Jaune's Multiverse Madness!

By RocknRoll7575

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You already know what this is about! Watch as Team RWBY and JNPR Watch the many lives of Jaune through the Mu... More

Chapter 1: For The Watch
Chapter 2: TRAITOR!
Chapter 5: Arcus Mortis!
Chapter 6: Quarter Mile
Chapter 7: I Will Never Lose Again!
Chapter 8: Knighthood
Chapter 9: Fell Omen
Chapter 10: Demon Duo!
Chapter 11: Monster
Chapter 12: The Ones Who Live

Chapter 4: A Proud Saiyan Prince...

5.3K 46 17
By RocknRoll7575

A/N: I will not be doing the Fusion dance because I feel like that's been done quite a bit in similar stories, and while I understand why and also because it's awesome as it gave us Gogeta, I wanted to do something different.

Source: Dragon Ball Z

Vegeta will always be my favorite character in DB next to Gohan, which is why I chose this scene.

One more thing, if I return to the DB universe in the future, which I probably will, I think be doing a few scenes from DBS both anime and Manga, possibly TFS DBZA too.





"So what exactly is this Universe about?" Sun asked

RR looked at the Faunus, "In this Universe, you were sent to Remnant in order to colonize it for your race, an alien warrior race called the Saiyans, who can turn into giant apes with a full moon, however, you as well as Jaune in this Universe, who is actually the prince, have lost your tails, and the only true survivors of your race after the planet was destroyed by a certain space empress, are you, Jaune, and Adam,"

Sun was a bit bummed out to hear this, but at least he wasn't alone.

"though, you and Jaune do have hybrid Children,"

Sun was surprised and happy to learn he had kids, "Whoa! I'm a father!?" Sun asked with a smile.

Neptune looked at his leader with a smile, "Congrats man!" Neptune said

RR nodded, "You have two Sons one of them is already 17 and the other is around 10 or 11," RR said, "Nova is the firstborn and looks like his mother, while Moon looks like a smaller you," RR told Sun

"Oh, man! I can't wait to see them!" Sun said with a wide smile

A certain question quickly came to Blake's mind, "Wait, Who is Sun married to in this universe?" Blake asked.

"His wife is actually Arslan in this universe," RR said.

Arslan looked stunned, "WHAT!?" She cried.

Reese smirked at her leader, "Good for you Ars!" She said.

"You, Reese, are married to Jaune,"

"WHAT!?" Reese and Pyrrha cried.

"HA!" Arslan said, pointing at Reese.

Reese blushed as she looked to the god, "W-Wait! Do me and Jaune have a kid!?"

RR nodded, "A son around the same age as Moon, his name is Indigo"

Reese blushed as a certain memory came to her mind that involved Jaune and her before they had moved came back to her, a very intimate memory.

Pyrrha was trying to get angry but kept calm.

"Anyway, as of right now, you all are facing a very dangerous threat known as Majin Buu," RR said, "Let's begin shall we?" RR said as he disappeared and the screen lit up.

The Scene opened up to a rocky landscape and the first thing on the screen was a very beaten up and bloody Jaune looking to the sky, his hair was spiked up and he had a black M on his forehead, with him were two young boys, who also had spiked-up blonde hair. One wore an orange GI while the other wore a blue gi and blue pants and pointed-tipped shoes. 

The two young children were Moon and Indigo.

Sun looked at his youngest son with a smile, and he could see the resemblance, he felt immense joy seeing his kid, even if it was from another universe. Arslan also looked at the boy and smiled, a sense of pride swelled up inside of her as he son looked like a fighter. Meanwhile, Reese looked at her own son and saw that he had her eyes but the face of his father and in fact looked a bit like Jaune did as a kid, minus the spiked hair.

RR popped into the theater and looked at the students, "I do want to note that while their hair is Yellow and spiked up, that is not their natural color, Jaune, Sun, and Adam all have black Hair, as do all Saiyans, Moon has black hair like Sun, while Indigo had purple hair," RR said.

"Then why is their hair like that?" Weiss asked

"This is due to a legendary form known as Super Saiyan, which Sun first achieved fighting that certain Space Empress I mentioned, Jaune was able to Unlock it later, and during training with another powerful enemy, Nova was also able to achieve Super Saiyan, but during the fight with that enemy, he achieved a new form called Super Saiyan 2, and eventually, Sun and Jaune were able to achieve the form as well, but Moon and Indigo achieved the form by accident due to their hybrid biology," RR replied.

Jaune continued looking at the sky, but he had something to tell his Son. "Listen, you need to take good care of your mother," Jaune told Indigo.

Indigo looked at his dad with a surprised look, "Take care of mom? But you can do that too... right?" Indigo asked

Jaune didn't look at his sun but stared into the distance and smiled, as Indigo looked at his father with a confused look.

"Why would you say that?" Indigo asked, "Dad, why do you want me to take care of mom? Are you going somewhere?" Indigo asked.

Jaune didn't answer right away as he still stared into the distance, "I want you two to leave and get far away from here," Jaune told them. "As for Buu, I'll fight him alone," Jaune said.

Indigo and Moon stared at Jaune with shocked looks.

"Don't do that!" Moon cried.

"Moon's right! We'll fight with you!" Indigo told his dad. "You don't want to get killed, do you!? You've got to let us help you dad!" Indigo cried.

"While I do find it cute that he wants to help Jaune, This fight looks like they shouldn't be involved," Pyrrha said.

"What is my son thinking!?" Reese cried out before covering her mouth in embarrassment.

Arslan looked at her teammate and smirked, making Reese glare at her leader with a blush.

Indigo then turned to Moon with a smile, "Are you in?" he asked his friend.

Moon smiled and nodded, "Yeah!" Moon said.

Indigo then turned back to his father with a smile, "See, we're with you!"

"Stop it," Jaune told them, "It's too dangerous for you two, I will finish this by myself,"

"Come on! it'll be easier to beat him with me and Indigo!" Moon said with a smile.

Indigo smiled as well, "We'll gang up on him! He won't know what hit him!" Indigo chimed in.

"Yeah! We're tough! We can even beat that big ball without your help! Right, Indigo?" Moon asked.

"You bet! Might do better than you did!" Indigo said

After Indigo said that, both boys quickly covered their mouths, knowing they had made a mistake, but Jaune didn't yell at them.

"Indigo, you are my only son, and yet I haven't held you once since you were a baby, have I?" Jaune asked.

"What!? He's never held our own son!?" Reese cried both in disbelief and anger.

"Mostly due to pride," RR said, "It's hard for most of them to show emotion as they somewhat see it as a weakness,"

"That's a bit sad," Ruby said.

Indigo was a bit confused, but Jaune finally turned around and looked at his son to him and held out his arm, "Come here son," Jaune said.

Indigo backed away a bit, but Jaune rested his hand on his son's shoulder, "Dad, what's wrong?" Indigo asked.

Jaune didn't answer as he brought Indigo into a hug.

"Oh god, this is embarrassing," Indigo said, "Dad come on, cut it out," Indigo said with a bit of a smile.

Yang and Ruby smiled, remembering the times their dad would Hug them in front of other people and they would be embarrassed. Reese herself smiled as she too remembered the time Jaune's mother and sisters would be protective of him and he would be embarrassed and he looked bashful.

Jaune had a serious look on his face and he looked at his son, and the hug lasted a while as Moon just bit his thumb, watching the two hug.

"Indigo, there's something you must know," Jaune began, and he then smiled, "You've made me proud, my son," Jaune told his son.

Indigo looked up at his dad with a surprised look.

When those words left Jaune's mouth, Reese had a sense of dread wash through her, something didn't feel right. Sun himself felt the same way as he watched the screen, wondering why he felt like something terrible was about to happen.

Jaune then chopped his son in the back of the neck, knocking him out and reverting him back to his normal state.

Everyone gasped and was stunned at what Jaune had just done to his own son.

Moon stood in shock and then glared at Jaune, "What did you do to him!?" Moon cried as he ran forward, "Why did you do that!? What's wrong with you!? Why did you do that to Indigo!?" Moon cried again.

From afar, a green alien, who was Ren, watched the scene play out

Moon then grabbed Jaune by the waist and looked up at the adult with anger, "Why did you do it!? Tell me why did you do that to Indigo!? You're his dad! Dads aren't supposed to do bad things to their sons! Why did you hit him!? Why did you hurt him like that!? Why!? Why!?" Moon cried.

Jaune then bent down and punched Moon in the gut, knocking the wind out of the boy. Behind a rock, Neptune appeared and looked in shock at what he had just seen Jaune do. Moon clenched his stomach in pain as he fell to his knees and his hair reverted back to black before he fell forward, unconscious.

Anger rose up in Arslan, "That man better have a reason for striking my SON!" Arslan cried in anger.

"I want to know why he knocked out our own son as well!?" Reese cried out in anger, "What is he thinking!?"

"I think I know why," Ren said

"So do I..." Sun said

The two girls looked at the teen boys as they looked serious, but the boy just gestured for them to continue watching the screen.

Ren landed on the ground and walked toward Jaune, "Jaune, I think I understand," Ren told the Prince, "And one day, so will Indigo,"

Ren then looked in surprise and they both turned their heads only to see a pink fat alien walking toward them with a joyous smile and humming a happy tune.

"That's Buu!?" Yang cried

"He looks more like a mascot for bubblegum than a dangerous evil," Weiss said

"Never judge a book by its cover," Pyrrha said, "Despite how he might look, he might be very powerful,"

RR nodded, "He's very powerful, in fact, if he existed in your world, there's no Huntsmen, Grimm, or amount of Dust, that could stop him," RR told them, 'Not even Salem or the Brothers could,' RR thought.

Buu looked at Jaune and Ren, "Me big mad! Which guy hit Buu?" Buu asked.

Jaune and Ren stared at the pink menace.

"Take the two boys as far away from her as possible, go now," Jaune told him.

"Of course," Ren replied.

Jaune stepped forward while Ren picked up Moon and Indigo off of the ground.

"It's time, hurry," Jaune told Ren.

Ren turned around and looked at the Saiyan with a serious look. "You'll die, you know that," Ren told Jaune.

Reese's eyes widened with horror, "What!? What does he mean!?" Reese asked.

Sun turned to Reese, "If me and Ren are right, Jaune is going to sacrifice himself to stop Buu," Sun told her.

Reese looked horrified, "What!? NO!" Reese cried.

Pyrrha looked frightened, "he... he can't die... not again," Pyrrha said.

Reese turned to Pyrrha, "W-What do you mean again? Y-You've seen Jaune die before?" Reese asked.

Pyrrha turned to her and nodded, "The first universe we saw... Jaune was betrayed and killed by people under his command..." Pyrrha told her.

"There is one thing I'd like to know," Jaune began, "Tell me, Will I meet that clown Apollo in the other world?" Jaune asked.

"Apollo?" Sun asked.

RR looked at the Faunus, "Your Saiyan name, Sun is your Remnant name," RR told him

Ren turned to Jaune, "I'm not gonna lie to you, Jaune, although the answer may be difficult for you to hear," Ren told the Saiyan prince. "This is the truth, Sun devoted his life to protecting the lives of others, because of his selflessness, when he died, he was allowed to keep his body and travel to King Tai's Planet, you on the other hand have spent your life in pursuit of your own selfish desires, you've caused to much pain, when you die, you will not receive the same reward," Ren told him.

"What has this Jaune done to earn a fate like that?" Reese asked sadly.

"This Jaune pursued his own goals despite how others might be affected, he's killed millions in the past," RR said, "While he's turned to the good side, he still hasn't atoned for what he's done," Jaune said.

"But... but still..." Reese began sadly.

Jaune just smiled, "Oh well, so be it," Jaune said.

Buu came closer to them still with a smile and humming.

"That will be all, get out of here, and hurry!" Jaune said.

Ren turned around and a white aura surrounded him and he flew off into the sky.

Buu pointed at Ren as he flew off, "You stay! You fight Buu!" Buu told him

Jaune glared at Buu, "Yes! That's right!" Jaune cried.

Buu then turned to him. "Huh?"

"Your fight is with me! The others are of no concern to you!" Jaune told him with a smirk, "You got it you big bloated balloon freak!"

Buu grew angry and steam shot out of his head. "Me no like you! Buu Angry!" Buu told Jaune.

Neptune watched the scene as Ren flew past him, "Hurry Neptune! We have to get away from here right now!" Ren said.

"Yeah, right," Neptune said as he blasted off after Ren.

"Me make you hurt bad!" Buu told Jaune, as more steam shot out of his head, "Me want fight!"

Jaune chuckled, "I think I finally understand you," Jaune said, "Let's go!"

Jaune powered up and a gold aura surrounded him and lightning crackled around him.

In the sky, Neptune looked at Ren as he flew, "What's Jaune up to Ren?" Neptune asked, "He's crazy! He won't make it! That monster is gonna eat him alive!" Neptune cried.

"For the first time, Jaune is fighting for someone other than himself," Ren said, with a bit of a worried look, "Controlling his own fate!"

Back with Jaune, a ball of swirling Aura surrounded Jaune, dirt was being blown away, Buu's cape was also being blown away, and rocks were crumbling under the pressure Jaune was releasing.

Buu was surprised but then he smiled, "You look tasty, I make you chocolate, or maybe make you crackers and cheese!" Buu said.

Jaune chuckled at Buu, "You are a fool! I'm gonna crush you! AND THROW YOU INTO THE WIND!" Jaune declared.

Buu looked surprised and then looked at his hands as shining particles were floating off of him.

Jaune smiled, 'Indigo, Reese, I do this for you... and yes, even you, Apollo,' Jaune thought to himself as he turned his head.

Buu was surprised at what was happening and Jaune growled and powered up more and then let out a yell as a large ball of energy burst out from Jaune and began to spread across the whole Island, engulfing it in a large explosion.

"NOOO!" Reese cried as tears fell from her eyes.

The others cried as they saw their friend die once again, Yang and Ren were angry as they felt powerless to do anything. Sun looked ashamed, if he was really the hero in this Universe, where was he?

Buu screamed as he was being blown away, his form disappearing in the light, and Jaune continued to yell, and eventually, his form was overtaken by the light as well.

Ren and Neptune looked in horror as they saw the explosion.

"J-Jaune..." Neptune muttered in horror. "JAAAUNNNEEE!" Neptune cried.

Ren was too stunned to say anything, as he watched in horror.

"And so, one of Remnant's greatest warriors has vanished in a blinding flash of light, having made the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of his loved ones," Came a voice over the screen, "His name was Jaune... A Proud Saiyan Prince,"

And with those final words, the screen faded to black.

Yang's eyes turned red, "At least Buu went with him," She said as she folded her arms.

RR appeared and shook his head, "Sadly, Buu survived," RR said.

All of them turned to RR with stunning looks.

"What!? How!?" Sun cried with an angry look.

Yang's growled and her hair began to glow, and she felt like punching something.

"So Jaune... Jaune gave his life for nothing!?" Reese cried as tears rolled down her face.

"Not Really, he gave them time," RR said, "And they need all the time they have because Buu is only going to get stronger..." RR said sadly.

Reese wiped her tears away and looked at RR, "So what happens next?" Reese asked.

RR looked at her, "We'll return to this universe eventually, but we'll move onto another one, and this one is actually closely related to yours, but with one major change," RR said.

Weiss looked at the god, "What?"

RR turned to the heiress, "None of you went to Beacon, only Jaune made it in,"

"Whoa! What!? Is that even possible!?" Sun cried.

"I find that hard to believe that he made it in alone," Weiss said.

"Well believe it, because Jaune is the only first year in Beacon, in fact, this isn't even the first world like this, it's the second... I think," RR replied.

Reese looked at the god, "You don't know?"

RR looked at her, "Do you have to keep track of thousands- no millions of universe?" he asked.

"...no," Reese said, shrinking in her seat with an embarrassed look.

RR nodded, "Well then, let me boot it up and watch it, and trust me, the next one is pretty cool," RR said in a cheerful voice.




Next up is a Fanfiction reaction to ArcofUA's "Sugar//crash" fanfic. I like the fanfiction as it was based on "Pineapple", which was also really good. I like "Pineapple" because it gave us a what if Jaune was the only one to get into Beacon and how Jaune was able to grow by training himself, making Jaune think of different ways to fight, and was just a bit of a heartwarming fanfic, also Oz was freak great it in, I loved how he kept messing with Jaune.

"Sugar//crash" is also really good, while it is Harem fanfic, it still pretty good, it kinda has that Shonen anime feel and is a lot longer than Pineapple, and also the side characters like Sun and Arslan are pretty good, and even some of the villains like Adam have depth. 

Both are great in their own way, but I'm gonna do Sugar//crash first because it has a bit more moments than Pineapple.

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