Hiccup! ʰⁱʰⁱᶻ ᵉⁿᵍ

By LovelyCristeen

266 17 76

"Majestic Charmander and impactful Monkey - an inseparable duo full of healing energy!" ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ (Kep1er's Hih... More



145 10 53
By LovelyCristeen

The school gymnasium was full of echoes. Energetic music was playing on a radio put on a bench and seven young girls, wearing their uniform skirts and plain shirts, were occasionally talking to each other while doing some stretching exercises before their actual practice.

Bahiyyih quickly rushed in.

"Hi~ Charlie's angels!" she sang out in defiance of the louder music.

Her narrow hair almost resembled pink bolts, while she was walking through the hall to place her bag on a bench and change her shoes.

Some of the cheerleaders turned to see their friend, welcoming her with pleased reactions.

When she was done with tying the shoelaces, she stood up and eye-checked the group, doing different kinds of leg stretches.

While tying her hair as well she noticed that someone was still missing. Soon awareness that the missing person was actually her crazy best friend made her a little bit uncomfortable but she sat down on the floor next to Youngeun anyways- if our classmate already came to practice, then Hikaru should be here too. 

"Where's my little pompon? Don't you guys know?"

Xiaoting, who was sitting closer to both - the bench and the leader, giving her a somewhat anxious look - muted the radio, so they wouldnt have to scream at each other. 

"She had some... poppin' issues," Yujin said kind of sneakily.

Poppin'... issues? Hiyyih raised her eyebrows. Wha-

"She got hiccups," explained Mashiro, the second oldest, shortly.

"Yeah~ a solid one. And guess who tried to heal it," Dayeon chuckled as she looked at the leader, who was camouflaging her blushing cheeks with poker face. 

"No. Way," hissed Hiyyih, already expecting something strange.

"I just wanted to break her curse," Yujin noted as if it was a quite common thing. Well, of course it wasn't in her case.

"By kissing her," added Dayeon bitterly.

Bahiyyih slightly opened her mouth.

"That poor monkey just ran away to the gym and wouldn't come out since then," sighed Youngeun, empathically looking at the door, where her and Hiyyih's classmate was supposed to be locked.



"You. Kissed her." Bahiyyih was obviously trying to suppress the storm of confusion inside of her. She loved Yujin just like the other friends around, maybe even more than some of them, but she really had absolutely no boundaries.

"What?! No~"

"No. She didn't. Karu immediately ran away screaming," said Yeseo to make it clear, then she pulled a shorter strand of fair hair behind her ear.

Long pink ponytail ended up on Bahiyyih's shoulder, as she stood up with a deep sigh.

"Okay, I'll get that cursed princess out," she stated her leave and walked to the opposite end of the hall straight away. It had to be serious... Hikaru likes physical contact, she wouldn't get loose just like that... 

Nothing else than her steps was heard, until she knocked on the door.

"Go away, Anna." Hiccup.

"It's me, Hichan~"

"Password of this week?" was a strange question closer from behind the door.

Bahiyyih looked at the other girls in a distance while making kind of a straight smile. Then she brought her lips closer to a thin space between two parts of the entrance to the gym and whispered: "Charizard dates the magic guy."

The door immediately opened. Short girl pulled Bahiyyih in and closed it back.

More than work-out machines in a small room Hiyyih's attention caught a well known black beenie, now covering Hikaru's cute eyes. 

She couldn't help but smile, however her look remained soft. Is she really that shy?

Hikaru's shoulders jumped under another hiccup. She fleetly covered her mouth with her hand.

"I see that scaring you didn't work at all."

Little beenie was quickly pulled down to show a gloomy gaze... and short black hair flying due to static electricity. 

"Have you drunk enough?" asked Hiyyih with a caring tone.

"My stomach, hiccup, has already turned into a lake," her bestie desperately mumbled, crossing arms on her chest.

So it's yes.

"Ahh, come here, sweetie."

They ended up in a tight pacifying hug, where Bahiyyih's cheek was warming a forehead of her little friend, who was closing her eyes. Hikaru even seemed to be holding her breath so she wouldn't be popping against this beloved one...

... but she bumped into her chin anyways.

"Ouch," Hiyyih rubbed it with an uncomfortable smile. Hichan definitely cannot be the top of the pyramid like this...

"Okay, I have one another idea. Do you have your drinking bottle here?"

Hikaru took a few fresh steps to a smaller square window where she has put her bottle and brought it back to Bahiyyih.

"I do," she smiled playfully. Now she gained back some of her shining confidence thanks to the warm hug.

"Nice. Put it down here," Hiyyih pointed on the ground in front of her, "and do a handstand. I'll hold you under your knees, so you can drink head down."

Hikaru tilted her head a little bit in a short speculation.

"Hmph? Sounds interesting..." Sweet-smile wink. 

Talented cheerleader had no reason to doubt her mate's suggestion. She knew this lion is strong enough after all. They both adjusted their pleated skirts covering white shorts, getting ready for the action. 

"Here we go."

Then Hikaru raised up her hands and carefully did a stand against her bestie's body, on whose shoulder's she hung herself. 

Bahiyyih immediately caught her calves. 

"Okay. Okay, gotcha."

"Niceu~" replied Hikaru with a tense expression caused by increased amount of blood in her face. Then she grabbed her bottle of water, opened it and lift her head up a little bit, so she could start to drink. Again... 

Gulp... gulp... gulp.

It's probably obvious that it was nothing easy to do, but she successfully finished it with a loud exhale. 


"Ahhh, zettai!" 

The bottle ended up on the floor with a rumble. 

Powerful Charmander has fixed her body more, caught monkey by her forearm and help her up.

Short messy hair framed Hikaru's surprised expression with sparkling tear-shaped eyes, as she immediately wrapped arms around Hiyyih's neck and pink ponytail. 


The moment has stopped in a simple gaze. 

Since always Bahiyyih believed that there is something predestined between her and this glorious person. They've never ever looked eye to eye so closely, but now seeing each other's stars floating in their irises, she was sure enough... Hikaru was more than just "the caregiver" and "monkey" soulmate.

She was literally part of her universe. Her own other half.

Hiccup - became variant sound of second hand's ticking.

Bahiyyih smiled, slightly showing her teeth, which were quite tightly clenched just like her intertwined fingers holding Hikaru, who was still hanging on her shoulders.

... can't let you go.

"I was waiting for... you. You're the one, Charmy. That's why-" 

- why did you run away? 

Hiyyih opened her eyes more widely, fleetly looking at Hichan's full lips. In that while she almost heard the whole-hearted flutter of invisible wings, attached to her own shoulder blades, which were gently covered by palms of the fairy in front of her.

"Then... may I try to break your curse?" she whispered. 

Karu just gestured with her chin, confident look in her kind of darkening eyes. Go ahead. 

After that both of them slowly tilted their heads to the opposite sides. They closed their eyes and end up in a pretty soft kiss, resembling a taste of fluffy sweet chocolate... with some cool undertone. 

She had to eat it again - thought Bahiyyih, slowing down one of the another soothing kisses. 

"Keep on going...," Hikaru breathed out into her lips, giving them more of loving moves. She felt how Hiyyih's tender proximity was little by little releasing her from the pressure that was bullying her for at least the last half hour. 

She needed her kisses so badly. Now Bahiyyih knew that she felt the same. That freedom... 

They wouldn't even stop, but then the door showing Chaehyun's starry eyes quietly opened. However, it wasn't quiet enough. 

"I- I just wanted to tell you that there's a friend of your brother. He is looking for him. Bye." 

Chaehyun was gone as quick as she came. 

Friend? Oh my God! 

Then Bahiyyih noticed Hikaru struggling about finding the right way to get down on her own feet. It was so chaotic that they couldn't help but laugh. It would be much easier if she was still head down... but she actually has lost her head a while ago anyways. 

"Hold on. Hold on to me, I'll do it," Hiyyih laughed. As follow she began to press gently on one of Hikaru's calves.

The cheerleader barely get down of her soulmate and there was another person standing in the doorway. 

"Huening! Don't you know if your brother's still in the store?" 

It was really hard to not pierce Beomgyu with a look in a situation like this. 

"How- How could I possibly know that?"  I wasn't there for a whole day. 

"My goodness... please! Get lost, Choi!" 

Hikaru usually used to be a really kind and sweet person, but there was also the other side of her persona, that could be really scary and cool. 

The boy just gave them a gaze full of faked pain and feeling of a betrayal before he rather left. 

Girls waited a few seconds and then started to laugh, touching each others blushing cheeks. 

"Now I am completely healed." 

"That was in-sane~" 

"Did you saw them?" 

"Oh my God!" 

"The stare-" 

"And us? Amazing!" 


"Right right?" 

"Daisuki, Hyu-chan~" 

"Ahhh... jeodoyo~" Bahiyyih mumbled, touched by Hikaru's sudden confession. 

Then she gave her a last sweet peck on lips before she imprisoned her in a tight hug. 

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