Uthando lwabaphansi.

By ZennyMbovu

380K 19.1K 976

2 hearts and 2 souls refusing their destiny , Nkosenye and Nomzamo facing their fate ,a course of the ancesto... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
funeral 🤍🕊️
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68
chapter 69
chapter 70
chapter 71
chapter 72
chapter 73
chapter 74
chapter 78
chapter 75
chapter 76
chapter 77
chapter 79
chapter 81
chapter 80
chapter 82
chapter 83
chapter 84
chapter 85
chapter 86
chapter 87
chapter 88
chapter 89
chapter 90
chapter 91
chapter 92
chapter 93
chapter 94
chapter 95
chapter 96
chapter 97
chapter 98
chapter 99
chapter 99
chapter 100
chapter 101
chapter 102
chapter 103
chapter 104
chapter 105
chapter 106
chapter 107
chapter 108
chapter 109
chapter 110
chapter 111
chapter 112
chapter 113
chapter 114
chapter 115
chapter 116
chapter 117
chapter 119
chapter 120
chapter 121
chapter 122
chapter 123
chapter 124
chapter 125
Authors Note 🫶🏾❤️
Bonus Chapter

chapter 118

2.6K 144 3
By ZennyMbovu

Nomzamo's POV

It's been a week and a half and there's only like five days left till the engagement party
Today we are going to choose a cake for the engagement party guys

Today is officially errands day so far I can proudly say that I don't think ma suspects a thing she's been occupied a lot and bonus pslams came back home and she's this grown up girl and very beautiful ingane zaka dlamini guys from girl to boy amazing !!!

I take a long well deserving bath yohhh I've been extremely busy and just enjoying myself in the bath with bubbles ugggh this just too relaxing

The door opens and I know that could only be one person and it's nkosenye looking so sleepy

Me:"so you don't knock?"

Nkosenye:"morning baby "

He goes to the toilet and starts releasing himself he flushes the toilet and washes his hands

Nkosenye:"you look so comfortable"

Me:"I deserve it okay "

Well Nkosenye's matric dance is going to be next month and I've been helping him pick suits and all that
His date is going to be this nice girl that has had a crush on my man for some time I thought why not just give her what she wants

I chose his date for him !!!! Ain't that awesome no scratch that ain't I awesome!!

Nkosenye:"aren't you gonna be late for the tasting "

Me:"I've tasted a lot of cakes "

Nkosenye:"lucky you I haven't"

He winks at me ohhhh okay I see where he's going with this

Me:"sly devil you are "

Nkosenye:"let me go check up on canvas "

He kisses my forehead and walks out ,


I yell for him ,he opens the door revealing only his head

Nkosenye:"what happened?"

Me:"can you please pass me the towels "

He groans and takes the towel on the golden hanger and hands them to me

Me:"thank you love you "

Nkosenye:"I don't "

I just laugh at him he's so childish

Amahle's POV

It's errand day today one of my favourite days I love being busy and I also love organising today we are going cake tasting and also checking out the best ring

I just finished taking a bath ,I wrap my towel around my body and drain out out the water from the tub and walk to my room it's a wide open space room too huge

Today me and nomzamo just decide to wear cool and relaxed clothes comfy should I say cause we are going to be doing a lot of walking imaging sweating in heels

I take out my black tights ,grey skin top and a white vest just to cover the skin top and my purple Nike air max I wear my clothes and take my brown sling bag and walk downstairs

The family is already seated around the dinner table with kamva on my father's lap

Me:"morning fam "

Us :"hey"

Me:"big sis in the house "

I walk up to my mom who has psalms on her lap and she's busy playing with the dinner cloth

Me:"hello baby "

Psalms:"gujsjhsnjgchvvvv dada"

Me:"whatever you say I agree"

I play with her hands and kiss her forehead and then walk to my dad

Me:"auntyyyyy in the house "

I take baby kamva from Baba and start playing with him this child is just adorbssss guys

Me:"hello canvasss"

He flashes that baby smile ,ever since phela he learnt how to smile he's been blessing us he just turned one month two days ago

I kiss him and sit down next to ma'ol with baby kamva in my arms

Ma'ol:"ngane Ka lume"

Nkosenye:"well as usual his mother is still upstairs"

One thing that's become normal in this house is the fact that nomzamo is always late at the breakfast table Shem aikeee lapho she never dissappoints


That's nomzamo she's wearing a white sports two piece with Nike AF1S and a scotch t-shirt with her small bag her straight back baids are still tied neatly

We all greet back at her and she pulls a chair and sits next to her husband opposite us

Zamo:"maka kamva in the house "

I turn kamva to look at her and she blows kisses at him

Zamo:"psalms bestie in the house "

Pslams loves nomzamo and I mean love love love a lot they just get each other she blows some kisses to pslams and she just laughs and attempts too how cute she just looks

Nkosenye:"so no kiss for me ?"

Ma'ol:"we at a breakfast table for god's sake "

Zamo just blows Nkosenye a kiss and he just smiles and kicks ma'ol

Ma'ol:"ouch !!!"

Nkosenye:"it seems like you not getting any "
Ma'ol:"uggggh stop it Nkosenye"

Me:"I think it's true he look so pale man "

Ma:"aiii man leave your brother to be he just needs to marry that girl "

Baba:"before he makes her pregnant "

Ma"ol':"preg what ? So you guys are ganging up on me "

Zamo:"heyyy come me out I said nothing "

Ma'ol:"come on nomzamo I know you soon were gonna say something "

Zamo:"okay fine busted "

We ll just chuckle at each other and the fine morning spirit around the table
The rest of the breakfast is spent with us teasing each other that's one of the dlamini's best games we gang up on each other

Me:"okay thanks for the breakfast fam but we gotta dash"

Ma:"where to ?"

Me:"we going to do some shopping catch y'all later "

Zamo:"yep bye guys "

We kiss the kids and walk out,ohhh the girl also got a brand new car I wasn't a fan of the C63 so my dad bought me a BMW X3 it's a grey one and just out of this world I love it

Zamo:"you are driving "

Me:"with pleasure"

Zamo:"don't kill me I have a purpose now "

Me:"sure came too early "

Zamo:"mxm ugggh let's go "

Nomzamo's POV

We are outside phindile's bakery yep she's the one that's going to bake the cake for us in only just five days and I might just end up giving her the design for my wedding cake

We step out of the car and start walking to the beautiful white cottaged building
Phindile welcomes us with a wide smile and loving hugs

Phindile:"long time no wed"

Me:"it's been what 3 months "

Phindile:"hey amahle don't tell me you the one getting married now "

Amahle:"puhhhh lease me?"

Phindile:"okay so how may I help you ?"

Amahle:"the design I sent you a few days ago well that's the cake for my mother in law's engagement party "

Phindile:"ohhh really that's nice they getting married ?"

Me:"well dad wants to pop the question so they can renew their vows "

Phindile:"wuuuuh ngeke nam please get me a dlamini man does he perhaps have a single brother "

Amahle :"not any that I know about all of them are married "

Phindile:"second wife?"

We all just chuckle at phindile she's a mood this lady

Phindile:"okay come let's go taste some flavours then "

Amahle :"well it's a surprise so we just have to choose on our own since she can't choose for herswlf"

Phindile:"what flavours did you have in mind ?"

Amahle:"i don't know nomzamo why would you pick ?"

Me:"well I would absolutely love velvet but idk if that what ma likes"

Amahle:"yep and what's red velvet without chocolate "

This one adores chocolates shame ,the rest of the hour is spent tasting cakes and looking for the best design that may accommodate what we looking for

Amahle:"okay that went great "

Me:"yep better so the cake is sorted "

Amahle:"what next ?"

Me:"the rings "

Amahle:"where are we going ?"


Amahle:"geeesh girl you ordered a ring from browns you finally getting this whole rich family thing "

Me:"there's this one that absolutely caught my eye I loved it but I would like ma to wear it "

Amahle:"remember what I said just imagine it's your party what would you pick "

What she's saying kind of makes sense why look for something that speaks of marhhh something more her style when ubaba clearly made it out loud that ma likes my style

We walk to the BMW she unlocks the doors and we get in

Amahle:"Siri where is the nearest browns store "

Siri:"the nearest browns store is in pavillion which is 5km from here "

Me:"wow she's fast bro and straight to the point "

Amahle:"phela yours would have even told you the time "

We laugh at that

After 15 to 30 minutes amahle is already parking the car outside the sixth entrance we heading to browns it's not crowded today about it's never dull pav will always have alot of people

You will never find it empty or dull that's what I've noticed
We walk inside the mall heading straight to browns and it's not crowded this is one of the most expensive stores here so I ain't surprised

Lady:"good day ladies "


Lady:"may I help you ?"

Me:"yes I recently heard that there was a new Collab with Tiffany's and co "

Lady:"yes one of our new and finest jewellery which accessory are you looking for ?"

Me:"umm a ring ?"

Lady:"ohhh please do follow me "

We follow her to the further inwards room near the safes it really must be very expensive if she's placed it secrete in a safe

Lady:"okay here it is "

I got to say it's amazing the best I've ever seen it's my much more shiny and beautiful in reality than when I saw it on the phone

Amahle:"friend its amazing "

I smile to myself ma is going to have the most beautiful ring I tell you

Lady:"okay so who's the lady of the hour ?"

Amahle:"umm well it's actually a surprise so she isn't here "

Lady:"well do you know her size ?"

We both shake our heads

Amahle:'umm but my sister over here can try it out just in case so you can atleast try to get a small or bigger size "


Okay I'm quite taken aback by her words haibooo this girl bathong

Amahle:"mina i have very small hands "

Okay she's right on that one so why refuse

I try on the ring and it fits perfectly shame it's really beautiful wearing it feels like a dream

After the ring fitting we decide to go shop for luthando's birthday dinner which is going to be on like two days or something and I honestly can't wait

My cellphone rings from bag we are already on our way to the house
I check the number and it's khanyisile's lawyer apparently her will was not yet finalized yet idk how


His name is Robert

Rob:"hey miss nkosi how are you ?"

Me:"I'm good thanks you ?"

Rob:"well I'm good ummm khanyi's will us already finalized so I was hoping you could actually come here with the baby and Nkosenye"

Me:"as in now ?"

Rob:"yeah I am on my lunch break so that would be perfect"

Me:"ummm can you please give me at least 45 minutes"

Rob:"ohh okay that's fine with me "

Me:"okay thanks bye"

I hang up the call ,this will was supposed to be read a long time ago o wonder what is in it that actually needs my attention
Amahle is giving me the curious look

Amahle:"and then ?"

Me:"that was Rob apparently the will is finalised "

Amahle :"yohh it took then long enough "

Me:"I don't know why I'm even needed at that place "

Amahle:"you will never know until you go"

Me:"I guess so let me call Nkosenye "

Nkosenye's POV

I'm sitting in the house lounge watching yesterday's game Manchester United Vs Liverpool
My son is sitting on the baby seat next to me he's got his own indoor seat where he lays down and we just watching the game

I have concluded that he's just too young for the cartoons so rather why not football maybe he can grow up to be just like his father no pressure though

My attention is diverted to the ringing phone on the stand I reach for the phone and "maka kamva❤️🥺" flashes on the screen and the pic when we went to Cape town for her birthday

I swipe my finger across the screen and answer

Me:"baby "

Zamo:"hey love is kamva asleep "

Me:"nope we still watching yesterday game "

Zamo:"ohhh please change him I got a call from Rob the will is finalised "

Me:'so we have to go as in now ?"

Zamo:"I think so yeah "

Me:"ummm okay then when are you getting home ?"

Zamo:"I'm already on my way just like 5 minutes away "

Me:"okay then "

Zamo:"bye "

Ms:"bye "

I hang up the call and look at little kamva playing with his fingers

Me:"I guess we got an errand to run little champ"

I take him from the seat and we walk upstairs to his nursery
I change his outfit since it wa hit today so he's been wearing his nappy only

I decide to dress him up in a black addidas short with his black Jordan sneakers and his white refinery t-shirt with his armani hat and his ice chain

Me:"yesss boy you look so ncaaa"

Me:"that's what mama would have said "

I pack his baby bag and just then nomzamo walks in the nursery with a lot of paperbags I love it when she spends my money yesss my money I get paid now!!!

40 minutes later

I park the car outside the legacy law firm well that's where Robert actually works nomzamo takes kamva and we walk inside the building with people greeting here and there I am the youngest soccer player currently

It takes us almost 10 minutes or more to get to robs office since it is located on the 7th floor and that's a long way to go with people seeing you and some wanting autographs mostly by girls

I knock on the door until I heart his voice on the other side and I push the glass door
Robert is sitting on his rotation chair his office is absolutely very wide you can actually tell that this is a very wealthy law firm makes a lot of money I guess that's why khanyisile chose him

He stands up and handshakes both me and nomzamo and he plays with baby kamva mind you he has seen us before so the formalities are good

Rob:"thank you so much for squeezing me on your busy schedule"

Me:"ohhh well at least we are here "

Nomzamo pulls a nervous smile no cap nam I'm curious as to why we are here

Rob:"okay let me get straight to the point neh "

We nod our heads nervously

Rob:"well first stract is khanyisile left her most priced possessions like her cars and her apartments and mansions to her daughter but the will also has some generation continuation whereby if the person mentioned has deceased all the assets are to be passed on to the person's child which is this case is kamva "

Okay to be honest I kind of saw that one coming

Zamo:"so all the cars and the houses go to who kamva?"

Rob:"exactly "

Me:"but kamva is just a baby and plus he's got some inheritance "

Rob:"basically kamva is the sole proprietor here but there's also another one it seems like miss Smith updated her will again before she actually passed on leaving this letter"

He hands us a letter and nomzamo opens it and starts reading out loud

Dear nomzamo and Nkosenye

If you reading this letter then it means I have passed on ,I don't know if I get a chance to actually apologise sincerely for all the havoc I have yet caused in yiur life and for that I'm truly sorry I really really mean it

I have lived enough to see the love that you have actually shown my grandson and I wanted to die peacefully knowing I got that chance to see him I don't know whether its possible

This might have come out as a shock but I would like to leave kamva's inheritance in your hands which is also added with amanda's I want this security for baby kamva when he is old to know that I will always take care of him not because you are incapable no but because I want to at least give him something that I know would be enough to secure his future

It would have been too much to ask that you take over my company and I know I would be pushing it that's why I have asked Robert my lawyer to actually auction it to the highest bidder more than what it's actually worth and that would kamva's trust fund money

I hope this letter finds you well and again I'm actually truly sorry ,please tell nkululeko I love him and I'm sorry and nosipho

Love khanyi

This lady really loved my dad huh !!

I chuckle as she reads the last part

Rob:"okay so as the letter explained well we did find a bidder for the company it was a very big logistic company branching in a lot of cities so that's why it took so long "

Me:"okay so everything is finalised and how much is the trust fund "

Rob:"well combined with the late Amanda Smith I'm yet to say this boy is covered for life it is 250 million "

Zamo:"whatt!!!! All in a trust fund "

Rob:"yes well he will be getting it monthly but only when he is 18 years as for now his possessions are with his guardians which is you "

Rob:"I'm gonna ask you to sign here "

He hands us some documents and a pen there's two spaces that we have to sign on
I sign the papers and so does nomzamo
Kamva is just looking from me to his mama typically clue less

(⁠ ⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⁠⌢⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀⁠)(⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠෴⁠ ⁠༎ຶ⁠)

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Currently ranking at #2 for Zulu stories and honestly it's all because of y'all

Anyways just a fun fact : it's the authors birthday on the 27/12 ❤️🤍so try getting this to 50k reads as a present

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