Seeing All Of You Make My Hea...

By the_queer_kid_xoxo

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So since I didn't saw any Monika x Sayori x Yuri x Natsuki stories on Wattpad I decided to make my own! This... More

Before we start!
Not Enough
Smile! You're not alone!
Monika's Crush
Natsuki's Arrival
This Couldn't Get Any Gayer Could It?
Not So Wholesome Parents..
Not a chapter, but important!
A Group Chat?
Just Monika Being The New Y/n, The Gay One Obviously..
The Waiting Room.

Help! A Goose Attacked Me!

134 8 31
By the_queer_kid_xoxo

Chapter 11

Trigger warning: This chapter might involve homophobia, bullying, suidical thoughts.
If you are okay with all of the stuff mentioned above, let's get into the story!

Natsuki's POV

Natsuki sat during lunch break with Sayori, both eating the sandwiches Sayori made herself. The canteen was filled with kids and teens, plus adults, so it was loud as ever. The tsundere glanced around, before turning to the chubby girl. Right before opening her mouth, she slightly tilled her head and then complimented the other girl beside her.

"These sandwiches are really good, Sayo!" She proudly stated, grinning to her friend. The bubbly girl giggled, covering her mouth, while her whole body shaked.

"You always say that!" She laughed, getting a few chuckles from Natsuki aswell.

"Well, I like to state what I am thinking, Y'know?" Natsuki said, holding her face in her arms while watching her bestfriend talk with awe in her eyes.

"You sure do, Nats!" The blue eyed smirked, leaning in closer. She decided it would be funny to see Natsuki's reaction if she would wink to her so the girl wasted to time doing so.

She leaned towards Natsuki's face, who was surprised by her such bold action. The girl smirked and winked to the pink haired girl, who suddenly froze, her cheeks turning red.

"I-I-I-AAAAAA!" She yelled, turning way, red as a tomato. While her friend laughed, slamming the table with her hands on how much she was rolling in the aisles.

Sayori seriously lost control of her body. Girl was roaring with laughter, her body shaking uncontrollably. She tried to cover her mouth, but failed miserably and guffawed even more.

Natsuki noticed a few people staring at them disgusted and with her being herself, she sticked out her tongue to them, grinning after they turned away, to mind their own business.

She turned back to Sayori who was still in the need for air while she now, thankfully, silently cackled.

"You done?" The tsundere asked, crossing her arms, waiting for her friend to stop hooting with laughter. Sayori snorted loudly, whipping tears from the corner of her eyes and then replying cockedfully.

"Yeah yeah" She giggled, finishing her sentence. Natsuki just rolled her eyes, acting annoyed.

"You should have seen your face!!" Sayori bellowed, covering her mouth slowly getting back into the state she just left.

"Pffff! You made me make that face!" Natsuki grumbled, blush appearing once again on her face.

"And I don't regret it!" She exclaimed proudly, putting her hands on her waist. Her smile suddenly fell and morphed into a sneaky grin as she scootered closer to her friend.

"Hey why don't we go to the park? We still have about fifty minutes left!" She said, starting to drag her friend from their place. Natsuki just returned the smile, getting her stuff and following the taller girl.

They left the canteen and went to the school's park, where they both liked to come. The soft wind blew, as two cute idiots walked around the path. Well... Sayori mostly.

"Sayo, why you walking like that?" Natsuki giggled, unlike Sayori, Natsuki was actually walking on the path. She watch her friend think before suddenly jumping and turning to her with a smirk.

"Because it's fun~" The chubby girl smirked, continuing to walk in a funny way. When suddenly she tripped over a rock and flopped down on her butt, completely dumbfounded.

"Is it still fun?" Natsuki sneered, barely holding in her laughter. Sayori just grumbled under her breath and stood up, cleaning the dust off herself.

"Anyway, while you clean yourself.. I was thinking.. Why don't we just go and sit on that bench?" Out of nowhere Natsuki asks, confusing the blue eyed again.

"What do ya think?" The tsundere continued nagging the other girl about it, waiting the girl to answer with a bated breath.

"Yeah sure!" Sayori answered jumply, taking Natsuki's hand and immediately skipping to the bench.

Once they got there, they both started rambling about random topics, anything that was on their tongue at the moment. Five minutes went by and there were still ten minutes left.

"Nat..?" Sayori suddenly asked peering at her friend.

"Yes, Sayo-boo-boo..?" Natsuki replied with a silly tone.

"I want to eat something"


"I am always hungry, Nats"

"Me too"



"This isn't funny, Nat"

"To you maybe"


Soon enough the bubbly girl went to buy a snack for both of them.

While Natsuki waited for Sayori to come back, something caught her attention. She noticed a very familiar girl step into the school's little park and carelessly, left in thought wander on it's rocky path.

As she got closer, Natsuki felt herself stiffen up and prepare herself for the possible conversation. The girl suddenly seemed to get back from her mind to reality, jumping into a nervous position. And well as suspected, she made eye contact with Natsuki.

The tsundere sighed and waved to the taller girl who nodded, obviously slightly panicking.

"Heya, Yuri!" She exclaimed, while the purple haired girl fastened her space and stopped when she reached the bench smaller girl was sitting on.

"H-hello, Natsuki.." She mumbled, staring at her feet. Natsuki examined the purplette up an down, wondering why Yuri always seemed to barely make eye contact with people.

She had realized this fact just yet, when she was face to face with the weird girl. Then she was thrown out of her thoughts when the girl shifted uncomfortably and continued.

"Lovely to see you outside the club.. aswell.." She spoke, tapping her foot on the path slightly.

"Good to see ya too" Natsuki decided to go on with the conversation and leaned back.

"Galp gulp" A goose screamed.

"Do.. Gooses even speak like that..?" Yuri muttered, gazing at the stupid fluffy animal.

"What the hell is up with that goose?" Natsuki whispered, narrowing her eyes, following the bird with her gaze.

"I.. have.. no.. idea.." Yuri whispered next to the pink eyed ears, making her jump in place.

"Kya!" She yelped, scaring Yuri and the goose.

"Oh!" Yuri blurted, stepping back with her hands raised up while the smaller girl facepalmed.

"Jeez.. Ya know you could've just warned me!" The tsundere baffled after looking around and not noticing the goose. The sound of Yuri's soft laugh, caught her attention.

"What's so funny, dork?" Natsuki spat, feeling blush creeping onto her cheeks as she felt them get hotter each second.

"I-It-s.. Just the fact that y-you said.. Haha!" The purplette burst out laughing, covering her mouth while her shoulders shaked aggressively.

"Said what, nerdo?" The other girl hissed, rolling her eyes at Yuri's quiet wheezes.

"Uhuh.. Kya..?" Yuri giggled, glancing up at Natsuki before shutting her eyes, continuing to silently laugh.

"You have a problem with what I screamed out by accident?" Natsuki grumbled getting slowly, but visibly angry.

"N-no! It was just funny.. and kind of.. cute, perhaps?" She said, meeting the smaller girl's dumbfounded expression.

"Atleast in my view it was cute?" Yuri whispered. She continued making eye contact with her clubmate (she didn't like the feeling of it, not one bit though), feeling weird tension building up.

Funny or not, this tension was the same as the one that would build up when she and Monika had.. Suspicious situations.

"W-well.. If that seriously made.. Your.. uh.. Stupid..! Head think that I was cute then.. Uh.." Natsuki started, her face already deep red.

"Then your laugh is cute! Hah!" She exclaimed proudly, crossing her arms. Sadly that got a different reaction from Yuri then she suspected.

"M-my laugh is cute..?" Yuri muttered, fidgeting with a strain of her hair.

"Yeah.." Natsuki mumbled, staring intensely at the ground.

The grass suddenly was the most interesting thing to ever exist to Natsuki.

"I-It's a bad habit I copied from Sayori" Natsuki spoke, scratching the back of her neck nervously.

"She often tends to say the most random stuff.. And being friends with her for years made me copy some of her behavior.." Natsuki trailed off without being aware of it. But Yuri found herself enjoying this unexpected news about her clubmates friendship.

"Not that it's bad that Sayori does that! It's literally adorable!" Yuri suddenly was swooshed back into the conversation, out of her thoughts.

"Oh.." Yuri murmured under her breath, turning her gaze to park's lake. The same moment, the bell ranged and Natsuki's phone beeped.

As Yuri glanced to Natsuki to say goodbye, the tsundere suddenly grabbed Yuri by the collar and brought her to her own level.

"I need your help.. No.. We need your help." The pink haired pleaded the other girl.

"Who else needs my help?"


Sayori sobbed, holding her, now, destroyed books as the other students laughed.

"Awh will the crybaby do, hmm?" Some blonde sneered, throwing the chubby girl's supplies to the dirty ground.

"Haven't you seen yourself in the mirror? Your fat ass doesn't need more food!"

"No, she was buying it for her transgender freak friend!"


"Oh that trap?"

"Yeah that slut! He's literally trying to be a girl soooooo bad, it's ridiculous!"

"Why don't you go and tell your friend that he'll never be a girl!"

"Wait are you dating him?"


"I mean a freak with a freak isn't that bad maybe?"




"Autistic bitch!"

"Awh are you gonna cry?"

"You're so pathetic.."

"Hey did you knew that her parents neglected her?"

"Why am I not surprised?"

"Did you know that her therapist started crying and quit her job because she couldn't handle her trauma?"


"Yo that's kinda sad bro.."


"Please can't you just leave me alone!?" Sayori yelled, grabbing her, now completely demolished books.

"Leave you alone..?"

"Sure sure we will leave you alone.."


"Nah it doesn't matter, look we got just a few minutes before class starts.." One of the bullies perked up.

"Oh fuck!" The bullies suddenly left, leaving the peached haired girl to be alone with her bitter thoughts.

The girl sighed deeply, putting her ruined stuff into her backpack. How will she excuse herself with this to her parents? They already are suffering alot and now she's gonna burden them once again. Quite pathetic if you ask Sayori.

Her depressed thoughts where put soon to end though as in the distance she noticed two very familiar people darting to her direction. Woah.. Natsuki saw the message pretty fast..

"SAYORI" Natsuki screamed in the distance.

"NATSUKIII!" Sayori bellowed back to her friend, waving to her. It didn't take long till the pink haired and an other girl reached her.

"YURI?" The blue eyed stared at the purplette, confused. As a response Yuri slightly waved.

"Hey.." The shy girl fidgeted with her hair, turning away blushing. Sayori turned to Natsuki immediately giving her a 'did you do something again' look, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"Natsuki..-" Sayori began her sentence, sternly staring at her bestfriend. As a response the tsundere awkwardly swayed her foot.

"Hey forget about it, mate.." Natsuki grumbled embarrassed, Sayori turned to Yuri for a second then back to her friend.

"After all.. You did messaged me that you needed help?" The smallest girl peered up, raising her brow slightly.

"Oh yeah.." Sayori rubbed her arm, uncomfortably staring down.

"But I had no idea that you'll bring Yuri aswell!" Sayori yelped, pointing to Yuri for a second. Natsuki examined Sayori and Yuri before sighing irritated by the situation. Sayori was about to say something until she realized how her sentence could've sounded to Yuri.

"No offense though, I'd love to have you around, Yuri." The bubbly girl smiled softly, tugging Yuri's uniforms sleeve gently. The purplette turned away flustered and nodded, failing to hide a shy smile displaying on her face. Such a view did bring a smile to the other two girls.

"I-I'm.. I'm glad.." The tallest girl mumbled under her breath, avoiding eye contact. Natsuki quickly shot a glance at her phone and jumped in place.

"FUCK." She spat through clenched teeth, turning her attention to the taller girls next to her. They gave her a puzzled stare, Yuri specifically tilting her head to the side.

"We been here.. Talking all lovely dovely for like five minutes.. While the lesson had already started." Natsuki hissed, her narrowed eyes piercing right through the other women. Yuri yelped in horror, while Sayori continued to stare at her with a dumb smile. Sayori didn't care about such stuff. Not like her parents did so too.

"And I don't know what are your guys option on this, but-.. AAAAAA-!" She yelled, turning her back to the girls just to see a goose, who had bit her.

The goose shrieked and tried to bit Natsuki again, the tsundere almost got bit again, but was able to dodge the attack and jump a few meters away from the bird.

"WHAT THE FUCK" She exclaimed, putting her hands in the air for defense.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" The bubbly girl shouted, taking a step back, while the goose just stepped closer.

"IT'S THE SAME GOOSE!" Yuri blurted, also stepping back.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, IT'S THE SAME GOOSE?" The peached haired yelped, turning her attention to her clubmate.

"SHE MEANS, IT'S THE SAME FUCKING GOOSE." Natsuki spat, death-staring Sayori, while she did the same. Only to scream in pain as the goose bit her again.

"WHAT THE FUCK" Natsuki grumbled, pushing the goose off. In return, the animal clenched her fingers.

"FUCK" Natsuki bellowed, at this point, throwing the goose into the air. The animal landed slowly though.

"NATSUKI STOP SWEARING LIKE THOSE DEMONS FROM THAT QUEER SHOW, I DON'T KNOW?!" Yuri hissed, only to run as the goose choose her as it's new victim.

"My question of the day is, why are you watching gay shows!?" Natsuki loudly asked, giggling slightly at the view of the purplette skipping around the area while the goose chased her, hissing loudly as ever.

"Natsuki.." The blue eyed suddenly muttered, pointing a finger in the distance.

"What did you do to that goose?" And there were other hissing gooses slowly stepping closer.

"What.. the... Uh... Exist.." The pink haired nervously responded, grabbing her bestfriend's sleeve and stepping back.

"Ehh... Yuri?"


"There's more gooses.."







"So will any of you three explain why were you missing class?" Monika stared at them irritated, swaying her leg, back and forth.

"W-why do you care?" Natsuki grumbled, crossing her arms, only to get a sneer from the club's president.

"Because, I was called out of my class, to bring you three to the principal, who left, so now it's my job to watch over you for the whole lessons now.. AND.. that means I won't be able to study properly!" Monika finished her whole talk by clapping her hands together.

"Now.." She again began, standing up and walking to them, holding a piece of paper.

"Since this isn't the first time, you Sayori, had done something like this, I have to give you detention." Monika mumbled, ignoring the looks her clubmates gave her.

"I don't want to do this, but the head teacher insisted, that I would do so.." She spoke, tapping the desktop repeatedly.

"Now Natsuki, you get a warning, since you haven't really got many reports on this, but it is written here that if stuff like this will repeate, your parents will be informed.." Only Sayori saw how Natsuki's face visibly fell, plus the tsundere's hands began shaking.

"I-I promise this won't happen again!" Natsuki cried out, feeling horrified by the thought of what could happen to her if her dad did get informed.

"It doesn't matter what you say, it matter what you do.." Monika muttered, reading something on the paper, before glancing at the other girls beside her.

"And Yuri.. I am mad at you too." Monika threw, before changing her posture again continuing.

"Unlike in Natsuki's situation, where this had happened a few times already, you Yuri, had done this for the very first time, so you'll just need to leave an excuse note and apologize, promising that you won't do anything like that.." Monika muttered, finishing her talk.

"Oh of course! Yuri is your favorite isn't she?" Natsuki grumbled, sighing as she looked away.

"Nope! You all are my favorites!" She allowed herself to giggle, putting the papers on the desk.

"So, you will have to stay here with us, until the principal comes back?" Sayori shyly asked, raising her hand in the air.

"Well yes and also." Monika smirked, raising a brow at Sayori.

"If you were to raise your hand, you should have waited till you get permission to speak." The green eyed carelessly stated, leaning back against the wall.

"Oh, I'm sorry?" The bubbly girl whispered, thinking.

The four girls sat in silence left in their own thoughts. The silence was so still that the usually quiet beats of the clock in the room seemed much louder then ever.

"Wait." The silence got interrupted by Monika's stern voice.

"Excuse my language, but how the fuck did you girls, angered a whole damn ass group of school's park gooses?!"

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