Stronger (18+)

By VeGirl

235K 5.8K 249

Some of you have gotten to know me as a hard core woman who dictates the life of others, but it has not alway... More

1. Foundation
2. Icing on the cake
3. Business
4. Paris
5. Expectations
6. A brand new start
7. Frustrated
8. Excitement
9. Girlfriends
10. Education
11. Acceptance
12. Pressing boundaries
13. Processing
14. Hometown
15. Tangled
16. Alternative Christmas
17. Innocence lost
18. For better and worse
19. The good life
20. To be or not to be
21. In sickness and health
22. Despair
23. Next chapter in life
24. Game time
25. Something lost and something found
27. Promise of a future

26. Tying the knot

4.4K 165 21
By VeGirl

© VeGirl 2014

The ceremony was held out by the beach and was absolutely beautiful. With tears blurring my vision it was hard to stay unaffected when Linda and Jayden walked along the aisle hand in hand. Jayden was dressed in a casual grey suit with a white shirt, unbuttoned by the collar. Linda had a fluttering summerdress and they were a vision of love and peace where they smiled at each other.

Thoughts of my own wedding flashed through my mind but I pushed those efficiently away; I was determined to enjoy this with undivided attention. I wanted to keep my grief in privacy.

"I do," snapped me back as the priest told Jayden he could kiss his bride. The affection on his face warmed my soul and I knew that they would make it together.

They had each other.

A sudden wave of painful solitude hit me and I forced myself to watch the happy couple slowly walk back along the aisle, sprinkled with off-white flowers scenting like wild strawberries.

I was glad that I had been placed on Jayden's side of the aisle where not many people sat while Zoe was seated away from me. We were not a couple and I needed to wallow in selfpity of my own for a few minutes.

I had lost my husband and my life had been empty since.

After the ceremony, everybody congratulated the couple who beamed with love.

Linda introduced me to her mother and father and the steel in her mother's eyes reminded me of Miss Kimura. I smiled inwardly. So... that's how Linn became a submissive, I thought. Only one trumped that in their family I finally noticed and smiled secretively. Mr Payne.

Linda's sister Melinda came with her girlfriend who happened to be Jayden's business partner. Steel determination shone through in her eyes as well and with my history it was easily to detect their D/s persona. I was amazed by the amount of bdsm participants that happened to gather at a posh event as this. How many of the vanilla-participants dared to guess that a whole different society existed within their grasp, and how many of them would have been tickled by the imagination of it?

I felt Zoe's eyes on me, but I wasn't in a playful mood and efficiently avoided her.

The newlyweds stood gracefully beaming at each other while everybody came forward to congratulate them. It took some time for me to finally get my chance of some one on one time with the happy couple. With one hand on each of their cheeks, I looked affectionate at the couple that had come to mean so much to me. "I'm sorry to say that I can't make it to the wedding night. You'll gonna have to do without me, darlings."

Both of them snickered. "You're a perv Maya."

"But a hot one." I winked one eye at them. "...and it takes one to know one."

"Yeah, I know." Linn frowned at me.

I studied them and sighed; finally allowing myself a glimpse into my past. "Arnaud would have loved to come and see you like this," I said, suddenly overwhelmed with feelings again.

"Arnaud?" Jayden looked like he had heard that name before.

"Yes, Arnaud who sold you the club in London," I cleared, finally sharing.

"You know him?"

"He was my husband."

"What?" Both of them looked stunned until they looked around and pulled me along to a corner. "Arnaud Fabre was your husband?"

"And... was as in..."

"He died a few months before I came to your club to find you. Arnaud said that if I ever needed anything, I should go to you. Too bad I found Casper instead," I added with an ironic tone of voice and an eye roll.

"He had just died?" Linn's eyes welled up with tears.

"Yes, you helped me when I was broken." I dried a tear away from her cheek. "I thank you for that."

"And I thought you helped me," the bride squeaked in her white dress, overwhelmed with emotions.

"It looks like we all helped each other," Jayden said, emotional as well.

"Friends," I said doing my best to push my sadness away again; this was their moment of joy. Instead I placed my hands on Linn's huge pregnant belly and stroked it affectionately. "I'm sad to miss the wedding night though. I haven't seen you naked with this glorious figure."

"Maya!" Linn hissed with blushing cheeks.

"She is so hot!" Jayden whispered with passion lacing his words.

"I can tell," I answered. With a smile I gave them each a soft kiss on the cheek before I left them to return to the centre of this event.

I walked to the bar and allowed myself to revel with a glass of Absolut vodka. It raked down my throat and burned my insides in more ways than one.

"Hello there beautiful." I turned around and saw Nicholas standing there grinning at me. "Do you know it's illegal to look like that?"

My lonely heart swelled with affection. "Nicholas you old dog!" I smiled at him.

His wry smile widened. "Mistress..." he said silently, took my hand and kissed the palm of it.

I snatched my hand from his grip. "You wish..." I simply answered but was glad to have a confident here. Nicholas knew a lot about my life and it was comforting to seek his company. He would never say that he missed Arnaud or that he was sorry for my loss. He knew I would break down into molecules if he did; hence the flirty approach.

Zoe still hovered in my perifery and I couldn't deal with her. Nicholas however did notice her. "Is that the hot bewer you took to the Club?"

I didn't really understand the phrase, but his eyes revealed hunger.

"I've never wanted to pull one's tail more," he smirked.

Just one look at the pony in question and a snap of my fingers put her by our side. "Nicholas, this is Zoe." I introduced him to her as well. "I'm handing you over to him, Zoe," I said ceremoniously to her and noticed her pupils widen before she blinked rapidly. "Nicholas, be gentle with her, but not too gentle." I winked at the man who was clearly affected by her.

Why hadn't I made this connection earlier?

I pondered about that while I turned and walked away from them. It could have been due to the fact that I hadn't sat foot in The Club since I almost dragged a cross eyed poistcoital Zoe out of the place while I was still wound up.

I snatched a glass of champagne from a waiter as I passed him. This was too emotional and I needed to flee. With the flute in hand I walked down to the stone fence facing the sea.

"Hi there!" A male voice made me turn to see a guy rake his eyes over my body. "I heard that wearing red to a wedding indicates that you've had sex with the groom..." He had a superior, but mischievous smile on his face, imagining himself to be in charge. He couldn't have been more wrong. I simply raised my brows the slightest and met the guy's eyes strong and brave. His smile haltered before it disappeared completely; it was obvious that he got nervous just being around me.

Albeit his height I was in every way his superior and he knew it instinctively. "Leave," I simply said and without hesitation he did. I remained there with a hint of a smile on my face however sad I was within.

After some time I returned to the mingle of guests where several of the males watched me greedy while their wives narrowed their eyes suspiciously.

I held my head high and sighed with a smile; this place contained nobody to keep my interest.

I sighed and sipped the champagne.

"Maya!" Jayden called for my attention as he closed in with a guy in his wake. "I'd like you to meet a friend of mine." Jayden put an arm around my shoulder and gripped my other shoulder in a dominating clasp there was no way to misinterpret. "He's the guy I sold The Club to," he whispered while steering me to the friend. "Maya, this is Alec."

The minute his clear blue eyes met mine all the hairs on my neck stood on end and from those on the neck, every hair and nervending on my body slowly stood up in greeting of the man.

A small wrinkle between his brows in combination with slightly narrowed eyes indicated bemusement.

I could feel my own neck straightening, elongating slightly and I tilted my head to the side, feeling just as bemused.

The wedding party happy noise seemed to fade away.

Jayden slapped his friend's shoulder. "Alec, this is my dear friend Maya."

"Mayako." I inclined my head slightly and when I looked up at him I noticed a glazed look in his eyes and the way his nostrils widened slightly. He took my hand in his and kissed it; his five o'clock stubble scratched my skin.

A wry smile lit up his features and made my libido suddenly pay full attention. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mayako." The second my name slid between his lips my entire body prickled in the best of ways. "I hope you will give me opportunity to get to know you better." His round accent was enticing.

While my body went into overdrive, my brain suddenly took a time-out and I forgot the English language altogether. "Hai... Oui..." My eyes widened in panic as I stuttered, before I mentally apologized in Japanese to regain bearing. "It would be my pleasure, sir." I lowered my eyes to the floor on instinct, and when I looked up from under my lashes I noticed how affected he was.

His long hair had a dusty blond tone and disappeared behind his neck into a bundle. I felt a sudden urge to grab fistfuls of it and pull him towards me.

"No, my pleasure," he whispered with another wry smile.

I couldn't remember the last time I had been that aware of a person's presence before. It was as if my subconcience was calling for him, or was it his subconcience that was calling for me?

"Can I get you something to drink," he asked despite the fact that I already held a champagneflute in my hand.

"Yes please."

A pleased smile spred on his face before he turned and walked away. My eyes lingered on the retreating back and especially that muscular buttock. Jayden had simply disappeared from our side without my notice and I stood there alone in the middle of a crowd.

Some staff called everyone's attention that it was time for dinner and I walked inside the crowd to find my assigned seat. My eyes wandered the room, searching for the mysterious man.

My chair was pushed to my assistance and as I looked up to thank the gentleman who did it, a pair of mischievous clear blue eyes smiled at me.

"My pleasure."

My heart did a double thump and my pulse quickened as he sat down next to me. A man stood behind him, looking confused, but Alec simply held the placing card to him without even meeting his eyes. His eyes were glued on me. "So Jayden found out something about you today..."

"He did."

He looked at me in such a demanding way that before I could stop myself, my story simply flowed out of me. "My ex husband sold him The Club."

"The Club that I now own..." It wasn't clear if it was a statement or a question, probably a bit of both. "It is completely rebuilt, so you probably wouldn't recognize it..." he said slowly and to my surprise that was such a relief.


"I'll take you there if you'd like."

I smiled demure. "Thank you."

We sat silently observing each other while the waiter served us food.

"What is Hawaii like, this time of year?"

I blinked surprised, but soon understood what he was after. "If this is a way to ask if I'm from Hawaii, you could have just asked me," I smiled. I deduced easily since he was not the first one to interpret my exotic look as Hawaian. I said a few phrases in Japan. "I'm from Japan."

He slowly razed his brows. "Intriguing..."

I smiled and he seemed taken by it. "Not enough to keep me there," I said with that smile twinkling in my eyes. "I live in London... and Paris..." and Liverpool and St Tropez, and... I cut the thoughts off before I continued to say the places out loud.

"I was just planning on buying a hotel in Paris," he informed and we had both started to eat without my conscious knowledge. "Tres bien..."

I was intrigued by the way I felt submissive and yet equal towards the man. "I hope you aren't planning on buying my hotel..." I teased and suddenly noticed that everybody around us were raising their glasses in a toast to the bride and groom. The whole world had disappeared from our proximity and we were the only ones that existed in this bubble.

"What's the story about your accent?"

He looked surprised at me. "I've been trying to get that Scottish off..." With that phrase he allowed the warm roundness of that said accent warm every word.

I smiled. "Accents are hard to get rid off." I myself held more proof of France than Japan.

Totally oblivious to the party, guests and pretty much the world around us, we kept focusing on each other. By the end of the meal we knew each other's mother's maiden names as some kind of reference. His mother and father still lived together on the west coastline in a small town I had never heard of, but that was no indication of its size. I didn't know that much about this country.

"I was tempted to take their boat and head over here, but a meeting strung out and I had to take the chartered boat." He sounded annoyed and I remembered my own predicament.

"Sometimes you want an option out," I mumbled cryptically.

There was a pause between the main course and dessert where people mingled around. Alec had excused himself, leaving me on my own. I saw a glimpse of Nicholas and Zoe and a smile grazed my face. They were good match.

In solitude I walked slowly down to the small beach and stood there looking out over the glistening sea.

When a bell indicated next meal, we all returned to our table, but the intriguing man who had entertained me wasn't there. The tingling tension in my stomach sank like a rock into the waves of the sea and left nothing but empty ripples on the surface.

Had he left already?

After dessert a band started to play and once the bride and groom had twirled around on the floor, others joined them.

My eyes followed a few of them around the floor there while I felt abandoned. Strong hands on my shoulders ripped me from my sadness and I didn't need to look up to know it was him; my body turned liquid at once.

"Dance with me," his dark voice said low and I would have heard him speak from across the room. He held a hand out and I simply placed my hand in his.

This was the first I noticed that I was not that short in comparison to him, he was shorter than Jayden and much shorter than Arnaud. Albeit the height, there was nothing small about him, something I became highly aware of as soon as our hips met.

An air of power surrounded him; a power that was visible in his eyes. Those eyes made me want to bow down before him and do anything to please him; something that both scared and intrigued me.

He had a sinewy muscularity that wasn't obvious, but the strength was. The way that he looked like an Abercrombie and Fitch model didn't hurt either, but it wasn't his looks that pulled me in.

It was an invisible pull.

The dancefloor was soon filled both with people that could dance and those that could use a little more practice.


My body trembled from his word and I didn't hesitate a fraction of a second but walked with him away from the dancefloor and all the people swirling around.

He didn't offer me a hand until we had walked down to the beach. He held the hand out and I took it without hesitation. "Won't Christian be upset if you ruin those shoes," he asked slowly and at first I didn't really understand which Christian he meant, not until the last word.

I smiled. "I think he would want me to wear them down."

"I want you to wear them." He returned the smile and the look in his eyes started a smouldering heat deep in my stomach and made me want to oblige whatever he desired.

The setting sun coloured everything slightly orange as we walked along the beach, until the sound and music of the party became a distant backdrop.

"You intrigue me, Mayako..."

I didn't know what to answer. "Thank you sir." There was something about him that made me want to please him in the same way that...

I gasped and my eyes widened. This was Arnaud! No, not really, but everything about him made my body react as it had done to Arnaud, even if they looked nothing alike.

"Tell me!"

I snapped out of my startled state and the short command made me obey instantly. "You remind me of my late husband; my master," I added silently.

His feature showed compassion instantly. "Does this bother you?" Those intense blue eyes scrutinized me.

I furrowed my brows. "No sir." Quite the contrary I was surprised to realise.

"I am relieved to hear that Mayako," he said soft and I just realised that we had stopped where the beach ended as shrubs grew out over the sand, blocking our way. "You are the most beautiful girl I've seen in a long time," he said slowly, emphasizing the length of it. "And I will fight to get you if I need to."

A strange feeling of peace and excitement shot through me and I answered as he had. "I am relieved to hear that sir."

All he did was smile and exhale and a dark sound reverberated from inside him. His eyes started to flicker and he looked around as if he was searching for something. "Come." He grabbed my wrist and ducked under the first branch, engulfing us both into the green shrubbery.

Abruptly he took my face in his hands and kissed me fiercely until my head spun. "I want you now," he growled against my lips and the arousal I had been under since I lay eyes on him simply exploded inside me.

"Please..." I breathed.

Another growl vibrated inside him. Once again he claimed my mouth and I revelled in the daze of arousal he provided. "Wait here," he uttered husky.

Confused I blinked and my eyes followed him looking around in the shrubbery. When he started to tear off long vines of bushes I really wondered if we were on a plant excursion or what the hell he was doing.

"Let's see what we've got." His voice was husky when he returned to me and his eye were smouldering pits of desire. With a hand full of long vines he raked his hand into my hair and kissed me deep and demanding. "Hands behind you," he ordered softly and I had long forgotten how I had questioned his sanity.

The scent hit me as he started to twine the vines round one wrist until it was secured to the other. I stood still as a statue as he meticously wound the plant up my arms; my pulse beat so hard that my head spun.

The pattern he used told me that he knew what he was doing even though I couldn't see it. "I can see that you're well versed in the art of shibari," I breathed with desire pulsating in my veins; liquid and smouldering, threatening to set my core in flames.

"I am familiar with certain techniques..." He was breathless himself and his voice dark and husky. "You are used to be in that end of the cord, I take it...?"

"Yes sir," I said nothing more while he finished the vine off and stood back to inspect the result.

His eyes appreciated how my chest popped out and my nipples hardened under his eyes. "You are so beautiful!" The tips of his fingers slid along my outer thigh upwards under my short wide chiffon dress. "Red is a good color on you."

The scent of the flowers permeated the air around us and the sound of waves crashing in only allowed sounds of the distant party now and again. "Thank you sir."

"Call me Alec," he said and the heavy accent of Scotland vibrated from him. "Would you allow me to touch you?" he whispered and for a short period of time I wondered why he asked when he already had his hands on me.

"Please do," I exhaled, trembling for his touch. "I might spontaneously combust..."

He chuckled darkly which sent delicious shills down my spine. "I would really want to imbed myself in you and never leave," he whispered and I was ready to urge him on. "But I've been told it is polite to get to know someone first," he whispered against my cheek as his fingers slid over the silk of my panties and an involuntary moan left my lips.

By now his hand cupped my sex and I wanted everything and anything he offered. I tilted my hips forward to give him better access and he slid his fingers over my throbbing bundle of nerves. While his lips found its way along my neck, he had both his hands in my groin, one from each direction. "Why are you allowing me to do this?"

I had no clear idea, I had never done anything like this with anybody else. "I want to. I haven't wanted anyone as much as I want you, right now," I murmured.

He exhaled sharp. "You are telling the truth, aren't you? A woman isn't capable of fabricating lies when she is turned on like this," he said smug.

"I will say anything you want to hear if you keep this up." I moaned zestfully. "...Alec."

With a snap, my thong was nothing more than a memory and Alec's fingers slid along my delicate folds; using the lubricant that was oozing out of me to lessen the friction on my beckoning nervendings. I was leaning up against a tree branch with my hands and arms tied as pleasure raked my body.

It was clear from the start that he knew what he was doing; my body trembled and shook with pleasure as he fondled me. My head fell backwards and I was only capable of incoherent guttural sounds.

He had me turned around, leaning over a sturdy branch while keeping me balanced with a grip of my bound hands as he kept pleasuring me. I wanted him inside me, but shortly after I had been turned away from him, he spun me back.

"Your face is even more beautiful when it is contorted in pleasure," he murmured against my ear. "Come for me."

Like a switch a powerful orgasm raked through my body, making me scream out. Quickly he muted me against his white shirt and his dinnerjacket. I was ever so grateful for his support, since my legs gave out in fatigue.

"You are even more beautiful when you climax," he exhaled and I was too tired to even be ashamed.

My head spun violently as my body slowly was flowing in the air. "What is that flower?" I exhaled exasperated. "My head is spinning!" I started to giggle.

He chuckled dark. "It's powerful, isn't it? It's the honeysuckle; it smells amazing in the dusk."

"An instant turn on like a sodding Pavlov's bell," I chortled, trying to regain some kind of even breath. Alec snickered.

His hands caressed my arms along the intricate knots made with vines of honeysuckle. He turned me slightly around to peek at my tied arms. "I never knew they were so convenient," he grinned, and placed light kisses along those tied arms before he claimed my mouth in a head-spinning kiss. "I better untie you so you'll get that blood flowing again." He smiled and to my astonishment, he pulled a jack blade-knife from the pocket of his dress pants.

I looked at him with wide eyes as he spun me around and with cold steel slightly touching my skin, my arms sprung free. All air left my lungs the minute my arms fell down again. It had never been like this the other times I had been tied up.

"Sorry," he murmured, quickly caught my arms and rubbed the skin slightly while moving them carefully. "We better be careful if you're about to use them more."

I smiled at him. "I've been tied before... Alec." I could feel my eyes sparkle and my smile spread to him.

"And I'd like to do it again."

My stomach contracted at the thought and I breathed heavily while he snapped off a piece of the vine and placed it by my ear. "A little something to remind us," he mused.

I stretched and flexed my arms. "I'm not likely to forget, but that is nice."


His questioning expression put a glib smile on my face. "It was fucking hot."

"Language my dear," he chastised me with a humorous glimpse in his eyes.

"Sorry... c'était vraiment chaud..."

His mouth fell open and he laughed out loud. "I didn't mean that you should say it in another language!" He laughed out. "You're a wicked girl!"

I simply raised my brows as a sly smile spread. "Thank you sir."

He alternated between laughing delighted and pressing his brows together in confusion as we walked back to the party. The ocean breeze chilled my naked bum, reminding just as much as the scent of the honeysuckle did.

"I have a room here, but I don't think I can be discrete enough to not alert the other guests." Alec's words made my body turn liquid again and he pulled me closer again. "I want you to scream my name," he whispered in my hair.

"Alec..." I breathed out hard and his breathing hitched as well as mine.

"Too bad there are no boats shipping out of here tonight... Why didn't I take my father's ship?" he groaned.

"I have a jet waiting..."


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