
By BellaItzy

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A child who has never seen his mother & a man who has been betrayed by his own family and the only family he... More



6 4 0
By BellaItzy


It didn't surprise me that I was surprised and awestruck every single time she made an entry. Just like that, like a storm, she entered into my life during our marriage, a few months ago making a reappearance, in ITEX, during dress trials, her small visits to my room and now. Every time, she came in like a storm to slay everything on her way. But in her absence it felt like a vacuum, like emptiness. It was like suffocation. She was pleasurably toxic, like a drug. I had expected her in the black dress I had personally selected for her killer looks, but now with the deep blue modernly-conservative, her shiny golden blonde hair up in a bun, dark prominent makeup. The minimal jewelries that seemed like stars on her as the dress clung to her body like a second skin and made her curves more prominent than it already was, her albino skin was glowing with unnatural beauty. And her exposed legs because of the slit dress looked unbelievably the most perfect pair of legs.

But the way she swayed her hips, the way her heels clacked against the floor, the she descended with her fingers slightly trailing over the rails, the was she was looking at everyone, the way she held up her chin in air was almost devilish.

I don't know what she looked to others but to me she was a hybrid of vampire and a nymph. She was the type of storm, not the kind I would run from but the kind i would choose.

When the silence became creepier, the musicians realised it was a very good opportunity to use her as an inspiration for a new music. The melody flowed in again but the music appeared to be on the side of doom. An evil music. The song of destruction. And I got a funny thought.

Making way through the curious and confused crowd, I headed towards her and she stopped in her tracks. I held up my hand to invite her.

She easily placed the hand on my hand. I didn't miss the fact that she was wearing the wedding ring I had given her. But I was distracted. Wherever her hands made contact with me, left a burning sensation. An electric spark inside me jolted me back to the present.

I slowly leaned and kissed her hand.

"May I have the pleasure of having the first dance with you?" I asked, nervous.

She seemed to be in some deep thought while she considered my invitation. Absentmindedly, she nodded to my request.

To break her trance from whatever bothered her, I pulled her closer but waist taking one of her hand at the same time. She jerked to a stop inches away from my face as her hands fell unconsciously to their suitable places. One over my shoulder and one in my hand.

Soon we were joined by other couples. And the evil music slowly flowed in another tune. I was quick to recognise the instrumental music of "Senorita". But this was an epic orchestral version, a more powerful one for salsa dance.

But what shocked me was her reaction to the song. Quickly, picking up the tempo to match her, I made a sincere effort in dancing. She whirled, bent backwards, swirled in the air like a professional modern ballerina. Her movements were swift, accurate and precise. It would've rather looked like a well choreographed fight rather than a romantic dance. But I was having way too much fun. The other couples couldn't match and stepped out of our way. But Eva wasn't done yet.

I won't complain.

Her body left an electric impulse every time they touched me during the dance. We were like ice and fire, the strongest elements.

After seven minutes or so, the dance ended. Not because Eva was tired but because the musicians needed rest. Their enthusiasm had died out. Quickly bowing to each other, we moved out of the dance space. Eva allowed me to guide her through the crowd, who were now too excited to make acquaintance with us. I could feel the cameras of the reporters who had managed to sneak in by huge bribes.

We sat at a distinguished place made for VIPs like me, Eva, Rince (CEO of SINISTER), Alexandra (a top model and actress who currently sponsored for SINISTER), Melina (CEO of VINCENT), Nora Djovok (famous blogger), Sunny (famous fashion designer) and others. But only one spot was empty. Victor.

"You wait here, I'll be out for a call. Don't go wandering off anywhere." I said.

She nodded, still deep in thought. I wondered what was occupying her mind.

I quickly moved towards the isolated terrace that was far away from the noise. It felt a little cold. But I didn't have much time. I called Max.

He didn't pick up. Strange. He used to pick up my calls in the very first second, almost as if he was expecting it. But tonight, let alone be late to pick it up, he wasn't even responding. Something was off. But now was my only chance. I quickly scrolled through my contacts and found the one that I had been looking for.

Doctor Feb.

The report should've been ready by now. I pressed the dial button after checking if anyone had retired from the party to come here.

"I was about to call you soon. You were right. She has amnesia." He spoke.

I smiled. I had guessed it right from the beginning. Who in this world forgets her own child and her husband? Even her name?

"Amnesia, is it? How do I tell her this? It took long enough to make her believe me. She has no memory. All she remembers is she is Scorpion, a criminal. If I tell her she is the real Evelyn Williams, she will assume that I'm lying and that I had taken advantage of her." I explained with a sigh.

Crash! Behind me a glass broke. Someone who had come to the terrace had dropped it. I didn't pay much attention. The person shouldn't be much interested in my personal life. But the next words that I heard, made me whirl back.

"W-W-What d-d-did you say?" She stammered.

Uh-oh. Eva heard all of it. And judging from her expression, I was very very right about her assumption.

"You lied to me? You knew this all along? Junior knew this also right? Wasn't this what you were talking about that day with him? You! You didn't even say this to me?" She growled. Though it won't be audible to others.

"It's not like that, Eva." She glared at me and flinched at the name.

"No. That can't be. I cannot be Evelyn Williams. That's impossible. I am NOT Evelyn Williams." She backed away.

"You are. You can't change that. I know it sounds strange but it's true. You ARE Evelyn Williams. You ARE my wife." I quickly caught her and shook her, trying to make the truth sink into her.

"No that can't be..." She whimpered like a betrayed small child. But I was in no mood to listen. She was going to listen to me tonight. To things I had been waiting-no, dying to tell her.

"Yes, it is, Evelyn Williams. If you're really Scorpion, then tell me the part of your life that I don't know about. Tell me, what was your life before five years. TELL ME!"

She shook terribly. I knew she had thought of it. She must have. Tell me, how does one open eyes to the world being an adult and not even remembering their own name?

Frustrated, I made a daring and bold move.

I leaned in and pressed my lips against her. Forcibly. As our lips clashed, her protests started. She started scratching me with her nails and tried to uproot my hair. But with my strength, I pulled her even closer to me. But I had underestimated her unconsciously.

Her knee slammed into my abdomen and she was free. I groaned. It hurt like hell. But when I recovered, I only caught a flash of her disappearing into the ball room. I followed. She was quickly walking towards the exit. I started jogging through the crowd.

I had to stop her before she left this hotel. The client hadn't booked the whole hotel as reservation. There were normal people too who might be enjoying the bar. Or maybe making out. If she ran into trouble...

I started running as fast as I could, the moment I exited the ball room. Quickly, flying through the stairs, I could see her again. But now I could see something more prominent. A swirling car whose projectile was wrong. The headlights focused on Eva. She was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Even without the ability to predict the future, I knew where the projectile of the car would end.

"No!" I shouted and fiercely hoped I was fast enough.

To be continued...

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