By liliththemisfit

16.8K 621 131

Lee Felix, a beta, had liked Hwang Hyunjin ever since he saw him. Hwang Hyunjin an introverted and shy kid wh... More

《seven:final of s1》
ideas please!!!
new story!


1.1K 46 2
By liliththemisfit

[After the trip]
3rd Person:

Mrs.Hwang shouted almost spitting on her soju as he shot up from her place.
Felix was sweating due to nervousness and Hyunjin looked chill.

"H-He turned into an omega...that means you two already...did that!"
She spoke emphasising the word that.
Hyunjin pretend to be irritated and rolled his eyes at his mom for being noisy.

Today, everyone had gathered to the Hwang Family's home including Felix's parents.
They were all glaring at Hyunjin as if he committed a sin.
"yeah, so that's what happened"
He nodded shamelessly and Felix hit him on his arm.

Mrs.Hwang stormed towards Hyunjin and grabbed the slipper nearby. With dark eyes she threw it straight into his face.
"yahhhh are you insa–"
Even his sister Yeji, joined their mom and started beating the shit out of him but honestly, it looked funny.

"just because you like Felix doesn't mean that you should force him to change his trait"
Mrs.Hwang spitted.

"That's right...this crazy bastard are you insane?"
Yeji spoke this time and grabbed his hair.
Mr and Mrs.Lee looked at them awkwardly while Felix was genuinely worried for Hyunjin.

"we're so sorry about that. It's all our fault for not raising this stupid kid properly"
The three of them did a 90 degree bow feeling really sorry for what Felix had to go through.
"we apologize to Felix as well, we don't deserve to show our faces infront of you"

"But then again, Felix is a beta. How can he possibly turn into an omega?"
Mrs.Lee questioned.

"that's because Hyunjin is a dominant alpha and if he constantly floods Felix with an intense concentration of his alpha pheromones, even if the probabilities are's possible"
Yeji explained and Mrs.Lee nodded.

"maybe Felix does have a little bit of omega traits in him. Usually if they're unaware about it, they'll live their life forever as a beta but...this bastard"
Mrs.Hwang grabbed the back of Hyunjin's neck and continued.
"you can't even control yourself. You mark him and still dare to sit here?"
"this useless piece of shit whose birth caused me so much pain, is nothing but an ungrateful bastard"

"every year I made seaweed soup for you what a waste!!"
Yeji said disappointed.

By now Hyunjin was on the floor, his mom and sister glaring at him with a murderous gaze.
"eh-excuse me but I'm really alright"
Felix chimed in and Mrs.Hwang's gaze softened.

His mom called out. Felix was standing between Hyunjin and his mom now.
He turned side to side trying to decide where to go.

'If I leave him like that, I think Hyunjin's gonna die'
Felix thought.
'I'm sorry Hyunjin-ah'

He blinked away his tears and went to his mom.
"Yongbok-ah, do you really want to become an omega?"
Mr.Lee said, his voice was more like concerned rather than angry or disappointed.

Felix sighed.
" it true that you both did it because you liked each other"
The older man asked again.
Felix was about to burst from embarrassment.
"y-yes that's right"

"you...both really like each other right?"
His parents looked gloomy.

"Hyunjin truly likes you right?just in case you were swept away by his pheromones-"

"are you asking if he's wrong about his feelings?"
He cut them off.
"honey, Felix could just be confused"
Mr.Lee held Felix's hands.
"ah..lix that's not what we meant"
Mrs.Lee said.

"I really like Hyunjin"
Felix looked at the floor, unable to face his parents anymore.
"yeah we know that..."
"of course"
The couple said.

"but does Hyunjin?"
Mrs.Lee said again.


"does Hyunjin also?"
This question made Felix rethink his decisions once again.

'come to think of it, has he ever told me once that he likes me?'
Felix thought.
Hyunjin's voice started echoing in his mind.

"do you want to be an omega for me?"
"I'll make you my omega"
"it's still not enough"
I've never heard him say it...

His hands slipped away.
"hey Yongbok-ah"

I thought we both felt the same way.

"hey mom was just worried about you"
Felix took some steps backwards.

Don't tell me I was just imagining things

Am I the only one that feels this way?

Felix was about to fall down but Hyunjin quickly stood up and held him.

"I'll cherish him properly so not interfere with us, it's unnecessary"
Hyunjin glared at the Lee couple.

"what nonsense are you spouting? you even have temper with Felix's parents?"
Mrs.Hwang swinged her fist to punch Hyunjin but Felix pulled him away.
"please don't hit him"
"I–I'm the one who asked for it. I want to be together with him thats why..."


"all of you better not say or do anything to Hyunjin"
Felix shouted hugging Hyunjin tighter.
Hyunjin snaked his arms around Felix's waist.

"but it's still shameful,if you keep hitting Hyunjin like that he'll become stupid"
Mrs.Lee said concerned.

"it's fine he wasn't good at studying anyway"
Yeji stuck out her tongue, teasing her brother.
"well that's true but-"
Felix said being cut off by Hyunjin at mid sentence.

"I did good aiming for his eyes,luckily no crime was committed"
Mrs.Hwang said and they all broke into a fit of laughter.

"so you mean, you're now an omega and marked by Hyunjin?"
Jisung munched on his cheesecake looking at the lovey-dovey couple infront trying hard not to cringe.

Felix replied shyly.
"aren't you guys surprised?"

"well about you turning into an omega I was but about all the dating thing honestly, no"
Seungmin said stealing a spoonful of cake from Jisung's plate.
"yah this punk always steals other people's food"
Jisung also scooped the frosting off Seungmin's pastry and ate it all.
"there's already a lot of people who know about you two dating regardless of your traits"

Felix nearly choked Hyunjin while feeding him after hearing to Jisung's sentence.

"haha I knew it"
Seungmin chuckled.
"Does he have no common sense or is he just plain stupid?"
Jisung questioned and Seungmin replied.
"maybe both"
"but now that it's officially confirmed, we support you"

"you guys"
Felix beamed with happiness while trying to wipe his fake tears, seungmin and Jisung copying him.
"still the same drama queens"
Hyunjin spat out.

[later in the evening]

"I hope you two will get along"

"yeah you two get into a fight we'll swear at him together so call us if you're ever upset"
The two bestfriends said to their other bestfriend.

"thanks but that's never gonna happen"
Felix replied confidently.
"even if I ever make him upset, I'll immediately apologize and make him happy again"
Hyunjin kissed the back of Felix's hand and smirked at his two friends, not tryna make them jealous but just irritated.

"what's with this potato protector?"
They both whispered.

"stu–stupid, we're outside why would you even do that"
Felix hit Hyunjin's chest playfully.
"comeon your hand is pretty"
Hyunjin kissed his hands again.
"nonsense, your hands are much prettier"
Felix said.

Jisung and Seungmin were just looking at different directions, pretending they just didn't witness any of this. But they were truly happy for their bestfriend.

Don't forget to vote <3

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