
By BellaItzy

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A child who has never seen his mother & a man who has been betrayed by his own family and the only family he... More



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By BellaItzy


We were supposed to go individually since we were invited individually. James was LN'S CEO and a well known Businessman whereas I was the CEO of ITEX. Nothing less than billionaires who were more famous than celebrities.

I wanted to wear the black designer's dress that James had exclusively made for me. It's worth was more than an SUV. But it got destroyed thanks to Alice who wasn't watching where she was going while holding a cup of coffee. That was a minor issue but worse was still undone. She was shocked to such an extent that she didn't realise she was standing over it's edge and that her heels were killing it. I would've forgiven her if it wouldn't have happened two hours ago. But it happened while I was showing and was due to show up at the party an hour later.

Sigh! What a mess!

"Find a light color dress, anything that is not revealing and elegant and our should go well with a bun." I ordered.

"I really am-" Alice had been apologizing every five minutes after the incident.

"Alice your sorry isn't getting us anywhere. Learn to prioritise. Right now the task at our hand is more important. Tardiness is unbecoming of a business woman who is as elegant as Evelyn Williams. Let's finish the job with whatever we have right now and we'll see the rest later." I said.

Alice seemed teary eyed but she nodded and left the room.

I had got the impression that she was a very good manager, who was not at all a good house maid. Makeup, outfits and girly stuff kept her a mile away but talk about hacking, business or management and she would be chattering non stop. Intelligent as she was she was an amazing assistant but nowhere good as a maid.

I quickly ordered my baffled hair stylist to make an elegant bun out of my hair and makeup artist to start the foundations. After fifteen minutes or so, Alice came back with six outfits, all arranged over separate mannequins. It would make viewing them easier.

I didn't look at the first two. Gorgeous red and bright yellow weren't exactly my type. The third one was an electric blue gown that was long like a wedding dress and that won't do since I would be wearing heels. Making a face plant entry was the last thing I wanted.

The fourth one was a silver gown, sequinned with diamonds. It had a unique design, I had to admit. The long sleeves were made up of transparent cloth which was sequined and a similar cloth material was used for its high collar style. A thin wrap was draped over both the hands.

The outfit was amazing, but still it didn't satisfy me.

It looked too conservative.

The fifth one was a similar design of green. Except the long sleeves and the elegant nature. This dress was like that of the fairies, puffy from the waist and a right bodicon.

Earlier, this kind of dresses were used by royal women during balls. These allowed little motion and restriction on movements that could be ungraceful or inelegant. But as I had already declared, I was a Queen. I won't let this small details restrain me or my actions. I needed something loose and more fitting to my personality.

The last one, the sixth one was a blue one. Deep blue. The one that would play up my eyes. It was a Royal Navy Blue color, ruched cocktail dress with one shoulder sleeve. It had golden buttons making it look businesslike and the way the silk looked with slight sequins made it look like a prom dress. Very elegant that promoted professionalism and high fashion taste. Up to my standards. Descent looking.


I picked it out and the rack was immediately shifted out of my room. The bun was done. Only the make up was due. The assistants quickly worked their magic of hands and put the dress on me in seconds. Another assistant brought in matching pair of sapphire necklace and earrings followed by an assistant holding a pair of glass heels.

I sighed. It was going to be a long day.

Half an hour later...
Green Vines Hotel, 07:30 PM

The Mercedes stopped at the gates infront of a complex looking like a modern palace.

"Identification card please?" The guard asked when Rob(James' personal assistant and caretaker of Junior) had slided the window down enough.

"You don't know who I am?" Rob asked furious.

"But Mr. Williams is already inside."

"There's also-"

"Let him check, Rob." I intervened. Sliding down the window to my eye level, I showed him the card held between my fingers. I noticed the guard looking at me with the corner of my eye. He was felt a shiver perhaps and returned back the card to me. He bowed in a stylish manner showcasing his expertise on the move.

I acknowledged it with a curt nod and ordered Rob to continue. The guard signalled for the gates to open and the car slowly zoomed into the luxurious premises of the Seven Star Hotel. I noticed the gravel path that was decorated with mortar and pebbles.

Alongside exotic breeds of flowers that I could name. Plumeria, Orchids, Calatheas, Lilacs, Equadorian Roses, Lily of the Valley, Lotus, Calla Lily, Amaryllis, Hyacinth, Birds of Paradise, Anthurium, Tulips and few more breeds that I couldn't recognise. They were most probably hybrids.

I could see small colorful fountains with unique spiral shapes and if one was paying enough attention, faint operatic music was audible.

Hold yourself together. You've got this.
I kept on chanting this to myself. It had become my mantra for the day.

As they car stopped, two guards dressed in white came to open the car's door. One of them extended their hand and bowed. The other one waved towards the door bowing low. Taking the support of the hand, I got out smoothly allowing the guard to escort me to my destination. We climbed up the stairs and I was bidding time preparing for the party.

No embarrassment was allowed. Only elegance and pride.

I didn't have Junior or Alice or even James. The guard guided me to a door and stepped aside. The two guards at the door nodded at him and opened the big massive golden doors.

With rising confidence, I stepped into the blinding light, to the source of music and laughter. And then I wondered if I had interrupted everything in the big ball room into an ominous silence.

To be continued...

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