these hallowed halls: wednesd...

By iridescentlore

149 7 0

In which Lilith Morrigan gets sent to Nevermore after one too many "accidents" and finally comes into her inh... More

1. welcome to nevermore
3. a bat, a wolf, and a cat

2. Persephone's High Tower

16 1 0
By iridescentlore

a/n hey guys! quick psa, the information in this chapter about succubi is specific to this story, it's not necessarily going to be accurate to other lore or information regarding them. i also want to note that episodes will be broken up into multiple chapters depending on content, i just hope it doesn't feel too drawn out. enjoy!

After the newest students of Nevermore had received their schedules and uniforms the trio split up. Wednesday had gone to say goodbye to her family, and Enid had gone in search of her other friends, while Lilith found herself wondering the halls of Nevermore Academy. Which is why her father found her standing in an alcove, staring out across the quad at the mural Xavier Thorpe had been working on, an Edgar Allen Poe statue standing tall behind her.

"What's so fascinating about a couple of ravens, little hellhound?" Lucifer says as he comes to stand beside the young Morrigan girl.

"It's not the ravens, papa," Lilith says softly. "It's the artist. Something strange happened earlier." She turns towards the man after a moment.

"Strange how?"

"On Enid's tour, she told us about that murals creator." Her voice is almost a whisper, and had it been anyone else next to her they would not have heard her. "A boy named Xavier Thorpe."

"A boy?" Her father's voice filled with amusement. "Was he cute?" Lilith giggles.

"Yes, but that's not the point," she sighs. "We locked eyes for only a moment, but," Lilith trails off.

"But it felt like a lock clicking into place?" Her father guesses. Lilith's head snaps up towards Lucifer with wide eyes.

"Yes!" she exclaims. "How did you know?" The man smiles down at her.

"Your mother," he says. "I can't tell you much, as it's best for you to discover on your own. But I can offer you some advice. Get to know the boy, it may very well change your life."

Just then the pair notices a group walking through the quad. Xavier Thorpe, the gorgon boy Ajax, and the scarred boy Lilith had seen earlier. The trio of boys are laughing and shoving each other playfully, only one taking notices to the pair opposite them. A pair of bright green eyes lock with hers, causing the scarred boy to stumble to a stop. A string pulls tighter inside Lilith's chest as she lets out a small gasp, her lips falling apart slightly. Confusion rushes through the girl.

"Oh dear," Lucifer laughs. "Well, this may complicate things."

Lucifer manages to drag Lilith away from the quad with the promise of seeing her dorm. Her mind reeling with the images of two pairs of green eyes. Even as the pair meet with Headmistress Weems at the bottom of a narrow flight of stairs, Lucifer can tell his daughter is somewhere else.

"It seems Lilith may be gaining company sooner than we thought," Lucifer says out of earshot from Lilith as the two lead the way up.

"Are you aware of who exactly?" Weems whispers.

"Only the name of one," Lucifer says. "I'm afraid I can't tell you though, it's very delicate you see."

"Of course," Weems smiles, which disappears just as quickly. "There is more than one?" Lucifer only offers a confirming hum as the group reaches the top of the stairs. They come to a stop on a short bare, landing, Lilith still caught in her head as she walks directly into her father's back.

"Careful now, darling," he laughs, turning to steady her. She blinks up at him, her eyes finally clearing as she takes in her surroundings.

"Welcome to Persephone's High Tower," Weems says. "This was once your mother's dorm." The woman opens the large wooden door in front of them. Light floods Lilith's vision as the large room comes into view.

"Oh, wow," Lilith breathes. On the far wall is a massive arched window with a balcony, plants hanging from the ceiling in front of it. To the left of the door are the doors to the bathroom and closet, the walls an off white and littered with various posters, picture frames, and mirrors.  Turning to the right, Lilith is greeted with an Alaskan king bed, and floor-to ceiling bookshelves. There's a pair of black beanbag chairs in front of the bookshelves, and a bench pushed against the foot of the red bedframe.

Lilith walks further into the room, over the rugs of different shapes and sizes layered over the floor. She glances into the large bathroom to see a massive clawfoot bathtub that looks big enough to fit three or four people. There's a large counter with two sinks and a gold framed mirror.

She finds the walk-in closet already full of spare uniforms and her regular clothes, and the bookshelves nearly overflowing with her collection. Walking through the farthest door in the closet and under a spiral staircase, Lilith finds herself in a sitting area. A large, plush red couch and matching chair sit across from another massive bookshelf. A round coffee table is placed in the center with a vase of flowers in the middle, bright red poppies. The farthest right corner of the room, on the opposite side of the bed as the bookshelves, sits a large wooden desk.

"What do you think?" Lucifer says after watching Lilith explore for a few minutes.

"It's perfect," the girl beams. "What's up there?" She gestures at the spiral staircase. Her father smiles.

"Why don't you go see?" Lilith practically runs up the stairs, only to trip on the top step and nearly faceplant. Her father's laugh echoes through the room.

"I'm okay," Lilith shouts down to her father and the headmistress. She pushes away from the railing that had caught her fall and takes the last step into the loft area. Massive windows take up the largest wall while built in cabinets line the two shortest. The staircase had spit her out in the center of the room, where she took in all the tables lined with paint brushes, sketchbooks, and canvases. A large easel stood facing the window, and upon closer inspection Lilith found she could see the quad down below. Lilith races to the railing looking over the rest of her room to look down at her father.

"An art loft?" Lilith asks in excited disbelief.

"Your mother used it for dance," Lucifer says. "But it only took a few renovations to turn it into your very own art studio."

"Now," Weems interrupts. "You'll have time to explore more later, but for now we must discuss the logistics of your inheritance."

The trio find themselves back in Weems' office just before lunch. The tall woman sitting behind her desk and the Morrigan pair occupying the chairs opposite her.

"Your 18th birthday is this weekend, correct?" Weems asks.

"Yes ma'am," Lilith answers. "I'll fully come into my inheritance the hour I was born."

"Your father explained to me that your specific species," Weems pauses at the last words. "Have certain desires and needs, which is the reason your father requested a single room for you. He also explained that your kind are gifted with a mate, or mates," Weems makes a face as if she's swallowed an extra sour grape. "And that you mustn't be separated once you've found and accepted each other. Because of this the board has allowed an exception. In the scenario that you find your mate, or mates, I ask that you inform me so we can make proper adjustments to accommodations. As long as everyone is willing and aware, of course."

Lilith looks over at her father as if just realizing something. Her mother had told her many stories throughout her childhood, and her favorite had always been how her parents met. Her mother had only one mate, Lucifer, but Kore had always made sure young Lilith was aware of the possibility of multiple. Her mother and aunts had all described the feeling differently. Aunt Maggie had said it was like coming home, while Aunt Janice had described being wrapped in a warm hug. But it was her mother and Aunt Julie's words that rung through her head at this moment. "Locking eyes with your father for the first time felt like a lock clicking into place," Her mother had recalled dreamily. Aunt Julie had told a nine-year-old Lilith that she had felt the string of fate tying them together pull tight.

"Papa," Lilith whispers. "Do you think?" She cuts herself off. "But I don't- not till Sunday. How could- is it possible?"

"Your mother new the moment we met," Lucifer smiles. "A week before her birthday."

Lilith Morrigan has always thought herself to be a hopeless romantic. For as long as she can remember she has yearned for a love like her parents. It is for this reason that the fates thought it strange to watch as the young Lilith Morrigan spent the evening of her first day at Nevermore Academy frantically pacing next to the fountain in the quad. Her panicked muttering had distracted her from noticing the group of students standing a few feet away, watching in concern.

"My birthday isn't even for another few days. How is it possible to have found two? Two? Within hours of each other nonetheless."

"Uh, Lilith?" Enid Sinclair breaks away from her group of friends to cautiously approach the distraught girl. Lilith startles, snapping her head to face the other girl with wide red eyes. Enid flinches at the shocking vibrancy.

"Oh, Enid," Lilith sighs. "Sorry."

"Are you okay?"

"No," Lilith exclaims, not noticing the three other students stood behind Enid. "I think I found my mates, but that shouldn't even be possible. I shouldn't be able to recognize them until I come into my inheritance. Which isn't until I turn 18, which isn't until Saturday. And they don't even know who I am, and I don't even know one of their names. And oh Enid, what am I going to do?"

"Mates?" Enid stutters. "Like soulmates? Plural?"

"Is that all you got out of that?" Lilith laughs. "My species are gifted with a mate, and sometimes we're gifted with multiple. It's a blessing from the gods, and I've been looking forward to finding mine since I was a child. I just didn't expect it to be so soon, and I don't know what to do."

"Maybe you should tell them?" A deep voice speaks up from behind Enid, drawing Lilith's attention to the others for the first time. Her eyes become impossibly large as she recognizes the trio of boys. Ajax, Xavier, and the scarred boy.

"I think I'm gonna throw up," Lilith whispers as she locks eyes with Xavier for the second time today. "This can't be happening."

"What?" Enid asks. Lilith ignores her and continues to stare into the eyes of the tallest boy for a moment before glancing to the shortest. Her gaze softens, and her shoulders relax as the panic leaves her body. There's recognition and awe on the scarred boys face.

"I'm Lilith Morrigan," she says, her voice soft once more. "I don't believe we've been introduced yet. Other than Ajax."

"Ambrose Grimaldi," the boy with scars introduces. The white-haired girl smiles and glances hopefully at Xavier. She may know his name, but they haven't actually met before.

"Xavier," he says with a grin. "So, are you gonna tell them?"

"Tell who, what?"

"Your mates? Are you gonna tell them?"

"Oh uh," Lilith begins to panic once more. "Soon, but for now I'm going to steal Enid, bye!" She grabs hold of the other girl's arm and begins to drag her away. Leaving one confused, and two devastated boys behind. Only one of which understood why he was feeling saddened by the girl's departure.

"Where are we going?" Enid yelps.

"To my dorm," Lilith answers. She continues to pull the other through the halls and up the stairs of Persephone's High Tower.

"Holy crap," Enid exclaims as the two enter the room. Her eyes wide as they scan everything around her.

"We can discuss my dorm another time," Lilith says, still holding onto Enid's arm with a death grip and drags her to the couch on the other side of the room. "I'm having a crisis."

"Is this about the whole mates, thing?"

"Yes," Lilith slouches down into the red cushions.

"Who are they? You said you think you found them, right?"

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to freak out," Lilith stares into Enid's eyes. "You can't tell anyone."

"I promise," Enid practically vibrates.

"I'm serious, Enid," Lilith says while grabbing hold of the other girl's shoulders. "No one else can know until I tell them." The bright haired girl nods quickly, a serious look taking over her face as she stills. Lilith mutters something under her breath quickly.

"What?" Enid asks.

"It's Xavier and Ambrose!" Lilith shouts before slapping her hands over her mouth with wide eyes.

"Xavier and Ambrose?" Enid questions. "You think they're your mates."

"I'm pretty sure, yeah."

"How do you know?"

"It's just a feeling," Lilith says. "It's different for everyone, but you're supposed to be able to tell the moment you lock eyes for the first time."

"But you hadn't met either of them until just now," Enid says. "How did you know already?"

"On the tour earlier," Lilith begins. "Out in the quad when you were talking about Xavier and Bianca Barclay. He was working on that mural, but he glanced away for a split second and we locked eyes. It was like a lock attempting to click into place, not quit there but almost."

"Okay, that explains Xavier," Enid says. "But what about Ambrose?"

"I went walking around the school after we split and found myself back in the quad," Lilith explains. "My father found me, and I told him about Xavier. Then he walked through with Ambrose and Ajax. The other two didn't notice me, but it was almost as if Ambrose could feel I was there. We locked eyes as he stumbled, I felt this... string pull tight in my chest. My people, we believe in the fates, you see. The fates weave our destinies with the thread of life, connecting us to prominent people in our lives. I'm pretty sure I felt the string connecting Ambrose and I solidify."

"But if they're both your mates," Enid says hesitantly. "Then why would the string solidify when the lock didn't click?"

"I think Ambrose knows," Lilith sighs. "I think he can feel the bond too and recognizes it."

"But wouldn't Xavier feel it too?"

"Maybe, but he probably doesn't understand what it means."

"Oh," Enid says. "Are you gonna tell me what you are?" Lilith laughs.

"You can't just ask people what they are, Enid. But," Lilith says. "I'm currently just a human."

"What do you mean currently?"

"Well, I don't come into my inheritance until my birthday."

"Which is Saturday?" Enid asks.


"And then what happens?"

"I become a succubus," Lilith shrugs.

"Wait," Enid pauses. "Like a sex demon?"

"To put it simply, yeah."

Enid asks question after question for over an hour. So, you'll feed off sex? Basically. Will you still need regular food? Sometimes. What happens when you come into your inheritance? My powers will manifest fully, and I'll have a few slight appearance changes. Will it hurt? Maybe. Do you want me to be here with you when it happens? I'd like that. Are you going to tell Xavier and Ambrose? I kind of need to, I can't live knowing who my mates are when they don't. It would slowly kill me. When will you tell them? I'm not sure, soon though. What would happen if one of them reject the bond? I don't know. That's never happened before, but hopefully they won't. Lilith had to put a stop to the questions when Enid started to wonder into uncomfortable territory.

"Are you a dominant or submissive?"

"Okay," Lilith exclaims. "I think that's enough for tonight. You should go check on Wednesday, see how she's adjusting."

"Oh, yeah," Enid glances at a clock on one of the large bookshelves. "It's been a while since her parents left, I hope she's okay." Lilith walks her new friend to the door, and just as she's going to shut it behind the bright werewolf, the girl calls out again. "I think you give off switch energy, by the way!"

With a shake of her head, Lilith slams the door closed and sags back against it.

Word count: 2706

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